Repair relay pins, to pin target refs too

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2023-01-11 11:48:25 +01:00
parent eaa7268c9b
commit fe427a67be
2 changed files with 113 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -2,12 +2,8 @@
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2022 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
import * as S from '../gen/sturdy.js';
import { Oid } from '../gen/protocol.js';
import { Ref } from '../runtime/actor.js';
import { Decoder, DecoderState, Encoder, EncoderState, GenericEmbedded, neverEmbeddedType, EmbeddedType, Value, EmbeddedWriter } from '@preserves/core';
export type WireSymbol = { oid: Oid, ref: Ref, count: number };
export const wireRefEmbeddedType: EmbeddedType<S.WireRef> & EmbeddedWriter<S.WireRef> = {
decode(s: DecoderState): S.WireRef {
return S.asWireRef(new Decoder<any>(s).next());

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@ -4,16 +4,34 @@
import { Actor, Assertion, Entity, Facet, Handle, Ref, Turn } from '../runtime/actor.js';
import { BytesLike, Decoder, Dictionary, embed, encode, IdentityMap, mapEmbeddeds, stringify, underlying, Value } from '@preserves/core';
import * as IO from '../gen/protocol.js';
import { wireRefEmbeddedType, WireSymbol } from './protocol.js';
import { wireRefEmbeddedType } from './protocol.js';
import { queueTask } from '../runtime/task.js';
import { attenuate } from '../runtime/rewrite.js';
import { fromAttenuation, WireRef } from '../gen/sturdy.js';
export class WireSymbol {
count = 0;
constructor (
public side: Membrane,
public oid: IO.Oid,
public ref: Ref,
) {}
drop(): void {
if (this.count === 0) {
export class SyncPeerEntity implements Entity {
readonly relay: Relay;
readonly peer: Ref;
readonly handleMap = new IdentityMap<Handle, Handle>();
e: WireSymbol | null = null;
pins: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
constructor(relay: Relay, peer: Ref) {
this.relay = relay;
@ -31,7 +49,7 @@ export class SyncPeerEntity implements Entity {
message(body: Assertion): void {
// We get to vanish from the indexes now
this.pins.forEach(e => e.drop());, body);
@ -55,7 +73,7 @@ export class RelayEntity implements Entity {
assert(assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): void {
assertion: this.relay.register(assertion, handle),
assertion: this.relay.register(this.oid, assertion, handle),
@ -66,29 +84,38 @@ export class RelayEntity implements Entity {
message(body: Assertion): void {
this.send(IO.Event.Message(IO.Message(this.relay.register(body, null))));
this.send(IO.Event.Message(IO.Message(this.relay.register(null, body, null))));
sync(peer: Ref): void {
const peerEntity = new SyncPeerEntity(this.relay, peer);
const exported: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const ior = this.relay.rewriteRefOut(Turn.ref(peerEntity), false, exported);
peerEntity.e = exported[0];
this.relay.grabImportedOid(this.oid, peerEntity.pins);
const ior = this.relay.rewriteRefOut(Turn.ref(peerEntity), false, peerEntity.pins);
export type WhichTable = "byOid" | "byRef";
export class Membrane {
readonly byOid = new IdentityMap<IO.Oid, WireSymbol>();
readonly byRef = new IdentityMap<Ref, WireSymbol>();
grab<Table extends "byOid" | "byRef">(table: Table,
key: Parameters<Membrane[Table]['get']>[0],
transient: boolean,
f: () => WireSymbol): WireSymbol
grab<Table extends WhichTable>(table: Table,
key: Parameters<Membrane[Table]['get']>[0],
transient: boolean,
f: () => WireSymbol): WireSymbol;
grab<Table extends WhichTable>(table: Table,
key: Parameters<Membrane[Table]['get']>[0],
transient: boolean,
f: null): WireSymbol | null;
grab<Table extends WhichTable>(table: Table,
key: Parameters<Membrane[Table]['get']>[0],
transient: boolean,
f: (() => WireSymbol) | null): WireSymbol | null {
let e = this[table].get(key as any);
if (e === void 0) {
if (f === null) return null;
e = f();
this.byRef.set(e.ref, e);
this.byOid.set(e.oid, e);
@ -96,14 +123,6 @@ export class Membrane {
if (!transient) e.count++;
return e;
drop(e: WireSymbol): void {
if (e.count === 0) {
export const INERT_REF: Ref = {
@ -128,7 +147,7 @@ export class Relay {
readonly w: PacketWriter;
readonly inboundAssertions = new IdentityMap<Handle, {
localHandle: Handle,
imported: Array<WireSymbol>,
pins: Array<WireSymbol>,
readonly outboundAssertions = new IdentityMap<Handle, Array<WireSymbol>>();
readonly exported = new Membrane();
@ -166,40 +185,52 @@ export class Relay {
rewriteOut(assertion: Assertion, transient: boolean): [Value<WireRef>, Array<WireSymbol>]
const exported: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(assertion, r => embed(this.rewriteRefOut(r, transient, exported)));
return [rewritten, exported];
rewriteIn(a: Value<WireRef>): [Assertion, Array<WireSymbol>]
const imported: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(a, r => embed(this.rewriteRefIn(r, imported)));
return [rewritten, imported];
register(assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle | null): Value<WireRef> {
const [rewritten, exported] = this.rewriteOut(assertion, handle === null);
if (handle !== null) this.outboundAssertions.set(handle, exported);
register(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid, assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle): Value<WireRef>;
register(targetRemoteOid: null, assertion: Assertion, handle: null): Value<WireRef>;
register(targetRemoteOid: IO.Oid | null, assertion: Assertion, handle: Handle | null): Value<WireRef> {
const transient = (handle === null);
const pins: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(assertion, r => embed(this.rewriteRefOut(r, transient, pins)));
if (handle !== null) {
if (targetRemoteOid !== null /* belt and suspenders */) {
this.grabImportedOid(targetRemoteOid, pins);
this.outboundAssertions.set(handle, pins);
return rewritten;
deregister(handle: Handle): void {
(this.outboundAssertions.get(handle) ?? []).forEach(e => this.releaseRefOut(e));
(this.outboundAssertions.get(handle) ?? []).forEach(e => e.drop());
rewriteRefOut(r: Ref, transient: boolean, exported: Array<WireSymbol>): WireRef {
grabImportedOid(oid: IO.Oid, pins: Array<WireSymbol>) {
const e = this.imported.grab("byOid", oid, false, null);
if (e === null) {
throw new Error("Internal error: import table missing entry for oid " + oid);
grabExportedOid(oid: IO.Oid, pins: Array<WireSymbol>): Ref {
const e = this.exported.grab("byOid", oid, false, null);
if (e === null) return INERT_REF;
return e.ref;
rewriteRefOut(r: Ref, transient: boolean, pins: Array<WireSymbol>): WireRef {
if ( instanceof RelayEntity && === this) {
if (r.attenuation === void 0 || r.attenuation.length === 0) {
// No extra conditions on this reference since it was sent to us.
this.grabImportedOid(, pins);
return WireRef.yours({ oid:, attenuation: [] });
} else {
// This reference has been attenuated since it was sent to us.
// Do we trust the peer to enforce such attenuation on our behalf?
if (this.trustPeer) {
this.grabImportedOid(, pins);
return WireRef.yours({ oid:, attenuation: r.attenuation });
} else {
// fall through: treat the attenuated ref as a local ref, and re-export it.
@ -210,36 +241,38 @@ export class Relay {
const e = this.exported.grab(
"byRef", r, transient, () => {
if (transient) throw new Error("Cannot send transient reference");
return { oid: this.nextLocalOid++, ref: r, count: 0 };
return new WireSymbol(this.exported, this.nextLocalOid++, r);
return WireRef.mine(e.oid);
releaseRefOut(e: WireSymbol) {
rewriteRefIn(n: WireRef, imported: Array<WireSymbol>): Ref {
rewriteRefIn(n: WireRef, pins: Array<WireSymbol>): Ref {
switch (n._variant) {
case 'yours': {
const r = this.lookupLocal(n.oid);
if (n.attenuation.length === 0 || r === INERT_REF) {
return r;
const e = this.exported.grab("byOid", n.oid, false, null);
if (e === null) {
return INERT_REF;
} else {
type AttenuatedRef = Ref & { __attenuations?: Dictionary<any, Ref> };
const ar = r as AttenuatedRef;
if (ar.__attenuations === void 0) {
ar.__attenuations = new Dictionary();
const r = e.ref;
if (n.attenuation.length === 0) {
return r;
} else {
type AttenuatedRef = Ref & { __attenuations?: Dictionary<any, Ref> };
const ar = r as AttenuatedRef;
if (ar.__attenuations === void 0) {
ar.__attenuations = new Dictionary();
return ar.__attenuations.getOrSet(fromAttenuation(n.attenuation), () =>
attenuate(r, ... n.attenuation));
return ar.__attenuations.getOrSet(fromAttenuation(n.attenuation), () =>
attenuate(r, ... n.attenuation));
case 'mine': {
const e = this.imported.grab("byOid", n.oid, false, () =>
({ oid: n.oid, ref: Turn.ref(new RelayEntity(this, n.oid)), count: 0 }));
new WireSymbol(this.imported, n.oid, Turn.ref(new RelayEntity(this, n.oid))));
return e.ref;
@ -259,10 +292,6 @@ export class Relay {
this.pendingTurn.push(IO.TurnEvent({ oid: remoteOid, event: m }));
lookupLocal(localOid: IO.Oid): Ref {
return this.exported.byOid.get(localOid)?.ref ?? INERT_REF;
accept(bs: BytesLike): void {
Turn.for(this.facet, () => {
@ -272,21 +301,26 @@ export class Relay {
const wireTurn = IO.toTurn(rawTurn);
if (wireTurn === void 0) throw new Error("Bad IO.Turn");
if (this.debug) console.log('IN', stringify(rawTurn));
wireTurn.forEach(v => {
const { oid: localOid, event: m } = v;
this.handle(this.lookupLocal(localOid), m);
wireTurn.forEach(v => this.handle(v.oid, v.event));
handle(r: Ref, m: IO.Event<WireRef>) {
rewriteIn(a: Value<WireRef>): [Assertion, Array<WireSymbol>]
const pins: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const rewritten = mapEmbeddeds(a, r => embed(this.rewriteRefIn(r, pins)));
return [rewritten, pins];
handle(localOid: IO.Oid, m: IO.Event<WireRef>) {
switch (m._variant) {
case 'Assert': {
const [a, imported] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.assertion);
const [a, pins] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.assertion);
const r = this.grabExportedOid(localOid, pins);
this.inboundAssertions.set(m.value.handle, {
localHandle:, a),
@ -295,22 +329,24 @@ export class Relay {
const h = this.inboundAssertions.get(remoteHandle);
if (h === void 0) throw new Error(`Peer retracted invalid handle ${remoteHandle}`);
h.imported.forEach(e => this.imported.drop(e));
h.pins.forEach(e => e.drop());;
case 'Message': {
const [a, imported] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.body);
if (imported.length > 0) throw new Error("Cannot receive transient reference");, a);
const [a, pins] = this.rewriteIn(m.value.body);
if (pins.length > 0) throw new Error("Cannot receive transient reference");
const r = this.exported.byOid.get(localOid)?.ref;
if (r), a);
case 'Sync': {
const imported: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const k = this.rewriteRefIn(m.value.peer, imported);
const pins: Array<WireSymbol> = [];
const r = this.grabExportedOid(localOid, pins);
const k = this.rewriteRefIn(m.value.peer, pins); => {, true);
imported.forEach(e => this.imported.drop(e));
pins.forEach(e => e.drop());