Typescript support

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-01-20 00:52:40 +01:00
parent 63c52d6b46
commit 5b1b535644
12 changed files with 498 additions and 362 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,21 @@
import {
isToken, isTokenType, replace, commaJoin, startPos, fixPos, joinItems, anonymousTemplate,
isToken, isTokenType, replace, commaJoin, startPos, fixPos, joinItems,
anonymousTemplate, laxRead,
Items, Pattern, Templates, Substitution, TokenType,
SourceMap, StringScanner, LaxReader, CodeWriter, TemplateFunction, Token,
SourceMap, CodeWriter, TemplateFunction, Token, itemText,
} from '../syntax/index.js';
import {
FacetAction, Statement,
SyndicateParser, SyndicateTypedParser,
} from './grammar.js';
import {
@ -64,14 +56,17 @@ export interface ActivationRecord {
export class ExpansionContext {
readonly parser: SyndicateParser;
readonly moduleType: ModuleType;
readonly activationRecords: Array<ActivationRecord> = [];
hasBootProc: boolean = false;
readonly typescript: boolean;
_collectedFields: FacetFields | null = null;
constructor(moduleType: ModuleType,
typescript: boolean)
this.parser = typescript ? new SyndicateTypedParser : new SyndicateParser();
this.moduleType = moduleType;
this.typescript = typescript;
@ -80,9 +75,57 @@ export class ExpansionContext {
return this.typescript ? anonymousTemplate`${name}: ${type}` : name;
get thisFacetDecl(): Substitution {
return this.argDecl('thisFacet', '__SYNDICATE__.Facet');
get collectedFields(): FacetFields {
if (this._collectedFields === null) {
throw new Error("Internal error: this.collectedFields === null");
return this._collectedFields;
collectField(f: Binder) {
withCollectedFields<T>(fs: FacetFields, f: () => T): T {
const oldCollectedFields = this._collectedFields;
try {
this._collectedFields = fs;
return f();
} finally {
this._collectedFields = oldCollectedFields;
function stringifyId(i: Identifier): Items {
return [ { ... i, type: TokenType.STRING, text: JSON.stringify(i.text) } ];
function facetFieldObjectType(t: TemplateFunction, fs: FacetFields): Substitution {
function formatBinder(binder: Binder) {
const hasType = (binder.type !== void 0);
return t`${[binder.id]}${hasType ? ': ': ''}${binder.type ?? ''}`;
return t`{${commaJoin(fs.map(formatBinder))}}`;
function binderTypeGuard(t: TemplateFunction): (binder: Binder) => Items {
return (binder) => {
if (binder.type === void 0) {
return t`${`/* ${binder.id.text} is a plain Value */`}`;
} else {
const typeText = itemText(binder.type);
switch (typeText) {
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
case 'number':
case 'symbol':
return t`if (typeof (${[binder.id]}) !== ${JSON.stringify(typeText)}) return;\n`;
throw new Error(`Unhandled binding type: ${JSON.stringify(typeText)}`);
export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
@ -90,7 +133,7 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
function terminalWrap(t: TemplateFunction, isTerminal: boolean, body: Statement): Statement {
if (isTerminal) {
return t`thisFacet._stop(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${body}})`
return t`thisFacet._stop(function (thisFacet) {${body}})`
} else {
return body;
@ -107,44 +150,42 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
const walk = (tree: Items): Items => expand(tree, ctx);
const maybeWalk = (tree?: Items) : Items | undefined => (tree === void 0) ? tree : walk(tree);
xf(duringStatement, (s, t) => {
xf(ctx.parser.duringStatement, (s, t) => {
// TODO: spawn during
const sa = compilePattern(s.pattern);
return t`withSelfDo(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {
const body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
return t`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) {
const _Facets = new __SYNDICATE__.Dictionary();
on asserted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => react {
_Facets.set([${commaJoin(sa.captureIds.map(t=>[t]))}], thisFacet);
_Facets.set([${commaJoin(sa.captureBinders.map(t=>[t.id]))}], thisFacet);
dataflow void 0; // TODO: horrible hack to keep the facet alive if no other endpoints
on retracted ${patternText(s.pattern)} => {
const _Key = [${commaJoin(sa.captureIds.map(t=>[t]))}];
const _Key = [${commaJoin(sa.captureBinders.map(t=>[t.id]))}];
xf(spawn, (s, t) => {
let proc = t`function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${walk(s.bootProcBody)}}`;
xf(ctx.parser.spawn, (s, t) => {
let body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
let proc = t`function (thisFacet) {${body}}`;
if (s.isDataspace) proc = t`__SYNDICATE__.inNestedDataspace(${proc})`;
let assertions = (s.initialAssertions.length > 0)
? t`, new __SYNDICATE__.Set([${commaJoin(s.initialAssertions.map(walk))}])`
: ``;
return t`_spawn(${maybeWalk(s.name) ?? 'null'}, ${proc}${assertions});`;
let fieldTypeParam = ctx.typescript ? t`<${facetFieldObjectType(t, s.facetFields)}>` : '';
return t`_spawn${fieldTypeParam}(${maybeWalk(s.name) ?? 'null'}, ${proc}${assertions});`;
xf(fieldDeclarationStatement, (s, t) => {
const prop = ('name' in s.property)
? [ { start: s.property.name.start,
end: s.property.name.end,
type: TokenType.STRING,
text: JSON.stringify(s.property.name.text) } ]
: walk(s.property.expr);
return t`declareField(${walk(s.target)}, ${prop}, ${maybeWalk(s.init) ?? 'void 0'});`;
xf(ctx.parser.fieldDeclarationStatement, (s, t) => {
return t`declareField(this, ${stringifyId(s.property.id)}, ${maybeWalk(s.init) ?? 'void 0'});`;
xf(assertionEndpointStatement, (s, t) => {
xf(ctx.parser.assertionEndpointStatement, (s, t) => {
if (s.test == void 0) {
return t`addEndpoint(thisFacet => ({ assertion: ${walk(s.template)}, analysis: null }));`;
} else {
@ -154,17 +195,18 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
xf(dataflowStatement, (s, t) => t`addDataflow(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${walk(s.body)}});`);
xf(ctx.parser.dataflowStatement, (s, t) =>
t`addDataflow(function (thisFacet) {${walk(s.body)}});`);
xf(eventHandlerEndpointStatement, (s, t) => {
xf(ctx.parser.eventHandlerEndpointStatement, (s, t) => {
switch (s.triggerType) {
case 'dataflow':
return t`withSelfDo(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) { dataflow { if (${walk(s.predicate)}) { ${terminalWrap(t, s.terminal, walk(s.body))} } } });`;
return t`withSelfDo(function (thisFacet) { dataflow { if (${walk(s.predicate)}) { ${terminalWrap(t, s.terminal, walk(s.body))} } } });`;
case 'start':
case 'stop': {
const m = s.triggerType === 'start' ? 'addStartScript' : 'addStopScript';
return t`${m}(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${walk(s.body)}});`;
return t`${m}(function (thisFacet) {${walk(s.body)}});`;
case 'asserted':
@ -176,6 +218,8 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
'retracted': 'REMOVED',
'message': 'MESSAGE',
const destructure = sa.captureBinders.length === 0 ? '__vs'
: t`[${commaJoin(sa.captureBinders.map(i=>[i.id]))}]`;
return t`addEndpoint(thisFacet => ({
assertion: __SYNDICATE__.Observe(${walk(sa.assertion)}),
analysis: {
@ -183,8 +227,9 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
constPaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.constPaths)},
constVals: [${commaJoin(sa.constVals.map(walk))}],
capturePaths: ${JSON.stringify(sa.capturePaths)},
callback: thisFacet.wrap((thisFacet, __Evt, [${commaJoin(sa.captureIds.map(i=>[i]))}]) => {
callback: thisFacet.wrap((thisFacet, __Evt, ${destructure}) => {
if (__Evt === __SYNDICATE__.Skeleton.EventType.${expectedEvt}) {
${ctx.typescript ? joinItems(sa.captureBinders.map(binderTypeGuard(t)), '\n') : ''}
thisFacet.scheduleScript(() => {${terminalWrap(t, s.terminal, walk(s.body))}});
@ -194,17 +239,23 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
x(typeDefinitionStatement, (s, t) => {
x(ctx.parser.typeDefinitionStatement, (s, t) => {
const l = JSON.stringify(s.label.text);
const fs = JSON.stringify(s.fields.map(f => f.text));
const fs = JSON.stringify(s.fields.map(f => f.id.text));
return t`const ${[s.label]} = __SYNDICATE__.Record.makeConstructor(${maybeWalk(s.wireName) ?? l}, ${fs});`;
xf(messageSendStatement, (s, t) => t`_send(${walk(s.expr)});`);
xf(ctx.parser.messageSendStatement, (s, t) => t`_send(${walk(s.expr)});`);
xf(reactStatement, (s, t) => t`addChildFacet(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${walk(s.body)}});`);
xf(ctx.parser.reactStatement, (s, t) => {
const body = ctx.withCollectedFields(s.facetFields, () => walk(s.body));
const fieldTypeParam = ctx.typescript
? t`<${facetFieldObjectType(t, ctx.collectedFields)}, ${facetFieldObjectType(t, s.facetFields)}>`
: '';
return t`addChildFacet${fieldTypeParam}(function (thisFacet) {${body}});`;
x(activationImport, (s, t) => {
x(ctx.parser.activationImport, (s) => {
const activationScriptId: Token = {
start: s.activationKeyword.start,
end: s.activationKeyword.end,
@ -215,36 +266,39 @@ export function expand(tree: Items, ctx: ExpansionContext): Items {
return [];
x(bootStatement, (s, t) => {
x(ctx.parser.bootStatement, (s, t) => {
ctx.hasBootProc = true;
const activationStatements = ctx.activationRecords.map(({ activationScriptId: id }) =>
t`thisFacet.activate(${[id]}); `);
const body = t`${joinItems(activationStatements)}${walk(s)}`;
const facetDecl = ctx.typescript ? 'thisFacet: __SYNDICATE__.Facet<{}>' : 'thisFacet';
switch (ctx.moduleType) {
case 'es6':
return t`export function ${BootProc}(${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${body}}`;
return t`export function ${BootProc}(${facetDecl}) {${body}}`;
case 'require':
return t`module.exports.${BootProc} = function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${body}};`;
return t`module.exports.${BootProc} = function (${facetDecl}) {${body}};`;
case 'global':
return t`function ${BootProc}(${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${body}}`;
return t`function ${BootProc}(${facetDecl}) {${body}}`;
xf(stopStatement, (s, t) => t`_stop(function (${ctx.thisFacetDecl}) {${walk(s.body)}});`)
xf(ctx.parser.stopStatement, (s, t) =>
t`_stop(function (thisFacet) {${walk(s.body)}});`)
return tree;
export function compile(options: CompileOptions): CompilerOutput {
const inputFilename = options.name ?? '/dev/stdin';
console.info(`Syndicate: compiling ${inputFilename}`);
const source = options.source;
const moduleType = options.module ?? 'es6';
const typescript = options.typescript ?? false;
const start = startPos(inputFilename);
const scanner = new StringScanner(start, source);
const reader = new LaxReader(scanner);
let tree = stripShebang(reader.readToEnd());
let tree = stripShebang(laxRead(source, { start, extraDelimiters: ':' }));
const end = tree.length > 0 ? tree[tree.length - 1].end : start;
let macro = new Templates();

View File

@ -11,129 +11,49 @@ import {
import * as Matcher from '../syntax/matcher.js';
import { Path, Skeleton } from './internals.js';
// AST types
export type Expr = Items;
export type Statement = Items;
export type Identifier = Token;
export const block = (acc: Items) => group('{', map(rest, items => acc.push(... items)));
export const statementBoundary = alt<any>(atom(';'), Matcher.newline);
export const exprBoundary = alt<any>(atom(';'), atom(','), group('{', discard), Matcher.end);
export const identifier: Pattern<Identifier> = atom();
export function expr(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<Expr> {
return withoutSpace(upTo(alt(exprBoundary, ... extraStops)));
export function statement(acc: Items): Pattern<any> {
return alt<any>(block(acc),
withoutSpace(seq(map(upTo(statementBoundary), items => acc.push(... items)),
map(statementBoundary, i => i ? acc.push(i) : void 0))));
export type Type = Items;
export type Binder = { id: Identifier, type?: Type };
export interface FacetAction {
implicitFacet: boolean;
export function facetAction<I extends FacetAction, T extends I>(
pattern: (scope: T) => Pattern<any>): Pattern<T>
return i => {
const scope = Object.create(null);
scope.implicitFacet = true;
const p = seq(option(map(atom('.'), _ => scope.implicitFacet = false)), pattern(scope));
const r = p(i);
if (r === null) return null;
return [scope, r[1]];
export type FacetFields = Binder[];
export interface FacetProducingAction extends FacetAction {
body: Statement;
facetFields: FacetFields;
export interface SpawnStatement extends FacetAction {
export interface SpawnStatement extends FacetProducingAction {
isDataspace: boolean;
name?: Expr;
initialAssertions: Expr[];
parentIds: Identifier[];
parentBinders: Binder[];
parentInits: Expr[];
bootProcBody: Statement;
export const spawn: Pattern<SpawnStatement> & { headerExpr: Pattern<Expr> } =
Object.assign(facetAction((o: SpawnStatement) => {
o.isDataspace = false;
o.initialAssertions = [];
o.parentIds = [];
o.parentInits = [];
o.bootProcBody = [];
return seq(atom('spawn'),
option(seq(atom('dataspace'), exec(() => o.isDataspace = true))),
bind(o, 'name', spawn.headerExpr))),
map(spawn.headerExpr, e => o.initialAssertions.push(e))),
map(scope((l: { id: Identifier, init: Expr }) =>
bind(l, 'id', identifier),
bind(l, 'init', spawn.headerExpr))),
l => {
}), {
headerExpr: expr(atom(':asserting'), atom(':let')),
export interface FieldDeclarationStatement extends FacetAction {
target: Expr;
property: { name: Identifier } | { expr: Expr };
property: Binder;
init?: Expr;
// Principal: Dataspace, but only for implementation reasons, so really Facet
export const fieldDeclarationStatement: Pattern<FieldDeclarationStatement> =
facetAction(o => {
const prop = alt(seq(atom('.'), map(identifier, name => o.property = {name})),
seq(group('[', map(expr(), expr => o.property = {expr}))));
return seq(atom('field'),
bind(o, 'target', expr(seq(prop, alt(atom('='), statementBoundary)))),
option(seq(atom('='), bind(o, 'init', expr()))),
export interface AssertionEndpointStatement extends FacetAction {
isDynamic: boolean,
template: Expr,
test?: Expr,
// Principal: Facet
export const assertionEndpointStatement: Pattern<AssertionEndpointStatement> =
facetAction(o => {
o.isDynamic = true;
return seq(atom('assert'),
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o, 'template', expr(seq(atom('when'), group('(', discard)))),
option(seq(atom('when'), group('(', bind(o, 'test', expr())))),
export interface StatementFacetAction extends FacetAction {
body: Statement;
export function blockFacetAction(kw: Pattern<any>): Pattern<StatementFacetAction> {
return facetAction(o => {
o.body = [];
return seq(kw, block(o.body));
// Principal: Facet
export const dataflowStatement = blockFacetAction(atom('dataflow'));
export interface GenericEventEndpointStatement extends StatementFacetAction {
terminal: boolean;
isDynamic: boolean;
@ -156,115 +76,35 @@ export interface AssertionEventEndpointStatement extends GenericEventEndpointSta
export type EventHandlerEndpointStatement =
DataflowEndpointStatement | PseudoEventEndpointStatement | AssertionEventEndpointStatement;
export function mandatoryIfNotTerminal(o: GenericEventEndpointStatement, p: Pattern<any>): Pattern<any> {
return i => {
return (o.terminal) ? option(p)(i) : p(i);
// Principal: Facet
export const eventHandlerEndpointStatement: Pattern<EventHandlerEndpointStatement> =
facetAction(o => {
o.terminal = false;
o.isDynamic = true;
o.body = [];
return seq(option(map(atom('stop'), _ => o.terminal = true)),
alt<any>(seq(map(group('(', bind(o as DataflowEndpointStatement, 'predicate',
_ => o.triggerType = 'dataflow'),
mandatoryIfNotTerminal(o, statement(o.body))),
mapm(seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
alt(atomString('start'), atomString('stop'))),
v => o.terminal ? fail : succeed(v)),
seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o as AssertionEventEndpointStatement, 'pattern',
mandatoryIfNotTerminal(o, seq(atom('=>'), statement(o.body))))));
export interface TypeDefinitionStatement {
expectedUse: 'message' | 'assertion';
label: Identifier;
fields: Identifier[];
fields: Binder[];
wireName?: Expr;
// Principal: none
export const typeDefinitionStatement: Pattern<TypeDefinitionStatement> =
scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'expectedUse', alt(atomString('message'), atomString('assertion'))),
bind(o, 'label', identifier),
group('(', bind(o, 'fields', repeat(identifier, { separator: atom(',') }))),
bind(o, 'wireName', withoutSpace(upTo(statementBoundary))))),
export interface MessageSendStatement extends FacetAction {
expr: Expr;
// Principal: Facet
export const messageSendStatement: Pattern<MessageSendStatement> =
facetAction(o => seq(atom('send'),
bind(o, 'expr', withoutSpace(upTo(statementBoundary))),
export interface DuringStatement extends FacetAction {
export interface DuringStatement extends FacetProducingAction {
pattern: ValuePattern;
body: Statement;
// Principal: Facet
export const duringStatement: Pattern<DuringStatement> =
facetAction(o => {
o.body = [];
return seq(atom('during'),
bind(o, 'pattern', valuePattern(atom('=>'))),
seq(atom('=>'), statement(o.body)));
// Principal: Facet
export const reactStatement = blockFacetAction(atom('react'));
// Principal: none
export const bootStatement: Pattern<Statement> =
value(o => {
o.value = [];
return seq(atom('boot'), block(o.value));
// Principal: Facet
export const stopStatement = blockFacetAction(atom('stop'));
export interface ReactStatement extends FacetProducingAction {
export interface ActivationImport {
activationKeyword: Identifier;
target: { type: 'import', moduleName: Token } | { type: 'expr', moduleExpr: Expr };
// Principal: none
export const activationImport: Pattern<ActivationImport> =
scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'activationKeyword', atom('activate')),
map(atom(void 0, { tokenType: TokenType.STRING }),
n => o.target = { type: 'import', moduleName: n }),
map(expr(), e => o.target = { type: 'expr', moduleExpr: e })))));
// Syntax of patterns over Value, used in endpoints
// Value pattern AST types
export interface PCapture {
type: 'PCapture',
binder: Identifier,
binder: Binder,
inner: ValuePattern,
@ -290,69 +130,280 @@ export interface PArray {
export type ValuePattern = PCapture | PDiscard | PConstructor | PConstant | PArray;
const pCaptureId: Pattern<Identifier> =
mapm(identifier, i => i.text.startsWith('$')
? succeed({ ... i, text: i.text.slice(1) })
: fail);
const pDiscard: Pattern<void> = mapm(identifier, i => i.text === '_' ? succeed(void 0) : fail);
function hasCapturesOrDiscards(e: Expr): boolean {
return foldItems(e,
t => match(alt<any>(pCaptureId, pDiscard), [t], null) !== null,
(_g, b, _k) => b,
bs => bs.some(b => b));
// $id - capture of discard
// _ - discard
// expr(pat, ...) - record ctor
// $id(pat) - nested capture
// [pat, ...] - array pat
// expr(expr, ...) - constant
// [expr, ...] - constant
// other - constant
interface RawCall {
items: Items;
callee: Expr;
arguments: Expr[];
function pRawCall(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<RawCall> {
return scope((o: RawCall) => seq(bind(o, 'callee',
expr(seq(group('(', discard),
alt(exprBoundary, ... extraStops)))),
export interface StaticAnalysis {
skeleton: Expr;
constPaths: Path[];
constVals: Expr[];
capturePaths: Path[];
captureBinders: Binder[];
assertion: Expr;
// Parsers
export class SyndicateParser {
block(acc?: Items): Pattern<Items> {
return group('{', map(rest, items => (acc?.push(... items), items)));
readonly statementBoundary = alt<any>(atom(';'), Matcher.newline);
readonly exprBoundary = alt<any>(atom(';'), atom(','), group('{', discard), Matcher.end);
readonly identifier: Pattern<Identifier> = atom();
get binder(): Pattern<Binder> { return scope(o => bind(o, 'id', this.identifier)); }
expr(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<Expr> {
return withoutSpace(upTo(alt(this.exprBoundary, ... extraStops)));
readonly type: (... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]) => Pattern<Type> = this.expr;
statement(acc: Items): Pattern<any> {
return alt<any>(this.block(acc),
items => acc.push(... items)),
i => i ? acc.push(i) : void 0))));
facetAction<T extends FacetAction>(pattern: (scope: T) => Pattern<any>): Pattern<T> {
return i => {
const scope = Object.create(null);
scope.implicitFacet = true;
const p = seq(option(map(atom('.'), _ => scope.implicitFacet = false)), pattern(scope));
const r = p(i);
if (r === null) return null;
return [scope, r[1]];
readonly headerExpr = this.expr(atom(':asserting'), atom(':let'));
// Principal: Facet
readonly spawn: Pattern<SpawnStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
o.isDataspace = false;
o.initialAssertions = [];
o.parentBinders = [];
o.parentInits = [];
o.body = [];
o.facetFields = [];
return seq(atom('spawn'),
option(seq(atom('dataspace'), exec(() => o.isDataspace = true))),
bind(o, 'name', this.headerExpr))),
map(this.headerExpr, e => o.initialAssertions.push(e))),
map(scope((l: { b: Binder, init: Expr }) =>
bind(l, 'b', this.binder),
bind(l, 'init', this.headerExpr))),
l => {
// Principal: Dataspace, but only for implementation reasons, so really Facet
readonly fieldDeclarationStatement: Pattern<FieldDeclarationStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
return seq(atom('field'),
bind(o, 'property', this.binder),
option(seq(atom('='), bind(o, 'init', this.expr()))),
// Principal: Facet
readonly assertionEndpointStatement: Pattern<AssertionEndpointStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
o.isDynamic = true;
return seq(atom('assert'),
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o, 'template', this.expr(seq(atom('when'), group('(', discard)))),
option(seq(atom('when'), group('(', bind(o, 'test', this.expr())))),
blockFacetAction(kw: Pattern<any>): Pattern<StatementFacetAction> {
return this.facetAction(o => {
o.body = [];
return seq(kw, this.block(o.body));
// Principal: Facet
readonly dataflowStatement = this.blockFacetAction(atom('dataflow'));
mandatoryIfNotTerminal(o: GenericEventEndpointStatement, p: Pattern<any>): Pattern<any> {
return i => {
return (o.terminal) ? option(p)(i) : p(i);
// Principal: Facet
readonly eventHandlerEndpointStatement: Pattern<EventHandlerEndpointStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
o.terminal = false;
o.isDynamic = true;
o.body = [];
return seq(option(map(atom('stop'), _ => o.terminal = true)),
alt<any>(seq(map(group('(', bind(o as DataflowEndpointStatement, 'predicate',
_ => o.triggerType = 'dataflow'),
this.mandatoryIfNotTerminal(o, this.statement(o.body))),
mapm(seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
alt(atomString('start'), atomString('stop'))),
v => o.terminal ? fail : succeed(v)),
seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o as AssertionEventEndpointStatement, 'pattern',
o, seq(atom('=>'), this.statement(o.body))))));
// Principal: none
readonly typeDefinitionStatement: Pattern<TypeDefinitionStatement> =
scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'expectedUse', alt(atomString('message'), atomString('assertion'))),
bind(o, 'label', this.identifier),
group('(', bind(o, 'fields',
repeat(this.binder, { separator: atom(',') }))),
bind(o, 'wireName', withoutSpace(upTo(this.statementBoundary))))),
// Principal: Facet
readonly messageSendStatement: Pattern<MessageSendStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => seq(atom('send'),
bind(o, 'expr', withoutSpace(upTo(this.statementBoundary))),
// Principal: Facet
readonly duringStatement: Pattern<DuringStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
o.body = [];
o.facetFields = [];
return seq(atom('during'),
bind(o, 'pattern', this.valuePattern(atom('=>'))),
seq(atom('=>'), this.statement(o.body)));
// Principal: Facet
readonly reactStatement: Pattern<ReactStatement> =
this.facetAction(o => {
o.body = [];
o.facetFields = [];
return seq(atom('react'), this.block(o.body));
// Principal: none
readonly bootStatement: Pattern<Statement> =
value(o => {
o.value = [];
return seq(atom('boot'), this.block(o.value));
// Principal: Facet
readonly stopStatement = this.blockFacetAction(atom('stop'));
// Principal: none
readonly activationImport: Pattern<ActivationImport> =
scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'activationKeyword', atom('activate')),
map(atom(void 0, { tokenType: TokenType.STRING }),
n => o.target = {
type: 'import',
moduleName: n
map(this.expr(), e => o.target = {
type: 'expr',
moduleExpr: e
// Syntax of patterns over Value, used in endpoints
readonly pCaptureBinder: Pattern<Binder> =
mapm(this.binder, i => {
return i.id.text.startsWith('$')
? succeed({ id: { ... i.id, text: i.id.text.slice(1) }, type: i.type })
: fail;
readonly pDiscard: Pattern<void> =
mapm(this.identifier, i => i.text === '_' ? succeed(void 0) : fail);
hasCapturesOrDiscards(e: Expr): boolean {
return foldItems(e,
t => match(alt<any>(this.pCaptureBinder, this.pDiscard), [t], null) !== null,
(_g, b, _k) => b,
bs => bs.some(b => b));
// $id - capture of discard
// _ - discard
// expr(pat, ...) - record ctor
// $id(pat) - nested capture
// [pat, ...] - array pat
// expr(expr, ...) - constant
// [expr, ...] - constant
// other - constant
pRawCall(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<RawCall> {
return scope((o: RawCall) =>
seq(bind(o, 'callee',
this.expr(seq(group('(', discard),
alt(this.exprBoundary, ... extraStops)))),
seq(map(anything({ advance: false }),
g => o.items = [... o.callee, g]),
group('(', bind(o, 'arguments',
separatedBy(expr(), atom(',')))))));
separatedBy(this.expr(), atom(',')))))));
function isConstant(o: RawCall) {
return (!(hasCapturesOrDiscards(o.callee) || o.arguments.some(hasCapturesOrDiscards)));
isConstant(o: RawCall): boolean {
return (!(this.hasCapturesOrDiscards(o.callee) ||
o.arguments.some(a => this.hasCapturesOrDiscards(a))));
export function valuePattern(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<ValuePattern> {
valuePattern(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<ValuePattern> {
return alt<ValuePattern>(
scope<PCapture>(o => {
o.type = 'PCapture';
o.inner = { type: 'PDiscard' };
return bind(o, 'binder', pCaptureId);
return bind(o, 'binder', this.pCaptureBinder);
scope(o => map(pDiscard, _ => o.type = 'PDiscard')),
scope(o => map(this.pDiscard, _ => o.type = 'PDiscard')),
mapm<RawCall, ValuePattern>(
pRawCall(... extraStops),
this.pRawCall(... extraStops),
o => {
if (isConstant(o)) {
if (this.isConstant(o)) {
return succeed({ type: 'PConstant', value: o.items });
} else if (hasCapturesOrDiscards(o.callee)) {
const r = match(pCaptureId, o.callee, null);
} else if (this.hasCapturesOrDiscards(o.callee)) {
const r = match(this.pCaptureBinder, o.callee, null);
if (r !== null && o.arguments.length === 1)
const argPat = match(valuePattern(), o.arguments[0], null);
const argPat = match(this.valuePattern(), o.arguments[0], null);
if (argPat === null) return fail;
return succeed({
type: 'PCapture',
@ -363,7 +414,7 @@ export function valuePattern(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<ValuePatte
return fail;
} else {
const argPats = o.arguments.map(a => match(valuePattern(), a, null));
const argPats = o.arguments.map(a => match(this.valuePattern(), a, null));
if (argPats.some(p => p === null)) return fail;
return succeed({
type: 'PConstructor',
@ -372,21 +423,35 @@ export function valuePattern(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<ValuePatte
map(expr(), e => ({ type: 'PConstant', value: e }))
map(this.expr(), e => ({ type: 'PConstant', value: e }))
export class SyndicateTypedParser extends SyndicateParser {
get binder(): Pattern<Binder> {
return scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'id', this.identifier),
bind(o, 'type', this.type(atom('=')))))));
// Value pattern utilities
export function patternText(p: ValuePattern): Items {
switch (p.type) {
case 'PDiscard': return template`_`;
case 'PConstant': return p.value;
case 'PCapture':
const binder = { ... p.binder, text: '$' + p.binder.text };
if (p.inner.type === 'PDiscard') {
return [binder];
const binderId = { ... p.binder.id, text: '$' + p.binder.id.text };
const affix =
(p.inner.type === 'PDiscard') ? [] : template`(${patternText(p.inner)})`;
if (p.binder.type !== void 0) {
return template`${[binderId]}:${p.binder.type}${affix}`;
} else {
return template`${[binder]}(${patternText(p.inner)})`;
return template`${[binderId]}${affix}`;
case 'PArray': return template`[${commaJoin(p.elements.map(patternText))}]`;
@ -394,15 +459,6 @@ export function patternText(p: ValuePattern): Items {
export interface StaticAnalysis {
skeleton: Expr;
constPaths: Path[];
constVals: Expr[];
capturePaths: Path[];
captureIds: Identifier[];
assertion: Expr;
const eDiscard: Expr = template`(__SYNDICATE__.Discard._instance)`;
const eCapture = (e: Expr): Expr => template`(__SYNDICATE__.Capture(${e}))`;
@ -410,7 +466,7 @@ export function compilePattern(pattern: ValuePattern): StaticAnalysis {
const constPaths: Path[] = [];
const constVals: Expr[] = [];
const capturePaths: Path[] = [];
const captureIds: Identifier[] = [];
const captureBinders: Binder[] = [];
const currentPath: Path = [];
@ -420,7 +476,7 @@ export function compilePattern(pattern: ValuePattern): StaticAnalysis {
return [null, eDiscard];
case 'PCapture': {
const [s, a] = walk(pattern.inner);
return [s, eCapture(a)];
@ -473,7 +529,7 @@ export function compilePattern(pattern: ValuePattern): StaticAnalysis {

View File

@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ export abstract class Scanner implements IterableIterator<Token> {
buf = buf + this.shiftChar();
while (true) {
ch = this.shiftChar();
if ((ch === null) ||((ch === '/') && seenStar)) break;
if (ch === null) break;
buf = buf + ch;
if ((ch === '/') && seenStar) break;
seenStar = (ch === '*');
return this._collectSpace(buf, start);
@ -168,18 +169,17 @@ export abstract class Scanner implements IterableIterator<Token> {
case '`':
return this._str(false);
case '.':
case ',':
case ';':
return this._punct(TokenType.ATOM);
case '/':
return this._maybeComment();
if (this.isDelimiter(ch)) {
return this._punct(TokenType.ATOM);
} else {
return this._atom(this.mark(), this.shiftChar()!);
peek(): Token | null {
if (this.tokenBuffer === null) this.tokenBuffer = this._peek();

View File

@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
try {
} catch (e) {

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
try {
} catch (e) {

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { BoxState, SetBox, N } from './protocol.js';
boot {
spawn named 'box' {
field this.value = 0;
field value = 0;
assert BoxState(this.value);
stop on (this.value === N)
console.log('terminated box root facet');

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"prepare": "npm run compile && npm run rollup",
"compile": "npx syndicatec -d lib -b src 'src/**/*.js'",
"compile": "../../bin/syndicate-tsc.js",
"rollup": "npx rollup -c",
"clean": "rm -rf lib/ index.js index.js.map"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { BoxState, SetBox, N } from './protocol.js';
boot {
spawn named 'box' {
field this.value: number = 0;
field value: number = 0;
assert BoxState(this.value);
stop on (this.value === N)
console.log('terminated box root facet');

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"declarationDir": "./lib",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"module": "commonjs",
"module": "es6",
"sourceMap": true,
"strict": true

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import path from 'path';
import { glob } from 'glob';
import { compile } from '@syndicate-lang/compiler';
import { dataURL, sourceMappingComment} from './util.js';
export type ModuleChoice = 'es6' | 'require' | 'global';
const moduleChoices: ReadonlyArray<ModuleChoice> = ['es6', 'require', 'global'];
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ export type CommandLineArguments = {
mapExtension?: string;
runtime: string;
module: ModuleChoice;
typed: boolean;
function checkModuleChoice<T>(t: T & { module: string }): T & { module: ModuleChoice } {
@ -97,6 +99,12 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
description: 'Path to require or import to get the Syndicate runtime',
default: '@syndicate-lang/core',
.option('typed', {
alias: 't',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Enable TypeScript-typed translation',
default: false,
.option('module', {
choices: moduleChoices,
type: 'string',
@ -132,14 +140,10 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
name: inputFilename,
runtime: options.runtime,
module: options.module,
typescript: options.typed,
map.sourcesContent = [source];
function mapDataURL() {
const mapData = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(map)).toString('base64')
return `data:application/json;base64,${mapData}`;
if (inputFilename !== STDIN) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outputFilename), { recursive: true });
@ -148,10 +152,10 @@ export function main(argv: string[]) {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text);
} else if (options.mapExtension && inputFilename !== STDIN) {
const mapFilename = outputFilename + options.mapExtension;
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${mapFilename}`);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + sourceMappingComment(mapFilename));
fs.writeFileSync(mapFilename, JSON.stringify(map));
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${mapDataURL()}`);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilename, text + sourceMappingComment(dataURL(JSON.stringify(map))));

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import ts from 'typescript';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import { compile } from '@syndicate-lang/compiler';
import { dataURL, sourceMappingComment } from './util.js';
function reportDiagnostic(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic) {
if (diagnostic.file) {
@ -49,15 +50,18 @@ function createProgram(rootNames: readonly string[] | undefined,
onError?.(`Could not read input file ${fileName}`);
return undefined;
const expandedText = compile({
const { text: baseExpandedText, map: sourceMap } = compile({
source: inputText,
name: fileName,
typescript: true,
console.log('\n\n', fileName);
expandedText.split(/\n/).forEach((line, i) => {
console.log(i, line);
sourceMap.sourcesContent = [inputText];
const expandedText = baseExpandedText + sourceMappingComment(dataURL(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)));
// console.log('\n\n', fileName);
// expandedText.split(/\n/).forEach((line, i) => {
// console.log(i + 1, line);
// });
const sf = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, expandedText, languageVersion, true);
(sf as any).version = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(expandedText).digest('hex');
return sf;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
export function dataURL(s: string): string {
return `data:application/json;base64,${Buffer.from(s).toString('base64')}`;
export function sourceMappingComment(url: string): string {
return `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${url}`;