Switch to explicit grouping of turn actions/events

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2019-06-08 21:10:31 +01:00
parent a518350b80
commit 7fd2805209
5 changed files with 336 additions and 255 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
const debugFactory = require('debug');
import {
Decoder, Encoder, Bytes,
Decoder, Encoder, Bytes, Map,
Observe, Skeleton,
genUuid, currentFacet,
} from "@syndicate-lang/core";
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ const WS = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-websocket");
const {
Connect, Peer,
Assert, Clear, Message,
Add, Del, Msg, Err,
Add, Del, Msg, Err, End,
Ping, Pong,
} = activate require("./protocol");
const P = activate require("./internal_protocol");
const Turn = activate require("./turn");
const { recorder } = activate require("./turn");
assertion type WSServer(url, scope) = Symbol.for('server-websocket-connection');
assertion type Loopback(scope) = Symbol.for('server-loopback-connection');
@ -55,45 +55,79 @@ export function _genericClientSessionFacet(addr, scope, w0, debug) {
const outboundTurn = Turn.recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', {
extend: w,
commit: () => { w(Commit()); },
debug: debug
const inboundTurn = Turn.replayer({ debug: debug });
const outboundTurn = recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', (items) => w(Turn(items)));
on start w(Connect(scope));
during ToServer(addr, $a) {
let pubs = Map();
let subs = Map();
let matches = Map();
on asserted ToServer(addr, $a) {
const ep = genUuid('pub');
on start outboundTurn.extend(Assert(ep, a));
on stop outboundTurn.extend(Clear(ep));
outboundTurn.extend(Assert(ep, a));
pubs = pubs.set(a, ep);
on retracted ToServer(addr, $a) {
const ep = pubs.get(a);
pubs = pubs.remove(a);
on message ToServer(addr, $a) {
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Ping()) w(Pong());
during Observe(FromServer(addr, $spec)) {
on asserted Observe(FromServer(addr, $spec)) {
const ep = genUuid('sub');
on start outboundTurn.extend(Assert(ep, Observe(spec)));
on stop outboundTurn.extend(Clear(ep));
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Add(ep, $vs)) inboundTurn.extend(() => {
react {
const assertionFacet = currentFacet();
assert Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(FromServer(addr, spec), vs);
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Del(ep, vs)) inboundTurn.extend(() => {
outboundTurn.extend(Assert(ep, Observe(spec)));
subs = subs.set(spec, ep);
matches = matches.set(ep, { spec, captures: Map() });
on retracted Observe(FromServer(addr, $spec)) {
subs = subs.remove(spec);
const _instantiate = (m, vs) => Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(FromServer(addr, m.spec), vs);
const _lookup = (CTOR, item) => {
const m = matches.get(CTOR._endpointName(item));
const vs = CTOR._captures(item);
return { m, vs };
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Turn($items)) {
items.forEach((item) => {
if (Add.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(Add, item);
const a = _instantiate(m, vs);
m.captures = m.captures.set(vs, a);
} else if (Del.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(Del, item);
m.captures = m.captures.remove(vs);
} else if (Msg.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(Msg, item);
send _instantiate(m, vs);
} else if (End.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = End._endpointName(item);
const m = matches.get(ep);
if (m) {
m.captures.forEach((a) => currentFacet().actor.adhocRetract(a));
matches = matches.remove(ep);
} else if (Err.isClassOf(item)) {
throw new Error(item.toString());
} else {
debug("Unhandled client/server message", item.toString());
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Msg(ep, $vs)) {
send Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(FromServer(addr, spec), vs);
on message _ServerPacket(addr, Commit()) inboundTurn.commit();

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const P = activate require("./internal_protocol");
const W = activate require("./protocol");
const C = activate require("./client");
const B = activate require("./buffer");
const { recorder } = activate require("./turn");
const debugFactory = require('debug');
assertion type ManagementScope(scope) = Symbol.for('federation-management-scope');
@ -42,24 +43,15 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/UplinkFactory' {
const pendingIn = B.buffer(this, 'pendingIn');
const pendingOut = B.buffer(this, 'pendingOut');
on message C.FromServer(peerAddr, P.ToPOA(sessionId, $p)) {
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, $p)) {
on message C.FromServer(peerAddr, P.ToPOA(sessionId, $p)) pendingIn.push(p);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, $p)) pendingOut.push(p);
during P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FederatedLinkReady(sessionId)) {
debug('Local end is ready');
during C.FromServer(peerAddr, P.FederatedLinkReady(sessionId)) {
pendingIn.drain((p) => {
debug('<', p.toString());
send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FromPOA(sessionId, p));
pendingOut.drain((p) => {
debug('>', p.toString());
send C.ToServer(peerAddr, P.FromPOA(sessionId, p));
debug('Remote end is ready');
pendingIn.drain((p) => { send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FromPOA(sessionId, p)); });
pendingOut.drain((p) => { send C.ToServer(peerAddr, P.FromPOA(sessionId, p)); });
@ -81,41 +73,92 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/LocalLinkFactory' {
assert P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FederatedLink(sessionId, scope));
const sendFromPOA = (m) => {
send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FromPOA(sessionId, m));
const sendFromPOA = (m) => { send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FromPOA(sessionId, m)); };
const outboundTurn = recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', (items) => sendFromPOA(W.Turn(items)));
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Assert($ep, Observe($spec)))) {
react {
on start debug('remoteObs+', spec.toString());
on stop debug('remoteObs-', spec.toString());
currentFacet().addObserverEndpoint(() => P.Proposal(scope, spec), {
add: (vs) => sendFromPOA(W.Add(ep, vs)),
del: (vs) => sendFromPOA(W.Del(ep, vs)),
msg: (vs) => sendFromPOA(W.Msg(ep, vs)),
assert P.Envelope(scope, Observe(spec));
stop on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Clear(ep))) {
let remoteEndpoints = Map();
let localEndpoints = Map();
let localMatches = Map();
const _inst = (m, vs) => Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(P.Envelope(scope, m.spec), vs);
const _lookup = (CTOR, item) => {
const m = localMatches.get(CTOR._endpointName(item));
const vs = CTOR._captures(item);
return { m, vs };
during Observe($pat(P.Envelope(scope, $spec))) {
on asserted Observe(P.Envelope(scope, $spec)) {
const ep = genUuid('ep');
on start debug('localObs+', spec.toString(), ep);
on stop debug('localObs-', spec.toString(), ep);
on start sendFromPOA(W.Assert(ep, Observe(spec)));
on stop sendFromPOA(W.Clear(ep));
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Add(ep, $captures))) {
react {
assert Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(pat, captures);
stop on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Del(ep, captures)));
debug('localObs+', spec.toString(), ep);
outboundTurn.extend(W.Assert(ep, Observe(spec)));
localEndpoints = localEndpoints.set(spec, ep);
localMatches = localMatches.set(ep, { spec, captures: Map() });
on retracted Observe(P.Envelope(scope, $spec)) {
const ep = localEndpoints.get(spec);
debug('localObs-', spec.toString(), ep);
localEndpoints = localEndpoints.remove(spec);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Turn($items))) {
items.forEach((item) => {
if (W.Assert.isClassOf(item)) {
const a = W.Assert._assertion(item);
if (Observe.isClassOf(a)) {
const ep = W.Assert._endpointName(item);
const spec = Observe._specification(a);
if (remoteEndpoints.has(ep)) {
throw new Error("Attempt to replace existing endpoint " + ep + " with " + a);
react {
const epFacet = currentFacet();
remoteEndpoints = remoteEndpoints.set(ep, epFacet);
on stop { remoteEndpoints = remoteEndpoints.remove(ep); }
on start debug('remoteObs+', spec.toString());
on stop debug('remoteObs-', spec.toString());
currentFacet().addObserverEndpoint(() => P.Proposal(scope, spec), {
add: (vs) => outboundTurn.extend(W.Add(ep, vs)),
del: (vs) => outboundTurn.extend(W.Del(ep, vs)),
msg: (vs) => outboundTurn.extend(W.Msg(ep, vs)),
assert P.Envelope(scope, Observe(spec));
} else if (W.Clear.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.Clear._endpointName(item);
if (!remoteEndpoints.has(ep)) {
throw new Error("Attempt to clear nonexistent endpoint " + ep);
remoteEndpoints.get(ep).stop(() => { outboundTurn.extend(W.End(ep)); });
} else if (W.Add.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(W.Add, item);
const a = _inst(m, vs);
m.captures = m.captures.set(vs, a);
} else if (W.Del.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(W.Del, item);
m.captures = m.captures.remove(vs);
} else if (W.Msg.isClassOf(item)) {
const { m, vs } = _lookup(W.Msg, item);
send _inst(m, vs);
} else if (W.End.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.End._endpointName(item);
const m = localMatches.get(ep);
if (m) {
m.captures.forEach((a) => currentFacet().actor.adhocRetract(a));
localMatches = localMatches.remove(ep);
} else if (W.Err.isClassOf(item)) {
throw new Error(item.toString());
} else {
debug("Unhandled federation message", item.toString());
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.ToPOA(sessionId, W.Msg(ep, $captures))) {
send Skeleton.instantiateAssertion(pat, captures);
@ -174,20 +217,20 @@ class Subscription {
spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/ScopeFactory' {
during ManagementScope($managementScope) {
function sendToLink(linkid, m) {
send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.ToPOA(linkid, m));
during P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FederatedLink(_, $scope))
spawn named ['@syndicate-lang/server/federation/Scope', scope]
// function sendToLink(linkid, m) {
// send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.ToPOA(linkid, m));
// }
let nextId = 0;
const makeLocalId = () => {
return nextId;
field this.peers = Set();
field this.turns = Map();
field this.specs = Map();
field this.subs = Map();
const scopeThis = this;
@ -217,13 +260,13 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/ScopeFactory' {
switch (sub.holders.size) {
case 0:
this.peers.forEach((peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Clear(localid));
this.turns.forEach((turn, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) turn.extend(W.Clear(localid));
case 1:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => { // only one, guaranteed ≠ linkid
sendToLink(peer, W.Clear(localid));
@ -238,13 +281,13 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/ScopeFactory' {
switch (newMatchHolders.size) {
case 0:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Del(peerEndpoint, captures));
if (peer !== linkid) this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Del(peerEndpoint, captures));
case 1: {
const peer = newMatchHolders.first(); // only one, guaranteed ≠ linkid
const peerEndpoint = sub.holders.get(peer, false);
if (peerEndpoint) sendToLink(peer, W.Del(peerEndpoint, captures));
if (peerEndpoint) this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Del(peerEndpoint, captures));
@ -262,127 +305,152 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/federation/ScopeFactory' {
assert P.Proposal(managementScope, P.FederatedLinkReady(linkid));
const turn = recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', (items) => {
send P.Proposal(managementScope, P.ToPOA(linkid, W.Turn(items)));
field this.linkSubs = Map();
field this.linkMatches = Map();
const err = (detail) => {
sendToLink(linkid, W.Err(detail));
on start {
this.peers = this.peers.add(linkid);
this.specs.forEach((localid, spec) => {
sendToLink(linkid, W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec)));
this.turns = this.turns.set(linkid, turn);
this.specs.forEach((localid, spec) => turn.extend(W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec))));
on stop {
this.peers = this.peers.remove(linkid);
this.turns = this.turns.remove(linkid);
this.linkMatches.forEach((matches, localid) => {
matches.forEach((captures) => removeMatch(localid, captures, linkid));
this.linkSubs.forEach((localid, _endpointId) => {
unsubscribe(localid, linkid);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Assert($ep, Observe($spec)))) {
let localid = this.specs.get(spec, null);
let sub;
if (localid === null) {
localid = makeLocalId();
sub = new Subscription(localid, spec, scopeThis);
} else {
sub = this.subs.get(localid);
const oldHolderCount = sub.holders.size;
sub.addHolder(linkid, ep);
this.linkSubs = this.linkSubs.set(ep, sub.id);
switch (oldHolderCount) {
case 0:
this.peers.forEach((peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec)));
case 1:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => { // now contains 2, one of which is us
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec)));
sub.matches.forEach((matchHolders, captures) => {
if (!matchHolders.remove(linkid).isEmpty()) {
sendToLink(linkid, W.Add(ep, captures));
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Turn($items))) {
items.forEach((item) => {
if (W.Assert.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.Assert._endpointName(item);
const a = W.Assert._assertion(item);
if (Observe.isClassOf(a)) {
const spec = Observe._specification(a);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Clear($ep))) {
const localid = this.linkSubs.get(ep, null);
if (localid === null) {
console.error("Ignoring mention of nonexistent endpoint", ep, linkid);
} else {
this.linkSubs = this.linkSubs.remove(ep);
unsubscribe(localid, linkid);
sendToLink(linkid, W.End(ep));
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.End($localid))) {
(this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set()).forEach((captures) => {
removeMatch(localid, captures, linkid);
this.linkMatches = this.linkMatches.remove(localid);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Add($localid, $captures))) {
const matches = this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set();
if (matches.includes(captures)) {
} else {
this.linkMatches = this.linkMatches.set(localid, matches.add(captures));
callWithSub(localid, linkid, (sub) => {
const oldMatchHolders = sub.addMatch(captures, linkid);
switch (oldMatchHolders.size) {
case 0:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Add(peerEndpoint, captures));
case 1: {
const peer = oldMatchHolders.first(); // only one, guaranteed ≠ linkid
const peerEndpoint = sub.holders.get(peer, false);
if (peerEndpoint) sendToLink(peer, W.Add(peerEndpoint, captures));
let localid = this.specs.get(spec, null);
let sub;
if (localid === null) {
localid = makeLocalId();
sub = new Subscription(localid, spec, scopeThis);
} else {
sub = this.subs.get(localid);
const oldHolderCount = sub.holders.size;
sub.addHolder(linkid, ep);
this.linkSubs = this.linkSubs.set(ep, sub.id);
switch (oldHolderCount) {
case 0:
this.turns.forEach((turn, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) turn.extend(W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec)));
case 1:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
// ^ now contains 2, one of which is us
if (peer !== linkid) {
this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Assert(localid, Observe(spec)));
sub.matches.forEach((matchHolders, captures) => {
if (!matchHolders.remove(linkid).isEmpty()) {
turn.extend(W.Add(ep, captures));
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Del($localid, $captures))) {
const matches = this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set();
if (!matches.includes(captures)) {
} else {
const newMatches = matches.remove(captures);
this.linkMatches = (newMatches.isEmpty())
? this.linkMatches.remove(localid)
: this.linkMatches.set(localid, newMatches);
removeMatch(localid, captures, linkid);
on message P.Envelope(managementScope, P.FromPOA(linkid, W.Msg($localid, $captures))) {
callWithSub(localid, linkid, (sub) => {
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) sendToLink(peer, W.Msg(peerEndpoint, captures));
} else if (W.Clear.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.Clear._endpointName(item);
const localid = this.linkSubs.get(ep, null);
if (localid === null) {
console.error("Ignoring mention of nonexistent endpoint", ep, linkid);
} else {
this.linkSubs = this.linkSubs.remove(ep);
unsubscribe(localid, linkid);
} else if (W.End.isClassOf(item)) {
const localid = W.End._endpointName(item);
(this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set()).forEach((captures) => {
removeMatch(localid, captures, linkid);
this.linkMatches = this.linkMatches.remove(localid);
} else if (W.Add.isClassOf(item)) {
const localid = W.Add._endpointName(item);
const captures = W.Add._captures(item);
const matches = this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set();
if (matches.includes(captures)) {
} else {
this.linkMatches = this.linkMatches.set(localid, matches.add(captures));
callWithSub(localid, linkid, (sub) => {
const oldMatchHolders = sub.addMatch(captures, linkid);
switch (oldMatchHolders.size) {
case 0:
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) {
this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Add(peerEndpoint, captures));
case 1: {
const peer = oldMatchHolders.first(); // only one, guaranteed ≠ linkid
const peerEndpoint = sub.holders.get(peer, false);
if (peerEndpoint) {
this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Add(peerEndpoint, captures));
} else if (W.Del.isClassOf(item)) {
const localid = W.Del._endpointName(item);
const captures = W.Del._captures(item);
const matches = this.linkMatches.get(localid) || Set();
if (!matches.includes(captures)) {
} else {
const newMatches = matches.remove(captures);
this.linkMatches = (newMatches.isEmpty())
? this.linkMatches.remove(localid)
: this.linkMatches.set(localid, newMatches);
removeMatch(localid, captures, linkid);
} else if (W.Msg.isClassOf(item)) {
const localid = W.Msg._endpointName(item);
const captures = W.Msg._captures(item);
callWithSub(localid, linkid, (sub) => {
sub.holders.forEach((peerEndpoint, peer) => {
if (peer !== linkid) {
this.turns.get(peer).extend(W.Msg(peerEndpoint, captures));
} else {
debug("Unhandled federation message", item.toString());

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Decoder, Discard, Capture, Observe } from "@syndicate-lang/core";
message type Connect(scope);
message type Peer(scope);
message type Commit();
message type Turn(items);
message type Assert(endpointName, assertion);
message type Clear(endpointName);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function makeDecoder(initialBuffer) {
Object.assign(module.exports, {
Connect, Peer,
Assert, Clear, Message,
Add, Del, Msg, Err, End,
Ping, Pong,

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const S = activate require("@syndicate-lang/driver-streams-node");
const debugFactory = require('debug');
import {
Set, Bytes,
Map, Bytes,
Encoder, Observe,
Dataspace, Skeleton, currentFacet, genUuid,
} from "@syndicate-lang/core";
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
const P = activate require("./internal_protocol");
const W = activate require("./protocol");
const B = activate require("./buffer");
const Turn = activate require("./turn");
const { recorder } = activate require("./turn");
export function websocketServerFacet(reqId) {
assert P.POA(reqId);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/server/POAHandler' {
assert P.POAScope(connId, this.scope) when (this.scope !== null);
assert P.ServerActive(this.scope) when (this.scope !== null);
let endpoints = Set();
let endpoints = Map();
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Connect($scope)) {
// TODO: Enforce requirement that Connect appear exactly once, before anything else
@ -74,62 +74,52 @@ spawn named '@syndicate-lang/server/server/POAHandler' {
const sendToPOA = (m) => { send P.ToPOA(connId, m); };
const outboundTurn = Turn.recorder(this, 'commitNeeded',
extend: sendToPOA,
commit: () => { sendToPOA(W.Commit()); },
debug: debug
const inboundTurn = Turn.replayer({ debug: debug });
const outboundTurn = recorder(this, 'commitNeeded', (items) => sendToPOA(W.Turn(items)));
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Assert($ep, $a)) inboundTurn.extend(() => {
if (!endpoints.includes(ep)) {
endpoints = endpoints.add(ep);
react {
const epFacet = currentFacet();
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Turn($items)) {
items.forEach((item) => {
if (W.Assert.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.Assert._endpointName(item);
const a = W.Assert._assertion(item);
if (endpoints.has(ep)) {
throw new Error("Attempt to update existing endpoint " + ep + " with " + a.toString());
react {
const epFacet = currentFacet();
endpoints = endpoints.set(ep, epFacet);
on stop { endpoints = endpoints.remove(ep); }
on stop { endpoints = endpoints.remove(ep); }
assert P.Proposal(this.scope, a);
field this.assertion = a;
assert P.Proposal(this.scope, this.assertion);
currentFacet().addEndpoint(() => {
if (Observe.isClassOf(this.assertion)) {
const spec = P.Envelope(this.scope, Observe._specification(this.assertion));
const analysis = Skeleton.analyzeAssertion(spec);
analysis.callback = Dataspace.wrap((evt, vs) => {
currentFacet().actor.scheduleScript(() => {
switch (evt) {
case Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Add(ep, vs)); break;
case Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Del(ep, vs)); break;
case Skeleton.EVENT_MESSAGE: {
sendToPOA(W.Msg(ep, vs));
if (Observe.isClassOf(a)) {
currentFacet().addEndpoint(() => {
const spec = P.Envelope(this.scope, Observe._specification(a));
const analysis = Skeleton.analyzeAssertion(spec);
analysis.callback = Dataspace.wrap((evt, vs) => {
currentFacet().actor.scheduleScript(() => {
switch (evt) {
case Skeleton.EVENT_ADDED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Add(ep, vs)); break;
case Skeleton.EVENT_REMOVED: outboundTurn.extend(W.Del(ep, vs)); break;
case Skeleton.EVENT_MESSAGE: outboundTurn.extend(W.Msg(ep, vs)); break;
return [Observe(spec), analysis];
} else {
return [void 0, null];
return [Observe(spec), analysis];
}, false);
}, true);
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Assert(ep, $newAssertion)) inboundTurn.extend(() => {
this.assertion = newAssertion;
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Clear(ep)) inboundTurn.extend(() => {
epFacet.stop(() => { outboundTurn.extend(W.End(ep)); });
} else if (W.Clear.isClassOf(item)) {
const ep = W.Clear._endpointName(item);
if (!endpoints.has(ep)) {
throw new Error("Attempt to clear nonexistent endpoint " + ep);
endpoints.get(ep).stop(() => { outboundTurn.extend(W.End(ep)); });
} else if (W.Message.isClassOf(item)) {
send P.Proposal(this.scope, W.Message._body(item));
} else {
debug("Unhandled client/server message", item.toString());
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Message($body)) {
send P.Proposal(this.scope, body);
on message P.FromPOA(connId, W.Commit()) inboundTurn.commit();

View File

@ -3,14 +3,17 @@
import { Dataspace, _Dataspace, currentFacet } from "@syndicate-lang/core";
const PRIORITY = _Dataspace.PRIORITY;
export function recorder(fields, fieldName, callbacks) {
export function recorder(fields, fieldName, onCommit) {
let items = [];
function extend(item) {
fields[fieldName] = true;
function commit() {
if (fields[fieldName]) {
items = [];
fields[fieldName] = false;
@ -19,17 +22,3 @@ export function recorder(fields, fieldName, callbacks) {
currentFacet().addDataflow(commit, PRIORITY.IDLE);
return { extend, commit };
export function replayer(callbacks0) {
const callbacks = callbacks0 || {};
return {
worklist: [],
extend: function (thunk) {
commit: function () {
this.worklist.forEach((thunk) => thunk());
this.worklist.length = 0; // clear out the list