import sys import asyncio import websockets import logging from preserves import Embedded, stringify from preserves.fold import map_embeddeds from . import actor, encode, transport, Decoder, gatekeeper from .during import During from .actor import _inert_ref, Turn from .idgen import IdGenerator from .schema import protocol, sturdy, transportAddress class InboundAssertion: def __init__(self, remote_handle, local_handle, pins): self.remote_handle = remote_handle self.local_handle = local_handle self.pins = pins _next_local_oid = IdGenerator() class WireSymbol: def __init__(self, oid, ref, membrane): self.oid = oid self.ref = ref self.membrane = membrane self.count = 0 def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.oid, self.count, self.ref) def grab(self, pins): self.count = self.count + 1 pins.append(self) def drop(self): self.count = self.count - 1 if self.count == 0: del self.membrane.oid_map[self.oid] del self.membrane.ref_map[self.ref] class Membrane: def __init__(self): self.oid_map = {} self.ref_map = {} def _get(self, pins, map, key, is_transient, ws_maker): ws = map.get(key, None) if ws is None and ws_maker is not None: ws = ws_maker() self.oid_map[ws.oid] = ws self.ref_map[ws.ref] = ws if not is_transient and ws is not None: ws.grab(pins) return ws def get_ref(self, pins, local_ref, is_transient, ws_maker): return self._get(pins, self.ref_map, local_ref, is_transient, ws_maker) def get_oid(self, pins, remote_oid, ws_maker): return self._get(pins, self.oid_map, remote_oid, False, ws_maker) def drop_all(wss): for ws in wss: ws.drop() # There are other kinds of relay. This one has exactly two participants connected to each other. class TunnelRelay: def __init__(self, turn, address, gatekeeper_peer = None, gatekeeper_oid = 0, publish_service = None, publish_oid = 0, on_connected = None, on_disconnected = None, ): self.facet = turn._facet self.facet.on_stop(self._shutdown) self.address = address self.gatekeeper_peer = gatekeeper_peer self.gatekeeper_oid = gatekeeper_oid self.publish_service = publish_service self.publish_oid = publish_oid self._reset() self.facet.linked_task( lambda facet: self._reconnecting_main(asyncio.get_running_loop(), on_connected = on_connected, on_disconnected = on_disconnected)) def _reset(self): self.inbound_assertions = {} # map remote handle to InboundAssertion self.outbound_assertions = {} # map local handle to `WireSymbol`s self.exported_references = Membrane() self.imported_references = Membrane() self.pending_turn = [] self._connected = False self.gatekeeper_handle = None if self.publish_service is not None: # Very specific specialization of logic in rewrite_ref_out ws = WireSymbol(self.publish_oid, self.publish_service, self.exported_references) self.exported_references.get_ref([], self.publish_service, False, lambda: ws) @property def connected(self): return self._connected def _shutdown(self, turn): self._disconnect() def deregister(self, handle): drop_all(self.outbound_assertions.pop(handle, ())) def _lookup_exported_oid(self, local_oid, pins): ws = self.exported_references.get_oid(pins, local_oid, None) if ws is None: return _inert_ref return ws.ref def register_imported_oid(self, remote_oid, pins): self.imported_references.get_oid(pins, remote_oid, None) def register(self, target_oid, assertion, maybe_handle): pins = [] self.register_imported_oid(target_oid, pins) rewritten = map_embeddeds( lambda r: Embedded(self.rewrite_ref_out(r, maybe_handle is None, pins)), assertion) if maybe_handle is not None: self.outbound_assertions[maybe_handle] = pins return rewritten def rewrite_ref_out(self, r, is_transient, pins): if isinstance(r.entity, RelayEntity) and r.entity.relay == self: # TODO attenuation return sturdy.WireRef.yours(sturdy.Oid(r.entity.oid), ()) else: ws = self.exported_references.get_ref( pins, r, is_transient, lambda: WireSymbol(next(_next_local_oid), r, self.exported_references)) return sturdy.WireRef.mine(sturdy.Oid(ws.oid)) def rewrite_in(self, turn, assertion, pins): rewritten = map_embeddeds( lambda wire_ref: Embedded(self.rewrite_ref_in(turn, wire_ref, pins)), assertion) return rewritten def rewrite_ref_in(self, turn, wire_ref, pins): if == 'mine': oid = wire_ref.oid.value ws = self.imported_references.get_oid( pins, oid, lambda: WireSymbol(oid, turn.ref(RelayEntity(self, oid)), self.imported_references)) return ws.ref else: oid = wire_ref.oid.value local_ref = self._lookup_exported_oid(oid, pins) attenuation = wire_ref.attenuation if len(attenuation) > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Non-empty attenuations not yet implemented') # TODO return local_ref def _on_disconnected(self): self._connected = False def retract_inbound(turn): for ia in self.inbound_assertions.values(): turn.retract(ia.local_handle) if self.gatekeeper_handle is not None: turn.retract(self.gatekeeper_handle) self._reset(), retract_inbound) self._disconnect() def _on_connected(self): self._connected = True if self.gatekeeper_peer is not None: def connected_action(turn): gk = self.rewrite_ref_in(turn, sturdy.WireRef.mine(sturdy.Oid(self.gatekeeper_oid)), []) self.gatekeeper_handle = turn.publish(self.gatekeeper_peer, Embedded(gk)), connected_action) def _on_event(self, v):, lambda turn: self._handle_event(turn, v)) def _handle_event(self, turn, v): packet = protocol.Packet.decode(v) variant = if variant == 'Turn': self._handle_turn_events(turn, packet.value.value) elif variant == 'Error': self._on_error(turn, packet.value.message, packet.value.detail) def _on_error(self, turn, message, detail): self.facet.log.error('Error from server: %r (detail: %r)', message, detail) self._disconnect() def _handle_turn_events(self, turn, events): for e in events: pins = [] ref = self._lookup_exported_oid(e.oid.value, pins) event = e.event variant = if variant == 'Assert': self._handle_publish(pins, turn, ref, event.value.assertion.value, event.value.handle.value) elif variant == 'Retract': self._handle_retract(pins, turn, ref, event.value.handle.value) elif variant == 'Message': self._handle_message(pins, turn, ref, event.value.body.value) elif variant == 'Sync': self._handle_sync(pins, turn, ref, event.value.peer) def _handle_publish(self, pins, turn, ref, assertion, remote_handle): assertion = self.rewrite_in(turn, assertion, pins) self.inbound_assertions[remote_handle] = \ InboundAssertion(remote_handle, turn.publish(ref, assertion), pins) def _handle_retract(self, pins, turn, ref, remote_handle): ia = self.inbound_assertions.pop(remote_handle, None) if ia is None: raise ValueError('Peer retracted invalid handle %s' % (remote_handle,)) drop_all(ia.pins) drop_all(pins) turn.retract(ia.local_handle) def _handle_message(self, pins, turn, ref, message): message = self.rewrite_in(turn, message, pins) for ws in pins: if ws.count == 1: raise ValueError('Cannot receive transient reference') turn.send(ref, message) drop_all(pins) def _handle_sync(self, pins, turn, ref, wire_peer): peer = self.rewrite_ref_in(turn, wire_peer, pins) def done(turn): turn.send(peer, True) drop_all(pins) turn.sync(ref, done) def _send(self, remote_oid, turn_event): if len(self.pending_turn) == 0: def flush_pending(turn): packet = protocol.Packet.Turn(protocol.Turn(self.pending_turn)) self.pending_turn = [] self._send_bytes(encode(packet)) actor.queue_task(lambda:, flush_pending)) self.pending_turn.append(protocol.TurnEvent(protocol.Oid(remote_oid), turn_event)) def _send_bytes(self, bs): raise Exception('subclassresponsibility') def _disconnect(self): raise Exception('subclassresponsibility') async def _reconnecting_main(self, loop, on_connected=None, on_disconnected=None): should_run = True while should_run and self.facet.alive: did_connect = await self.main(loop, on_connected=(on_connected or _default_on_connected)) should_run = await (on_disconnected or _default_on_disconnected)(self, did_connect) @staticmethod def from_str(turn, conn_str, **kwargs): return transport.connection_from_str(turn, conn_str, **kwargs) # decorator def connect(turn, conn_str, cap, **kwargs): def prepare_resolution_handler(handler): @During().add_handler def handle_gatekeeper(turn, gk): gatekeeper.resolve(turn, gk.embeddedValue, cap)(handler) return transport.connection_from_str( turn, conn_str, gatekeeper_peer = turn.ref(handle_gatekeeper), **kwargs) return prepare_resolution_handler class RelayEntity(actor.Entity): def __init__(self, relay, oid): self.relay = relay self.oid = oid def __repr__(self): return '' % (stringify(self.relay.address), self.oid) def _send(self, e): self.relay._send(self.oid, e) def on_publish(self, turn, assertion, handle): self._send(protocol.Event.Assert(protocol.Assert( protocol.Assertion(self.relay.register(self.oid, assertion, handle)), protocol.Handle(handle)))) def on_retract(self, turn, handle): self.relay.deregister(handle) self._send(protocol.Event.Retract(protocol.Retract(protocol.Handle(handle)))) def on_message(self, turn, message): self._send(protocol.Event.Message(protocol.Message( protocol.Assertion(self.relay.register(self.oid, message, None))))) def on_sync(self, turn, peer): pins = [] self.relay.register_imported_oid(self.oid, pins) entity = SyncPeerEntity(self.relay, peer, pins) rewritten = Embedded(self.relay.rewrite_ref_out(turn.ref(entity), False, pins)) self._send(protocol.Event.Sync(protocol.Sync(rewritten))) class SyncPeerEntity(actor.Entity): def __init__(self, relay, peer, pins): self.relay = relay self.peer = peer self.pins = pins def on_message(self, turn, body): drop_all(self.pins) turn.send(self.peer, body) async def _default_on_connected(relay):'Connected') async def _default_on_disconnected(relay, did_connect): if did_connect: # Reconnect immediately'Disconnected') else: await asyncio.sleep(2) return True class _StreamTunnelRelay(TunnelRelay, asyncio.Protocol): def __init__(self, turn, address, **kwargs): super().__init__(turn, address, **kwargs) self.decoder = None self.stop_signal = None self.transport = None def connection_lost(self, exc): self._on_disconnected() def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport self._on_connected() def data_received(self, chunk): self.decoder.extend(chunk) while True: v = self.decoder.try_next() if v is None: break self._on_event(v) def _send_bytes(self, bs): if self.transport: self.transport.write(bs) def _disconnect(self): if self.stop_signal: def set_stop_signal(): try: self.stop_signal.set_result(True) except: pass self.stop_signal.get_loop().call_soon_threadsafe(set_stop_signal) async def _create_connection(self, loop): raise Exception('subclassresponsibility') async def main(self, loop, on_connected=None): if self.transport is not None: raise Exception('Cannot run connection twice!') self.decoder = Decoder(decode_embedded = sturdy.WireRef.decode) self.stop_signal = loop.create_future() try: _transport, _protocol = await self._create_connection(loop) except OSError as e: log.error('%s: Could not connect to server: %s' % (self.__class__.__qualname__, e)) return False try: if on_connected: await on_connected(self) await self.stop_signal return True finally: self.transport.close() self.transport = None self.stop_signal = None self.decoder = None @transport.address(transportAddress.Tcp) class TcpTunnelRelay(_StreamTunnelRelay): async def _create_connection(self, loop): return await loop.create_connection(lambda: self,, self.address.port) @transport.address(transportAddress.Unix) class UnixSocketTunnelRelay(_StreamTunnelRelay): async def _create_connection(self, loop): return await loop.create_unix_connection(lambda: self, self.address.path) @transport.address(transportAddress.WebSocket) class WebsocketTunnelRelay(TunnelRelay): def __init__(self, turn, address, **kwargs): super().__init__(turn, address, **kwargs) self.loop = None = None def _send_bytes(self, bs): if self.loop: def _do_send(): if self.loop.create_task( self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(_do_send) def _disconnect(self): if self.loop: def _do_disconnect(): if self.loop.create_task( self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(_do_disconnect) def __connection_error(self, e): self.facet.log.error('Could not connect to server: %s' % (e,)) return False async def main(self, loop, on_connected=None): if is not None: raise Exception('Cannot run connection twice!') self.loop = loop try: = await websockets.connect(self.address.url) except OSError as e: return self.__connection_error(e) except websockets.exceptions.InvalidHandshake as e: return self.__connection_error(e) try: if on_connected: await on_connected(self) self._on_connected() while True: chunk = await self._on_event(Decoder(chunk, decode_embedded = sturdy.WireRef.decode).next()) except websockets.exceptions.WebSocketException: pass finally: self._on_disconnected() if await self.loop = None = None return True @transport.address(transportAddress.Stdio) class PipeTunnelRelay(_StreamTunnelRelay): def __init__(self, turn, address, input_fileobj = sys.stdin, output_fileobj = sys.stdout, **kwargs): super().__init__(turn, address, **kwargs) self.input_fileobj = input_fileobj self.output_fileobj = output_fileobj self.reader = asyncio.StreamReader() async def _create_connection(self, loop): return await loop.connect_read_pipe(lambda: self, self.input_fileobj) def _send_bytes(self, bs): self.output_fileobj.buffer.write(bs) self.output_fileobj.buffer.flush() def run_stdio_service(turn, entity): PipeTunnelRelay(turn, transportAddress.Stdio(), publish_service=turn.ref(entity)) # decorator def service(**kwargs): return lambda entity: \ actor.start_actor_system(lambda turn: run_stdio_service(turn, entity), **kwargs)