"use strict"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/core, an implementation of Syndicate dataspaces for JS. // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const chai = require('chai'); const expect = chai.expect; chai.use(require('chai-immutable')); const Immutable = require('immutable'); const Syndicate = require('../src/index.js'); const Skeleton = Syndicate.Skeleton; const Struct = Syndicate.Struct; const __ = Syndicate.__; const _$ = Syndicate._$; const Event = Struct.makeConstructor('Event', ['label', 'type', 'values']); function eventCallback(traceHolder, label) { return (e, vs) => { traceHolder.push(Event(label, e, vs)) }; } function skeletonTrace(f) { let traceHolder = { trace: Immutable.List(), push: function (e) { this.trace = this.trace.push(e); } }; let i = new Skeleton.Index(); f(i, traceHolder); return traceHolder.trace; } function _analyzeAssertion(a) { return Skeleton.analyzeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(a)); } describe('skeleton', () => { const A = Struct.makeConstructor('A', ['x', 'y']); const B = Struct.makeConstructor('B', ['v']); const C = Struct.makeConstructor('C', ['v']); describe('pattern analysis', () => { it('should handle leaf captures', () => { expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion(A(B(_$), _$)))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [A.meta, [B.meta, null], null], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS([]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0, 0], [1]])})); }); it('should handle atomic constants', () => { expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion(A(B("x"), _$)))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [A.meta, [B.meta, null], null], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0, 0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS(["x"]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1]])})); }); it('should handle complex constants (1)', () => { // Marker: (***) // Really this comes about when compiled code has no static // visibility into the value of a constant, and that constant // will end up being complex at runtime. We can't properly test // that situation without the static analysis half of the code. // TODO later. let complexPlaceholder = new Object(); expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion(A(complexPlaceholder, C(_$))))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [A.meta, null, [C.meta, null]], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS([complexPlaceholder]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1, 0]])})); }); it('should handle complex constants (2)', () => { // Marker: (***) // Really this comes about when compiled code has no static // visibility into the value of a constant, and that constant // will end up being complex at runtime. We can't properly test // that situation without the static analysis half of the code. // TODO later. expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion(A(B(B("y")), _$("rhs", C(__)))))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [A.meta, [B.meta, [B.meta, null]], [C.meta, null]], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0, 0, 0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS(["y"]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1]])})); }); it('should handle list patterns with discards', () => { expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion([__, __]))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [2, null, null], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS([]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([])})); }); it('should handle list patterns with constants and captures', () => { expect(Immutable.fromJS(_analyzeAssertion(["hi", _$, _$]))) .to.equal(Immutable.fromJS({skeleton: [3, null, null, null], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS(["hi"]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1],[2]])})); }); }); describe('nested structs', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion(A(B(_$), _$)), eventCallback(traceHolder, "AB")); i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion(A(B("x"), _$)), eventCallback(traceHolder, "ABx")); let complexConstantPattern1 = {skeleton: [A.meta, null, [C.meta, null]], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS([B("y")]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1, 0]])}; // ^ See comment in 'should handle complex constants (1)' test above (marked (***)). i.addHandler(complexConstantPattern1, eventCallback(traceHolder, "AByC")); let complexConstantPattern2 = {skeleton: [A.meta, [B.meta, null], [C.meta, null]], constPaths: Immutable.fromJS([[0, 0]]), constVals: Immutable.fromJS([B("y")]), capturePaths: Immutable.fromJS([[1]])}; i.addHandler(complexConstantPattern2, eventCallback(traceHolder, "ABByC")); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(A(B("x"),C(1)))); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(A(B("y"),C(2)))); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(A(B(B("y")),C(2)))); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(A(B("z"),C(3)))); }); // trace.forEach((e) => { console.log(e.toString()) }); expect(trace) .to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("AB", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, ["x", C(1)]), Event("ABx", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [C(1)]), Event("AB", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, ["y", C(2)]), Event("AByC", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [2]), Event("AB", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [B("y"), C(2)]), Event("ABByC", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [C(2)]), Event("AB", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, ["z", C(3)])])); }); describe('simple detail-erasing trace', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion([__, __]), eventCallback(traceHolder, "2-EVENT")); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 234])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 234])); }); it('should have one add and one remove', () => { expect(trace) .to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("2-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, []), Event("2-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [])])); }); }); describe('handler added after assertion (1)', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion(["hi", _$, _$]), eventCallback(traceHolder, "X")); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); }); it('should get two events', () => { expect(trace).to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("X", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [123, 234]), Event("X", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [123, 234])])); }); }); describe('handler added after assertion (2)', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion(_$), eventCallback(traceHolder, "X")); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); }); it('should get two events', () => { expect(trace).to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("X", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [["hi", 123, 234]]), Event("X", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [["hi", 123, 234]])])); }); }); describe('handler removed before assertion removed', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); let h = _analyzeAssertion(["hi", _$, _$]); h.callback = eventCallback(traceHolder, "X") i.addHandler(h, h.callback); i.removeHandler(h, h.callback); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); }); it('should get one event', () => { expect(trace).to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("X", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [123, 234])])); }); }); describe('simple list assertions trace', () => { let trace = skeletonTrace((i, traceHolder) => { i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion(["hi", _$, _$]), eventCallback(traceHolder, "3-EVENT")); i.addHandler(_analyzeAssertion([__, __]), eventCallback(traceHolder, "2-EVENT")); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 999, 999])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.sendMessage(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 303])); i.sendMessage(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 303, 404])); i.sendMessage(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 303, 404, 808])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 999, 999])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123, 234])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.addAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 234])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 123])); i.removeAssertion(Immutable.fromJS(["hi", 234])); }); it('should have 8 entries', () => { expect(trace.size).to.equal(8); }); it('should have a correct 3-EVENT subtrace', () => { expect(trace.filter((e) => { return e[0] === "3-EVENT"; })) .to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("3-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [123, 234]), Event("3-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, [999, 999]), Event("3-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_MESSAGE, [303, 404]), Event("3-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [999, 999]), Event("3-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [123, 234])])); }); it('should have a correct 2-EVENT subtrace', () => { expect(trace.filter((e) => { return e[0] === "2-EVENT"; })) .to.equal(Immutable.List([ Event("2-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED, []), Event("2-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_MESSAGE, []), Event("2-EVENT", Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED, [])])); }); }); });