"use strict"; const Http = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-http-node"); const S = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-streams-node"); const debugFactory = require('debug'); import { Map, Bytes, Encoder, Observe, Dataspace, Skeleton, currentFacet, genUuid, } from "@syndicate-lang/core"; const P = activate require("./internal_protocol"); const W = activate require("./protocol"); const B = activate require("./buffer"); const { recorder } = activate require("./turn"); export function websocketServerFacet(reqId) { assert P.POA(reqId); const buf = B.buffer(this, 'chunks'); on message Http.DataIn(reqId, $data) buf.push(data); during P.POAReady(reqId) buf.drain((data) => { if (data instanceof Bytes) send P.FromPOA(reqId, W.makeDecoder(data).next()); }); on message P.ToPOA(reqId, $resp) send Http.DataOut(reqId, new Encoder().push(resp).contents()); stop on message P.Disconnect(reqId); stop on retracted P.POAReady(reqId); } export function streamServerFacet(id) { assert P.POA(id); const decoder = W.makeDecoder(null); const buf = B.buffer(this, 'chunks'); on message S.Stream(id, S.Data($data)) buf.push(data); during P.POAReady(id) buf.drain((data) => { decoder.write(data); let v; while ((v = decoder.try_next())) send P.FromPOA(id, v); }); on message P.ToPOA(id, $resp) send S.Stream(id, S.Push(new Encoder().push(resp).contents(), false)); stop on message P.Disconnect(id); stop on retracted P.POAReady(id); } export function streamServerActor(id, debugLabel) { spawn named [debugLabel || 'stream-poa', id] { stop on retracted S.Stream(id, S.Duplex()); streamServerFacet.call(this, id); } } spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/server/POAHandler' { during P.Proposal($scope, $assertion) assert P.Envelope(scope, assertion); on message P.Proposal($scope, $assertion) send P.Envelope(scope, assertion); during Observe(P.Envelope($scope, $spec)) assert P.Proposal(scope, Observe(spec)); during P.POA($connId) spawn named P.POA(connId) { const debug = debugFactory('syndicate/server:server:' + connId.toString()); on start debug('+'); on stop debug('-'); on message P.FromPOA(connId, $m) debug('<', m.toString()); on message P.ToPOA(connId, $m) debug('>', m.toString()); field this.scope = null; assert P.POAReady(connId); assert P.POAScope(connId, this.scope) when (this.scope !== null); assert P.ServerActive(this.scope) when (this.scope !== null); let endpoints = Map(); on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Connect($scope)) { // TODO: Enforce requirement that Connect appear exactly once, before anything else this.scope = scope; } const sendToPOA = (m) => { send P.ToPOA(connId, m); }; const outboundTurn = recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', (items) => sendToPOA(W.Turn(items))); on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Turn($items)) { items.forEach((item) => { if (W.Assert.isClassOf(item)) { const ep = W.Assert._endpointName(item); const a = W.Assert._assertion(item); if (endpoints.has(ep)) { throw new Error("Attempt to update existing endpoint " + ep + " with " + a.toString()); } react { const epFacet = currentFacet(); endpoints = endpoints.set(ep, epFacet); on stop { endpoints = endpoints.remove(ep); } assert P.Proposal(this.scope, a); if (Observe.isClassOf(a)) { currentFacet().addEndpoint(() => { const spec = P.Envelope(this.scope, Observe._specification(a)); const analysis = Skeleton.analyzeAssertion(spec); analysis.callback = Dataspace.wrap((evt, vs) => { currentFacet().actor.scheduleScript(() => { switch (evt) { case Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Add(ep, vs)); break; case Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Del(ep, vs)); break; case Skeleton.EVENT_MESSAGE: outboundTurn.extend(W.Msg(ep, vs)); break; } }); }); return [Observe(spec), analysis]; }, false); } } } else if (W.Clear.isClassOf(item)) { const ep = W.Clear._endpointName(item); if (!endpoints.has(ep)) { throw new Error("Attempt to clear nonexistent endpoint " + ep); } endpoints.get(ep).stop(() => { outboundTurn.extend(W.End(ep)); }); } else if (W.Message.isClassOf(item)) { send P.Proposal(this.scope, W.Message._body(item)); } else { debug("Unhandled client/server message", item.toString()); } }); } } }