//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/syntax, a translator of Syndicate extensions to JS. // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import * as t from "@babel/types"; export function SpawnStatement(node) { this.word("spawn"); this.space(); if (node.name) { this.word("named"); this.space(); this.print(node.name, node); this.space(); } this.printBlock(node); } export function FieldDeclarationStatement(node) { this.word("field"); this.space(); this.print(node.member, node); if (node.init) { this.space(); this.token("="); this.space(); this.print(node.init, node); } this.semicolon(); } export function AssertionEndpointStatement(node) { this.word("assert"); this.space(); this.print(node.template, node); if (node.test) { this.space(); this.word("when"); this.space(); this.token("("); this.print(node.test, node); this.token(")"); } this.semicolon(); } export function DataflowStatement(node) { this.word("dataflow"); this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); } export function EventHandlerEndpoint(node) { if (node.terminal) { this.word("stop"); this.space(); } this.word("on"); this.space(); if (node.triggerType === "dataflow") { this.token("("); this.print(node.pattern, node); this.token(")"); } else { this.word(node.triggerType); this.space(); if (!node.isDynamic) { this.word(":snapshot"); this.space(); } this.print(node.pattern, node); } this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); } export function PseudoEventHandler(node) { this.word("on"); this.space(); this.word(node.triggerType); this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); } export function SyndicateTypeDefinition(node) { this.word(node.expectedUse); this.space(); this.word("type"); this.space(); this.print(node.id, node); this.token("("); this._parameters(node.formals, node); this.token(")"); if (node.wireName) { this.space(); this.token("="); this.space(); this.print(node.wireName, node); } this.semicolon(); } export function MessageSendStatement(node) { this.token("^"); this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); this.semicolon(); } export function ActivationExpression(node) { this.word("activate"); this.space(); this.print(node.moduleExpr, node); } export function DuringStatement(node) { this.word("during"); this.space(); this.print(node.pattern, node); this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); } export function SyndicateReactStatement(node) { this.word("react"); this.space(); this.print(node.body, node); }