//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/driver-browser-ui, Browser-based UI for Syndicate // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { RandomID, Observe, Dataspace } from "@syndicate-lang/core"; const randomId = RandomID.randomId; import * as P from "./protocol"; export * from "./protocol"; import * as H from "./html"; export * from "./html"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ID allocators const moduleInstance = randomId(16, true); let nextFragmentIdNumber = 0; export function newFragmentId() { return 'ui_' + moduleInstance + '_' + (nextFragmentIdNumber++); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'GlobalEventFactory' { during Observe(P.GlobalEvent($selector, $eventType, _)) spawn named ['GlobalEvent', selector, eventType] { let sender = Dataspace.wrapExternal((e) => { ^ P.GlobalEvent(selector, eventType, e); }); function handler(event) { sender(event); return dealWithPreventDefault(eventType, event); } function updateEventListeners(install) { selectorMatch(document, selector).forEach( eventUpdater(cleanEventType(eventType), handler, install)); } on start updateEventListeners(true); on stop updateEventListeners(false); on asserted P.UIFragmentVersion($_i, $_v) updateEventListeners(true); // TODO: don't be so crude about this ^. On the one hand, this // lets us ignore UIFragmentVersion records coming and going; on // the other hand, we do potentially a lot of redundant work. } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'WindowEventFactory' { during Observe(P.WindowEvent($eventType, _)) spawn named ['WindowEvent', eventType] { let sender = Dataspace.wrapExternal((e) => { ^ P.WindowEvent(eventType, e); }); let handler = function (event) { sender(event); return dealWithPreventDefault(eventType, event); } function updateEventListeners(install) { if (install) { window.addEventListener(cleanEventType(eventType), handler); } else { window.removeEventListener(cleanEventType(eventType), handler); } } on start updateEventListeners(true); on stop updateEventListeners(false); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'UIFragmentFactory' { during P.UIFragment($fragmentId, _, _, _) spawn named ['UIFragment', fragmentId] { field this.version = 0; let selector, html, orderBy; let anchorNodes = []; let eventRegistrations = {}; // ^ Map from (Map of selector/eventType) to closure. assert P.UIFragmentVersion(fragmentId, this.version) when (this.version > 0); on stop removeNodes(); during Observe(P.UIEvent(fragmentId, $selector, $eventType, _)) { on start updateEventListeners({ selector, eventType }, true); on stop updateEventListeners({ selector, eventType }, false); } on asserted P.UIFragment(fragmentId, $newSelector, $newHtml, $newOrderBy) { removeNodes(); selector = newSelector; html = newHtml; orderBy = newOrderBy; anchorNodes = (selector !== null) ? selectorMatch(document, selector) : []; anchorNodes.forEach((anchorNode) => { let insertionPoint = findInsertionPoint(anchorNode, orderBy, fragmentId); htmlToNodes(anchorNode, html).forEach((newNode) => { setSortKey(newNode, orderBy, fragmentId); anchorNode.insertBefore(newNode, insertionPoint); configureNode(newNode); }); }); for (let key in eventRegistrations) { updateEventListeners(JSON.parse(key), true); // (re)install event listeners } this.version++; } function removeNodes() { anchorNodes.forEach((anchorNode) => { let insertionPoint = findInsertionPoint(anchorNode, orderBy, fragmentId); while (1) { let n = insertionPoint ? insertionPoint.previousSibling : anchorNode.lastChild; if (!(n && hasSortKey(n, orderBy, fragmentId))) break; n.parentNode.removeChild(n); // auto-updates previousSibling/lastChild } }); } function updateEventListeners(c, install) { let key = JSON.stringify(c); // c is of the form { selector: ..., eventType: ... } let handlerClosure; if (!(key in eventRegistrations)) { let sender = Dataspace.wrapExternal((e) => { ^ P.UIEvent(fragmentId, c.selector, c.eventType, e); }); function handler(event) { sender(event); return dealWithPreventDefault(c.eventType, event); } eventRegistrations[key] = handler; handlerClosure = handler; } else { handlerClosure = eventRegistrations[key]; } anchorNodes.forEach((anchorNode) => { let insertionPoint = findInsertionPoint(anchorNode, orderBy, fragmentId); while (1) { let uiNode = insertionPoint ? insertionPoint.previousSibling : anchorNode.lastChild; if (!(uiNode && hasSortKey(uiNode, orderBy, fragmentId))) break; if ('querySelectorAll' in uiNode) { selectorMatch(uiNode, c.selector).forEach( eventUpdater(cleanEventType(c.eventType), handlerClosure, install)); } insertionPoint = uiNode; } }); if (!install) { delete eventRegistrations[key]; } } } } const SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY = '__syndicate_sort_key'; function setSortKey(n, orderBy, fragmentId) { let v = JSON.stringify([orderBy, fragmentId]); if ('dataset' in n) { // html element nodes etc. n.dataset[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY] = v; } else { // text nodes, svg nodes, etc etc. n[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY] = v; } } function getSortKey(n) { if ('dataset' in n && n.dataset[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY]) { return JSON.parse(n.dataset[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY]); } if (n[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY]) { return JSON.parse(n[SYNDICATE_SORT_KEY]); } return null; } function hasSortKey(n, orderBy, fragmentId) { let v = getSortKey(n); if (!v) return false; if (v[0] !== orderBy) return false; if (v[1] !== fragmentId) return false; return true; } function firstChildNodeIndex_withSortKey(n) { for (let i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) { if (getSortKey(n.childNodes[i])) return i; } return n.childNodes.length; } // If *no* nodes have a sort key, returns a value that yields an empty // range in conjunction with firstChildNodeIndex_withSortKey. function lastChildNodeIndex_withSortKey(n) { for (let i = n.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (getSortKey(n.childNodes[i])) return i; } return n.childNodes.length - 1; } function isGreaterThan(a, b) { if (typeof a > typeof b) return true; if (typeof a < typeof b) return false; return a > b; } function findInsertionPoint(n, orderBy, fragmentId) { let lo = firstChildNodeIndex_withSortKey(n); let hi = lastChildNodeIndex_withSortKey(n) + 1; // lo <= hi, and [lo, hi) have sort keys. while (lo < hi) { // when lo === hi, there's nothing more to examine. let probe = (lo + hi) >> 1; let probeSortKey = getSortKey(n.childNodes[probe]); if ((isGreaterThan(probeSortKey[0], orderBy)) || ((probeSortKey[0] === orderBy) && (probeSortKey[1] > fragmentId))) { hi = probe; } else { lo = probe + 1; } } // lo === hi now. if (lo < n.childNodes.length) { return n.childNodes[lo]; } else { return null; } } function htmlToNodes(parent, html) { let e = parent.cloneNode(false); e.innerHTML = H.htmlToString(html); return Array.prototype.slice.call(e.childNodes); } function configureNode(n) { // Runs post-insertion configuration of nodes. // TODO: review this design. selectorMatch(n, '.-syndicate-focus').forEach(function (n) { if ('focus' in n && 'setSelectionRange' in n) { n.focus(); n.setSelectionRange(n.value.length, n.value.length); } }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'UIAttributeFactory' { during P.UIAttribute($selector, $attribute, $value) spawn named ['UIAttribute', selector, attribute, value] { _attributeLike.call(this, selector, attribute, value, 'attribute'); } } spawn named 'UIPropertyFactory' { during P.UIProperty($selector, $property, $value) spawn named ['UIProperty', selector, property, value] { _attributeLike.call(this, selector, property, value, 'property'); } } function _attributeLike(selector, key, value, kind) { let savedValues = []; // ^ Array of {node: DOMNode, value: (U Null String)}, // when attribute !== 'class' or kind !== 'attribute'. // ^ Array of {node: DOMNode}, // when attribute === 'class' and kind === 'attribute'. selectorMatch(document, selector).forEach((node) => { switch (kind) { case 'attribute': if (key === 'class') { // Deliberately maintains duplicates, so we don't interfere // with potential other UIAttribute instances on the same // objects for the same attribute. See also // restoreSavedValues. let existing = splitClassValue(node.getAttribute('class')); let toAdd = splitClassValue(value); savedValues.push({node: node}); node.SetAttribute('class', existing.concat(toAdd).join(' ')); } else { savedValues.push({node: node, value: node.getAttribute(key)}); node.SetAttribute(key, value); } break; case 'property': savedValues.push({node: node, value: node[key]}); node[key] = value; break; } }); on stop { savedValues.forEach((entry) => { switch (kind) { case 'attribute': if (key === 'class') { let existing = splitClassValue(entry.node.getAttribute('class')); let toRemove = splitClassValue(value); toRemove.forEach(function (v) { let i = existing.indexOf(v); if (i !== -1) { existing.splice(i, 1); } }); if (existing.length === 0) { entry.node.RemoveAttribute('class'); } else { entry.node.SetAttribute('class', existing.join(' ')); } } else { if (entry.value === null) { entry.node.RemoveAttribute(key); } else { entry.node.SetAttribute(key, entry.value); } } break; case 'property': if (typeof entry.value === 'undefined') { delete entry.node[key]; } else { entry.node[key] = entry.value; } break; } }); savedValues = []; } }; function splitClassValue(v) { v = (v || '').trim(); return v ? v.split(/ +/) : []; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function escapeDataAttributeName(s) { // Per https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset, // the rules seem to be: // // 1. Must not contain a dash immediately followed by an ASCII lowercase letter // 2. Must not contain anything other than: // - letters // - numbers // - dash, dot, colon, underscore // // I'm not implementing this exactly - I'm escaping some things that // don't absolutely need escaping, because it's simpler and I don't // yet need to undo this transformation. if (typeof s !== 'string') { s = JSON.stringify(s); } let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { let c = s[i]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { result = result + c; continue; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { result = result + c; continue; } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { result = result + c; continue; } if (c === '.' || c === ':') { result = result + c; continue; } c = c.charCodeAt(0); result = result + '_' + c + '_'; } return result; } function dealWithPreventDefault(eventType, event) { let shouldPreventDefault = eventType.charAt(0) !== '+'; if (shouldPreventDefault) event.preventDefault(); return !shouldPreventDefault; } function cleanEventType(eventType) { return (eventType.charAt(0) === '+') ? eventType.slice(1) : eventType; } function selectorMatch(n, selector) { if (n && typeof n === 'object' && 'querySelectorAll' in n) { if (selector === '.') { return [n]; } else { return Array.prototype.slice.call(n.querySelectorAll(selector)); } } else { return []; } } function eventUpdater(eventType, handlerClosure, install) { return function (n) { // addEventListener and removeEventListener are idempotent. if (install) { n.addEventListener(eventType, handlerClosure); } else { n.removeEventListener(eventType, handlerClosure); } }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// export class Anchor { constructor(options) { options = Object.assign({ fragmentId: void 0 }, options); this.fragmentId = (typeof options.fragmentId === 'undefined') ? newFragmentId() : options.fragmentId; } context(...pieces) { let extn = pieces.map(escapeDataAttributeName).join('__'); return new Anchor({ fragmentId: this.fragmentId + '__' + extn }); } html(selector, html, orderBy) { return P.UIFragment(this.fragmentId, selector, html, orderBy === void 0 ? null : orderBy); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'LocationHashTracker' { field this.hashValue = '/'; assert P.LocationHash(this.hashValue); let handlerClosure = Dataspace.wrapExternal((_e) => loadHash.call(this)); on start { loadHash.call(this); window.addEventListener('hashchange', handlerClosure); } on stop { window.removeEventListener('hashchange', handlerClosure); } on message P.SetLocationHash($newHash) { window.location.hash = newHash; } function loadHash() { var h = window.location.hash; if (h.length && h[0] === '#') { h = h.slice(1); } this.hashValue = h || '/'; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// spawn named 'AttributeUpdater' { on message P.SetAttribute($s, $k, $v) update(s, (n) => n.setAttribute(k, v)); on message P.RemoveAttribute($s, $k) update(s, (n) => n.removeAttribute(k)); on message P.SetProperty($s, $k, $v) update(s, (n) => { n[k] = v }); on message P.RemoveProperty($s, $k) update(s, (n) => { delete n[k]; }); function update(selector, nodeUpdater) { selectorMatch(document, selector).forEach(nodeUpdater); } }