
162 lines
6.3 KiB

import yargs from 'yargs/yargs';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { glob } from 'glob';
import { compile } from '@syndicate-lang/compiler';
import { dataURL, sourceMappingComment} from './util.js';
export type ModuleChoice = 'es6' | 'require' | 'global';
const moduleChoices: ReadonlyArray<ModuleChoice> = ['es6', 'require', 'global'];
export type CommandLineArguments = {
input: string | undefined;
outputDirectory?: string | undefined;
rootDirectory?: string;
rename: string | undefined;
map: boolean;
mapExtension?: string;
runtime: string;
module: ModuleChoice;
typed: boolean;
function checkModuleChoice<T>(t: T & { module: string }): T & { module: ModuleChoice } {
const mc = t.module as ModuleChoice;
if (moduleChoices.indexOf(mc) !== -1) return { ... t, module: mc };
throw new Error("Illegal --module argument: " + t.module);
function makeRenamer(outputDir: string,
rootDir: string,
renamePattern: string | undefined): (f: string) => string
const rewrites: Array<(f: string) => (string | null)> =
(renamePattern === void 0 ? [] : renamePattern.split(/,/)).map(p => {
const [ from, to ] = p.split(/:/);
let mFrom = /([^%]*)%([^%]*)/.exec(from);
let mTo = /([^%]*)%([^%]*)/.exec(to);
if (mFrom === null && mTo === null) {
return f => (f === from) ? to : null;
} else if (mFrom === null || mTo === null) {
throw new Error(`Invalid --rename pattern: ${JSON.stringify(p)}`);
} else {
const [fh, ft] = mFrom.slice(1);
const [th, tt] = mTo.slice(1);
return f =>
(f.startsWith(fh) && f.endsWith(ft))
? th + f.substring(fh.length, f.length - ft.length) + tt
: null;
const relocate = (f: string) => path.join(outputDir, path.relative(rootDir, f));
return f => {
for (const rewrite of rewrites) {
const t = rewrite(f);
if (t !== null) return relocate(t);
return relocate(f);
export function main(argv: string[]) {
const options: CommandLineArguments = checkModuleChoice(yargs(argv)
.command('$0 [input]',
'Compile away Syndicate extensions',
yargs => yargs
.positional('input', {
type: 'string',
description: 'Input filename or glob (stdin if omitted)',
.option('root-directory', {
alias: 'b',
type: 'string',
description: 'Root directory for input files',
default: '.',
.option('output-directory', {
alias: 'd',
type: 'string',
description: 'Output directory (if omitted: stdout if stdin as input, else cwd)',
.option('rename', {
type: 'string',
description: 'Rewrite input filenames',
default: '%.syndicate.js:%.js,%.syndicate.ts:%.ts',
.option('map', {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Generate source maps',
default: true,
.option('map-extension', {
type: 'string',
description: 'Extension (e.g. ".map") to add to source map files; if omitted, source maps are generated inline',
.option('runtime', {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to require or import to get the Syndicate runtime',
default: '@syndicate-lang/core',
.option('typed', {
alias: 't',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Enable TypeScript-typed translation',
default: false,
.option('module', {
choices: moduleChoices,
type: 'string',
description: 'Style of import/export definition to prefer',
default: moduleChoices[0],
argv => argv)
const rename = makeRenamer(options.outputDirectory ?? '',
options.rootDirectory ?? '.',
const STDIN = '/dev/stdin';
const inputGlob = options.input ?? STDIN;
const inputFilenames = glob.sync(inputGlob);
for (const inputFilename of inputFilenames) {
const outputFilename =
(inputFilename === STDIN) ? '/dev/stdout' :
(inputFilename[0] === '/') ? (() => { throw new Error("Absolute input paths are not supported"); })() :
if (inputFilenames.indexOf(outputFilename) !== -1) {
throw new Error(`Output from ${JSON.stringify(inputFilename)} would trample on existing input file ${JSON.stringify(outputFilename)}`);
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputFilename, 'utf-8');
const { text, map } = compile({
name: inputFilename,
runtime: options.runtime,
module: options.module,
typescript: options.typed,
map.sourcesContent = [source];
if (inputFilename !== STDIN) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outputFilename), { recursive: true });
if (! {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text);
} else if (options.mapExtension && inputFilename !== STDIN) {
const mapFilename = outputFilename + options.mapExtension;
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + sourceMappingComment(mapFilename));
fs.writeFileSync(mapFilename, JSON.stringify(map));
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + sourceMappingComment(dataURL(JSON.stringify(map))));