//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/syntax, a translator of Syndicate extensions to JS. // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { declare } from "@babel/helper-plugin-utils"; import { types as t } from "@babel/core"; import { cloneDeep } from "@babel/types"; import template from "@babel/template"; import traverse from "@babel/traverse"; function maybeTerminalWrap(state, terminal, ast) { if (terminal) { return template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().stop(() => { AST })`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, AST: ast }); } else { return ast; } } function isCaptureIdentifier(node) { return t.isIdentifier(node) && (node.name[0] === '$') && (node.name.length > 1); } function hasCapturesOrDiscards(nodePath) { var result = false; nodePath.traverse({ enter(path) { if (isCaptureIdentifier(path.node)) { result = true; path.stop(); } else if (t.isIdentifier(path.node) && (path.node.name === '_')) { result = true; path.stop(); } } }); return result; } const _discardAst = template.expression(`DATASPACE.__`, { placeholderPattern: /^[A-Z]+$/ }); function discardAst(state) { return _discardAst({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID }); } const _listAst = template.expression(`IMMUTABLE.List(VS)`); function listAst(state, vs) { return _listAst({ IMMUTABLE: state.ImmutableID, VS: vs }); } function captureWrap(state, idNode, ast) { return template.expression(`SYNDICATE._$(NAME, PATTERN)`, { placeholderPattern: /^[A-Z]+$/ })({ SYNDICATE: state.SyndicateID, NAME: t.stringLiteral(idNode.name.slice(1)), PATTERN: ast }); } function astifySyndicatePath(state, a) { if (typeof a === 'number') { return t.numericLiteral(a); } else if (Array.isArray(a)) { return listAst(state, t.arrayExpression(a.map((aa) => astifySyndicatePath(state, aa)))); } else { throw new Error("Cannot astify ostensible Syndicate path: " + a); } } function compilePattern(state, patternPath) { let constPaths = []; let constVals = []; let capturePaths = []; let captureNames = []; let syndicatePath = []; function pushCapture(idNode) { capturePaths.push(syndicatePath.slice()); captureNames.push(idNode.name.slice(1)); } function pushConstant(node) { constPaths.push(syndicatePath.slice()); constVals.push(node); } function walk(patternPath) { let pattern = patternPath.node; switch (pattern.type) { case 'CallExpression': if (isCaptureIdentifier(pattern.callee) && (pattern.arguments.length === 1)) { // It's a capture with a nested subpattern. pushCapture(pattern.callee); let [s, a] = walk(patternPath.get('arguments.0')); return [s, captureWrap(state, pattern.callee, a)]; } else { // It's a regular call. If there are nested captures or // discards, this indicates the programmer believes it to be // a constructor, in which case it should contribute to the // skeleton, otherwise the programmer believes it to be a // constant, in which case it should contribute to // constPaths/constVals. if (hasCapturesOrDiscards(patternPath)) { let arity = pattern.arguments.length; let skel = [t.memberExpression(pattern.callee, t.identifier('meta'), false, false)]; let assn = []; for (let i = 0; i < arity; i++) { syndicatePath.push(i); let [s, a] = walk(patternPath.get('arguments.' + i)); skel.push(s); assn.push(a); syndicatePath.pop(); } return [t.arrayExpression(skel), t.callExpression(pattern.callee, assn)]; } else { pushConstant(pattern); return [t.nullLiteral(), pattern]; } } case 'Identifier': if (pattern.name === '_') { // do nothing -- this is a discard return [t.nullLiteral(), discardAst(state)]; } else if (isCaptureIdentifier(pattern)) { pushCapture(pattern); return [t.nullLiteral(), captureWrap(state, pattern, discardAst(state))]; } else { pushConstant(pattern); return [t.nullLiteral(), pattern]; } default: console.error('Unsupported pattern node type', pattern); pushConstant(pattern); return [t.nullLiteral(), pattern]; } } let [skeleton, assertion] = walk(patternPath); return { skeletonAst: skeleton, constPathsAst: astifySyndicatePath(state, constPaths), constValsAst: listAst(state, t.arrayExpression(constVals)), capturePathsAst: astifySyndicatePath(state, capturePaths), captureNames: captureNames, assertionAst: template.expression(`SYNDICATE.Observe(ASSERTION)`)({ SYNDICATE: state.SyndicateID, ASSERTION: assertion }), }; } function translateEndpoint(state, path, expectedEvt) { const { node } = path; let info = compilePattern(state, path.get('pattern')); let _evt = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("evt"); let _vs = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("vs"); path.replaceWith(template( `DATASPACE.currentFacet().addEndpoint(function () { let HANDLER = { skeleton: SKELETON, constPaths: CONSTPATHS, constVals: CONSTVALS, capturePaths: CAPTUREPATHS, callback: DATASPACE.wrap((EVT, VS) => { if (EVT === EXPECTED) { INITS; DATASPACE.currentFacet().actor.scheduleScript(() => { BODY; }); } }) }; return [ASSERTION, HANDLER]; });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, HANDLER: path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("handler"), SKELETON: info.skeletonAst, CONSTPATHS: info.constPathsAst, CONSTVALS: info.constValsAst, CAPTUREPATHS: info.capturePathsAst, EVT: _evt, EXPECTED: expectedEvt, VS: _vs, INITS: info.captureNames.map((n, i) => template(`let N = VS.get(I);`)({ N: t.identifier(n), VS: _vs, I: t.numericLiteral(i), })), BODY: maybeTerminalWrap(state, node.terminal, node.body), ASSERTION: info.assertionAst, })); } export default declare((api, options) => { api.assertVersion(7); return { manipulateOptions(opts, parserOpts) { parserOpts.plugins.push("syndicate"); }, visitor: { Program(path, state) { state.ImmutableID = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Immutable"); state.SyndicateID = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Syndicate"); state.DataspaceID = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Dataspace"); state.SkeletonID = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Skeleton"); state.StructID = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Struct"); path.unshiftContainer( 'body', template(`const SYNDICATE = require("@syndicate-lang/core"); const IMMUTABLE = SYNDICATE.Immutable; const DATASPACE = SYNDICATE.Dataspace; const SKELETON = SYNDICATE.Skeleton; const STRUCT = SYNDICATE.Struct;`)({ IMMUTABLE: state.ImmutableID, SYNDICATE: state.SyndicateID, DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, SKELETON: state.SkeletonID, STRUCT: state.StructID, })); }, SpawnStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.spawn(NAME, function () { BODY })`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, NAME: node.name || t.nullLiteral(), BODY: node.body })); }, DataspaceStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; let uid = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("ds"); // TODO: name! Also this is a ground DS not a nested one. FIXME path.replaceWith(template(`{ let DS = new DATASPACE(function () { BODY }); while (DS.runScripts()) ; }`)({ DS: uid, DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, // NAME: node.name || t.nullLiteral(), BODY: node.body })); }, FieldDeclarationStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; let prop = node.member.computed ? node.member.property : t.stringLiteral(node.member.property.name); path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.declareField(HOLDER, PROP, INIT);`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, HOLDER: node.member.object, PROP: prop, INIT: node.init || path.scope.buildUndefinedNode() })); }, AssertionEndpointStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; if (node.test) { path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().addEndpoint(function () { return (TEST) ? [TEMPLATE, null] : [void 0, null]; });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, TEST: node.test, TEMPLATE: node.template, })); } else { path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().addEndpoint(function () { return [TEMPLATE, null]; });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, TEMPLATE: node.template, })); } }, DataflowStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().addDataflow(function () { BODY });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, BODY: node.body, })); }, EventHandlerEndpoint(path, state) { const { node } = path; switch (node.triggerType) { case "dataflow": path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().addDataflow(function () { if (PATTERN) { BODY } });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, PATTERN: node.pattern, BODY: maybeTerminalWrap(state, node.terminal, node.body), })); break; case "asserted": translateEndpoint(state, path, state.SkeletonID.name + ".EVENT_ADDED"); break; case "retracted": translateEndpoint(state, path, state.SkeletonID.name + ".EVENT_REMOVED"); break; case "message": translateEndpoint(state, path, state.SkeletonID.name + ".EVENT_MESSAGE"); break; default: console.warn("UNHANDLED event handler endpoint triggerType " + node.triggerType); break; } }, PseudoEventHandler(path, state) { const { node } = path; if (node.triggerType === "start") { path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().actor.scheduleScript(() => { BODY; });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, BODY: node.body, })); } else { path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.currentFacet().addStopScript(function () { BODY; });`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, BODY: node.body, })); } }, SyndicateTypeDefinition(path, state) { const { node } = path; path.replaceWith(template(`const ID = STRUCT.makeConstructor(WIRE, FORMALS);`)({ ID: node.id, STRUCT: state.StructID, WIRE: node.wireName || t.stringLiteral(node.id.name), FORMALS: t.arrayExpression(node.formals.map((f) => t.stringLiteral(f.name))), })); }, MessageSendStatement(path, state) { const { node } = path; path.replaceWith(template(`DATASPACE.send(BODY);`)({ DATASPACE: state.DataspaceID, BODY: node.body })); }, }, }; });