/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones import { TokenType, Token, Group, GroupInProgress, Item, Items, finishGroup } from './tokens'; import { Pos, startPos } from './position'; import { Scanner, StringScanner } from './scanner'; function matchingParen(c: string): string | null { switch (c) { case ')': return '('; case ']': return '['; case '}': return '{'; default: return null; } } export class LaxReader implements IterableIterator { readonly scanner: Scanner; readonly stack: Array = []; constructor(scanner: Scanner) { this.scanner = scanner; } [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator { return this; } stackTop(): GroupInProgress | null { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] ?? null; } popUntilMatch(t: Token): Group | 'continue' | 'eof' { const m = matchingParen(t.text); if (m !== null && !this.stack.some(g => g.open.text === m)) { if (this.stack.length > 0) { this.stackTop()!.items.push(t); return 'continue'; } } else { while (this.stack.length > 0) { const inner = finishGroup(this.stack.pop()!, t.end); if (inner.open.text === m) { inner.close = t; } if (this.stack.length === 0) { return inner; } else { const outer = this.stackTop()!; outer.items.push(inner); if (inner.open.text === m) { return 'continue'; } } } } return 'eof'; } _eofClose(): Token { return this.scanner.makeToken(this.scanner.mark(), TokenType.CLOSE, ''); } peek(): Token { return this.scanner.peek() ?? this._eofClose(); } drop() { this.scanner.drop(); } inTemplateString(): boolean { const i = this.stackTop(); return (i !== null) && (i.open.text[0] === '`'); } expectTemplateVariablePart() { const variablePartOpen = this.peek(); if (variablePartOpen.type !== TokenType.OPEN || variablePartOpen.text !== '{') { throw new Error("Internal parser error: template string variable part mismatch"); } this.drop(); this.stack.push(this.scanner.makeGroupInProgress(variablePartOpen)); } read(): Item | null { while (true) { if (this.inTemplateString()) { const t = this.scanner.templateConstantFragment() ?? this._eofClose(); switch (t.type) { case TokenType.CLOSE: // always means eof, in this case return this.popUntilMatch(t) as Group; // will always be a Group case TokenType.STRING: if (t.text[t.text.length - 1] === '`') { const inner = finishGroup(this.stack.pop()!, t.end); inner.close = t; if (this.stack.length === 0) { return inner; } else { this.stackTop()!.items.push(inner); break; } } else { // Another unclosed fragment. Expect {...} again. this.stackTop()!.items.push(t); this.expectTemplateVariablePart(); break; } default: throw new Error("Internal error: LaxReader.read()"); } } else { let g = this.stackTop(); const t = this.peek(); switch (t.type) { case TokenType.STRING: if (t.text[0] === '`' && t.text[t.text.length - 1] !== '`') { // Unclosed template string - so expect {...} followed by more // fragments. Encode this as a group with opener the first constant // template fragment and closer the last template fragment. this.drop(); this.stack.push(this.scanner.makeGroupInProgress(t)); // We know, from the implementation of the scanner, that the current // character is '{'. this.expectTemplateVariablePart(); break; } else { // fall through } case TokenType.SPACE: case TokenType.NEWLINE: case TokenType.ATOM: this.drop(); if (g === null) { return t; } g.items.push(t); break; case TokenType.OPEN: this.drop(); this.stack.push(this.scanner.makeGroupInProgress(t)); break; case TokenType.CLOSE: { this.drop(); const i = this.popUntilMatch(t); if (i === 'eof') return null; if (i === 'continue') break; return i; } } } } } readToEnd(): Items { return Array.from(this); } next(): IteratorResult { const i = this.read(); if (i === null) { return { done: true, value: null }; } else { return { done: false, value: i }; } } } export interface LaxReadOptions { start?: Pos, name?: string, extraDelimiters?: string, synthetic?: boolean, } export function laxRead(source: string, options: LaxReadOptions = {}): Items { const start = options.start ?? startPos(options.name ?? null); const scanner = new StringScanner(start, source, options.synthetic); if (options.extraDelimiters) scanner.addDelimiters(options.extraDelimiters); const reader = new LaxReader(scanner); return reader.readToEnd(); }