import { AnyValue, Ref } from './actor.js'; import { Pattern, fromPattern } from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js'; import * as P from './pattern.js'; import { Value, RecordConstructorInfo, stringify, is } from '@preserves/core'; import { Meta } from '@preserves/schema'; export type DefinitionOrVariantInfo = { schema: Value, imports: unknown, definitionName: symbol, }; export type QuasiValueConstructorInfo = | { constructorInfo: RecordConstructorInfo } | { schema(): DefinitionOrVariantInfo } | { quasiValue(... args: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue } ; export type QuasiValue = | { type: 'bind', inner: QuasiValue } | { type: 'discard' } | { type: 'lit', value: AnyValue } | { type: 'rec', label: AnyValue, items: QuasiValue[] } | { type: 'arr', items: QuasiValue[] } | { type: 'dict', entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][] } | { type: 'unquote', unquoted: QuasiValue } ; export function bind(p?: QuasiValue): QuasiValue { return { type: 'bind', inner: p ?? _ }; } bind.quasiValue = (inner: QuasiValue) => rec(Symbol.for('bind'), inner); export function discard(): QuasiValue { return { type: 'discard' }; } discard.quasiValue = () => rec(Symbol.for('_')); export const _ = discard(); export function lit(value: AnyValue): QuasiValue { return { type: 'lit', value }; } lit.quasiValue = (q: QuasiValue) => rec(Symbol.for('lit'), q); export function rec(label: AnyValue, ... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue { return { type: 'rec', label, items }; } export function arr(... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue { return { type: 'arr', items }; } export function dict(... entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][]): QuasiValue { return { type: 'dict', entries }; } export function quote(quoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue { switch (quoted.type) { case 'bind': return quote(bind.quasiValue(quoted.inner)); case 'discard': return quote(discard.quasiValue()); case 'lit': return rec(Symbol.for('lit'), lit(quoted.value)); case 'arr': return rec( Symbol.for('compound'), rec(Symbol.for('arr'), lit(quoted.items.length)), dict(..., i) => [i, quote(qq)] as [AnyValue, QuasiValue]))); case 'rec': return rec( Symbol.for('compound'), rec(Symbol.for('rec'), lit(quoted.label), lit(quoted.items.length)), dict(..., i) => [i, quote(qq)] as [AnyValue, QuasiValue]))); case 'dict': return rec( Symbol.for('compound'), rec(Symbol.for('dict')), dict(...[k, qq]) => [k, quote(qq)] as [AnyValue, QuasiValue]))); case 'unquote': return quoted.unquoted; } } export function unquote(unquoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue { return { type: 'unquote', unquoted }; } export function ctor(info: QuasiValueConstructorInfo, ... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue { if ('constructorInfo' in info) { return rec(info.constructorInfo.label, ... items); } else if ('schema' in info) { const definfo = info.schema(); const schema = Meta.asSchema(definfo.schema); const def = schema.definitions.get(definfo.definitionName)!; const defNameStr = definfo.definitionName.description!; const ctorArgs = items.slice(); function qLiteral(p: Meta.NamedPattern): AnyValue { if (p._variant === 'anonymous' && p.value._variant === 'SimplePattern' && p.value.value._variant === 'lit') { return p.value.value.value as AnyValue; // TODO ughhhh!! } if (p._variant === 'named') { const qv = qLookup(p.value); if (qv.type === 'lit') { return qv.value; } } throw new Error("Only very simple record labels are supported"); } function qNamed(p: Meta.NamedPattern): QuasiValue { switch (p._variant) { case 'anonymous': return qPattern(p.value); case 'named': return qLookup(p.value); } } function qNamedSimple(p: Meta.NamedSimplePattern): QuasiValue { switch (p._variant) { case 'anonymous': return qSimple(p.value); case 'named': return qLookup(p.value); } } function qLookup(b: Meta.Binding): QuasiValue { if (ctorArgs.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Missing dictionary argument to ${defNameStr}`); } const d = ctorArgs[0]; if (d.type !== 'dict') { throw new Error(`Dictionary argument needed to ${defNameStr}`); } for (const [k, p] of d.entries) { if (is(k,!)) { return p; } } throw new Error(`Missing named parameter ${stringify(!)} to ${defNameStr}`); } function qPattern(p: Meta.Pattern): QuasiValue { switch (p._variant) { case 'SimplePattern': return qSimple(p.value); case 'CompoundPattern': return qCompound(p.value); } } function qSimple(p: Meta.SimplePattern): QuasiValue { switch (p._variant) { case 'lit': return lit(p.value as AnyValue); // TODO: hate this cast case 'any': case 'atom': case 'embedded': case 'seqof': case 'setof': case 'dictof': case 'Ref': throw new Error("Cannot synthesize value for simple pattern"); } } function qCompound(p: Meta.CompoundPattern): QuasiValue { switch (p._variant) { case 'rec': switch (p.fields._variant) { case 'named': return rec(qLiteral(p.label), ... qArr(qLookup(p.fields.value))); case 'anonymous': return rec(qLiteral(p.label), ... qArr(qPattern(p.fields.value))); } case 'tuple': return arr(...; case 'tuplePrefix': throw new Error("Cannot use tuplePrefix pattern as dataspace pattern"); case 'dict': { const entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][] = []; p.entries.forEach((pp, k) => entries.push([k as AnyValue, // TODO ugh!! qNamedSimple(pp)])); return dict(... entries); } } } function qArr(q: QuasiValue): QuasiValue[] { if (q.type !== 'arr') { throw new Error("Array of quasivalues needed"); } return q.items; } switch (def._variant) { case 'or': throw new Error("Cannot use union definition as pattern"); case 'and': throw new Error("Cannot use intersection definition as pattern"); case 'Pattern': { const p = def.value; switch (p._variant) { case 'SimplePattern': { if (ctorArgs.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Missing argument to ${defNameStr}`); } return ctorArgs[0]; } case 'CompoundPattern': return qCompound(p.value); } } } } else if ('quasiValue' in info) { return info.quasiValue(... items); } else { ((_i: never) => { throw new Error("INTERNAL ERROR"); })(info); } } export function finish(q: QuasiValue): Pattern { // console.log('--------------------------'); // console.log(require('util').inspect(q, {depth: null})); const p = walk(q); // console.log(stringify(fromPattern(p))) return p; } function walk(q: QuasiValue): Pattern { switch (q.type) { case 'bind': return P.bind(walk(q.inner)); case 'discard': return P._; case 'lit': return P.lit(q.value); case 'arr': return P.arr(...; case 'rec': return P.rec(q.label, ...; case 'dict': return P.dict(... ([k, qq]) => [k, walk(qq)] as [AnyValue, Pattern])); case 'unquote': throw new Error('Unexpected unquote in QuasiValue'); } }