- [DONE] `during/spawn` - [DONE] `during` - [DONE] `let { TimeLaterThan } = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-timer");` - [DONE] `react` - [DONE] `spawn*` or similar - looks like `spawn on start { ... }` will do the trick - [DONE] activation - [DONE] remove ground dataspace syntax - [DONE] `spawn :let childVal = parentCalculation { ... }` - [DONE] better autobuilding for smooth and fast dev; babel uses gulp? - [DONE] dataspaces, dataspace relays - [DONE? Surely there's more] pin down and fix the problems with facet field scope (!!) - [DONE] `npm init @syndicate` - [DONE] timer driver - [DONE] ui driver - [DONE] web driver - [DONE] tcp driver - `defer` statement - `define/query` - some kind of `stop facet` statement - put a Symbol on the fields blob? - other kinds of relay - alias wrapExternal to index.js - @syndicate-lang/standalone, analogous to @babel/standalone - deferTurn should prevent a facet from terminating! This came up in some formulations of the game-restart logic in the flappy bird demo. - change send syntax from `^ ...` to `send ...` :-( - it's too cute. Indentation doesn't work, and forgetting a semicolon causes silent xor!