/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones import { Actor, Ref, Handle, Assertion, Entity, Turn } from '../runtime/actor.js'; import { Value, Embedded, mapEmbeddeds, IdentityMap, KeyedDictionary, stringify } from '@preserves/core'; import * as IO from '../gen/protocol.js'; import { fromCaveat, WireRef } from '../gen/sturdy.js'; import { attenuate } from '../runtime/rewrite.js'; export class WireSymbol { count = 0; constructor ( public side: Membrane, public oid: IO.Oid, public ref: Ref, ) {} drop(): void { this.count--; if (this.count === 0) { this.side.byOid.delete(this.oid); this.side.byRef.delete(this.ref); } } }; export type WhichTable = "byOid" | "byRef"; export class Membrane { readonly byOid = new IdentityMap(); readonly byRef = new IdentityMap(); grab(table: Table, key: Parameters[0], transient: boolean, f: () => WireSymbol): WireSymbol; grab
(table: Table, key: Parameters[0], transient: boolean, f: null): WireSymbol | null; grab
(table: Table, key: Parameters[0], transient: boolean, f: (() => WireSymbol) | null): WireSymbol | null { let e = this[table].get(key as any); if (e === void 0) { if (f === null) return null; e = f(); this.byRef.set(e.ref, e); this.byOid.set(e.oid, e); } if (!transient) e.count++; return e; } } export const INERT_REF = new Ref( Actor.boot(() => Turn.active.stop(Turn.activeFacet)).root, {}); export interface ProxyInbound { proxyPacket(packet: IO.Packet>): void; } export interface ProxyOutbound { send(remoteOid: IO.Oid, event: IO.Event>): void; proxyAssertion(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid, assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): Value>; proxyRetract(handle: Handle): void; proxyMessage(assertion: Assertion): Value>; proxySync(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid, peer: Ref): Embedded; } export abstract class LayerBoundary implements ProxyOutbound, ProxyInbound { readonly inboundAssertions = new IdentityMap, }>(); readonly outboundAssertions = new IdentityMap>(); readonly exported = new Membrane(); readonly imported = new Membrane(); constructor(public trustPeer = true, public nextLocalOid: IO.Oid = 0) {} abstract send(remoteOid: IO.Oid, event: IO.Event>): void; proxyAssertion(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid, assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): Value> { const pins: Array = []; const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(assertion, r => this.rewriteRefOut(r, false, pins)); this.grabImportedOid(targetRemoteOid, pins); this.outboundAssertions.set(handle, pins); return rewritten; } proxyRetract(handle: Handle): void { (this.outboundAssertions.get(handle) ?? []).forEach(e => e.drop()); this.outboundAssertions.delete(handle); } proxyMessage(assertion: Assertion): Value> { const pins: Array = []; return mapEmbeddeds(assertion, r => this.rewriteRefOut(r, true, pins)); } proxySync(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid, peer: Ref): Embedded { const peerEntity = new SyncPeerEntity(peer); this.grabImportedOid(targetRemoteOid, peerEntity.pins); return this.rewriteRefOut(Turn.ref(peerEntity), false, peerEntity.pins); } grabImportedOid(oid: IO.Oid, pins: Array): void { const e = this.imported.grab("byOid", oid, false, null); if (e === null) { throw new Error("Internal error: import table missing entry for oid " + oid); } pins.push(e); } grabExportedOid(oid: IO.Oid, pins: Array): Ref { const e = this.exported.grab("byOid", oid, false, null); if (e === null) return INERT_REF; pins.push(e); return e.ref; } rewriteRefOut(r: Ref, transient: boolean, pins: Array): Embedded { if (r.target instanceof ProxyEntity && r.target.relay === this) { if (r.attenuation === void 0 || r.attenuation.length === 0) { // No extra conditions on this reference since it was sent to us. this.grabImportedOid(r.target.oid, pins); return new Embedded(WireRef.yours({ oid: r.target.oid, attenuation: [] })); } else { // This reference has been attenuated since it was sent to us. // Do we trust the peer to enforce such attenuation on our behalf? if (this.trustPeer) { this.grabImportedOid(r.target.oid, pins); return new Embedded(WireRef.yours({ oid: r.target.oid, attenuation: r.attenuation })); } else { // fall through: treat the attenuated ref as a local ref, and re-export it. } } } const e = this.exported.grab( "byRef", r, transient, () => { if (transient) throw new Error("Cannot send transient reference"); return new WireSymbol(this.exported, this.nextLocalOid++, r); }); pins.push(e); return new Embedded(WireRef.mine(e.oid)); } rewriteRefIn(nw: Embedded, pins: Array): Ref { const n = nw.value; switch (n._variant) { case 'yours': { const e = this.exported.grab("byOid", n.oid, false, null); if (e === null) { return INERT_REF; } else { pins.push(e); const r = e.ref; if (n.attenuation.length === 0) { return r; } else { type AttenuatedRef = Ref & { __attenuations?: KeyedDictionary }; const ar = r as AttenuatedRef; if (ar.__attenuations === void 0) { ar.__attenuations = new KeyedDictionary(); } return ar.__attenuations.getOrSet(n.attenuation.map(fromCaveat), () => attenuate(r, ... n.attenuation)); } } } case 'mine': { const e = this.imported.grab("byOid", n.oid, false, () => new WireSymbol(this.imported, n.oid, Turn.ref(new ProxyEntity(this, n.oid)))); pins.push(e); return e.ref; } } } rewriteIn(a: Value>): [Assertion, Array] { const pins: Array = []; const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(a, r => this.rewriteRefIn(r, pins)); return [rewritten, pins]; } handle(localOid: IO.Oid, m: IO.Event>): void { switch (m._variant) { case 'Assert': { const [a, pins] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.assertion); const r = this.grabExportedOid(localOid, pins); this.inboundAssertions.set(m.value.handle, { localHandle: Turn.active.assert(r, a), pins, }); break; } case 'Retract': { const remoteHandle = m.value.handle; const h = this.inboundAssertions.get(remoteHandle); if (h === void 0) throw new Error(`Peer retracted invalid handle ${remoteHandle}`); this.inboundAssertions.delete(remoteHandle); h.pins.forEach(e => e.drop()); Turn.active.retract(h.localHandle); break; } case 'Message': { const [a, pins] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.body); if (pins.length > 0) throw new Error("Cannot receive transient reference"); const r = this.exported.byOid.get(localOid)?.ref; if (r) Turn.active.message(r, a); break; } case 'Sync': { const pins: Array = []; const r = this.grabExportedOid(localOid, pins); const k = this.rewriteRefIn(m.value.peer, pins); Turn.active.sync(r).then(() => { Turn.active.message(k, true); pins.forEach(e => e.drop()); }); break; } } } proxyPacket(packet: IO.Packet>): void { switch (packet._variant) { case 'Turn': packet.value.forEach(v => this.handle(v.oid, v.event)); break; case 'Error': throw new Error(`Remote peer terminated relay: ${stringify(packet.value)}`); case 'Extension': // Ignore unknown extensions. break; } } } export class ProxyEntity implements Entity { readonly relay: ProxyOutbound; readonly oid: IO.Oid; constructor(relay: ProxyOutbound, oid: IO.Oid) { this.relay = relay; this.oid = oid; } send(m: IO.Event>): void { this.relay.send(this.oid, m); } assert(assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): void { this.send(IO.Event.Assert(IO.Assert({ assertion: this.relay.proxyAssertion(this.oid, assertion, handle), handle }))) } retract(handle: Handle): void { this.relay.proxyRetract(handle); this.send(IO.Event.Retract(IO.Retract(handle))); } message(body: Assertion): void { this.send(IO.Event.Message(IO.Message(this.relay.proxyMessage(body)))); } sync(peer: Ref): void { this.send(IO.Event.Sync(IO.Sync(this.relay.proxySync(this.oid, peer)))); } } export class SyncPeerEntity implements Entity { readonly peer: Ref; readonly handleMap = new IdentityMap(); pins: Array = []; constructor(peer: Ref) { this.peer = peer; } assert(assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): void { this.handleMap.set(handle, Turn.active.assert(this.peer, assertion)); } retract(handle: Handle): void { Turn.active.retract(this.handleMap.get(handle)!); this.handleMap.delete(handle); } message(body: Assertion): void { // We get to vanish from the indexes now this.pins.forEach(e => e.drop()); Turn.active.message(this.peer, body); } sync(peer: Ref): void { Turn.active._sync(this.peer, peer); } }