import fs from 'fs'; import * as S from '../syntax/index.js'; import { Substitution } from '../syntax/index.js'; import * as G from './grammar.js'; import { BootProc } from './internals.js'; export function stripShebang(items: S.Items): S.Items { if ((items.length > 0) && S.isToken(items[0]) && items[0].text.startsWith('#!')) { while (items.length > 0 && !S.isTokenType(items[0], S.TokenType.NEWLINE)) items.shift(); } return items; } export function main(argv: string[]) { let [ inputFilename ] = argv.slice(2); inputFilename = inputFilename ?? '/dev/stdin'; const source = fs.readFileSync(inputFilename, 'utf-8'); const scanner = new S.StringScanner(S.startPos(inputFilename), source); const reader = new S.LaxReader(scanner); let tree = stripShebang(reader.readToEnd()); let macro = new S.Templates(); tree = macro.template()`import * as __SYNDICATE__ from '@syndicate/core';\n${tree}`; let passNumber = 0; let expansionNeeded = true; function expand(p: S.Pattern, f: (t: T) => S.Items) { tree = S.replace(tree, p, t => { expansionNeeded = true; return f(t); }); } function receiverFor(s: G.FacetAction): Substitution { return (s.implicitFacet) ? 'thisFacet.' : '.'; } function expandFacetAction(p: S.Pattern, f: (t: T) => S.Items) { expand(p, t => macro.template()`${receiverFor(t)}${f(t)}`); } function terminalWrap(isTerminal: boolean, body: G.Statement): G.Statement { if (isTerminal) { return macro.template()`thisFacet._stop(function (thisFacet) {${body}})` } else { return body; } } while (expansionNeeded) { if (++passNumber >= 128) { throw new Error(`Too many compiler passes (${passNumber})!`); } // console.log(`\n\n\n======================================== PASS ${passNumber}\n`); // console.log(S.itemText(tree, { color: true, missing: '\x1b[41m□\x1b[0m' })); expansionNeeded = false; expandFacetAction( G.spawn, s => { let proc = macro.template()`function (thisFacet) {${s.bootProcBody}}`; if (s.isDataspace) proc = macro.template()`__SYNDICATE__.inNestedDataspace(${proc})`; let assertions = (s.initialAssertions.length > 0) ? macro.template()`, new __SYNDICATE__.Set([${S.commaJoin(s.initialAssertions)}])` : ``; return macro.template()`_spawn(${ ?? 'null'}, ${proc}${assertions});`; }); expandFacetAction( G.fieldDeclarationStatement, s => { const prop = ('name' in ? [ { start:, end:, type: S.TokenType.STRING, text: JSON.stringify( } ] :; return macro.template()`declareField(${}, ${prop}, ${s.init ?? 'void 0'});`; }); expandFacetAction( G.assertionEndpointStatement, s => { if (s.test == void 0) { return macro.template()`addEndpoint(thisFacet => ({ assertion: ${s.template}, analysis: null }));`; } else { return macro.template()`addEndpoint(thisFacet => (${s.test ?? 'true'}) ? ({ assertion: ${s.template}, analysis: null }) : ({ assertion: void 0, analysis: null }), ${''+s.isDynamic});`; } }); expandFacetAction( G.dataflowStatement, s => macro.template()`addDataflow(function (thisFacet) {${s.body}});`); expandFacetAction( G.eventHandlerEndpointStatement, s => { switch (s.triggerType) { case 'dataflow': return macro.template()`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) { dataflow { if (${s.predicate}) { ${terminalWrap(s.terminal, s.body)} } } });`; case 'start': case 'stop': { const m = s.triggerType === 'start' ? 'addStartScript' : 'addStopScript'; return macro.template()`${m}(function (thisFacet) {${s.body}});`; } case 'asserted': case 'retracted': case 'message': { const sa = G.compilePattern(s.pattern); const expectedEvt = ({ 'asserted': 'ADDED', 'retracted': 'REMOVED', 'message': 'MESSAGE', })[s.triggerType]; return macro.template()`addEndpoint(thisFacet => ({ assertion: __SYNDICATE__.Observe(${sa.assertion}), analysis: { skeleton: ${sa.skeleton}, constPaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.constPaths)}, constVals: [${S.commaJoin(sa.constVals)}], capturePaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.capturePaths)}, callback: thisFacet.wrap((thisFacet, __Evt, [${S.commaJoin(>[i]))}]) => { if (__Evt === __SYNDICATE__.Skeleton.EventType.${expectedEvt}) { thisFacet.scheduleScript(() => {${terminalWrap(s.terminal, s.body)}}); } }) } }), ${'' + s.isDynamic});`; } } }); expandFacetAction( G.duringStatement, s => { // TODO: spawn during const sa = G.compilePattern(s.pattern); return macro.template()`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) { const _Facets = new __SYNDICATE__.Dictionary(); on asserted ${G.patternText(s.pattern)} => react { _Facets.set([${S.commaJoin(>[t]))}], thisFacet); dataflow void 0; // TODO: horrible hack to keep the facet alive if no other endpoints ${s.body} } on retracted ${G.patternText(s.pattern)} => { const _Key = [${S.commaJoin(>[t]))}]; _Facets.get(_Key)._stop(); _Facets.delete(_Key); } });`; }); expand( G.typeDefinitionStatement, s => { const l = JSON.stringify(s.label.text); const fs = JSON.stringify( => f.text)); return macro.template()`const ${[s.label]} = __SYNDICATE__.Record.makeConstructor(${s.wireName ?? l}, ${fs});`; }); expandFacetAction( G.messageSendStatement, s => macro.template()`_send(${s.expr});`); expandFacetAction( G.reactStatement, s => macro.template()`addChildFacet(function (thisFacet) {${s.body}});`); expand( G.bootStatement, s => macro.template()`export function ${BootProc}(thisFacet) {${s}}`); expandFacetAction( G.stopStatement, s => macro.template()`_stop(function (thisFacet) {${s.body}});`); } // console.log(`\n\n\n======================================== FINAL OUTPUT\n`); console.log(S.itemText(tree)); const cw = new S.CodeWriter(inputFilename); cw.emit(tree); fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/adhoc.syndicate', cw.text); const mm =; mm.sourcesContent = [source]; fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/', JSON.stringify(mm)); }