Bring the flappy-bird example up to date

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-12-11 16:59:38 +01:00
parent a3484d4a07
commit a8e542a394
2 changed files with 118 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
<script src="index.js"></script>

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2016-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
import { $QuitDataspace, Double, Facet, Inbound, Outbound, floatValue } from '@syndicate-lang/core';
activate import { WindowEvent, template, Anchor } from '@syndicate-lang/html';
activate import { PeriodicTick } from '@syndicate-lang/timer';
import { Record, Dataspace, Double, floatValue, Ref, stringify } from '@syndicate-lang/core';
import { boot as bootHtml, WindowEvent, template, Anchor } from '@syndicate-lang/html';
import { boot as bootTimer, PeriodicTick } from '@syndicate-lang/timer';
assertion type Position(x, y);
assertion type GameOver();
@ -20,127 +20,168 @@ const PILLAR_GAP = 158;
const FIELD_HEIGHT = 561;
boot {
spawn named 'game-factory' {
on start spawnGame(thisFacet);
during GameOver() => {
on stop spawnGame(thisFacet);
on message WindowEvent('+keypress', $_e) => send message Reset();
on message WindowEvent('+click', $_e) => send message Reset();
export function main() {
Dataspace.boot(mainDs => {
spawn named 'game-factory' {
at mainDs {
during GameOver() => {
on stop spawnGame(mainDs);
on message WindowEvent('+keypress', $_e) => send message Reset();
on message WindowEvent('+click', $_e) => send message Reset();
function spawnGame<T>(thisFacet: Facet<T>) {
spawn dataspace named 'GameInstance' {
spawn named 'game-instance-control' {
during GameOver() => assert Outbound(GameOver());
on message Inbound(Reset()) => send message $QuitDataspace;
function spawnGame(mainDs: Ref) {
spawn named 'GameInstance' {
const gameDs = create new Dataspace();
at gameDs {
during GameOver() => at mainDs {
assert GameOver();
at mainDs {
stop on message Reset();
spawn named 'score' {
spawn linked named 'score' {
let ui = new Anchor();
field score: number = 0;
assert Score(this.score);
on start react {
assert Outbound(ui.html('#board-area',
template`<h1 class="score">${this.score}</h1>`));
stop on asserted GameOver() => react {
assert Outbound(ui.html('#board-area',
template`<h1 class="score">${this.score}<br/>GAME OVER</h1>`));
at gameDs {
assert Score(score.value);
on message IncreaseScore() => score.value++;
on message IncreaseScore() => this.score++;
react {
at mainDs {
assert ui.html('#board-area', template`<h1 class="score">${score.value}</h1>`);
at gameDs {
stop on asserted GameOver() => react {
at mainDs {
assert ui.html(
template`<h1 class="score">${score.value}<br/>GAME OVER</h1>`);
spawn named 'flappy' {
spawn linked named 'flappy' {
let ui = new Anchor();
field xpos: number = 0;
field ypos: number = 312;
field yvel: number = 0;
assert Position(Double(this.xpos), Double(this.ypos));
at gameDs {
assert Position(Double(xpos.value), Double(ypos.value));
assert Outbound(
template`<div class="flappy"
style="${`transform: rotate(${2 * this.yvel}deg);
top: ${this.ypos}px`}"></div>`));
on (this.ypos > BOARD_HEIGHT - FLAPPY_HEIGHT) {
react {
assert GameOver();
on (ypos.value > BOARD_HEIGHT - FLAPPY_HEIGHT) {
react {
assert GameOver();
on start react {
stop on asserted GameOver();
at mainDs {
assert ui.html(
template`<div class="flappy"
style="${`transform: rotate(${2 * yvel.value}deg);
top: ${ypos.value}px`}"></div>`);
on message Inbound(WindowEvent('+keypress', $_e)) => this.yvel = -10;
on message Inbound(WindowEvent('+click', $_e)) => this.yvel = -10;
react {
at gameDs {
stop on asserted GameOver();
const ms_per_tick = 1000.0 / 60;
on message Inbound(PeriodicTick(Double(ms_per_tick))) => {
this.xpos += 0.15 * ms_per_tick;
this.ypos = (this.ypos + this.yvel);
this.yvel += ms_per_tick * 0.05;
at mainDs {
on message WindowEvent('+keypress', $_e) => yvel.value = -10;
on message WindowEvent('+click', $_e) => yvel.value = -10;
const ms_per_tick = 1000.0 / 60;
const ms_per_tick_d = Double(ms_per_tick);
on message PeriodicTick(ms_per_tick_d) => {
xpos.value += 0.15 * ms_per_tick;
ypos.value = (ypos.value + yvel.value);
yvel.value += ms_per_tick * 0.05;
spawn named 'border-scroll' {
spawn linked named 'border-scroll' {
let ui = new Anchor();
field pos: number = 0;
on asserted Position($xpos, _) => this.pos = floatValue(xpos) % 23;
assert Outbound(ui.html(
template`<div class="scrolling-border" style="${`background-position-x: ${-this.pos}px`}"></div>`,
at gameDs {
on asserted Position($xpos, _) => pos.value = floatValue(xpos) % 23;
at mainDs {
assert ui.html(
template`<div class="scrolling-border" style="${`background-position-x: ${-pos.value}px`}"></div>`,
spawn named 'pipe-factory' {
spawn linked named 'pipe-factory' {
field nextPipe: number = 0;
on asserted Score(this.nextPipe) => spawnPipe(thisFacet, this.nextPipe++);
at gameDs {
on asserted Score(nextPipe.value) => spawnPipe(nextPipe.value++);
function spawnPipe<T>(thisFacet: Facet<T>, i: number) {
spawn named ['pipe', i] {
let ui = new Anchor();
function spawnPipe(i: number) {
const xlocation = (i + 1) * 324;
const xlocation = (i + 1) * 324;
spawn linked named ['pipe', i] {
let ui = new Anchor();
field xpos: number = xlocation;
const upperHeight =
const lowerHeight = FIELD_HEIGHT - upperHeight - PILLAR_GAP;
stop on (this.xpos < -(PILLAR_WIDTH + FLAPPY_XPOS));
stop on (xpos.value < -(PILLAR_WIDTH + FLAPPY_XPOS));
on start react { stop on (this.xpos <= 0) send message IncreaseScore(); };
at gameDs {
react {
stop on (xpos.value <= 0) send message IncreaseScore();
field xpos: number = xlocation;
on asserted Position($xpos, _) => this.xpos = xlocation - floatValue(xpos);
on asserted Position($flappyXpos, _) =>
xpos.value = xlocation - floatValue(flappyXpos);
on asserted Position($xpos, $ypos) => {
if (touchingPillar(floatValue(xpos), floatValue(ypos))) {
react {
assert GameOver();
on asserted Position($xpos, $ypos) => {
if (touchingPillar(floatValue(xpos), floatValue(ypos))) {
react {
assert GameOver();
assert Outbound(ui.html(
template`<div class="pillars">
<div class="pillar pillar-upper"
style="${`left: ${this.xpos + FLAPPY_XPOS}px; height: ${upperHeight}px;`}"></div>
<div class="pillar pillar-lower"
style="${`left: ${this.xpos + FLAPPY_XPOS}px; height: ${lowerHeight}px;`}"></div>
at mainDs {
assert ui.html(
template`<div class="pillars">
<div class="pillar pillar-upper"
style="${`left: ${xpos.value + FLAPPY_XPOS}px; height: ${upperHeight}px;`}"></div>
<div class="pillar pillar-lower"
style="${`left: ${xpos.value + FLAPPY_XPOS}px; height: ${lowerHeight}px;`}"></div>
function touchingPillar(xpos: number, ypos: number): boolean {
const inHorizontalRange =