//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/core, an implementation of Syndicate dataspaces for JS. // Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { Value, fromJS, is, Set } from 'preserves'; import * as Skeleton from './skeleton.js'; import { Bag, ChangeDescription } from './bag.js'; import { Observe } from './assertions.js'; import * as Dataflow from './dataflow.js'; import { IdentitySet, IdentityMap } from './idcoll.js'; import { Ground } from './ground.js'; export enum Priority { QUERY_HIGH = 0, QUERY, QUERY_HANDLER, NORMAL, GC, IDLE, _count } export type ActorId = number; export type FacetId = ActorId; export type EndpointId = ActorId; export type Task = () => T; export type Script = (this: Fields & DataflowObservableObject, f: Facet) => T; export type MaybeValue = Value | undefined; export type EndpointSpec = { assertion: MaybeValue, analysis: Skeleton.Analysis | null }; export type ObserverCallback = (this: Fields, facet: Facet, bindings: Array) => void; export type ObserverCallbacks = { add?: ObserverCallback; del?: ObserverCallback; msg?: ObserverCallback; } export const DataflowObservableObjectId = Symbol.for('DataflowObservableObjectId'); export interface DataflowObservableObject { [DataflowObservableObjectId](): number; } export type DataflowObservable = [DataflowObservableObject, string]; export function _canonicalizeDataflowObservable(i: DataflowObservable): string { return i[0][DataflowObservableObjectId]() + ',' + i[1]; } export type DataflowDependent = Endpoint; export function _canonicalizeDataflowDependent(i: DataflowDependent): string { return '' + i.id; } export type ActivationScript = Script; export abstract class Dataspace { nextId: ActorId = 0; index = new Skeleton.Index(); dataflow = new Dataflow.Graph( _canonicalizeDataflowDependent, _canonicalizeDataflowObservable); runnable: Array = []; pendingTurns: Array; actors: IdentityMap = new IdentityMap(); activations: IdentitySet = new IdentitySet(); constructor(bootProc: Script) { this.pendingTurns = [new Turn(null, [new Spawn(null, bootProc, new Set())])]; } abstract start(): this; abstract ground(): Ground; backgroundTask(): () => void { return this.ground().backgroundTask(); } runTasks(): boolean { // TODO: rename? this.runPendingTasks(); this.performPendingActions(); return this.runnable.length > 0 || this.pendingTurns.length > 0; } runPendingTasks() { let runnable = this.runnable; this.runnable = []; runnable.forEach((ac) => { ac.runPendingTasks(); /* TODO: rename? */ }); } performPendingActions() { let turns = this.pendingTurns; this.pendingTurns = []; turns.forEach((turn) => { turn.actions.forEach((action) => { // console.log('[DATASPACE]', turn.actor && turn.actor.toString(), action); action.perform(this, turn.actor); this.runPendingTasks(); }); }); } commitActions(ac: Actor, pending: Array) { this.pendingTurns.push(new Turn(ac, pending)); } refreshAssertions() { this.dataflow.repairDamage((ep) => { let facet = ep.facet; if (facet.isLive) { // TODO: necessary test, or tautological? facet.invokeScript(f => f.withNonScriptContext(() => ep.refresh())); } }); } addActor( name: any, bootProc: Script, initialAssertions: Set, parentActor: Actor | null) { let ac = new Actor(this, name, initialAssertions, parentActor?.id); // debug('Spawn', ac && ac.toString()); this.applyPatch(ac, ac.adhocAssertions); ac.addFacet<{}, {}>(null, systemFacet => { // Root facet is a dummy "system" facet that exists to hold // one-or-more "user" "root" facets. ac.addFacet<{}, SpawnFields>(systemFacet, bootProc); // ^ The "true root", user-visible facet. initialAssertions.forEach((a) => { ac.adhocRetract(a); }); }); } applyPatch(ac: Actor, delta: Bag) { // if (!delta.isEmpty()) debug('applyPatch BEGIN', ac && ac.toString()); let removals: Array<[number, Value]> = []; delta.forEach((count, a) => { if (count > 0) { // debug('applyPatch +', a && a.toString()); this.adjustIndex(a, count); } else { removals.push([count, a]); } if (ac) ac.cleanupChanges.change(a, -count); }); removals.forEach(([count, a]) => { // debug('applyPatch -', a && a.toString()); this.adjustIndex(a, count); }); // if (!delta.isEmpty()) debug('applyPatch END'); } deliverMessage(m: Value, _sendingActor: Actor | null) { // debug('deliverMessage', sendingActor && sendingActor.toString(), m.toString()); this.index.deliverMessage(m); // this.index.deliverMessage(m, (leaf, _m) => { // sendingActor.touchedTopics = sendingActor.touchedTopics.add(leaf); // }); } adjustIndex(a: Value, count: number) { return this.index.adjustAssertion(a, count); } subscribe(handler: Skeleton.Analysis) { this.index.addHandler(handler, handler.callback!); } unsubscribe(handler: Skeleton.Analysis) { this.index.removeHandler(handler, handler.callback!); } endpointHook(_facet: Facet, _endpoint: Endpoint) { // Subclasses may override } } export class Actor { readonly id: ActorId; readonly dataspace: Dataspace; readonly name: any; rootFacet: Facet | null = null; isRunnable: boolean = false; readonly pendingTasks: Array>>; pendingActions: Array; adhocAssertions: Bag; cleanupChanges = new Bag(); // negative counts allowed! parentId: ActorId | undefined; constructor(dataspace: Dataspace, name: any, initialAssertions: Set, parentActorId: ActorId | undefined) { this.id = dataspace.nextId++; this.dataspace = dataspace; this.name = name; this.isRunnable = false; this.pendingTasks = []; for (let i = 0; i < Priority._count; i++) { this.pendingTasks.push([]); } this.pendingActions = []; this.adhocAssertions = new Bag(initialAssertions); // no negative counts allowed this.parentId = parentActorId; dataspace.actors.set(this.id, this); } runPendingTasks() { while (true) { let task = this.popNextTask(); if (!task) break; task(); this.dataspace.refreshAssertions(); } this.isRunnable = false; let pending = this.pendingActions; if (pending.length > 0) { this.pendingActions = []; this.dataspace.commitActions(this, pending); } } popNextTask(): Task | null { let tasks = this.pendingTasks; for (let i = 0; i < Priority._count; i++) { let q = tasks[i]; if (q.length > 0) return q.shift()!; } return null; } abandonQueuedWork() { this.pendingActions = []; for (let i = 0; i < Priority._count; i++) { this.pendingTasks[i] = []; } } scheduleTask(task: Task, priority: Priority = Priority.NORMAL) { if (!this.isRunnable) { this.isRunnable = true; this.dataspace.runnable.push(this); } this.pendingTasks[priority].push(task); } addFacet( parentFacet: Facet | null, bootProc: Script, checkInScript: boolean = false) { if (checkInScript && parentFacet && !parentFacet.inScript) { throw new Error("Cannot add facet outside script; are you missing a `react { ... }`?"); } let f = new Facet(this, parentFacet); f.invokeScript(f => f.withNonScriptContext(() => bootProc.call(f.fields, f))); this.scheduleTask(() => { if ((parentFacet && !parentFacet.isLive) || f.isInert()) { f._terminate(); } }); } _terminate(emitPatches: boolean) { // Abruptly terminates an entire actor, without running stop-scripts etc. if (emitPatches) { this.scheduleTask(() => { this.adhocAssertions.snapshot().forEach((_count, a) => { this.retract(a); }); }); } if (this.rootFacet) { this.rootFacet._abort(emitPatches); } this.scheduleTask(() => { this.enqueueScriptAction(new Quit()); }); } enqueueScriptAction(action: Action) { this.pendingActions.push(action); } pendingPatch(): Patch { if (this.pendingActions.length > 0) { let p = this.pendingActions[this.pendingActions.length - 1]; if (p instanceof Patch) return p; } let p = new Patch(new Bag()); this.enqueueScriptAction(p); return p; } assert(a: Value) { this.pendingPatch().adjust(a, +1); } retract(a: Value) { this.pendingPatch().adjust(a, -1); } adhocRetract(a: Value) { a = fromJS(a); if (this.adhocAssertions.change(a, -1, true) === ChangeDescription.PRESENT_TO_ABSENT) { this.retract(a); } } adhocAssert(a: Value) { a = fromJS(a); if (this.adhocAssertions.change(a, +1) === ChangeDescription.ABSENT_TO_PRESENT) { this.assert(a); } } toString(): string { let s = 'Actor(' + this.id; if (this.name !== void 0 && this.name !== null) s = s + ',' + this.name.toString(); return s + ')'; } } abstract class Action { abstract perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void; } class Patch extends Action { readonly changes: Bag; constructor(changes: Bag) { super(); this.changes = changes; } perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { ds.applyPatch(ac!, this.changes); } adjust(a: Value, count: number) { this.changes.change(fromJS(a), count); } } class Message extends Action { readonly body: Value; constructor(body: any) { super(); this.body = fromJS(body); } perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { ds.deliverMessage(this.body, ac); } } class Spawn extends Action { readonly name: any; readonly bootProc: Script; readonly initialAssertions: Set; constructor(name: any, bootProc: Script, initialAssertions: Set = new Set()) { super(); this.name = name; this.bootProc = bootProc; this.initialAssertions = initialAssertions; } perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { ds.addActor(this.name, this.bootProc, this.initialAssertions, ac); } } class Quit extends Action { // TODO: rename? Perhaps to Cleanup? // Pseudo-action - not for userland use. perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { if (ac === null) throw new Error("Internal error: Quit action with null actor"); ds.applyPatch(ac, ac.cleanupChanges); ds.actors.delete(ac.id); // debug('Quit', ac && ac.toString()); } } class DeferredTurn extends Action { readonly continuation: Task; constructor(continuation: Task) { super(); this.continuation = continuation; } perform(_ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { // debug('DeferredTurn', ac && ac.toString()); ac!.scheduleTask(this.continuation); } } class Activation extends Action { readonly script: ActivationScript; readonly name: any; constructor(script: ActivationScript, name: any) { super(); this.script = script; this.name = name; } perform(ds: Dataspace, ac: Actor | null): void { if (ds.activations.has(this.script)) return; ds.activations.add(this.script); ds.addActor<{}>(this.name, rootFacet => rootFacet.addStartScript(this.script), new Set(), ac); } } export class Turn { readonly actor: Actor | null; readonly actions: Array; constructor(actor: Actor | null, actions: Array = []) { this.actor = actor; this.actions = actions; } enqueueScriptAction(a: Action) { this.actions.push(a); } } export class Facet { readonly id: FacetId; isLive = true; readonly actor: Actor; readonly parent: Facet | null; readonly endpoints = new IdentityMap>(); readonly stopScripts: Array> = []; readonly children = new IdentitySet>(); readonly fields: Fields & DataflowObservableObject; inScript = true; constructor(actor: Actor, parent: Facet | null) { this.id = actor.dataspace.nextId++; this.actor = actor; this.parent = parent; if (parent) { parent.children.add(this); this.fields = Dataflow.Graph.newScope(parent.fields); } else { if (actor.rootFacet) { throw new Error("INVARIANT VIOLATED: Attempt to add second root facet"); } actor.rootFacet = this; this.fields = Dataflow.Graph.newScope({}); } this.fields[DataflowObservableObjectId] = () => this.id; } withNonScriptContext(task: Task): T { let savedInScript = this.inScript; this.inScript = false; try { return task(); } finally { this.inScript = savedInScript; } } _abort(emitPatches: boolean) { this.isLive = false; this.children.forEach(child => child._abort(emitPatches)); this.retractAssertionsAndSubscriptions(emitPatches); } retractAssertionsAndSubscriptions(emitPatches: boolean) { this.actor.scheduleTask(() => { this.endpoints.forEach((ep) => ep.destroy(emitPatches)); this.endpoints.clear(); }); } isInert(): boolean { return this.endpoints.size === 0 && this.children.size === 0; } _terminate() { if (!this.isLive) return; let ac = this.actor; let parent = this.parent; if (parent) { parent.children.delete(this); } else { ac.rootFacet = null; } this.isLive = false; this.children.forEach((child) => { child._terminate(); }); // Run stop-scripts after terminating children. This means // that children's stop-scripts run before ours. ac.scheduleTask(() => this.invokeScript(() => this.stopScripts.forEach(s => s.call(this.fields, this)))); this.retractAssertionsAndSubscriptions(true); ac.scheduleTask(() => { if (parent) { if (parent.isInert()) { parent._terminate(); } } else { ac._terminate(true); } }, Priority.GC); } // This alias exists because of the naive expansion done by the parser. _stop(continuation?: Script) { this.stop(continuation); } stop(continuation?: Script) { this.parent!.invokeScript(() => { this.actor.scheduleTask(() => { this._terminate(); if (continuation) { this.parent!.scheduleScript(parent => continuation.call(this.fields, parent)); // ^ TODO: is this the correct scope to use?? } }); }); } addStartScript(s: Script) { this.ensureFacetSetup('`on start`'); this.scheduleScript(s); } addStopScript(s: Script) { this.ensureFacetSetup('`on stop`'); this.stopScripts.push(s); } addEndpoint(updateFun: Script, isDynamic: boolean = true): Endpoint { const ep = new Endpoint(this, isDynamic, updateFun); this.actor.dataspace.endpointHook(this, ep); return ep; } _addRawObserverEndpoint(specScript: Script, callbacks: ObserverCallbacks): Endpoint { return this.addEndpoint(() => { const spec = specScript.call(this.fields, this); if (spec === void 0) { return { assertion: void 0, analysis: null }; } else { const analysis = Skeleton.analyzeAssertion(spec); analysis.callback = this.wrap((facet, evt, vs) => { switch (evt) { case Skeleton.EventType.ADDED: callbacks.add?.call(facet.fields, facet, vs); break; case Skeleton.EventType.REMOVED: callbacks.del?.call(facet.fields, facet, vs); break; case Skeleton.EventType.MESSAGE: callbacks.msg?.call(facet.fields, facet, vs); break; } }); return { assertion: Observe(spec), analysis }; } }); } addObserverEndpoint(specThunk: (facet: Facet) => MaybeValue, callbacks: ObserverCallbacks): Endpoint { const scriptify = (f?: ObserverCallback) => f && ((facet: Facet, vs: Array) => facet.scheduleScript(() => f.call(facet.fields, facet, vs))); return this._addRawObserverEndpoint(specThunk, { add: scriptify(callbacks.add), del: scriptify(callbacks.del), msg: scriptify(callbacks.msg), }); } addDataflow(subjectFun: Script, priority?: Priority): Endpoint { return this.addEndpoint(() => { let subjectId = this.actor.dataspace.dataflow.currentSubjectId; this.scheduleScript(() => { if (this.isLive) { this.actor.dataspace.dataflow.withSubject(subjectId, () => subjectFun.call(this.fields, this)); } }, priority); return { assertion: void 0, analysis: null }; }); } enqueueScriptAction(action: Action) { this.actor.enqueueScriptAction(action); } toString(): string { let s = 'Facet(' + this.actor.id; if (this.actor.name !== void 0 && this.actor.name !== null) { s = s + ',' + this.actor.name.toString(); } s = s + ',' + this.id; let f = this.parent; while (f != null) { s = s + ':' + f.id; f = f.parent; } return s + ')'; } invokeScript(script: Script, propagateErrors = false): T | undefined { try { // console.group('Facet', facet && facet.toString()); return script.call(this.fields, this); } catch (e) { let a = this.actor; a.abandonQueuedWork(); a._terminate(false); console.error('Actor ' + a.toString() + ' exited with exception:', e); if (propagateErrors) throw e; return undefined; } finally { // console.groupEnd(); } } wrap, R>( fn: (this: Fields & DataflowObservableObject, f: Facet, ... args: T) => R ): (... args: T) => R { return (... actuals) => this.invokeScript(f => fn.call(f.fields, f, ... actuals), true)!; } wrapExternal>( fn: (this: Fields & DataflowObservableObject, f: Facet, ... args: T) => void ): (... args: T) => void { const ac = this.actor; return (... actuals) => { if (this.isLive) { ac.dataspace.start(); ac.scheduleTask(() => this.invokeScript(f => fn.call(f.fields, f, ... actuals))); } }; } ensureFacetSetup(what: string) { if (this.inScript) { throw new Error(`Cannot ${what} outside facet setup; are you missing \`react { ... }\`?`); } } ensureNonFacetSetup(what: string) { if (!this.inScript) { throw new Error(`Cannot ${what} during facet setup; are you missing \`on start { ... }\`?`); } } // This alias exists because of the naive expansion done by the parser. _send(body: any) { this.send(body); } send(body: any) { this.ensureNonFacetSetup('`send`'); this.enqueueScriptAction(new Message(body)); } // This alias exists because of the naive expansion done by the parser. _spawn(name: any, bootProc: Script, initialAssertions?: Set) { this.spawn(name, bootProc, initialAssertions); } spawn(name: any, bootProc: Script, initialAssertions?: Set) { this.ensureNonFacetSetup('`spawn`'); this.enqueueScriptAction(new Spawn(name, bootProc, initialAssertions)); } deferTurn(continuation: Script) { this.ensureNonFacetSetup('`deferTurn`'); this.enqueueScriptAction(new DeferredTurn(this.wrap(continuation))); } activate(script: ActivationScript, name?: any) { this.ensureNonFacetSetup('`activate`'); this.enqueueScriptAction(new Activation(script, name ?? null)); } scheduleScript(script: Script, priority?: Priority) { this.actor.scheduleTask(this.wrap(script), priority); } declareField(obj: T, prop: K, init: T[K]) { if (prop in obj) { obj[prop] = init; } else { this.actor.dataspace.dataflow.defineObservableProperty(obj, prop, init, { objectId: [obj, prop], noopGuard: is }); } } // referenceField(obj: DataflowObservableObject, prop: string) { // if (!(prop in obj)) { // this.actor.dataspace.dataflow.recordObservation([obj, prop]); // } // return obj[prop]; // } // deleteField(obj: DataflowObservableObject, prop: string) { // this.actor.dataspace.dataflow.recordDamage([obj, prop]); // delete obj[prop]; // } addChildFacet(bootProc: Script) { this.actor.addFacet(this, bootProc, true); } withSelfDo(t: Script) { t.call(this.fields, this); } } export class Endpoint { readonly id: EndpointId; readonly facet: Facet; readonly updateFun: Script; spec: EndpointSpec; constructor(facet: Facet, isDynamic: boolean, updateFun: Script) { facet.ensureFacetSetup('add endpoint'); let ac = facet.actor; let ds = ac.dataspace; this.id = ds.nextId++; this.facet = facet; this.updateFun = updateFun; let initialSpec = ds.dataflow.withSubject(isDynamic ? this : undefined, () => updateFun.call(facet.fields, facet)); this._install(initialSpec); this.spec = initialSpec; // keeps TypeScript's undefinedness-checker happy facet.endpoints.set(this.id, this); } _install(spec: EndpointSpec) { this.spec = spec; const ac = this.facet.actor; if (this.spec.assertion !== void 0) { ac.assert(this.spec.assertion); } if (this.spec.analysis) ac.dataspace.subscribe(this.spec.analysis); } _uninstall(emitPatches: boolean) { if (emitPatches) { if (this.spec.assertion !== void 0) { this.facet.actor.retract(this.spec.assertion); } } if (this.spec.analysis) this.facet.actor.dataspace.unsubscribe(this.spec.analysis); } refresh() { let newSpec = this.updateFun.call(this.facet.fields, this.facet); if (newSpec.assertion !== void 0) newSpec.assertion = fromJS(newSpec.assertion); if (!is(newSpec.assertion, this.spec.assertion)) { this._uninstall(true); this._install(newSpec); } } destroy(emitPatches: boolean) { const facet = this.facet; facet.actor.dataspace.dataflow.forgetSubject(this); // ^ TODO: this won't work because of object identity problems! Why // does the Racket implementation do this, when the old JS // implementation doesn't? facet.endpoints.delete(this.id); this._uninstall(emitPatches); } toString(): string { return 'Endpoint(' + this.id + ')'; } }