"use strict"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @syndicate-lang/flappy-bird-demo // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { $QuitDataspace, Inbound, Outbound, Dataspace } from "@syndicate-lang/core"; let UI = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-browser-ui"); // @jsx UI.html // @jsxFrag UI.htmlFragment let { PeriodicTick } = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-timer"); assertion type Position(x, y); assertion type GameOver(); assertion type Score(count); message type IncreaseScore(); message type Reset(); const BOARD_HEIGHT = 567; const FLAPPY_WIDTH = 57; const FLAPPY_HEIGHT = 41; const FLAPPY_XPOS = 212; const PILLAR_WIDTH = 86; const PILLAR_GAP = 158; const FIELD_HEIGHT = 561; const PILLAR_HEAD_HEIGHT = 40; spawn named 'game-factory' { on start spawnGame(); during GameOver() { on stop spawnGame(); on message UI.WindowEvent('+keypress', $e) { if (e.key !== ' ') { ^ Reset(); } } } } function spawnGame() { spawn dataspace named 'GameInstance' { spawn named 'game-instance-control' { during GameOver() assert Outbound(GameOver()); on message Inbound(Reset()) { ^ $QuitDataspace; } } spawn named 'score' { let ui = new UI.Anchor(); field this.score = 0; assert Score(this.score); on start react { assert Outbound(ui.html('#board-area',


)); stop on asserted GameOver() react { assert Outbound(ui.html('#board-area',


)); } } on message IncreaseScore() { this.score++; } } spawn named 'flappy' { let ui = new UI.Anchor(); field this.xpos = 0; field this.ypos = 312; field this.yvel = 0; assert Position(this.xpos, this.ypos); assert Outbound(ui.html('#board-area',
)); on (this.ypos > BOARD_HEIGHT - FLAPPY_HEIGHT) { this.ypos = BOARD_HEIGHT - FLAPPY_HEIGHT; react { assert GameOver(); } } on start react { stop on asserted GameOver(); on message Inbound(UI.WindowEvent('+keypress', $e)) { this.yvel = -10; } const ms_per_tick = 1000.0 / 60; on message Inbound(PeriodicTick(ms_per_tick)) { this.xpos += 0.15 * ms_per_tick; this.ypos = (this.ypos + this.yvel); this.yvel += ms_per_tick * 0.05; } } } spawn named 'border-scroll' { let ui = new UI.Anchor(); field this.pos = 0; on asserted Position($xpos, _) this.pos = xpos % 23; assert Outbound(ui.html( '#board-area',
, 0)); } spawn named 'pipe-factory' { field this.nextPipe = 0; on asserted Score(this.nextPipe) { spawnPipe(this.nextPipe++); } } function spawnPipe(i) { spawn named ['pipe', i] { let ui = new UI.Anchor(); const xlocation = (i + 1) * 324; const upperHeight = Math.random() * (FIELD_HEIGHT - PILLAR_GAP - PILLAR_HEAD_HEIGHT * 6) + PILLAR_HEAD_HEIGHT * 3; const lowerHeight = FIELD_HEIGHT - upperHeight - PILLAR_GAP; stop on (this.xpos < -(PILLAR_WIDTH + FLAPPY_XPOS)); on start react stop on (this.xpos <= 0) { ^ IncreaseScore(); } field this.xpos = xlocation; on asserted Position($xpos, _) this.xpos = xlocation - xpos; on asserted Position($xpos, $ypos) { if (touchingPillar(xpos, ypos)) { react { assert GameOver(); } } } assert Outbound(ui.html( '#board-area',
)); function touchingPillar(xpos, ypos) { const inHorizontalRange = (xpos + FLAPPY_WIDTH >= xlocation) && (xpos <= xlocation + PILLAR_WIDTH); const aboveGapTop = (ypos <= upperHeight); const belowGapBottom = (ypos + FLAPPY_HEIGHT >= upperHeight + PILLAR_GAP); return inHorizontalRange && (aboveGapTop || belowGapBottom); } } } } }