/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2023 Tony Garnock-Jones import { IdentitySet, Value, embeddedId, is, fromJS, stringify, Dictionary } from '@preserves/core'; import { Cell, Field, Graph } from './dataflow.js'; import { Caveat, runRewrites } from './rewrite.js'; import { ActorSpace } from './space.js'; import type { ActionDescription, StructuredTask, TaskAction } from './task.js'; import { randomId } from './randomid.js'; export type AnyValue = Value; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ('stackTraceLimit' in Error) { Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; } export type Assertion = Value; export type Handle = number; export type ExitReason = null | { ok: true } | { ok: false, err: unknown }; export type LocalAction = () => void; export type DetailedAction = LocalAction & { detail: T }; export type Assertable = Assertion | { __as_preserve__: () => Value } | { __as_preserve__: () => Assertion }; export interface Entity { assert(assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): void; retract(handle: Handle): void; message(body: Assertion): void; sync(peer: Ref): void; data?: unknown; } export type Cap = Ref; export interface Ref { readonly relay: Facet; readonly target: Partial; readonly attenuation?: Caveat[]; } export class RefImpl implements Ref { readonly relay: Facet; readonly target: Partial; readonly attenuation?: Caveat[]; constructor(relay: Facet, target: Partial, attenuation?: Caveat[]) { this.relay = relay; this.target = target; this.attenuation = attenuation; } toString() { let entityRepr = '' + this.target; if (entityRepr === '[object Object]') { entityRepr = '#' + embeddedId(this.target); } let sig = ''; if ('assert' in this.target) sig = sig + 'A'; if ('retract' in this.target) sig = sig + 'R'; if ('message' in this.target) sig = sig + 'M'; if ('sync' in this.target) sig = sig + 'S'; return `⌜${this.relay.idChain()}<${sig}>${entityRepr}⌝`; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- export function isRef(v: any): v is Ref { return 'relay' in v && v.relay instanceof Facet && 'target' in v; } export function toRef(_v: any): Ref | undefined { return isRef(_v) ? _v : void 0; } export function assertionFrom(a: Assertable): Assertion { if (typeof a === 'object' && '__as_preserve__' in a) { return fromJS(a); } else { return a; } } type OutboundAssertion = { handle: Handle, peer: Ref, established: boolean }; type OutboundMap = Map; let nextActorId = 0; export const __setNextActorId = (v: number) => nextActorId = v; export type DataflowGraph = Graph; export type DataflowBlock = () => void; export class Actor { name: AnyValue = Symbol.for('A-' + randomId(16)); readonly space: ActorSpace; readonly root: Facet; _dataflowGraph: DataflowGraph | null = null; exitReason: ExitReason = null; readonly exitHooks: Array = []; static boot(bootProc: LocalAction, initialAssertions: OutboundMap = new Map()): Actor { const newActor = new Actor(new ActorSpace(), initialAssertions); newActor._boot(bootProc); return newActor; } static __unsafeNew(space: ActorSpace, initialAssertions: OutboundMap = new Map()) { return new Actor(space, initialAssertions); } private constructor(space: ActorSpace, initialAssertions: OutboundMap = new Map()) { this.space = space; this.root = new Facet(this, null, initialAssertions); if (!space.register(this)) { this._terminateWith({ ok: false, err: 'Spawned into shutdown ActorSpace' }); } } _boot(bootProc: LocalAction) { Turn.for(new Facet(this, this.root), stopIfInertAfter(bootProc)); } get dataflowGraph(): DataflowGraph { if (this._dataflowGraph === null) { this._dataflowGraph = new Graph((b: DataflowBlock) => '' + embeddedId(b), Cell.canonicalizer); } return this._dataflowGraph; } atExit(a: LocalAction): void { this.exitHooks.push(a); } _terminateWith(reason: Exclude) { if (this.exitReason !== null) return; this.exitReason = reason; if (!reason.ok) { console.error(`${this} crashed:`, reason.err); } this.exitHooks.forEach(hook => hook()); this.root._terminate(reason.ok); this.space.deregister(this); } repairDataflowGraph() { if (this._dataflowGraph === null) return; this._dataflowGraph.repairDamage(block => block()); } toString(): string { return `Actor(${stringify(this.name)})`; } } export class Facet { readonly id = nextActorId++; readonly actor: Actor; readonly parent: Facet | null; readonly children = new Set(); readonly outbound: OutboundMap; readonly shutdownActions: Array = []; // ^ shutdownActions are not exitHooks - those run even on error. These are for clean shutdown isLive = true; inertCheckPreventers = 0; constructor(actor: Actor, parent: Facet | null, initialAssertions: OutboundMap = new Map()) { this.actor = actor; this.parent = parent; if (parent) parent.children.add(this); this.outbound = initialAssertions; } turn(a: LocalAction) { Turn.for(this, a); } onStop(a: LocalAction): void { this.shutdownActions.push(a); } isInert(): boolean { const noKids = this.children.size === 0; const noOutboundHandles = this.outbound.size === 0; // The only outbound handle the root facet of an actor may have is a link // assertion, from _halfLink(). This is not to be considered a "real" // assertion for purposes of keeping the facet alive! const isRootFacet = this.parent === null; const noInertCheckPreventers = this.inertCheckPreventers === 0; return noKids && (noOutboundHandles || isRootFacet) && noInertCheckPreventers; } preventInertCheck(): () => void { let armed = true; this.inertCheckPreventers++; return () => { if (!armed) return; armed = false; this.inertCheckPreventers--; }; } _halfLink(other: Facet): void { const h = nextHandle++; const e = { handle: h, peer: { relay: other, target: new StopOnRetract() }, established: true }; this.outbound.set(h, e); } _terminate(orderly: boolean): void { if (!this.isLive) return; this.isLive = false; const parent = this.parent; if (parent) parent.children.delete(this); Turn.active._inFacet(this, () => { this.children.forEach(child => child._terminate(orderly)); if (orderly) { Turn.active._inFacet(parent ?? this, () => { this.shutdownActions.forEach(a => a()); }); } this.outbound.forEach(e => Turn.active._retract(e)); if (orderly) { if (parent) { if (parent.isInert()) { parent._terminate(true); } } else { this.actor._terminateWith({ ok: true }); } } }); } idChain(): string { let facetIds = []; for (let f: Facet | null = this; f !== null; f = f.parent) { facetIds.push(f.id); } return facetIds.reverse().join(':') + ':' + stringify(this.actor.name); } toString(): string { return `Facet(${this.idChain()})`; } } export class StopOnRetract implements Partial { retract(_handle: Handle): void { Turn.active.stop(); } } export function _sync_impl(e: Partial, peer: Ref): void { e.sync ? e.sync!(peer) : Turn.active.message(peer, true); } let nextHandle = 0; let nextTurnId = 0; export class Turn { static active: Turn = void 0 as unknown as Turn; static get activeFacet(): Facet { return Turn.active.activeFacet; } static ref>(e: T): Ref { return Turn.active.ref(e); } readonly id = nextTurnId++; _activeFacet: Facet; queues: Map[]> | null; static for(facet: Facet, f: LocalAction, zombieTurn = false): void { if (!zombieTurn) { if (facet.actor.exitReason !== null) return; if (!facet.isLive) return; } const t = new Turn(facet); try { const saved = Turn.active; Turn.active = t; try { f(); facet.actor.repairDataflowGraph(); } finally { Turn.active = saved; } t.deliver(); } catch (err) { Turn.for(facet.actor.root, () => facet.actor._terminateWith({ ok: false, err })); } } private constructor(facet: Facet, queues = new Map[]>()) { this._activeFacet = facet; this.queues = queues; } get activeFacet(): Facet { return this._activeFacet; } _inFacet(facet: Facet, f: LocalAction): void { const saved = this._activeFacet; this._activeFacet = facet; f(); this._activeFacet = saved; } ref>(e: T): Ref { return new RefImpl(this.activeFacet, e); } facet(bootProc: LocalAction): Facet { const newFacet = new Facet(this.activeFacet.actor, this.activeFacet); this._inFacet(newFacet, stopIfInertAfter(bootProc)); return newFacet; } // Alias for syndicatec code generator to use _stop(facet: Facet = this.activeFacet, continuation?: LocalAction) { this.stop(facet, continuation); } stop(facet: Facet = this.activeFacet, continuation?: LocalAction) { if (continuation) facet.onStop(continuation); facet._terminate(true); } // Alias for syndicatec code generator to use _spawn(bootProc: LocalAction | DetailedAction, initialAssertions = new IdentitySet()): Actor { return this.spawn(bootProc, initialAssertions); } spawn(bootProc: LocalAction | DetailedAction, initialAssertions = new IdentitySet()): Actor { return this.__spawn(bootProc, initialAssertions); } __spawn(bootProc: LocalAction | DetailedAction, initialAssertions = new IdentitySet()): Actor { const newOutbound: OutboundMap = new Map(); initialAssertions.forEach(key => newOutbound.set(key, this.activeFacet.outbound.get(key)!)); // ^ we trust initialAssertions, so can use `!` safely const newActor = Actor.__unsafeNew(this.activeFacet.actor.space, newOutbound); const detail = 'detail' in bootProc ? bootProc.detail : void 0; const spawningFacet = this.activeFacet; this.enqueue(spawningFacet, () => { initialAssertions.forEach(key => spawningFacet.outbound.delete(key)); newActor.space.queueTask({ perform() { newActor._boot(bootProc); }, describe() { return { type: 'bootActor', detail }; }, }); }, { type: 'spawnActor', detail, spawningFacet, initialAssertions }); return newActor; } // Alias for syndicatec code generator to use _spawnLink(bootProc: LocalAction, initialAssertions = new IdentitySet()): Actor | null { return this.spawnLink(bootProc, initialAssertions); } spawnLink(bootProc: LocalAction, initialAssertions = new IdentitySet()): Actor | null { if (!this.activeFacet.isLive) return null; const newActor = this.__spawn(bootProc, initialAssertions); this.activeFacet._halfLink(newActor.root); newActor.root._halfLink(this.activeFacet); return newActor; } stopActor(): void { this.enqueue(this.activeFacet.actor.root, () => this.activeFacet.actor._terminateWith({ ok: true }), { type: 'stopActor', err: void 0 }); } crash(err: Error): void { this.enqueue(this.activeFacet.actor.root, () => this.activeFacet.actor._terminateWith({ ok: false, err }), { type: 'stopActor', err: Dictionary.fromJS({ message: err.message, stack: err.stack ? err.stack : false, }), }); } field(initial: V, name?: string): Field { return new Field(this.activeFacet.actor.dataflowGraph, initial, name); } // Alias for syndicatec code generator to use _dataflow(a: LocalAction) { this.dataflow(a); } dataflow(a: LocalAction) { const f = this.activeFacet; f.preventInertCheck(); const b = () => f.isLive && Turn.active._inFacet(f, a); f.onStop(() => f.actor.dataflowGraph.forgetSubject(b)); f.actor.dataflowGraph.withSubject(b, b); } assertDataflow(assertionFunction: () => { target: Ref | undefined, assertion: Assertable | undefined }) { let handle: Handle | undefined = void 0; let target: Ref | undefined = void 0; let assertion: Assertable | undefined = void 0; this.dataflow(() => { let {target: nextTarget, assertion: nextAssertion} = assertionFunction(); if (target !== nextTarget || !is(assertion, nextAssertion)) { target = nextTarget; assertion = nextAssertion; handle = Turn.active.replace(target, handle, assertion); } }); } assert(ref: Ref, assertion: Assertable): Handle { const h = nextHandle++; this._assert(ref, assertion, h); return h; } _assert(ref: Ref, assertable: Assertable, h: Handle) { const assertion = assertionFrom(assertable); const a = runRewrites(ref.attenuation, assertion); if (a !== null) { const e = { handle: h, peer: ref, established: false }; this.activeFacet.outbound.set(h, e); this.enqueue(ref.relay, () => { e.established = true; ref.target.assert?.(a, h); }, { type: 'assert', target: ref, handle: h, assertion, }); } } retract(h: Handle | undefined): void { if (h !== void 0) { const e = this.activeFacet.outbound.get(h); if (e === void 0) return; this._retract(e); } } replace(ref: Ref | undefined, h: Handle | undefined, assertion: Assertable | undefined): Handle | undefined { const newHandle = (assertion === void 0 || ref === void 0) ? void 0 : this.assert(ref, assertion); this.retract(h); return newHandle; } _retract(e: OutboundAssertion): void { this.activeFacet.outbound.delete(e.handle); this.enqueue(e.peer.relay, () => { if (e.established) { e.established = false; e.peer.target.retract?.(e.handle); } }, { type: 'retract', target: e.peer, handle: e.handle, }); } sync(ref: Ref): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => this._sync(ref, this.ref({ message() { resolve() } }))); } _sync(ref: Ref, peer: Ref): void { this.enqueue(ref.relay, () => _sync_impl(ref.target, peer), { type: 'sync', target: ref, callback: peer, }); } message(ref: Ref, assertable: Assertable): void { const assertion = assertionFrom(assertable); const a = runRewrites(ref.attenuation, assertion); if (a !== null) { this.enqueue(ref.relay, () => ref.target.message?.(assertion), { type: 'message', target: ref, assertion, }); } } every(periodMilliseconds: number, a: LocalAction): any { const facet = this.activeFacet; facet.preventInertCheck(); let handle: any = setInterval(() => { facet.turn(a); }, periodMilliseconds); facet.onStop(() => { if (handle !== null) { clearInterval(handle); handle = null; } }); return handle; } after(delayMilliseconds: number, a: LocalAction): any { const facet = this.activeFacet; const release = facet.preventInertCheck(); return setTimeout(() => { release(); facet.turn(a); }, delayMilliseconds); } enqueue(relay: Facet, a0: LocalAction, detail: ActionDescription): void { if (this.queues === null) { throw new Error("Attempt to reuse a committed Turn"); } const a: StructuredTask = { perform() { Turn.active._inFacet(relay, a0); }, describe() { return { targetFacet: relay, action: detail }; }, }; this.queues.get(relay.actor)?.push(a) ?? this.queues.set(relay.actor, [a]); } deliver() { this.queues!.forEach((q, actor) => actor.space.queueTask({ perform() { Turn.for(actor.root, () => q.forEach(f => f.perform())); }, describe() { return { type: 'turn', tasks: q.map(f => f.describe()) }; }, })); this.queues = null; } } function stopIfInertAfter(a: LocalAction): LocalAction { return () => { const facet = Turn.activeFacet; a(); Turn.active.enqueue(facet, () => { if ((facet.parent && !facet.parent.isLive) || facet.isInert()) { Turn.active.stop(facet); } }, { type: 'inertCheck' }); }; }