//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/driver-streams-node, Stream support for Syndicate/js // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { currentFacet, Observe, Dataspace, genUuid, Bytes, Map, } from "@syndicate-lang/core"; const stream = require('stream'); assertion type IncomingConnection(id, spec); assertion type OutgoingConnection(id, spec); message type ConnectionAccepted(id); // for both incoming and outgoing connections message type ConnectionRejected(id, err); // for both incoming and outgoing connections // Each `chunk` to/from a stream in BINARY mode must be either a // String or a Uint8Array (or Buffer). Any `chunk` may be empty // (zero-length). A `chunk` must NEVER be `null`. // // Each `chunk` to/from a stream in OBJECT mode may be any value // except `null`. // // Each `ack`, if non-`null`, is an acknowledgement MESSAGE to be sent // when the corresponding chunk is completely processed. // Interest in StreamInfo is non-creative assertion type StreamInfo(id, kind, stream); // kind ∈ "Readable", "Writable", "Duplex" // Framing knowledge; interest in these is creative assertion type Readable(id) = Symbol.for('stream-readable'); assertion type Writable(id) = Symbol.for('stream-writable'); assertion type Duplex(id) = Symbol.for('stream-duplex'); message type Error(id, detail) = Symbol.for('stream-error'); // From Readable: message type Data(id, chunk) = Symbol.for('stream-data'); assertion type End(id) = Symbol.for('stream-end'); // if no interest in this, frame torn down at end assertion type DataReady(id) = Symbol.for('stream-data-ready'); // To Writable: message type Push(id, chunk, ack) = Symbol.for('stream-push'); assertion type Close(id, ack) = Symbol.for('stream-close'); // From Writable: assertion type BackPressure(readableId, writableId) = Symbol.for('stream-back-pressure'); message type Window(writableId, seqno, amount) = Symbol.for('stream-credit'); // To Readable: message type Pushback(id, chunk) = Symbol.for('stream-pushback'); // Readable output adapter: (TODO: move to separate module?) message type Line(id, line) = Symbol.for('stream-line'); export { IncomingConnection, OutgoingConnection, ConnectionAccepted, ConnectionRejected, StreamInfo, Readable, Writable, Duplex, Error, Data, End, DataReady, Push, Close, BackPressure, Window, Pushback, Line, }; const READING_STOPPED = 1; const WRITING_STOPPED = 2; function _commonStreamBehaviour(s, stopBits) { on stop try { s.destroy(); } catch (_err) {} field this.stopBits = stopBits; stop on (this.stopBits === (READING_STOPPED + WRITING_STOPPED)); s.on('error', Dataspace.wrapExternal((err) => { if (err.errno !== 'ECONNRESET') { // TODO: is this really something that should be here? // Parameterize error handling for different streams?? console.error(err); } currentFacet().stop(); })); s.on('close', Dataspace.wrapExternal((err) => { currentFacet().stop(); })); } function _readableStreamBehaviour(id, s) { const objectMode = s.objectMode || s.readableObjectMode || false; field this.endMonitorExists = false; during Observe(End(id)) { on start this.endMonitorExists = true; on stop this.endMonitorExists = false; } s.on('end', Dataspace.wrapExternal(() => { if (this.endMonitorExists) { react { assert End(id); stop on (!this.endMonitorExists) { this.stopBits |= READING_STOPPED; } } } else { this.stopBits |= READING_STOPPED; } })); on message Pushback(id, $chunk) s.unshift(chunk); field this.outboundWindows = Map(); during BackPressure(id, $writable) { on asserted Window(writable, $seqno, $amount) { // Attend to `seqno` to allow otherwise-noop changes to // refresh the outboundWindow size. this.outboundWindows = this.outboundWindows.set(writable, amount); } on retracted Window(writable, _, _) { this.outboundWindows = this.outboundWindows.remove(writable); } } field this.outboundWindow = null; dataflow { const min = this.outboundWindows.min(); this.outboundWindow = (min === void 0) ? null : Math.max(0, min); } field this.readable = false; s.on('readable', Dataspace.wrapExternal(() => { this.readable = true; })); assert DataReady(id) when (this.readable); during Observe(Data(id, _)) { dataflow { while (this.readable && (this.outboundWindow === null || this.outboundWindow > 0)) { const maxlen = (this.outboundWindow === null) ? void 0 : Math.min(s.readableLength, this.outboundWindow); const chunk = s.read(maxlen); if (chunk === null) { this.readable = false; } else { const amount = objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; // This is the adjustment that forces us to pay attention to seqno: this.outboundWindows = this.outboundWindows.mapEntries(([t, c]) => [t, c - amount]); if (this.outboundWindow !== null) this.outboundWindow -= amount; send Data(id, chunk); } } } } } function _writableStreamBehaviour(id, s) { const objectMode = s.objectMode || s.writableObjectMode || false; const refreshWindow = () => { this.seqno++; return Math.max(0, s.writableHighWaterMark - s.writableLength); } field this.seqno = 0; field this.inboundWindow = refreshWindow(); during Observe(Window(id, _, _)) assert Window(id, this.seqno, this.inboundWindow); s.on('drain', Dataspace.wrapExternal(() => { this.inboundWindow = refreshWindow(); })); const callbackFor = (k) => (k === null ? void 0 : Dataspace.wrapExternal(() => { send k; })); on message Push(id, $chunk, $ack) { s.write(objectMode ? chunk : Bytes.toIO(chunk), callbackFor(ack)); this.inboundWindow = refreshWindow(); } on message Close(id, $ack) { s.end(callbackFor(ack)); this.inboundWindow = refreshWindow(); } } export function readableStreamBehaviour(id, s) { (function () { assert StreamInfo(id, "Readable", s); assert Readable(id); stop on retracted Observe(Readable(id)); _commonStreamBehaviour.call(this, s, WRITING_STOPPED); _readableStreamBehaviour.call(this, id, s); }).call(currentFacet().fields); } export function writableStreamBehaviour(id, s) { (function () { assert StreamInfo(id, "Writable", s); assert Writable(id); stop on retracted Observe(Writable(id)); _commonStreamBehaviour.call(this, s, READING_STOPPED); _writableStreamBehaviour.call(this, id, s); }).call(currentFacet().fields); } export function duplexStreamBehaviour(id, s) { (function () { assert StreamInfo(id, "Duplex", s); assert Duplex(id); stop on retracted Observe(Duplex(id)); _commonStreamBehaviour.call(this, s, 0); _readableStreamBehaviour.call(this, id, s); _writableStreamBehaviour.call(this, id, s); }).call(currentFacet().fields); } spawn named 'driver/stream-line' { during Observe(Line($id, _)) spawn named ['LineReader', id] { field this.buffer = Bytes(); on message Data(id, $data) this.buffer = Bytes.concat([this.buffer, data]); dataflow { const pos = this.buffer.indexOf(10); if (pos !== -1) { const line = this.buffer.slice(0, pos); this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(pos + 1); send Line(id, line); } } } } export function spawnConnection(id, spec, s) { spawn named ['IncomingConnection', id, spec] { assert IncomingConnection(id, spec); stop on retracted Observe(IncomingConnection(_, spec)) s.destroy(); stop on message ConnectionRejected(id, $err) s.destroy(err); stop on asserted Observe(Duplex(id)) react duplexStreamBehaviour(id, s); stop on message ConnectionAccepted(id) react duplexStreamBehaviour(id, s); } }