// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1928.txt const { currentFacet, genUuid, Bytes, List, Set, Observe } = require("@syndicate-lang/core"); const S = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-streams-node"); assertion type VirtualTcpAddress(host, port); spawn named 'socks-server' { on asserted S.IncomingConnection($conn, S.TcpListener(1080)) { spawn named ['socksconn', conn] { const self = this; on start console.log('new SOCKS connection', conn); on stop console.log('closing SOCKS connection', conn); const rootFacet = currentFacet(); stop on retracted S.Duplex(conn); const buf = S.onStartSpawnBufferStream(); field this.bufferWanted = true; on start react { stop on (!this.bufferWanted); assert Observe(S.Duplex(buf)); on message S.Data(conn, $chunk) send S.Push(buf, chunk, null); } on start selectAuthenticationMethod(); function readChunk(size, k) { react { on start send S.PacketRequest(buf, size); stop on message S.Data(buf, $chunk) { k(chunk); } } } function sendReply(replyCode, addrTypeAddrPort) { send S.Push(conn, Bytes.concat([ Bytes.from([5, replyCode, 0]), (addrTypeAddrPort || Bytes.from([1, 0,0,0,0, 0,0])) ]), null); } function dieOnBadVersion(packet) { if (packet.get(0) !== 5) throw new Error("Bad SOCKS version number", packet.get(0)); } function selectAuthenticationMethod() { readChunk(2, (versionMsg) => { dieOnBadVersion(versionMsg); const nMethods = versionMsg.get(1); readChunk(nMethods, (methods) => { if (!methods.includes(0)) { console.error('Client will not accept no-authentication'); send S.Push(conn, Bytes.from([5, 255]), null); rootFacet.stop(); } else { send S.Push(conn, Bytes.from([5, 0]), null); // select no-authentication readSocksRequest(); } }); }); } function readSocksRequest() { readChunk(4, (reqHeader) => { dieOnBadVersion(reqHeader); const cmdByte = reqHeader.get(1); if (reqHeader.get(2) !== 0) throw new Error("Non-zero reserved SOCKS byte"); const addrType = reqHeader.get(3); switch (cmdByte) { case 1: // connect readDestAddrAndPort(addrType, startConnection); break; case 2: // bind case 3: // udp associate default: console.error('Unsupported SOCKS command', cmdByte); sendReply(7 /* command not supported */); rootFacet.stop(); break; } }); } function readDestAddrAndPort(addrType, k) { switch (addrType) { case 3: // domain name readChunk(1, (octetCount) => { readChunk(octetCount.get(0), (domainNameBytes) => { const domainName = domainNameBytes.toString('utf-8'); readPort(domainName, k); }); }); break; case 1: // ipv4 readChunk(4, (addrBytes) => { const addr = `${addrBytes.get(0)}.${addrBytes.get(1)}.${addrBytes.get(2)}.${addrBytes.get(3)}`; readPort(addr, k); }); break; case 4: // ipv6 console.error('Unsupported SOCKS address type', addrType); sendReply(8 /* address type not supported */); rootFacet.stop(); break; } } function readPort(addr, k) { readChunk(2, (portBytes) => { const port = (portBytes.get(0) << 8) + portBytes.get(1); k(addr, port); }); } function startConnection(addr, port) { react { console.log(conn, 'CONNECT', addr, port); const out = genUuid('out'); assert S.OutgoingConnection(out, VirtualTcpAddress(addr, port)); stop on message S.ConnectionRejected(out, $err) { console.error('Could not connect outgoing', addr, port, err); switch (err.code) { case 'ENETUNREACH': sendReply(3 /* network unreachable */); rootFacet.stop(); break; case 'EHOSTUNREACH': sendReply(4 /* host unreachable */); rootFacet.stop(); break; case 'ECONNREFUSED': sendReply(5 /* connection refused */); rootFacet.stop(); break; default: // We could definitely send reply code 1, "general // SOCKS server failure" here, but ssh's own SOCKS // proxy just closes the connection, so let's jump off // the cliff ourselves. // sendReply(1 /* general SOCKS server failure */); rootFacet.stop(); break; } } stop on message S.ConnectionAccepted(out) { react { on retracted S.Duplex(out) rootFacet.stop(); on asserted S.StreamInfo(out, _, $handle) { const localAddrStr = handle.localAddress || ''; const localPort = handle.localPort || 0; let localAddr = null; if (localAddrStr.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) { localAddr = Bytes.concat([ Bytes.from([1]), // ipv4 address Bytes.from(localAddrStr.split(/\./).map(Number)) ]); } else { localAddr = Bytes.concat([ Bytes.from([3]), // domain name Bytes.from([localAddrStr.length]), // TODO: what if it's longer than 255? Bytes.from(localAddrStr) ]); } const localEnd = Bytes.concat([ localAddr, Bytes.from([localPort >> 8, localPort & 255]) ]); sendReply(0 /* success */, localEnd); readChunk(0, (firstChunk) => { self.bufferWanted = false; send S.Push(out, firstChunk, null); react { assert S.BackPressure(conn, out); assert S.BackPressure(out, conn); on message S.Data(conn, $chunk) send S.Push(out, chunk, null); on message S.Data(out, $chunk) send S.Push(conn, chunk, null); } }); } } } } } } } } spawn named 'remap-service' { field this.mapped = Set(); on asserted Observe(S.OutgoingConnection(_, $a(VirtualTcpAddress(_, _)))) { this.mapped = this.mapped.add(a); } on retracted Observe(S.OutgoingConnection(_, $a(VirtualTcpAddress(_, _)))) { this.mapped = this.mapped.remove(a); } during S.OutgoingConnection($id, $a(VirtualTcpAddress($host, $port))) { if (host.endsWith('.fruit')) { if (!this.mapped.includes(a)) { console.error("No virtual mapping for", a.toString()); const err = new Error(`No virtual mapping for ${a.toString()}`); err.errno = err.code = 'ENOTFOUND'; err.hostname = err.host = host; err.port = port; on start send S.ConnectionRejected(id, err); } } else { assert S.OutgoingConnection(id, S.TcpAddress(host, port)); } } } spawn named 'test-remap' { during S.OutgoingConnection($id, VirtualTcpAddress('foobar.fruit', 9999)) { assert S.OutgoingConnection(id, S.TcpAddress('steam.eighty-twenty.org', 22)); } during S.OutgoingConnection($id, VirtualTcpAddress('foobar.fruit', 9998)) { assert S.OutgoingConnection(id, S.SubprocessAddress('/bin/sh', [], {})); } during S.OutgoingConnection($id, VirtualTcpAddress('foobar.fruit', 9997)) { assert S.OutgoingConnection(id, S.SubprocessAddress('/bin/cat', ['/proc/cpuinfo'], {})); } }