Migrate dataflow impl and tests from old implementation

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-10-22 15:29:07 +01:00
parent 0ba53d37b5
commit d389fe27c0
3 changed files with 325 additions and 0 deletions

src/dataflow.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
"use strict";
// Property-based "dataflow"
var Immutable = require("immutable");
var MapSet = require("./mapset.js");
function Graph() {
this.edgesForward = Immutable.Map();
this.edgesReverse = Immutable.Map();
this.damagedNodes = Immutable.Set();
this.currentSubjectId = null;
Graph.prototype.withSubject = function (subjectId, f) {
var oldSubjectId = this.currentSubjectId;
this.currentSubjectId = subjectId;
var result;
try {
result = f();
} catch (e) {
this.currentSubjectId = oldSubjectId;
throw e;
this.currentSubjectId = oldSubjectId;
return result;
Graph.prototype.recordObservation = function (objectId) {
if (this.currentSubjectId) {
this.edgesForward = MapSet.add(this.edgesForward, objectId, this.currentSubjectId);
this.edgesReverse = MapSet.add(this.edgesReverse, this.currentSubjectId, objectId);
Graph.prototype.recordDamage = function (objectId) {
this.damagedNodes = this.damagedNodes.add(objectId);
Graph.prototype.forgetSubject = function (subjectId) {
var self = this;
var subjectObjects = self.edgesReverse.get(subjectId) || Immutable.Set();
self.edgesReverse = self.edgesReverse.remove(subjectId);
subjectObjects.forEach(function (objectId) {
self.edgesForward = MapSet.remove(self.edgesForward, objectId, subjectId);
Graph.prototype.repairDamage = function (repairNode) {
var self = this;
var repairedThisRound = Immutable.Set();
while (true) {
var workSet = self.damagedNodes;
self.damagedNodes = Immutable.Set();
var alreadyDamaged = workSet.intersect(repairedThisRound);
if (!alreadyDamaged.isEmpty()) {
console.warn('Cyclic dependencies involving', alreadyDamaged);
workSet = workSet.subtract(repairedThisRound);
repairedThisRound = repairedThisRound.union(workSet);
if (workSet.isEmpty()) break;
workSet.forEach(function (objectId) {
var subjects = self.edgesForward.get(objectId) || Immutable.Set();
subjects.forEach(function (subjectId) {
self.withSubject(subjectId, function () {
Graph.prototype.defineObservableProperty = function (obj, prop, value, maybeOptions) {
var graph = this;
var options = typeof maybeOptions === 'undefined' ? {} : maybeOptions;
var objectId = options.objectId || '__' + prop;
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return value;
set: function (newValue) {
if (!options.noopGuard || !options.noopGuard(value, newValue)) {
value = newValue;
return objectId;
Graph.newScope = function (o) {
function O() {}
O.prototype = o;
return new O();
module.exports.Graph = Graph;

src/mapset.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"use strict";
// Utilities for Maps of Sets
var Immutable = require('immutable');
function add(ms, key, val) {
return ms.set(key, (ms.get(key) || Immutable.Set()).add(val));
function remove(ms, key, val) {
var oldSet = ms.get(key);
if (oldSet) {
var newSet = oldSet.remove(val);
if (newSet.isEmpty()) {
ms = ms.remove(key);
} else {
ms = ms.set(key, newSet);
return ms;
module.exports.add = add;
module.exports.remove = remove;

test/test-dataflow.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
"use strict";
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var Immutable = require('immutable');
var Dataflow = require('../src/dataflow.js');
function Cell(graph, initialValue, name) {
this.objectId = graph.defineObservableProperty(this, 'value', initialValue, {
objectId: name,
noopGuard: (a, b) => a === b
function DerivedCell(graph, name, valueThunk) {
var c = new Cell(graph, undefined, name);
c.refresh = function () { c.value = valueThunk(); };
graph.withSubject(c, function () { c.refresh(); });
return c;
function expectSetsEqual(a, bArray) {
return expect(Immutable.is(a, Immutable.Set(bArray))).to.equal(true);
function checkDamagedNodes(g, expectedObjects) {
return expectSetsEqual(g.damagedNodes, expectedObjects);
describe('dataflow', () => {
describe('edges, damage and subjects', () => {
it('should be recorded', () => {
var g = new Dataflow.Graph();
var c = new Cell(g, 123);
g.withSubject('s', () => { c.value; });
g.withSubject('t', () => { c.value; });
g.withSubject('s', () => { c.value; });
c.value = 234;
var subjects = Immutable.Set();
g.repairDamage(function (subjectId) { subjects = subjects.add(subjectId); });
expectSetsEqual(subjects, ['s', 't']);
describe('DerivedCell', () => {
describe('simple case', () => {
var g = new Dataflow.Graph();
var c = DerivedCell(g, 'c', () => 123);
var d = DerivedCell(g, 'd', () => c.value * 2);
it('should be properly initialized', () => {
it('should lead initially to damaged everything', () => {
it('should repair idempotently after initialization', () => {
g.repairDamage(function (c) { c.refresh(); });
it('should be inconsistent after modification but before repair', () => {
c.value = 124;
it('should repair itself properly', () => {
g.repairDamage(function (c) { c.refresh(); });
describe('a more complex case', () => {
var g = new Dataflow.Graph();
function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
var xs = new Cell(g, Immutable.List.of(1, 2, 3, 4), 'xs');
var sum = DerivedCell(g, 'sum', () => xs.value.reduce(add, 0));
var len = DerivedCell(g, 'len', () => xs.value.size);
var avg = DerivedCell(g, 'avg', () => {
if (len.value === 0) return null;
return sum.value / len.value;
var scale = new Cell(g, 1, 'scale');
var ans = DerivedCell(g, 'ans', () => {
if (scale.value === 0) return null;
return typeof avg.value === 'number' && avg.value / scale.value;
function expectValues(vs) {
g.repairDamage(function (c) { c.refresh(); });
expect([xs.value.toJS(), sum.value, len.value, avg.value, scale.value, ans.value]).to.eql(vs);
it('initially', () => {
expectValues([ [1,2,3,4], 10, 4, 2.5, 1, 2.5 ]);
it('at scale zero', () => {
scale.value = 0;
expectValues([ [1,2,3,4], 10, 4, 2.5, 0, null ]);
it('with nine and zero', () => {
xs.value = xs.value.concat([9, 0]);
expectValues([ [1,2,3,4,9,0], 19, 6, 19/6, 0, null ]);
it('with five and four', () => {
xs.value = xs.value.skipLast(2).concat([5, 4]);
expectValues([ [1,2,3,4,5,4], 19, 6, 19/6, 0, null ]);
it('at scale one', () => {
scale.value = 1;
expectValues([ [1,2,3,4,5,4], 19, 6, 19/6, 1, 19/6 ]);
it('empty', () => {
xs.value = Immutable.List();
expectValues([ [], 0, 0, null, 1, false ]);
it('four, five, and six', () => {
xs.value = Immutable.List.of(4, 5, 6);
expectValues([ [4,5,6], 15, 3, 15/3, 1, 15/3 ]);
describe('scopes', () => {
var g = new Dataflow.Graph();
function buildScopes() {
var rootScope = {};
var midScope = Dataflow.Graph.newScope(rootScope);
var outerScope = Dataflow.Graph.newScope(midScope);
return {root: rootScope, mid: midScope, outer: outerScope};
it('should make rootward props visible further out', () => {
var ss = buildScopes();
g.defineObservableProperty(ss.root, 'p', 123);
expect('p' in ss.root).to.equal(true);
expect('p' in ss.mid).to.equal(true);
expect('p' in ss.outer).to.equal(true);
it('should make changes at root visible at leaves', () => {
var ss = buildScopes();
g.defineObservableProperty(ss.root, 'p', 123);
ss.root.p = 234;
it('should make changes at leaves visible at root', () => {
var ss = buildScopes();
g.defineObservableProperty(ss.root, 'p', 123);
ss.outer.p = 234;
it('should hide definitions at leaves from roots', () => {
var ss = buildScopes();
g.defineObservableProperty(ss.outer, 'p', 123);
expect('p' in ss.root).to.equal(false);
expect('p' in ss.mid).to.equal(false);
expect('p' in ss.outer).to.equal(true);
it('should hide middle definitions from roots but show to leaves', () => {
var ss = buildScopes();
g.defineObservableProperty(ss.mid, 'p', 123);
expect('p' in ss.root).to.equal(false);
expect('p' in ss.mid).to.equal(true);
expect('p' in ss.outer).to.equal(true);