Many fixes to compiler; watchable syndicate-tsc

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-01-25 22:16:52 +01:00
parent 9e322c4cfb
commit 690ac12cc0
7 changed files with 420 additions and 187 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {
isToken, isTokenType, replace, commaJoin, startPos, fixPos, joinItems,
anonymousTemplate, laxRead, itemText,
laxRead, itemText, match,
Items, Pattern, Templates, Substitution, TokenType,
SourceMap, CodeWriter, TemplateFunction, Token, SpanIndex,
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
} from './grammar.js';
import {
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ export class ExpansionContext {
hasBootProc: boolean = false;
readonly typescript: boolean;
_collectedFields: FacetFields | null = null;
nextIdNumber = 0;
constructor(moduleType: ModuleType,
typescript: boolean)
@ -73,8 +75,8 @@ export class ExpansionContext {
this.typescript = typescript;
argDecl(name: Substitution, type: Substitution): Substitution {
return this.typescript ? anonymousTemplate`${name}: ${type}` : name;
quasiRandomId(): string {
return '__SYNDICATE__id_' + (this.nextIdNumber++);
get collectedFields(): FacetFields {
@ -110,10 +112,16 @@ function facetFieldObjectType(t: TemplateFunction, fs: FacetFields): Substitutio
return t`{${commaJoin(}}`;
function binderTypeGuard(t: TemplateFunction): (binder: Binder) => Items {
return (binder) => {
function binderTypeGuard(t: TemplateFunction): (binder: Binder, index: number) => Items {
return (binder, index) => {
if ([0] === '_') {
return t`${`/* Ignoring underscore-prefixed binder ${} */`}`;
const raw = t`__vs[${''+index}]`;
const bind = t`const ${[]} = ${raw};`;
if (binder.type === void 0) {
return t`${`/* ${} is a plain Value */`}`;
return bind;
} else {
const typeText = itemText(binder.type);
switch (typeText) {
@ -121,7 +129,9 @@ function binderTypeGuard(t: TemplateFunction): (binder: Binder) => Items {
case 'string':
case 'number':
case 'symbol':
return t`if (typeof (${[]}) !== ${JSON.stringify(typeText)}) return;\n`;
return t`if (typeof (${raw}) !== ${JSON.stringify(typeText)}) return;\n${bind}`;
case 'any':
return bind;
throw new Error(`Unhandled binding type: ${JSON.stringify(typeText)}`);
@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ function binderTypeGuard(t: TemplateFunction): (binder: Binder) => Items {
export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
const macro = new Templates();
const macro = new Templates(undefined, { extraDelimiters: ':' });
function terminalWrap(t: TemplateFunction, isTerminal: boolean, body: Statement): Statement {
if (isTerminal) {
@ -152,25 +162,59 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
const maybeWalk = (tree?: Items) : Items | undefined => (tree === void 0) ? tree : walk(tree);
xf(ctx.parser.duringStatement, (s, t) => {
// TODO: spawn during
const sa = compilePattern(s.pattern);
const body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
return t`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) {
const _Facets = new __SYNDICATE__.Dictionary();
on asserted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => react {
_Facets.set([${commaJoin(>[]))}], thisFacet);
dataflow void 0; // TODO: horrible hack to keep the facet alive if no other endpoints
on retracted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => {
const _Key = [${commaJoin(>[]))}];
let spawn0 = match(ctx.parser.spawn, s.body, null);
if (spawn0 !== null) {
const spawn = spawn0;
const id = ctx.quasiRandomId();
const instantiated = patternText(instantiatePatternToPattern(s.pattern));
return t`on asserted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => {
const ${id} = __SYNDICATE__.genUuid();
const ${id}_inst = __SYNDICATE__.Instance(${id});
react {
stop on asserted ${id}_inst => react {
stop on retracted ${id}_inst;
stop on retracted :snapshot ${instantiated};
stop on retracted :snapshot ${instantiated} => react {
stop on asserted ${id}_inst;
${spawn.isDataspace ? 'dataspace' : []}
${ === void 0 ? [] : t`named ${}`}
:asserting ${id}_inst
${joinItems( => t`:asserting ${e}`), ' ')}
${joinItems(, i) => {
const init = spawn.parentInits[i];
return t`:let ${[]}${b.type === void 0 ? [] : t`: ${b.type}`} = ${init}`;
}), ' ')}
assert ${id}_inst;
stop on retracted __SYNDICATE__.Observe(${id}_inst);
} else {
const sa = compilePattern(s.pattern);
const body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
return t`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) {
const _Facets = new __SYNDICATE__.Dictionary<Facet<any>>();
on asserted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => react {
_Facets.set([${commaJoin(>[]))}], thisFacet);
dataflow { } // TODO: horrible hack to keep the facet alive if no other endpoints
on retracted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => {
const _Key = [${commaJoin(>[]))}];
xf(ctx.parser.spawn, (s, t) => {
// TODO: parentBinders, parentInits
let body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
let proc = t`function (thisFacet) {${body}}`;
if (s.isDataspace) proc = t`__SYNDICATE__.inNestedDataspace(${proc})`;
@ -219,8 +263,6 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
'retracted': 'REMOVED',
'message': 'MESSAGE',
const destructure = sa.captureBinders.length === 0 ? '__vs'
: t`[${commaJoin(>[]))}]`;
return t`addEndpoint(thisFacet => ({
assertion: __SYNDICATE__.Observe(${walk(sa.assertion)}),
analysis: {
@ -228,7 +270,7 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
constPaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.constPaths)},
constVals: [${commaJoin(}],
capturePaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.capturePaths)},
callback: thisFacet.wrap((thisFacet, __Evt, ${destructure}) => {
callback: thisFacet.wrap((thisFacet, __Evt, __vs: Array<__SYNDICATE__.Value>) => {
if (__Evt === __SYNDICATE__.Skeleton.EventType.${expectedEvt}) {
${ctx.typescript ? joinItems(, '\n') : ''}
thisFacet.scheduleScript(() => {${terminalWrap(t, s.terminal, walk(s.body))}});
@ -251,7 +293,7 @@ ${ctx.typescript ? joinItems(, '\n') :
xf(ctx.parser.reactStatement, (s, t) => {
const body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
const fieldTypeParam = ctx.typescript
? t`<${facetFieldObjectType(t, ctx.collectedFields)}, ${facetFieldObjectType(t, s.facetFields)}>`
? t`<${facetFieldObjectType(t, s.facetFields)}>`
: '';
return t`addChildFacet${fieldTypeParam}(function (thisFacet) {${body}});`;
@ -302,7 +344,7 @@ export function compile(options: CompileOptions): CompilerOutput {
let tree = stripShebang(laxRead(source, { start, extraDelimiters: ':' }));
const end = tree.length > 0 ? tree[tree.length - 1].end : start;
let macro = new Templates();
const macro = new Templates(undefined, { extraDelimiters: ':' });
const ctx = new ExpansionContext(moduleType, typescript);

View File

@ -148,6 +148,10 @@ export interface StaticAnalysis {
// Parsers
function kw(text: string): Pattern<Token> {
return value(o => seq(atom(':'), bind(o, 'value', atom(text, { skipSpace: false }))));
export class SyndicateParser {
block(acc?: Items): Pattern<Items> {
return group('{', map(rest, items => (acc?.push(... items), items)));
@ -184,7 +188,7 @@ export class SyndicateParser {
readonly headerExpr = this.expr(atom(':asserting'), atom(':let'));
readonly headerExpr = this.expr(kw('asserting'), kw('let'));
// Principal: Facet
readonly spawn: Pattern<SpawnStatement> =
@ -199,10 +203,10 @@ export class SyndicateParser {
option(seq(atom('dataspace'), exec(() => o.isDataspace = true))),
bind(o, 'name', this.headerExpr))),
map(this.headerExpr, e => o.initialAssertions.push(e))),
map(scope((l: { b: Binder, init: Expr }) =>
bind(l, 'b', this.binder),
bind(l, 'init', this.headerExpr))),
@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ export class SyndicateParser {
this.facetAction(o => {
o.isDynamic = true;
return seq(atom('assert'),
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
option(map(kw('snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o, 'template', this.expr(seq(atom('when'), group('(', discard)))),
option(seq(atom('when'), group('(', bind(o, 'test', this.expr())))),
@ -269,7 +273,7 @@ export class SyndicateParser {
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
option(map(kw('snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o as AssertionEventEndpointStatement, 'pattern',
@ -423,7 +427,7 @@ export class SyndicateParser {
map(this.expr(), e => ({ type: 'PConstant', value: e }))
map(this.expr(... extraStops), e => ({ type: 'PConstant', value: e }))
@ -459,6 +463,25 @@ export function patternText(p: ValuePattern): Items {
export function instantiatePatternToPattern(p: ValuePattern): ValuePattern {
switch (p.type) {
case 'PDiscard': return p;
case 'PConstant': return p;
case 'PCapture': return { type: 'PConstant', value: [] };
case 'PArray':
return {
type: 'PArray',
case 'PConstructor':
return {
type: 'PConstructor',
ctor: p.ctor,
const eDiscard: Expr = template`(__SYNDICATE__.Discard._instance)`;
const eCapture = (e: Expr): Expr => template`(__SYNDICATE__.Capture(${e}))`;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export type Pattern<T> = (i: List<Item>) => PatternResult<T>;
export function match<T,F>(p: Pattern<T>, items: Items, failure: F): T | F {
const r = p(new ArrayList(items));
if (r === null) return failure;
if (notAtEnd(r[1])) return failure;
if (notAtEnd(skipSpace(r[1]))) return failure;
return r[0];

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Items } from './tokens.js';
import { Pos, startPos } from './position.js';
import { laxRead } from './reader.js';
import { laxRead, LaxReadOptions } from './reader.js';
import * as M from './matcher.js';
const substPat = M.scope((o: { pos: Pos }) =>
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ const substPat = M.scope((o: { pos: Pos }) =>
export type Substitution = Items | string;
function toItems(s: Substitution, pos: Pos): Items {
return typeof s === 'string' ? laxRead(s, { start: pos, synthetic: true }) : s;
function toItems(readOptions: LaxReadOptions, s: Substitution, pos: Pos): Items {
return typeof s === 'string' ? laxRead(s, { ... readOptions, start: pos, synthetic: true }) : s;
export type TemplateFunction = (consts: TemplateStringsArray, ... vars: Substitution[]) => Items;
@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ export class Templates {
readonly sources: { [name: string]: string } = {};
readonly defaultPos: Pos;
recordSources = false;
readonly readOptions: LaxReadOptions;
constructor(defaultPos: Pos = startPos(null)) {
constructor(defaultPos: Pos = startPos(null), readOptions: LaxReadOptions = {}) {
this.defaultPos = defaultPos;
this.readOptions = readOptions;
template(start0: Pos | string = this.defaultPos): TemplateFunction {
@ -42,9 +44,14 @@ export class Templates {
let i = 0;
return M.replace(laxRead(source, { start, extraDelimiters: '$', synthetic: true }),
return M.replace(laxRead(source, { ... this.readOptions,
(this.readOptions.extraDelimiters ?? '') + '$',
synthetic: true,
sub => toItems(vars[i++], sub.pos));
sub => toItems(this.readOptions, vars[i++], sub.pos));
@ -53,10 +60,13 @@ export class Templates {
export function joinItems(itemss: Items[], separator0: Substitution = ''): Items {
export function joinItems(itemss: Items[],
separator0: Substitution = '',
readOptions: LaxReadOptions = {}): Items
if (itemss.length === 0) return [];
const separator = toItems(separator0, startPos(null));
const acc = itemss[0];
const separator = toItems(readOptions, separator0, startPos(null));
const acc: Items = [... itemss[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < itemss.length; i++) {
acc.push(... separator, ... itemss[i]);

View File

@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ export abstract class Dataspace {
let ac = new Actor(this, name, initialAssertions, parentActor?.id);
// debug('Spawn', ac && ac.toString());
this.applyPatch(ac, ac.adhocAssertions);
ac.addFacet(null, systemFacet => {
ac.addFacet<{}, {}>(null, systemFacet => {
// Root facet is a dummy "system" facet that exists to hold
// one-or-more "user" "root" facets.
ac.addFacet(systemFacet, bootProc);
ac.addFacet<{}, SpawnFields>(systemFacet, bootProc);
// ^ The "true root", user-visible facet.
initialAssertions.forEach((a) => { ac.adhocRetract(a); });
@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ export class Actor {
addFacet<ParentFields, ChildFields extends ParentFields>(
addFacet<ParentFields, ChildFields>(
parentFacet: Facet<ParentFields> | null,
bootProc: Script<void, ChildFields>,
bootProc: Script<void, ChildFields & ParentFields>,
checkInScript: boolean = false)
if (checkInScript && parentFacet && !parentFacet.inScript) {
throw new Error("Cannot add facet outside script; are you missing a `react { ... }`?");
let f = new Facet<ChildFields>(this, parentFacet);
let f = new Facet<ChildFields & ParentFields>(this, parentFacet);
f.invokeScript(f => f.withNonScriptContext(() =>, f)));
this.scheduleTask(() => {
if ((parentFacet && !parentFacet.isLive) || f.isInert()) {
@ -723,8 +723,8 @@ export class Facet<Fields> {
// delete obj[prop];
// }
addChildFacet<ChildFields extends Fields>(bootProc: Script<void, ChildFields>) {, bootProc, true);
addChildFacet<ChildFields>(bootProc: Script<void, ChildFields & Fields>) {<Fields, ChildFields>(this, bootProc, true);
withSelfDo(t: Script<void, Fields>) {

View File

@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ const boot: tslib.server.PluginModuleFactory = ({ typescript: ts }) => {
get targetStart(): number {
return +;
get targetEnd(): number {
return +;
function withFileName<T>(fileName: string | undefined,
@ -96,17 +100,26 @@ const boot: tslib.server.PluginModuleFactory = ({ typescript: ts }) => {
return k(new Fixup(info));
function withPositions<T>(fileName: string,
positions: Array<number>,
kNoInfo: () => T,
kNoPosition: () => T,
k: (f: Array<PositionFixup>) => T): T
return withFileName(fileName, kNoInfo, (fx) => {
const t = =>;
if (t.some(p => p === null)) return kNoPosition();
return k( => new PositionFixup(, p!)));
function withPosition<T>(fileName: string,
position: number,
kNoInfo: () => T,
kNoPosition: () => T,
k: (f: PositionFixup) => T): T
return withFileName(fileName, kNoInfo, (fx) => {
const t =;
if (t === null) return kNoPosition();
return k(new PositionFixup(, t));
return withPositions(fileName, [position], kNoInfo, kNoPosition, ([f]) => k(f));
function hookHost(host0: ts.CompilerHost | undefined,
@ -487,15 +500,33 @@ const boot: tslib.server.PluginModuleFactory = ({ typescript: ts }) => {
getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, options: ts.FormatCodeOptions | ts.FormatCodeSettings): ts.TextChange[] {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
return withPositions(
fileName, [start, end],
() => this.inner.getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName, start, end, options),
() => [],
([fixStart, fixEnd]) => {
const edits = this.inner.getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName, fixStart.targetStart, fixEnd.targetEnd, options);
edits.forEach(e => fixStart.span(e.span));
return edits;
getFormattingEditsForDocument(fileName: string, options: ts.FormatCodeOptions | ts.FormatCodeSettings): ts.TextChange[] {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
const edits = this.inner.getFormattingEditsForDocument(fileName, options);
withFileName(fileName, () => void 0, (fixup) => edits.forEach(e => fixup.span(e.span)));
return edits;
getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName: string, position: number, key: string, options: ts.FormatCodeOptions | ts.FormatCodeSettings): ts.TextChange[] {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
return withPosition(
fileName, position,
() => this.inner.getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName, position, key, options),
() => [],
(fixup) => {
const edits = this.inner.getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName, fixup.targetStart, key, options);
edits.forEach(e => fixup.span(e.span));
return edits;
getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ts.TextInsertion | undefined {
@ -515,11 +546,40 @@ const boot: tslib.server.PluginModuleFactory = ({ typescript: ts }) => {
getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, errorCodes: readonly number[], formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeSettings, preferences: ts.UserPreferences): readonly ts.CodeFixAction[] {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
return withPositions(
fileName, [start, end],
() => this.inner.getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName,
() => [],
([fixStart, fixEnd]) => {
const fixes = this.inner.getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName,
fixes.forEach(f =>
f.changes.forEach(change =>
change.textChanges.forEach(c =>
return fixes;
getCombinedCodeFix(scope: ts.CombinedCodeFixScope, fixId: {}, formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeSettings, preferences: ts.UserPreferences): ts.CombinedCodeActions {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
const actions = this.inner.getCombinedCodeFix(scope, fixId, formatOptions, preferences);
actions.changes.forEach(change => {
const info = getInfo(change.fileName);
if (info !== void 0) {
const fixup = new Fixup(info);
change.textChanges.forEach(c => fixup.span(c.span));
return actions;
applyCodeActionCommand(action: ts.InstallPackageAction, formatSettings?: ts.FormatCodeSettings): Promise<ts.ApplyCodeActionCommandResult>;
@ -608,17 +668,22 @@ const boot: tslib.server.PluginModuleFactory = ({ typescript: ts }) => {
function finalSlash(s: string): string {
if (s[s.length - 1] !== '/') s = s + '/';
return s;
class SyndicatePlugin implements ts.server.PluginModule {
create(createInfo: ts.server.PluginCreateInfo): ts.LanguageService {
const options = createInfo.project.getCompilerOptions();
if (options.rootDir !== void 0) {
if (options.rootDirs !== void 0) {
options.rootDirs.forEach(d => syndicateRootDirs.add(d));
options.rootDirs.forEach(d => syndicateRootDirs.add(finalSlash(d)));
if (options.rootDir === void 0 && options.rootDirs === void 0) {
return new SyndicateLanguageService(createInfo.languageService);

View File

@ -2,12 +2,17 @@ import yargs from 'yargs/yargs';
import ts from 'typescript';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { compile } from '@syndicate-lang/compiler';
import { SpanIndex, Token } from '@syndicate-lang/compiler/lib/syntax';
export type CommandLineArguments = {
verbose: boolean;
intermediateDirectory?: string;
watch: boolean;
clear: boolean;
interface SyndicateInfo {
@ -17,118 +22,6 @@ interface SyndicateInfo {
sourceToTargetMap: SpanIndex<number>;
const syndicateInfo: Map<string, SyndicateInfo> = new Map();
function createProgram(rootNames: readonly string[] | undefined,
options: ts.CompilerOptions | undefined,
host?: ts.CompilerHost,
oldProgram?: ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram,
configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly ts.Diagnostic[],
projectReferences?: readonly ts.ProjectReference[])
: ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
if (host === void 0) {
throw new Error("CompilerHost not present - cannot continue");
if (rootNames === void 0) {
console.warn("No Syndicate source files to compile");
const oldGetSourceFile = host.getSourceFile;
host.getSourceFile = (fileName: string,
languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget,
onError?: ((message: string) => void),
shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): ts.SourceFile | undefined => {
if ((rootNames?.indexOf(fileName) ?? -1) !== -1) {
try {
const inputText = host.readFile(fileName);
if (inputText === void 0) {
onError?.(`Could not read input file ${fileName}`);
return undefined;
const { text: expandedText, targetToSourceMap, sourceToTargetMap } = compile({
source: inputText,
name: fileName,
typescript: true,
syndicateInfo.set(fileName, {
originalSource: inputText,
const sf = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, expandedText, languageVersion, true);
(sf as any).version = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(expandedText).digest('hex');
return sf;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
} else {
return oldGetSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
return ts.createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames,
export function fixSourceMap(_ctx: ts.TransformationContext): ts.Transformer<ts.SourceFile> {
return sf => {
const fileName = sf.fileName;
const info = syndicateInfo.get(fileName);
if (info === void 0) throw new Error("No Syndicate info available for " + fileName);
const targetToSourceMap = info.targetToSourceMap;
const syndicateSource = ts.createSourceMapSource(fileName, info.originalSource);
function adjustSourceMap(n: ts.Node) {
const ps = targetToSourceMap.get(n.pos);
const pe = targetToSourceMap.get(n.end);
if (ps !== null && pe !== null) {
ts.setSourceMapRange(n, {
pos: ps.firstItem.start.pos + ps.offset,
end: pe.lastItem.start.pos + pe.offset,
source: syndicateSource,
ts.forEachChild(n, adjustSourceMap);
return sf;
const syntheticSourceFiles = new Map<string, ts.SourceFile>();
function fixupDiagnostic(d: ts.Diagnostic) {
if (d.file !== void 0 && d.start !== void 0) {
const info = syndicateInfo.get(d.file.fileName);
if (info === void 0)
if (!syntheticSourceFiles.has(d.file.fileName)) {
d.file = syntheticSourceFiles.get(d.file.fileName);
const p = info.targetToSourceMap.get(d.start)!;
d.start = p.firstItem.start.pos + p.offset;
export function main(argv: string[]) {
const options: CommandLineArguments = yargs(argv)
.option('verbose', {
@ -136,16 +29,203 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
default: false,
description: "Enable verbose solution builder output",
.option('intermediate-directory', {
type: 'string',
description: "Save intermediate expanded Syndicate source code to this directory",
.option('watch', {
alias: 'w',
type: 'boolean',
description: "Enable watch mode",
default: false,
.option('clear', {
type: 'boolean',
description: "Clear screen before each build in watch mode",
default: true,
if ( {
function run() {
const toWatch = new ToWatch();
console.log((options.clear ? '\x1b[2J\x1b[H' : '\n') + (new Date()) + ': Running build');
runBuildOnce(options, toWatch);
const watchers: Array<ts.FileWatcher> = [];
let rebuildTriggered = false;
const cb = () => {
if (!rebuildTriggered) {
rebuildTriggered = true;
watchers.forEach(w => w.close());
toWatch.files.forEach(f => {
const w = ts.sys.watchFile?.(f, cb);
if (w) watchers.push(w);
toWatch.directories.forEach(d => {
const w = ts.sys.watchDirectory?.(d, cb, true);
if (w) watchers.push(w);
console.log('\n' + (new Date()) + ': Waiting for changes to input files');
} else {
ts.sys.exit(runBuildOnce(options) ? 0 : 1);
function finalSlash(s: string): string {
if (s[s.length - 1] !== '/') s = s + '/';
return s;
const formatDiagnosticsHost: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
getCurrentDirectory: () => ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine,
getCanonicalFileName: f => f,
class ToWatch {
files: Set<string> = new Set();
directories: Set<string> = new Set();
function runBuildOnce(options: CommandLineArguments, toWatch = new ToWatch()) {
let problemCount = 0;
let hasErrors = false;
const formatDiagnosticsHost: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
getCurrentDirectory: () => ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine,
getCanonicalFileName: f => f,
const syndicateInfo: Map<string, SyndicateInfo> = new Map();
function createProgram(commandLineOptions: CommandLineArguments): ts.CreateProgram<any>
return function (rootNames: readonly string[] | undefined,
options: ts.CompilerOptions | undefined,
host?: ts.CompilerHost,
oldProgram?: ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram,
configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly ts.Diagnostic[],
projectReferences?: readonly ts.ProjectReference[])
: ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
if (host === void 0) {
throw new Error("CompilerHost not present - cannot continue");
if (rootNames === void 0) {
console.warn("No Syndicate source files to compile");
const rootDir = finalSlash(options?.rootDir ?? path.resolve('.'));
function writeIntermediate(fileName: string, expandedText: string) {
if ('intermediateDirectory' in commandLineOptions && commandLineOptions.intermediateDirectory) {
const intermediateDirectory = commandLineOptions.intermediateDirectory;
if (fileName.startsWith(rootDir)) {
const intermediateFileName =
path.join(intermediateDirectory, fileName.substr(rootDir.length));
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(intermediateFileName), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(intermediateFileName, expandedText, 'utf-8');
const oldGetSourceFile = host.getSourceFile;
host.getSourceFile = (fileName: string,
languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget,
onError?: ((message: string) => void),
shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): ts.SourceFile | undefined => {
if ((rootNames?.indexOf(fileName) ?? -1) !== -1) {
try {
const inputText = host.readFile(fileName);
if (inputText === void 0) {
onError?.(`Could not read input file ${fileName}`);
return undefined;
const { text: expandedText, targetToSourceMap, sourceToTargetMap } = compile({
source: inputText,
name: fileName,
typescript: true,
writeIntermediate(fileName, expandedText);
syndicateInfo.set(fileName, {
originalSource: inputText,
const sf = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, expandedText, languageVersion, true);
(sf as any).version = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(expandedText).digest('hex');
return sf;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
} else {
return oldGetSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
const program = ts.createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames,
return program;
function fixSourceMap(_ctx: ts.TransformationContext): ts.Transformer<ts.SourceFile> {
return sf => {
const fileName = sf.fileName;
const info = syndicateInfo.get(fileName);
if (info === void 0) throw new Error("No Syndicate info available for " + fileName);
const targetToSourceMap = info.targetToSourceMap;
const syndicateSource = ts.createSourceMapSource(fileName, info.originalSource);
function adjustSourceMap(n: ts.Node) {
const ps = targetToSourceMap.get(n.pos);
const pe = targetToSourceMap.get(n.end);
if (ps !== null && pe !== null) {
ts.setSourceMapRange(n, {
pos: ps.firstItem.start.pos + ps.offset,
end: pe.lastItem.start.pos + pe.offset,
source: syndicateSource,
ts.forEachChild(n, adjustSourceMap);
return sf;
const syntheticSourceFiles = new Map<string, ts.SourceFile>();
function fixupDiagnostic(d: ts.Diagnostic) {
if (d.file !== void 0 && d.start !== void 0) {
const info = syndicateInfo.get(d.file.fileName);
if (info === void 0)
if (!syntheticSourceFiles.has(d.file.fileName)) {
d.file = syntheticSourceFiles.get(d.file.fileName);
const p = info.targetToSourceMap.get(d.start)!;
d.start = p.firstItem.start.pos + p.offset;
function reportDiagnostic(d: ts.Diagnostic) {
if (d.category === ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error) problemCount++;
@ -161,7 +241,7 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
const sbh = ts.createSolutionBuilderHost(ts.sys,
@ -170,13 +250,26 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
verbose: options.verbose,
while (true) {
const project = sb.getNextInvalidatedProject();
if (project === void 0) break;
let project = sb.getNextInvalidatedProject();
// Sneakily get into secret members of the ts.SolutionBuilder and
// ts.ParsedCommandline objects to prime our set of watched
// files/directories, in case all the projects are up-to-date and
// our createProgram function is never called.
(((sb as any).getAllParsedConfigs?.() ?? []) as Array<ts.ParsedCommandLine>).forEach(c => {
const f = (c.options as any).configFilePath;
if (f) toWatch.files.add(f);
c.fileNames.forEach(f => toWatch.files.add(f));
Object.keys(c.wildcardDirectories ?? {}).forEach(d => toWatch.directories.add(d));
while (project !== void 0) {
project.done(void 0, void 0, {
before: [fixSourceMap]
project = sb.getNextInvalidatedProject();
ts.sys.exit(((problemCount > 0) || hasErrors) ? 1 : 0);
return (problemCount === 0) && !hasErrors;