Singleton fudgery

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2019-06-13 22:18:45 +01:00
parent d04d4f0095
commit 2223f29ad2
2 changed files with 28 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
"dependencies": {
"debug": "^4.1.1",
"immutable": "^3.8.2",
"preserves": "0.0.9"
"preserves": "0.0.10"

View File

@ -37,22 +37,38 @@ const PRIORITY = Object.freeze({
_count: 6
function Dataspace(bootProc) {
this.nextId = 0;
this.index = new Skeleton.Index();
this.dataflow = new Dataflow.Graph();
this.runnable = Immutable.List();
this.pendingActions = Immutable.List([
new ActionGroup(null, Immutable.List([new Spawn(null, bootProc, Immutable.Set())]))]);
this.activatedModules = Immutable.Set();
this.actors = Immutable.Map();
// Singleton hackery.
const Dataspace = (function () {
const SYNDICATE = Symbol.for('@syndicate-lang/core');
const version = require('../package.json').version;
if (!(SYNDICATE in global)) {
global[SYNDICATE] = {
version: version,
Dataspace: function (bootProc) {
this.nextId = 0;
this.index = new Skeleton.Index();
this.dataflow = new Dataflow.Graph();
this.runnable = Immutable.List();
this.pendingActions = Immutable.List([
new ActionGroup(null, Immutable.List([new Spawn(null, bootProc, Immutable.Set())]))]);
this.activatedModules = Immutable.Set();
this.actors = Immutable.Map();
const g = global[SYNDICATE];
if (g.version !== version) {
console.warn('Potentially incompatible versions of @syndicate-lang/core loaded:',
version, g.version);
return g.Dataspace;
// Parameters
Dataspace._currentFacet = null;
Dataspace._inScript = true;
Dataspace.BootSteps = Symbol('SyndicateBootSteps');
Dataspace.BootSteps = Symbol.for('SyndicateBootSteps');
Dataspace.currentFacet = function () {
return Dataspace._currentFacet;