import asyncio import inspect import logging import sys import traceback import threading from preserves import Embedded, preserve from .idgen import IdGenerator from .metapy import staticproperty from .dataflow import Graph, Field log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _next_actor_number = IdGenerator() _next_handle = IdGenerator() _next_facet_id = IdGenerator() _active = threading.local() _active.turn = None # decorator def run_system(**kwargs): return lambda boot_proc: System().run(boot_proc, **kwargs) class System: def __init__(self, loop = None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.inhabitant_count = 0 def run(self, boot_proc, debug = False, name = None, configure_logging = True): if configure_logging: logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO) if debug: self.loop.set_debug(True) self.queue_task(lambda: Actor(boot_proc, system = self, name = name)) try: self.loop.run_forever() except: traceback.print_exc() while asyncio.all_tasks(self.loop): self.loop.stop() self.loop.run_forever() self.loop.close() def adjust_engine_inhabitant_count(self, delta): self.inhabitant_count = self.inhabitant_count + delta if self.inhabitant_count == 0: log.debug('Inhabitant count reached zero') self.loop.stop() def queue_task(self, thunk): async def task(): await ensure_awaitable(thunk()) return self.loop.create_task(task()) def queue_task_threadsafe(self, thunk): async def task(): await ensure_awaitable(thunk()) return self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(lambda: asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(task(), self.loop)) async def ensure_awaitable(value): if inspect.isawaitable(value): return await value else: return value def remove_noerror(collection, item): try: collection.remove(item) except ValueError: pass class Actor: def __init__(self, boot_proc, system, name = None, initial_assertions = {}, daemon = False): = name or 'a' + str(next(_next_actor_number)) self._system = system self._daemon = daemon if not daemon: system.adjust_engine_inhabitant_count(1) self.root = Facet(self, None) self.outbound = initial_assertions or {} self.exit_reason = None # None -> running, True -> terminated OK, exn -> error self.exit_hooks = [] self._log = None self._dataflow_graph = None, self.root, set(self.outbound.keys())), stop_if_inert_after(boot_proc)) def __repr__(self): return '' % (,) @property def daemon(self): return self._daemon @daemon.setter def daemon(self, value): if self._daemon != value: self._daemon = value self._system.adjust_engine_inhabitant_count(-1 if value else 1) @property def alive(self): return self.exit_reason is None @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = logging.getLogger('syndicate.Actor.%s' % (,)) return self._log @property def dataflow_graph(self): if self._dataflow_graph is None: self._dataflow_graph = Graph() return self._dataflow_graph def at_exit(self, hook): self.exit_hooks.append(hook) def cancel_at_exit(self, hook): remove_noerror(self.exit_hooks, hook) def _repair_dataflow_graph(self): if self._dataflow_graph is not None: self._dataflow_graph.repair_damage(lambda a: a()) def _terminate(self, exit_reason): if self.exit_reason is not None: return self.log.debug('Terminating %r with exit_reason %r', self, exit_reason) self.exit_reason = exit_reason if exit_reason != True: self.log.error('crashed: %s' % (exit_reason,)) for h in self.exit_hooks: h() self.root._terminate(exit_reason == True) if not self._daemon: self._system.adjust_engine_inhabitant_count(-1) def _pop_outbound(self, handle, clear_from_source_facet): e = self.outbound.pop(handle) if e and clear_from_source_facet: try: e.source_facet.handles.remove(handle) except KeyError: pass return e class Facet: @staticproperty def active(): return _active.turn._facet def __init__(self, actor, parent, initial_handles=None): = next(_next_facet_id) = actor self.parent = parent if parent: parent.children.add(self) self.children = set() self.handles = initial_handles or set() self.shutdown_actions = [] self.linked_tasks = [] self.alive = True self.inert_check_preventers = 0 self._log = None @property def log(self): if self._log is None: if self.parent is None: p = else: p = self.parent.log self._log = p.getChild(str( return self._log def _repr_labels(self): pieces = [] f = self while f.parent is not None: pieces.append(str( f = f.parent pieces.append( pieces.reverse() return ':'.join(pieces) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self._repr_labels(),) def on_stop(self, a): self.shutdown_actions.append(a) def cancel_on_stop(self, a): remove_noerror(self.shutdown_actions, a) def on_stop_or_crash(self, a): def cleanup(): self.cancel_on_stop(cleanup) a() self.on_stop(cleanup) return cleanup def isinert(self): return \ len(self.children) == 0 and \ len(self.handles) == 0 and \ len(self.linked_tasks) == 0 and \ self.inert_check_preventers == 0 def prevent_inert_check(self): armed = True self.inert_check_preventers = self.inert_check_preventers + 1 def disarm(): nonlocal armed if not armed: return armed = False self.inert_check_preventers = self.inert_check_preventers - 1 return disarm @property def loop(self): return def linked_task(self, coro_fn, run_in_executor=False): task = None if run_in_executor: inner_coro_fn = coro_fn async def outer_coro_fn(facet): await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: inner_coro_fn(facet)) coro_fn = outer_coro_fn @self.on_stop_or_crash def cancel_linked_task(): nonlocal task if task is not None: remove_noerror(self.linked_tasks, task) task.cancel() task = None async def guarded_task(): try: await coro_fn(self) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: Turn.external(self, cancel_linked_task) task = self.loop.create_task(guarded_task()) self.linked_tasks.append(task) def _terminate(self, orderly): if not self.alive: return self.log.debug('%s terminating %r', 'orderly' if orderly else 'disorderly', self) self.alive = False parent = self.parent if parent: parent.children.remove(self) with ActiveFacet(self): for child in list(self.children): child._terminate(orderly) if orderly: with ActiveFacet(self.parent or self): for h in self.shutdown_actions: h() turn = for h in self.handles: # Optimization: don't clear from source facet, the source facet is us and we're # about to clear our handles in one fell swoop. turn._retract(, clear_from_source_facet=False)) self.handles.clear() if orderly: if parent: if parent.isinert(): parent._terminate(True) else: class ActiveFacet: def __init__(self, facet): self.turn = self.outer_facet = None self.inner_facet = facet def __enter__(self): self.outer_facet = self.turn._facet self.turn._facet = self.inner_facet return None def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): self.turn._facet = self.outer_facet self.outer_facet = None def find_loop(loop = None): return asyncio.get_running_loop() if loop is None else loop class Turn: @staticproperty def active(): t = getattr(_active, 'turn', False) if t is False: t = _active.turn = None return t @classmethod def run(cls, facet, action, zombie_turn = False): if not zombie_turn: if not return if not facet.alive: return turn = cls(facet) try: saved = _active.turn = turn try: action() finally: _active.turn = saved except: ei = sys.exc_info() facet.log.error('%s', ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*ei))), lambda:[1])) else: turn._deliver() @classmethod def external(cls, facet, action, loop = None): return, action)) def __init__(self, facet): self._facet = facet self._system = self.queues = {} @property def log(self): return self._facet.log def ref(self, entity): return Ref(self._facet, entity) # this actually can work as a decorator as well as a normal method! def facet(self, boot_proc): new_facet = Facet(, self._facet) with ActiveFacet(new_facet): stop_if_inert_after(boot_proc)() return new_facet def prevent_inert_check(self): return self._facet.prevent_inert_check() # decorator def linked_task(self, **kwargs): return lambda coro_fn: self._facet.linked_task(coro_fn, **kwargs) def stop(self, facet = None, continuation = None): if facet is None: facet = self._facet if continuation is not None: facet.on_stop(continuation) facet._terminate(True) # can also be used as a decorator def on_stop(self, a): self._facet.on_stop(a) # can also be used as a decorator def on_stop_or_crash(self, a): self._facet.on_stop_or_crash(a) def spawn(self, boot_proc, name = None, initial_handles = None, daemon = False): def action(): new_outbound = {} if initial_handles is not None: for handle in initial_handles: new_outbound[handle] = \, clear_from_source_facet=True) self._system.queue_task(lambda: Actor(boot_proc, system = self._system, name = name, initial_assertions = new_outbound, daemon = daemon)) self._enqueue(self._facet, action) def stop_actor(self): self._enqueue(, lambda: def crash(self, exn): self._enqueue(, lambda: def field(self, initial_value=None, name=None): return Field(, initial_value, name) # can also be used as a decorator def dataflow(self, a): f = self._facet f.prevent_inert_check() def subject(): if not f.alive: return with ActiveFacet(f): a() f.on_stop(lambda:, lambda: subject()) def publish_dataflow(self, assertion_function): endpoint = DataflowPublication(assertion_function) self.dataflow(lambda: endpoint.update()) def publish(self, ref, assertion): handle = next(_next_handle) self._publish(ref, assertion, handle) return handle def _publish(self, ref, assertion, handle): # TODO: attenuation assertion = preserve(assertion) facet = self._facet e = OutboundAssertion(facet, handle, ref)[handle] = e facet.handles.add(handle) def action(): e.established = True self.log.debug('%r <-- publish %r handle %r', ref, assertion, handle) ref.entity.on_publish(assertion, handle) self._enqueue(ref.facet, action) def retract(self, handle): if handle is not None: e =, clear_from_source_facet=True) if e is not None: self._retract(e) def replace(self, ref, handle, assertion): if assertion is None or ref is None: new_handle = None else: new_handle = self.publish(ref, assertion) self.retract(handle) return new_handle def _retract(self, e): # Assumes e has already been removed from and the # appropriate set of handles def action(): if e.established: e.established = False self.log.debug('%r <-- retract handle %r', e.ref, e.handle) e.ref.entity.on_retract(e.handle) self._enqueue(e.ref.facet, action) def sync(self, ref, k): class SyncContinuation(Entity): def on_message(self, _value): k() self._sync(ref, self.ref(SyncContinuation())) def _sync(self, ref, peer): peer = preserve(peer) def action(): self.log.debug('%r <-- sync peer %r', ref, peer) ref.entity.on_sync(peer) self._enqueue(ref.facet, action) def send(self, ref, message): # TODO: attenuation message = preserve(message) def action(): self.log.debug('%r <-- message %r', ref, message) ref.entity.on_message(message) self._enqueue(ref.facet, action) # decorator def after(self, delay_seconds): def decorate(action): @self.linked_task() async def task(facet): await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds) Turn.external(facet, action) return decorate def _enqueue(self, target_facet, action): target_actor = if target_actor not in self.queues: self.queues[target_actor] = [] self.queues[target_actor].append((target_facet, action)) def _deliver(self): for (actor, q) in self.queues.items(): # Stupid python scoping bites again def make_deliver_q(actor, q): # gratuitous def deliver_q(): turn = saved_facet = turn._facet for (facet, action) in q: turn._facet = facet action() turn._facet = saved_facet return lambda:, deliver_q) self._system.queue_task(make_deliver_q(actor, q)) self.queues = {} def stop_if_inert_after(action): def wrapped_action(): turn = action() def check_action(): if (turn._facet.parent is not None and not turn._facet.parent.alive) \ or turn._facet.isinert(): turn.stop() turn._enqueue(turn._facet, check_action) return wrapped_action class DataflowPublication: def __init__(self, assertion_function): self.assertion_function = assertion_function self.handle = None = None self.assertion = None def update(self): (next_target, next_assertion) = self.assertion_function() or (None, None) if next_target != or next_assertion != self.assertion_function: = next_target self.assertion = next_assertion self.handle =, self.handle, self.assertion) class Ref: def __init__(self, facet, entity): self.facet = facet self.entity = entity def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.facet._repr_labels(), self.entity) class OutboundAssertion: def __init__(self, source_facet, handle, ref): self.source_facet = source_facet self.handle = handle self.ref = ref self.established = False def __repr__(self): return '' % \ (self.source_facet, self.handle, self.ref, ' established' if self.established else '') # Can act as a mixin class Entity: def on_publish(self, v, handle): pass def on_retract(self, handle): pass def on_message(self, v): pass def on_sync(self, peer):, True) _inert_actor = None _inert_facet = None _inert_ref = None _inert_entity = Entity() def __boot_inert(): global _inert_actor, _inert_facet, _inert_ref _inert_actor = _inert_facet = _inert_ref = async def __run_inert(): Actor(__boot_inert, system = System(), name = '_inert_actor') def __setup_inert(): def setup_main(): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(__run_inert()) loop.close() t = threading.Thread(target=setup_main) t.start() t.join() __setup_inert()