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11 Commits

9 changed files with 226 additions and 173 deletions

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@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
"author": "Tony Garnock-Jones <>", "author": "Tony Garnock-Jones <>",
"license": "GPL-3.0+", "license": "GPL-3.0+",
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"@preserves/core": "0.995", "@preserves/core": "0.995.200",
"@syndicate-lang/core": "*", "@syndicate-lang/core": "*",
"@syndicate-lang/html": "*", "@syndicate-lang/html": "*",
"@syndicate-lang/ws-relay": "*" "@syndicate-lang/ws-relay": "*"
}, },
"devDependencies": { "devDependencies": {
"@preserves/schema-cli": "0.995", "@preserves/schema-cli": "0.995.201",
"@syndicate-lang/ts-plugin": "*", "@syndicate-lang/ts-plugin": "*",
"@syndicate-lang/tsc": "*", "@syndicate-lang/tsc": "*",
"rollup": "^2.60", "rollup": "^2.60",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <> /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
import { fromJS, Bytes, Dataspace, Ref, Sturdy, AnyValue, Reader, Schemas, Embedded, stringify } from "@syndicate-lang/core"; import { fromJS, Bytes, Dataspace, Ref, Sturdy, AnyValue, Reader, Schemas, stringify } from "@syndicate-lang/core";
import { boot as bootHtml, Anchor, template as html, HtmlFragments, GlobalEvent, UIAttribute, UIChangeableProperty } from "@syndicate-lang/html"; import { boot as bootHtml, Anchor, template as html, HtmlFragments, GlobalEvent, UIAttribute, UIChangeableProperty } from "@syndicate-lang/html";
import { boot as bootWakeDetector, WakeEvent } from "./wake-detector"; import { boot as bootWakeDetector, WakeEvent } from "./wake-detector";
import { boot as bootWsRelay } from "@syndicate-lang/ws-relay"; import { boot as bootWsRelay } from "@syndicate-lang/ws-relay";
@ -46,12 +46,9 @@ function bootChat(ds: Ref) {
during G.ResolvePath({ during G.ResolvePath({
"route": route, "route": route,
"addr": $addr, "addr": $addr,
"control": $control_e: Embedded, "control": $control: Ref,
"resolved": G.Resolved.accepted($remoteDs_e: Embedded), "resolved": G.Resolved.accepted($remoteDs: Ref),
}) => { }) => {
const remoteDs = remoteDs_e.embeddedValue;
const control = control_e.embeddedValue;
on message WakeEvent() => at control { on message WakeEvent() => at control {
send message G.ForceDisconnect(); send message G.ForceDisconnect();
} }

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
tcp-remote„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ TcpPeerInfo´³rec´³lit³tcp-peer„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³embedded³any„„´³named³local´³refµ„³TcpLocal„„´³named³remote´³refµ„³ TcpRemote„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³http„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Chunk´³orµµ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³ tcp-remote„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ TcpPeerInfo´³rec´³lit³tcp-peer„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³embedded³any„„´³named³local´³refµ„³TcpLocal„„´³named³remote´³refµ„³ TcpRemote„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³http„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Chunk´³orµµ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³
ByteString„„„„³Headers´³dictof´³atom³Symbol„´³atom³String„„³MimeType´³atom³Symbol„³ ByteString„„„„³Headers´³dictof´³atom³Symbol„´³atom³String„„³MimeType´³atom³Symbol„³
QueryValue´³orµµ±string´³atom³String„„µ±file´³rec´³lit³file„´³tupleµ´³named³filename´³atom³String„„´³named³headers´³refµ„³Headers„„´³named³body´³atom³ QueryValue´³orµµ±string´³atom³String„„µ±file´³rec´³lit³file„´³tupleµ´³named³filename´³atom³String„„´³named³headers´³refµ„³Headers„„´³named³body´³atom³
ByteString„„„„„„„„³ HostPattern´³orµµ±host´³atom³String„„µ±any´³lit€„„„„³ HttpBinding´³rec´³lit³ http-bind„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³refµ„³ HostPattern„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³refµ„³ MethodPattern„„´³named³path´³refµ„³ PathPattern„„´³named³handler´³embedded´³refµ„³ HttpRequest„„„„„„³ HttpContext´³rec´³lit³request„´³tupleµ´³named³req´³refµ„³ HttpRequest„„´³named³res´³embedded´³refµ„³ HttpResponse„„„„„„³ HttpRequest´³rec´³lit³ http-request„´³tupleµ´³named³sequenceNumber´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³atom³Symbol„„´³named³path´³seqof´³atom³String„„„´³named³headers´³refµ„³Headers„„´³named³query´³dictof´³atom³Symbol„´³seqof´³refµ„³ ByteString„„„„„„„„³ HostPattern´³orµµ±host´³atom³String„„µ±any´³lit€„„„„³ HttpBinding´³rec´³lit³ http-bind„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³refµ„³ HostPattern„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³refµ„³ MethodPattern„„´³named³path´³refµ„³ PathPattern„„´³named³handler´³embedded´³refµ„³ HttpRequest„„„„„„³ HttpContext´³rec´³lit³request„´³tupleµ´³named³req´³refµ„³ HttpRequest„„´³named³res´³embedded´³refµ„³ HttpResponse„„„„„„³ HttpRequest´³rec´³lit³ http-request„´³tupleµ´³named³sequenceNumber´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³host´³refµ„³ RequestHost„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³atom³Symbol„„´³named³path´³seqof´³atom³String„„„´³named³headers´³refµ„³Headers„„´³named³query´³dictof´³atom³Symbol„´³seqof´³refµ„³
QueryValue„„„„´³named³body´³refµ„³ RequestBody„„„„„³ HttpService´³rec´³lit³ http-service„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³refµ„³ HostPattern„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³refµ„³ MethodPattern„„´³named³path´³refµ„³ PathPattern„„„„„³ PathPattern´³seqof´³refµ„³PathPatternElement„„³ RequestBody´³orµµ±present´³atom³ QueryValue„„„„´³named³body´³refµ„³ RequestBody„„„„„³ HttpService´³rec´³lit³ http-service„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³refµ„³ HostPattern„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³method´³refµ„³ MethodPattern„„´³named³path´³refµ„³ PathPattern„„„„„³ PathPattern´³seqof´³refµ„³PathPatternElement„„³ RequestBody´³orµµ±present´³atom³
ByteString„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ HttpListener´³rec´³lit³ http-listener„´³tupleµ´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ HttpResponse´³orµµ±status´³rec´³lit³status„´³tupleµ´³named³code´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„„µ±header´³rec´³lit³header„´³tupleµ´³named³name´³atom³Symbol„„´³named³value´³atom³String„„„„„„µ±chunk´³rec´³lit³chunk„´³tupleµ´³named³chunk´³refµ„³Chunk„„„„„„µ±done´³rec´³lit³done„´³tupleµ´³named³chunk´³refµ„³Chunk„„„„„„„„³ MethodPattern´³orµµ±any´³lit€„„µ±specific´³atom³Symbol„„„„³PathPatternElement´³orµµ±label´³atom³String„„µ±wildcard´³lit³_„„µ±rest´³lit³...„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³noise„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Packet´³orµµ±complete´³atom³ ByteString„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ RequestHost´³orµµ±present´³atom³String„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ HttpListener´³rec´³lit³ http-listener„´³tupleµ´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ HttpResponse´³orµµ±status´³rec´³lit³status„´³tupleµ´³named³code´³atom³ SignedInteger„„´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„„µ±header´³rec´³lit³header„´³tupleµ´³named³name´³atom³Symbol„„´³named³value´³atom³String„„„„„„µ±chunk´³rec´³lit³chunk„´³tupleµ´³named³chunk´³refµ„³Chunk„„„„„„µ±done´³rec´³lit³done„´³tupleµ´³named³chunk´³refµ„³Chunk„„„„„„„„³ MethodPattern´³orµµ±any´³lit€„„µ±specific´³atom³Symbol„„„„³PathPatternElement´³orµµ±label´³atom³String„„µ±wildcard´³lit³_„„µ±rest´³lit³...„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³noise„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Packet´³orµµ±complete´³atom³
ByteString„„µ± ByteString„„µ±
fragmented´³seqof´³atom³ fragmented´³seqof´³atom³
ByteString„„„„„³ Initiator´³rec´³lit³ initiator„´³tupleµ´³named³initiatorSession´³embedded´³refµ„³Packet„„„„„„³ NoiseSpec´³andµ´³dict·³key´³named³key´³atom³ ByteString„„„„„³ Initiator´³rec´³lit³ initiator„´³tupleµ´³named³initiatorSession´³embedded´³refµ„³Packet„„„„„„³ NoiseSpec´³andµ´³dict·³key´³named³key´³atom³
@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ ByteString
RunService´³rec´³lit³ run-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ ServiceState´³rec´³lit³ service-state„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³state´³refµ„³State„„„„„³ ServiceObject´³rec´³lit³service-object„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³object³any„„„„³RequireService´³rec´³lit³require-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³RestartService´³rec´³lit³restart-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ServiceDependency´³rec´³lit³ RunService´³rec´³lit³ run-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ ServiceState´³rec´³lit³ service-state„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³state´³refµ„³State„„„„„³ ServiceObject´³rec´³lit³service-object„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³object³any„„„„³RequireService´³rec´³lit³require-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³RestartService´³rec´³lit³restart-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ServiceDependency´³rec´³lit³
depends-on„´³tupleµ´³named³depender³any„´³named³dependee´³refµ„³ ServiceState„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³protocol„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³S„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³A„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„µ± Extension´³refµ„³ Extension„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³M„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³R„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ Extension´³rec´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof³any„„„³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³ dataspace„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Observe´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ³dataspacePatterns„³Pattern„„´³named³observer´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³ depends-on„´³tupleµ´³named³depender³any„´³named³dependee´³refµ„³ ServiceState„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³protocol„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³S„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³A„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„µ± Extension´³refµ„³ Extension„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³M„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³R„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ Extension´³rec´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof³any„„„³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³ dataspace„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Observe´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ³dataspacePatterns„³Pattern„„´³named³observer´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³
gatekeeper„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³ description´³refµ„³ Description„„´³named³target´³embedded³any„„´³named³observer´³refµ„³ BindObserver„„„„„³Step´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Bound´³orµµ±bound´³rec´³lit³bound„´³tupleµ´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³Route´³rec´³lit³route„´³ tuplePrefixµ´³named³ gatekeeper„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³ description´³refµ„³ Description„„´³named³target´³embedded³any„„´³named³observer´³refµ„³ BindObserver„„„„„³Step´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Bound´³orµµ±bound´³rec´³lit³bound„´³tupleµ´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³Route´³rec´³lit³route„´³ tuplePrefixµ´³named³
transports´³seqof³any„„„´³named³ pathSteps´³seqof´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„³Resolve´³rec´³lit³resolve„´³tupleµ´³named³step´³refµ„³Step„„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³PathStep´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Rejected´³rec´³lit³rejected„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Resolved´³orµµ±accepted´³rec´³lit³accepted„´³tupleµ´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³ Description´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³ ResolvePath´³rec´³lit³ resolve-path„´³tupleµ´³named³route´³refµ„³Route„„´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³ BindObserver´³orµµ±present´³embedded´³refµ„³Bound„„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ForceDisconnect´³rec´³lit³force-disconnect„´³tupleµ„„„³ResolvedPathStep´³rec´³lit³ path-step„´³tupleµ´³named³origin´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolve„„„´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³TransportControl´³refµ„³ForceDisconnect„³TransportConnection´³rec´³lit³connect-transport„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³transportAddress„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Tcp´³rec´³lit³tcp„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³Unix´³rec´³lit³unix„´³tupleµ´³named³path´³atom³String„„„„„³Stdio´³rec´³lit³stdio„´³tupleµ„„„³ WebSocket´³rec´³lit³ws„´³tupleµ´³named³url´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³dataspacePatterns„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³DLit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value´³refµ„³AnyAtom„„„„„³DBind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³AnyAtom´³orµµ±bool´³atom³Boolean„„µ±double´³atom³Double„„µ±int´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³ transports´³seqof³any„„„´³named³ pathSteps´³seqof´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„³Resolve´³rec´³lit³resolve„´³tupleµ´³named³step´³refµ„³Step„„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³PathStep´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Rejected´³rec´³lit³rejected„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Resolved´³orµµ±accepted´³rec´³lit³accepted„´³tupleµ´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³ Description´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³ ResolvePath´³rec´³lit³ resolve-path„´³tupleµ´³named³route´³refµ„³Route„„´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³ BindObserver´³orµµ±present´³embedded´³refµ„³Bound„„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ForceDisconnect´³rec´³lit³force-disconnect„´³tupleµ„„„³ResolvedPathStep´³rec´³lit³ path-step„´³tupleµ´³named³origin´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolve„„„´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³TransportControl´³refµ„³ForceDisconnect„³TransportConnection´³rec´³lit³connect-transport„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³transportAddress„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Tcp´³rec´³lit³tcp„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³Unix´³rec´³lit³unix„´³tupleµ´³named³path´³atom³String„„„„„³Stdio´³rec´³lit³stdio„´³tupleµ„„„³ WebSocket´³rec´³lit³ws„´³tupleµ´³named³url´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³dataspacePatterns„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³AnyAtom´³orµµ±bool´³atom³Boolean„„µ±double´³atom³Double„„µ±int´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³
ByteString„„µ±symbol´³atom³Symbol„„µ±embedded´³embedded³any„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±DDiscard´³refµ„³DDiscard„„µ±DBind´³refµ„³DBind„„µ±DLit´³refµ„³DLit„„µ± DCompound´³refµ„³ DCompound„„„„³DDiscard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„³ DCompound´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±arr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ´³named³items´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ´³named³entries´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„„„ ByteString„„µ±symbol´³atom³Symbol„„µ±embedded´³embedded³any„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±discard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„„µ±bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„µ±lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value´³refµ„³AnyAtom„„„„„„µ±group´³rec´³lit³group„´³tupleµ´³named³type´³refµ„³ GroupType„„´³named³entries´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„„„³ GroupType´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„„„„„µ±arr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„„„

View File

@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
version 1 . version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap . embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
# Dataspace patterns: a sublanguage of attenuation patterns. # Dataspace patterns: *almost* a sublanguage of attenuation patterns.
Pattern = DDiscard / DBind / DLit / DCompound . #
# One key difference is that Dataspace patterns are extensible, in that
# they ignore fields not mentioned in group patterns.
DDiscard = <_>. Pattern =
DBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>. / @discard <_>
DLit = <lit @value AnyAtom>. / <bind @pattern Pattern>
DCompound = <rec @label any @fields [Pattern ...]> / <lit @value AnyAtom>
/ <arr @items [Pattern ...]> / <group @type GroupType @entries { any: Pattern ...:... }>
/ <dict @entries { any: Pattern ...:... }> . .
GroupType =
/ <rec @label any>
/ <arr>
/ <dict>
AnyAtom = AnyAtom =
/ @bool bool / @bool bool

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ MethodPattern = @any #f / @specific @"Lowercase" symbol .
# Assertion in driver DS # Assertion in driver DS
HttpRequest = <http-request HttpRequest = <http-request
@sequenceNumber int @sequenceNumber int
@host string @host RequestHost
@port int @port int
@method @"Lowercase" symbol @method @"Lowercase" symbol
@path [string ...] @path [string ...]
@ -32,13 +32,24 @@ HttpRequest = <http-request
Headers = {@"Lowercase" symbol: string ...:...} . Headers = {@"Lowercase" symbol: string ...:...} .
QueryValue = @string string / <file @filename string @headers Headers @body bytes> . QueryValue = @string string / <file @filename string @headers Headers @body bytes> .
RequestBody = @present bytes / @absent #f . RequestBody = @present bytes / @absent #f .
RequestHost = @present string / @absent #f .
# Assertion to handler entity # Assertion to handler entity
HttpContext = <request @req HttpRequest @res #:HttpResponse> . HttpContext = <request @req HttpRequest @res #:HttpResponse> .
# HttpResponse protocol. Delivered to the `res` ref in `HttpContext`.
# (status | header)* . chunk* . done
# Done triggers completion of the response and retraction of the frame by the peer. If the
# HttpBinding responsible for the request is withdrawn mid-way through a response (i.e. when
# chunked transfer is used and at least one chunk has been sent) the request is abruptly
# closed; if it is withdrawn at any other moment in the lifetime of the request, a 500 Internal
# Server Error is send to the client.
@<TODO "trailers?"> @<TODO "trailers?">
# Messages
HttpResponse = HttpResponse =
# Messages.
/ <status @code int @message string> / <status @code int @message string>
/ <header @name symbol @value string> / <header @name symbol @value string>
/ <chunk @chunk Chunk> / <chunk @chunk Chunk>

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ NoisePreSharedKeys = @present { preSharedKeys: [bytes ...] } / @invalid { preSha
# complete Noise "transport message"; when `complete`, the whole thing is likewise a complete # complete Noise "transport message"; when `complete`, the whole thing is likewise a complete
# "transport message". # "transport message".
# #
# Retraction of the `Introduction` ends the session from the initiator-side; retraction of the # Retraction of the `Initiator` ends the session from the initiator-side; retraction of the
# `<accepted ...>` assertion ends the session from the responder-side. # `<accepted ...>` assertion ends the session from the responder-side.
SessionItem = Initiator / Packet . SessionItem = Initiator / Packet .

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones <> /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
import { canonicalString, KeyedDictionary, is, Record, RecordConstructorInfo, Value, _iterMap, DictionaryMap, Dictionary } from '@preserves/core'; import { canonicalString, KeyedDictionary, is, Record, RecordConstructorInfo, Value, _iterMap, DictionaryMap, Dictionary, EncodableDictionary } from '@preserves/core';
import { AnyValue, Ref } from './actor.js'; import { AnyValue, Ref } from './actor.js';
import * as P from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js'; import * as P from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export function classOfValue(v: any): Shape | null {
} }
} }
export function classOfCtor(v: P.DCompound): Shape { export function classOfCtor(v: P.GroupType): Shape {
switch (v._variant) { switch (v._variant) {
case 'rec': case 'rec':
return canonicalString(v.label); return canonicalString(v.label);
@ -46,44 +46,47 @@ export function step(v: AnyValue, index: AnyValue): AnyValue | undefined {
} }
} }
export type ConstantPositions = {
withValues: Array<Path>,
requiredToExist: Array<Path>,
export type PatternAnalysis = { export type PatternAnalysis = {
constPaths: Array<Path>, constPositions: ConstantPositions,
constValues: Array<AnyValue>, constValues: Array<AnyValue>,
capturePaths: Array<Path>, capturePaths: Array<Path>,
}; };
export function analysePattern(p: P.Pattern): PatternAnalysis { export function analysePattern(p: P.Pattern): PatternAnalysis {
const result: PatternAnalysis = { const result: PatternAnalysis = {
constPaths: [], constPositions: {
withValues: [],
requiredToExist: [],
constValues: [], constValues: [],
capturePaths: [], capturePaths: [],
}; };
const path: Path = []; const path: Path = [];
function walkKey(p: P.Pattern, key: AnyValue) {
function walk(p: P.Pattern) { function walk(p: P.Pattern) {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DCompound': case 'group':
switch (p.value._variant) { p.entries.forEach((p, k) => {
case 'rec': p.value.fields.forEach(walkKey); break; path.push(k);
case 'arr': p.value.items.forEach(walkKey); break; walk(p);
case 'dict': p.value.entries.forEach(walkKey); break; path.pop();
} });
break; break;
case 'DBind': case 'bind':
result.capturePaths.push(path.slice()); result.capturePaths.push(path.slice());
walk(p.value.pattern); walk(p.pattern);
break; break;
case 'DDiscard': case 'discard':
break; break;
case 'DLit': case 'lit':
result.constPaths.push(path.slice()); result.constPositions.withValues.push(path.slice());
result.constValues.push(P.fromAnyAtom(p.value.value)); result.constValues.push(P.fromAnyAtom(p.value));
break; break;
} }
} }
@ -97,32 +100,20 @@ export function match(p: P.Pattern, v: AnyValue): Array<AnyValue> | false {
function walk(p: P.Pattern, v: AnyValue): boolean { function walk(p: P.Pattern, v: AnyValue): boolean {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DBind': { case 'bind': {
captures.push(v); captures.push(v);
return walk(p.value.pattern, v); return walk(p.pattern, v);
} }
case 'DDiscard': case 'discard':
return true; return true;
case 'DLit': case 'lit':
return is(p.value.value, v); return is(p.value, v);
case 'DCompound': { case 'group': {
const pcls = classOfCtor(p.value); const pcls = classOfCtor(p.type);
const vcls = classOfValue(v); const vcls = classOfValue(v);
if (pcls !== vcls) return false; if (pcls !== vcls) return false;
let items: Array<P.Pattern>; for (const [stepIndex, pp] of p.entries.entries()) {
switch (p.value._variant) { const vv = step(v, stepIndex);
case 'dict':
for (const [stepIndex, pp] of p.value.entries.entries()) {
const vv = step(v, stepIndex);
if (vv === void 0 || !walk(pp, vv)) return false;
return true;
case 'rec': items = p.value.fields; break;
case 'arr': items = p.value.items; break;
let index = 0;
for (const pp of items) {
const vv = step(v, index++);
if (vv === void 0 || !walk(pp, vv)) return false; if (vv === void 0 || !walk(pp, vv)) return false;
} }
return true; return true;
@ -136,19 +127,14 @@ export function match(p: P.Pattern, v: AnyValue): Array<AnyValue> | false {
export function isCompletelyConcrete(p: P.Pattern): boolean { export function isCompletelyConcrete(p: P.Pattern): boolean {
function walk(p: P.Pattern): boolean { function walk(p: P.Pattern): boolean {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DBind': return false; case 'bind': return false;
case 'DDiscard': return false; case 'discard': return false;
case 'DLit': return true; case 'lit': return true;
case 'DCompound': switch (p.value._variant) { case 'group':
case 'rec': return p.value.fields.every(isCompletelyConcrete); for (const pp of p.entries.values()) {
case 'arr': return p.value.items.every(isCompletelyConcrete); if (!walk(pp)) return false;
case 'dict': {
for (const pp of p.value.entries.values()) {
if (!walk(pp)) return false;
return true;
} }
} return true;
} }
} }
return walk(p); return walk(p);
@ -157,26 +143,19 @@ export function isCompletelyConcrete(p: P.Pattern): boolean {
export function withoutCaptures(p: P.Pattern): P.Pattern { export function withoutCaptures(p: P.Pattern): P.Pattern {
function walk(p: P.Pattern): P.Pattern { function walk(p: P.Pattern): P.Pattern {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DBind': return walk(p.value.pattern); case 'bind': return walk(p.pattern);
case 'DDiscard': return p; case 'discard': return p;
case 'DLit': return p; case 'lit': return p;
case 'DCompound': case 'group': {
switch (p.value._variant) { const newEntries = new KeyedDictionary<Ref, Value<Ref>, P.Pattern<Ref>>();
case 'rec': for (const [kk, pp] of p.entries) {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.rec({ newEntries.set(kk, walk(pp));
label: p.value.label,
case 'arr':
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.arr(;
case 'dict': {
const newDict = new KeyedDictionary<Ref, Value<Ref>, P.Pattern<Ref>>();
for (const [k, v] of p.value.entries) {
newDict.set(k, walk(v));
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.dict(newDict));
} }
type: p.type,
entries: newEntries,
} }
} }
return walk(p); return walk(p);
@ -186,24 +165,33 @@ export function withoutCaptures(p: P.Pattern): P.Pattern {
// Constructor helpers // Constructor helpers
export function bind(p?: P.Pattern): P.Pattern { export function bind(p?: P.Pattern): P.Pattern {
return P.Pattern.DBind(P.DBind(p ?? _)); return P.Pattern.bind(p ?? _);
} }
export function discard(): P.Pattern { export function discard(): P.Pattern {
return P.Pattern.DDiscard(P.DDiscard()); return P.Pattern.discard();
} }
export const _ = discard(); export const _ = discard();
function lit_seq_entries(vs: AnyValue[]): KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern<Ref>> {
const entries = new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern<Ref>>();
vs.forEach((v, i) => entries.set(i, lit(v)));
return entries;
export function lit(v: AnyValue): P.Pattern { export function lit(v: AnyValue): P.Pattern {
if (Array.isArray(v)) { if (Array.isArray(v)) {
if ('label' in v) { if ('label' in v) {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.rec({ return{
label: v.label, type: P.GroupType.rec(v.label),
fields:, entries: lit_seq_entries(v),
})); });
} else { } else {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.arr(; return{
type: P.GroupType.arr(),
entries: lit_seq_entries(v),
} }
} }
@ -211,38 +199,58 @@ export function lit(v: AnyValue): P.Pattern {
if (vMap) { if (vMap) {
const r = new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>(); const r = new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>();
vMap.forEach((val, key) => r.set(key, lit(val))); vMap.forEach((val, key) => r.set(key, lit(val)));
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.dict(r)); return{
type: P.GroupType.dict(),
entries: r,
} }
if (Set.isSet(v)) { if (Set.isSet(v)) {
throw new Error("Cannot express literal set in pattern"); throw new Error("Cannot express literal set in pattern");
} }
return P.Pattern.DLit(P.DLit(P.asAnyAtom(v))); return P.Pattern.lit(P.asAnyAtom(v));
} }
export function drop_lit(p: P.Pattern): AnyValue | null { export function drop_lit(p: P.Pattern): AnyValue | null {
const e = new Error(); const e = new Error();
function walkEntries(target: AnyValue[], entries: EncodableDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern<Ref>>): void {
let maxKey = -1;
for (const key of entries.keys()) {
if (typeof key !== 'number') throw e;
maxKey = Math.max(maxKey, key);
for (let i = 0; i < maxKey + 1; i++) {
const p = entries.get(i);
if (p === void 0) throw e;
function walk(p: P.Pattern): AnyValue { function walk(p: P.Pattern): AnyValue {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DCompound': case 'group':
switch (p.value._variant) { switch (p.type._variant) {
case 'rec': { case 'rec': {
const v = [] as unknown as Record<AnyValue, AnyValue[], Ref>; const v = [] as unknown as Record<AnyValue, AnyValue[], Ref>;
v.label = p.value.label; v.label = p.type.label;
p.value.fields.forEach(tt => v.push(walk(tt))); walkEntries(v, p.entries);
return v;
case 'arr': {
const v = [] as AnyValue[];
walkEntries(v, p.entries);
return v; return v;
} }
case 'arr':
case 'dict': { case 'dict': {
const v = new DictionaryMap<Ref, AnyValue>(); const v = new DictionaryMap<Ref, AnyValue>();
p.value.entries.forEach((pp, key) => v.set(key, walk(pp))); p.entries.forEach((pp, key) => v.set(key, walk(pp)));
return v.simplifiedValue(); return v.simplifiedValue();
} }
} }
case 'DLit': case 'lit':
return P.fromAnyAtom(p.value.value); return P.fromAnyAtom(p.value);
default: default:
throw e; throw e;
} }
@ -256,14 +264,22 @@ export function drop_lit(p: P.Pattern): AnyValue | null {
} }
export function rec(label: AnyValue, ... fields: P.Pattern[]): P.Pattern { export function rec(label: AnyValue, ... fields: P.Pattern[]): P.Pattern {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.rec({ label, fields })); return{
type: P.GroupType.rec(label),
entries: new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>(, i) => [i, p])),
} }
export function arr(... patterns: P.Pattern[]): P.Pattern { export function arr(... patterns: P.Pattern[]): P.Pattern {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.arr(patterns)); return{
type: P.GroupType.arr(),
entries: new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>(, i) => [i, p])),
} }
export function dict(... entries: [AnyValue, P.Pattern][]): P.Pattern { export function dict(... entries: [AnyValue, P.Pattern][]): P.Pattern {
return P.Pattern.DCompound(P.DCompound.dict( return{
new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>(entries))); type: P.GroupType.dict(),
entries: new KeyedDictionary<Ref, AnyValue, P.Pattern>(entries),
} }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones <> /// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021-2024 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
import { AnyValue, Ref } from './actor.js'; import { AnyValue, Ref } from './actor.js';
import { Pattern, toPattern } from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js'; import { Pattern, toPattern, GroupType, fromGroupType } from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js';
import * as P from './pattern.js'; import * as P from './pattern.js';
import { RecordConstructorInfo, is, Record, JsDictionary } from '@preserves/core'; import { RecordConstructorInfo, is, Record, JsDictionary } from '@preserves/core';
import { Meta, Type, GenType, SchemaDefinition } from '@preserves/schema'; import { Meta, Type, GenType, SchemaDefinition } from '@preserves/schema';
@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ export type QuasiValue =
| { type: 'bind', inner: QuasiValue } | { type: 'bind', inner: QuasiValue }
| { type: 'discard' } | { type: 'discard' }
| { type: 'lit', value: AnyValue } | { type: 'lit', value: AnyValue }
| { type: 'rec', label: AnyValue, items: QuasiValue[] } | { type: 'group', groupType: GroupType, entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][] }
| { type: 'arr', items: QuasiValue[] }
| { type: 'dict', entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][] }
| { type: 'unquote', unquoted: QuasiValue } | { type: 'unquote', unquoted: QuasiValue }
; ;
@ -58,7 +56,8 @@ export function rec(label: AnyValue, ... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue {
if (literals.length === items.length) { if (literals.length === items.length) {
return lit(Record(label, literals)); return lit(Record(label, literals));
} else { } else {
return { type: 'rec', label, items }; const entries =, i) => [i, v] as [number, QuasiValue]);
return { type: 'group', groupType: GroupType.rec(label), entries };
} }
} }
@ -67,12 +66,13 @@ export function arr(... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue {
if (literals.length === items.length) { if (literals.length === items.length) {
return lit(literals); return lit(literals);
} else { } else {
return { type: 'arr', items }; const entries =, i) => [i, v] as [number, QuasiValue]);
return { type: 'group', groupType: GroupType.arr(), entries };
} }
} }
export function dict(... entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][]): QuasiValue { export function dict(... entries: [AnyValue, QuasiValue][]): QuasiValue {
return { type: 'dict', entries }; return { type: 'group', groupType: GroupType.dict(), entries };
} }
export function quote(quoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue { export function quote(quoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue {
@ -80,12 +80,9 @@ export function quote(quoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue {
case 'bind': return quote(bind.quasiValue(quoted.inner)); case 'bind': return quote(bind.quasiValue(quoted.inner));
case 'discard': return quote(discard.quasiValue()); case 'discard': return quote(discard.quasiValue());
case 'lit': return rec(Symbol.for('lit'), lit(quoted.value)); case 'lit': return rec(Symbol.for('lit'), lit(quoted.value));
case 'arr': return rec(Symbol.for('arr'), arr( case 'group':
...; return rec(Symbol.for('group'), lit(fromGroupType(quoted.groupType)), dict(
case 'rec': return rec(Symbol.for('rec'), lit(quoted.label), arr( ...[k, qq]) => [k, quote(qq)] as [AnyValue, QuasiValue])));
case 'dict': return rec(Symbol.for('dict'), dict(
...[k, qq]) => [k, quote(qq)] as [AnyValue, QuasiValue])));
case 'unquote': return quoted.unquoted; case 'unquote': return quoted.unquoted;
} }
} }
@ -94,6 +91,20 @@ export function unquote(unquoted: QuasiValue): QuasiValue {
return { type: 'unquote', unquoted }; return { type: 'unquote', unquoted };
} }
function entriesSeq<V>(entries: [AnyValue, V][], defaultValue: V): V[] {
let maxKey = -1;
const result: V[] = [];
for (const [k, q] of entries) {
if (typeof k !== 'number') throw new Error("Invalid sequence quasivalue entries key");
result[k] = q;
maxKey = Math.max(maxKey, k);
for (let i = 0; i < maxKey + 1; i++) {
if (result[i] === void 0) result[i] = defaultValue;
return result;
export function ctor(info: QuasiValueConstructorInfo, ... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue { export function ctor(info: QuasiValueConstructorInfo, ... items: QuasiValue[]): QuasiValue {
if ('constructorInfo' in info) { if ('constructorInfo' in info) {
return rec(info.constructorInfo.label, ... items); return rec(info.constructorInfo.label, ... items);
@ -158,7 +169,7 @@ export function ctor(info: QuasiValueConstructorInfo, ... items: QuasiValue[]):
if (d.type === 'discard') { if (d.type === 'discard') {
return d; return d;
} }
if (d.type !== 'dict') { if (d.type !== 'group' || d.groupType._variant !== 'dict') {
throw new Error(`Dictionary argument needed to ${defNameStr}`); throw new Error(`Dictionary argument needed to ${defNameStr}`);
} }
for (const [k, p] of d.entries) { for (const [k, p] of d.entries) {
@ -217,8 +228,8 @@ export function ctor(info: QuasiValueConstructorInfo, ... items: QuasiValue[]):
} }
function qArr(q: QuasiValue): QuasiValue[] { function qArr(q: QuasiValue): QuasiValue[] {
if (q.type === 'arr') { if (q.type === 'group' && q.groupType._variant === 'arr') {
return q.items; return entriesSeq(q.entries, discard());
} else if (q.type === 'lit' && Array.isArray(q.value)) { } else if (q.type === 'lit' && Array.isArray(q.value)) {
return; return;
} else { } else {
@ -284,10 +295,12 @@ function walk(q: QuasiValue): Pattern {
case 'bind': return P.bind(walk(q.inner)); case 'bind': return P.bind(walk(q.inner));
case 'discard': return P._; case 'discard': return P._;
case 'lit': return P.lit(q.value); case 'lit': return P.lit(q.value);
case 'arr': return P.arr(...; case 'group': switch (q.groupType._variant) {
case 'rec': return P.rec(q.label, ...; case 'arr': return P.arr(... entriesSeq(q.entries, discard()).map(walk));
case 'dict': return P.dict(... case 'rec': return P.rec(q.groupType.label, ... entriesSeq(q.entries, discard()).map(walk));
([k, qq]) => [k, walk(qq)] as [AnyValue, Pattern])); case 'dict': return P.dict(...
([k, qq]) => [k, walk(qq)] as [AnyValue, Pattern]));
case 'unquote': throw new Error('Unexpected unquote in QuasiValue'); case 'unquote': throw new Error('Unexpected unquote in QuasiValue');
} }
} }

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { AnyValue, Assertion, Ref } from './actor.js';
import { Bag, ChangeDescription } from './bag.js'; import { Bag, ChangeDescription } from './bag.js';
import * as Stack from './stack.js'; import * as Stack from './stack.js';
import * as P from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js'; import * as P from '../gen/dataspacePatterns.js';
import { Path, analysePattern, classOfCtor, classOfValue, step, Shape } from './pattern.js'; import { Path, analysePattern, classOfCtor, classOfValue, step, Shape, ConstantPositions } from './pattern.js';
enum EventType { enum EventType {
ADDED = +1, ADDED = +1,
@ -31,13 +31,15 @@ export class Index<T> {
readonly root: Node<T> = new Node(new Continuation(new Set())); readonly root: Node<T> = new Node(new Continuation(new Set()));
addObserver(pattern: P.Pattern, observer: IndexObserver<T>, parameter: T) { addObserver(pattern: P.Pattern, observer: IndexObserver<T>, parameter: T) {
let {constPaths, constValues, capturePaths} = analysePattern(pattern); let {constPositions, constValues, capturePaths} = analysePattern(pattern);
const continuation = this.root.extend(pattern); const continuation = this.root.extend(pattern);
let constValMap = continuation.leafMap.get(constPaths); let constValMap = continuation.leafMap.get(constPositions);
if (!constValMap) { if (!constValMap) {
constValMap = new KeyedDictionary(); constValMap = new KeyedDictionary();
continuation.cachedAssertions.forEach((a) => { continuation.cachedAssertions.forEach((a) => {
const key = projectPaths(a, constPaths); if (projectPaths(a, constPositions.requiredToExist) === void 0) return;
const key = projectPaths(a, constPositions.withValues);
if (key === void 0) return;
let leaf = constValMap!.get(key); let leaf = constValMap!.get(key);
if (!leaf) { if (!leaf) {
leaf = new Leaf(); leaf = new Leaf();
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ export class Index<T> {
} }
leaf.cachedAssertions.add(a); leaf.cachedAssertions.add(a);
}); });
continuation.leafMap.set(constPaths, constValMap); continuation.leafMap.set(constPositions, constValMap);
} }
let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues); let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues);
if (!leaf) { if (!leaf) {
@ -55,8 +57,10 @@ export class Index<T> {
let observerGroup = leaf.observerGroups.get(capturePaths); let observerGroup = leaf.observerGroups.get(capturePaths);
if (!observerGroup) { if (!observerGroup) {
const cachedCaptures = new Bag<Ref, Array<AnyValue>>(); const cachedCaptures = new Bag<Ref, Array<AnyValue>>();
leaf.cachedAssertions.forEach((a) => leaf.cachedAssertions.forEach((a) => {
cachedCaptures._items.update(projectPaths(a, capturePaths), n => n! + 1, 0)); const vs = projectPaths(a, capturePaths);
if (vs !== void 0) cachedCaptures._items.update(vs, n => n! + 1, 0);
observerGroup = new ObserverGroup(cachedCaptures); observerGroup = new ObserverGroup(cachedCaptures);
leaf.observerGroups.set(capturePaths, observerGroup); leaf.observerGroups.set(capturePaths, observerGroup);
} }
@ -65,9 +69,9 @@ export class Index<T> {
} }
removeObserver(pattern: P.Pattern, observer: IndexObserver<T>, parameter: T) { removeObserver(pattern: P.Pattern, observer: IndexObserver<T>, parameter: T) {
let {constPaths, constValues, capturePaths} = analysePattern(pattern); let {constPositions, constValues, capturePaths} = analysePattern(pattern);
const continuation = this.root.extend(pattern); const continuation = this.root.extend(pattern);
let constValMap = continuation.leafMap.get(constPaths); let constValMap = continuation.leafMap.get(constPositions);
if (!constValMap) return; if (!constValMap) return;
let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues); let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues);
if (!leaf) return; if (!leaf) return;
@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ export class Index<T> {
constValMap.delete(constValues); constValMap.delete(constValues);
} }
if (constValMap.size === 0) { if (constValMap.size === 0) {
continuation.leafMap.delete(constPaths); continuation.leafMap.delete(constPositions);
} }
} }
@ -168,19 +172,19 @@ class Node<T> {
function walkNode(node: Node<T>, popCount: number, stepIndex: AnyValue, p: P.Pattern): [number, Node<T>] function walkNode(node: Node<T>, popCount: number, stepIndex: AnyValue, p: P.Pattern): [number, Node<T>]
{ {
switch (p._variant) { switch (p._variant) {
case 'DDiscard': case 'discard':
case 'DLit': case 'lit':
return [popCount, node]; return [popCount, node];
case 'DBind': case 'bind':
return walkNode(node, popCount, stepIndex, p.value.pattern); return walkNode(node, popCount, stepIndex, p.pattern);
case 'DCompound': { case 'group': {
const selector: Selector = [popCount, stepIndex]; const selector: Selector = [popCount, stepIndex];
let table = node.edges.get(selector); let table = node.edges.get(selector);
if (!table) { if (!table) {
table = {}; table = {};
node.edges.set(selector, table); node.edges.set(selector, table);
} }
let cls = classOfCtor(p.value); let cls = classOfCtor(p.type);
let nextNode = table[cls]; let nextNode = table[cls];
if (!nextNode) { if (!nextNode) {
nextNode = new Node(new Continuation( nextNode = new Node(new Continuation(
@ -189,16 +193,11 @@ class Node<T> {
table[cls] = nextNode; table[cls] = nextNode;
} }
popCount = 0; popCount = 0;
function walkKey(pp: P.Pattern, stepIndex: AnyValue) { p.entries.forEach((pp, stepIndex) => {
path.push(stepIndex); path.push(stepIndex);
[popCount, nextNode] = walkNode(nextNode, popCount, stepIndex, pp); [popCount, nextNode] = walkNode(nextNode, popCount, stepIndex, pp);
path.pop(); path.pop();
} });
switch (p.value._variant) {
case 'rec': p.value.fields.forEach(walkKey); break;
case 'arr': p.value.items.forEach(walkKey); break;
case 'dict': p.value.entries.forEach(walkKey); break;
return [popCount + 1, nextNode]; return [popCount + 1, nextNode];
} }
} }
@ -226,8 +225,10 @@ class Node<T> {
function walkContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>) { function walkContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>) {
m_cont(continuation, outerValue); m_cont(continuation, outerValue);
continuation.leafMap.forEach((constValMap, constPaths) => { continuation.leafMap.forEach((constValMap, constPositions) => {
let constValues = projectPaths(outerValue, constPaths); if (projectPaths(outerValue, constPositions.requiredToExist) === void 0) return;
let constValues = projectPaths(outerValue, constPositions.withValues);
if (constValues === void 0) return;
let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues); let leaf = constValMap.get(constValues);
if (!leaf && operation === EventType.ADDED) { if (!leaf && operation === EventType.ADDED) {
leaf = new Leaf(); leaf = new Leaf();
@ -236,12 +237,13 @@ class Node<T> {
if (leaf) { if (leaf) {
m_leaf(leaf, outerValue); m_leaf(leaf, outerValue);
leaf.observerGroups.forEach((observerGroup, capturePaths) => { leaf.observerGroups.forEach((observerGroup, capturePaths) => {
m_observerGroup(observerGroup, projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths)); const vs = projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths);
if (vs !== void 0) m_observerGroup(observerGroup, vs);
}); });
if (operation === EventType.REMOVED && leaf.isEmpty()) { if (operation === EventType.REMOVED && leaf.isEmpty()) {
constValMap.delete(constValues); constValMap.delete(constValues);
if (constValMap.size === 0) { if (constValMap.size === 0) {
continuation.leafMap.delete(constPaths); continuation.leafMap.delete(constPositions);
} }
} }
} }
@ -267,7 +269,7 @@ class Node<T> {
class Continuation<T> { class Continuation<T> {
readonly cachedAssertions: Set<Ref>; readonly cachedAssertions: Set<Ref>;
readonly leafMap: KeyedDictionary<Ref, Array<Path>, KeyedDictionary<Ref, Assertion, Leaf<T>>> = new KeyedDictionary(); readonly leafMap: KeyedDictionary<Ref, ConstantPositions, KeyedDictionary<Ref, Assertion, Leaf<T>>> = new KeyedDictionary();
constructor(cachedAssertions: Set<Ref>) { constructor(cachedAssertions: Set<Ref>) {
this.cachedAssertions = cachedAssertions; this.cachedAssertions = cachedAssertions;
@ -320,15 +322,21 @@ class ObserverGroup<T> {
} }
} }
// Total by assumption that path is valid for v function projectPath(v: AnyValue, path: Path): AnyValue | undefined {
function projectPath(v: AnyValue, path: Path): AnyValue {
for (let index of path) { for (let index of path) {
v = step(v, index)!; const next = step(v, index);
if (next === void 0) return void 0;
v = next;
} }
return v; return v;
} }
// Total by assumption that paths are valid for v function projectPaths(v: AnyValue, paths: Array<Path>): AnyValue[] | undefined {
function projectPaths(v: AnyValue, paths: Array<Path>): AnyValue[] { const result = [];
return => projectPath(v, path)); for (const path of paths) {
const w = projectPath(v, path);
if (w === void 0) return void 0;
return result;
} }