WIP lax parser, matcher, rewriter and compiler

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-01-14 13:09:53 +01:00
parent bed03edcd3
commit 2105886c5e
18 changed files with 1209 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ The output should be something like:
## Licence
@syndicate-lang, an implementation of Syndicate for JS.
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tony Garnock-Jones <tonyg@leastfixedpoint.com>
Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <tonyg@leastfixedpoint.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { main } from '../lib/compiler/main.js';

View file

@ -21,5 +21,8 @@
"author": "Tony Garnock-Jones <tonyg@leastfixedpoint.com>",
"dependencies": {
"preserves": "0.4.0"
"bin": {
"syndicatec": "./bin/syndicatec.js"

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
import {
Item, Items,
scope, bind, seq, alt, upTo, atom, group, exec,
repeat, option, withoutSpace, map, rest, discard,
} from '../syntax/index.js';
import * as Matcher from '../syntax/matcher.js';
export type Expr = Items;
export type Statement = Items;
export type Identifier = Item;
export const block = (acc?: Items) =>
(acc === void 0)
? group('{', discard)
: group('{', map(rest, items => acc.push(... items)));
export const statementBoundary = alt(atom(';'), Matcher.newline, Matcher.end);
export const exprBoundary = alt(atom(';'), atom(','), group('{', discard), Matcher.end);
export interface SpawnStatement {
isDataspace: boolean;
name?: Expr;
initialAssertions: Expr[];
parentIds: Identifier[];
parentInits: Expr[];
bootProcBody: Statement;
export const identifier: Pattern<Identifier> = atom();
export function expr(... extraStops: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<Expr> {
return withoutSpace(upTo(alt(exprBoundary, ... extraStops)));
export function statement(acc: Items): Pattern<void> {
return alt(group('{', map(rest, items => acc.push(... items))),
withoutSpace(seq(map(upTo(statementBoundary), items => acc.push(... items)),
map(statementBoundary, i => i ? acc.push(i) : void 0))));
export const spawn: Pattern<SpawnStatement> & { headerExpr: Pattern<Expr> } =
Object.assign(scope((o: SpawnStatement) => {
o.isDataspace = false;
o.initialAssertions = [];
o.parentIds = [];
o.parentInits = [];
o.bootProcBody = [];
return seq(atom('spawn'),
option(seq(atom('dataspace'), exec(() => o.isDataspace = true))),
bind(o, 'name', spawn.headerExpr))),
map(spawn.headerExpr, e => o.initialAssertions.push(e))),
map(scope((l: { id: Identifier, init: Expr }) =>
bind(l, 'id', identifier),
bind(l, 'init', spawn.headerExpr))),
l => {
}), {
headerExpr: expr(atom(':asserting'), atom(':let')),
export interface FieldDeclarationStatement {
member: Expr;
expr?: Expr;
export const fieldDeclarationStatement: Pattern<FieldDeclarationStatement> =
scope(o => seq(atom('field'),
bind(o, 'member', expr(atom('='))),
option(seq(atom('='), bind(o, 'expr', expr())))));
export interface AssertionEndpointStatement {
isDynamic: boolean,
template: Expr,
test?: Expr,
export const assertionEndpointStatement: Pattern<AssertionEndpointStatement> =
scope(o => {
o.isDynamic = true;
return seq(atom('assert'),
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o, 'template', expr(seq(atom('when'), group('(', discard)))),
option(seq(atom('when'), group('(', bind(o, 'test', expr())))));
export const dataflowStatement: Pattern<Statement> =
value(o => {
o.value = [];
return seq(atom('dataflow'), statement(o.value));
export interface EventHandlerEndpointStatement {
terminal: boolean;
triggerType: 'dataflow' | 'start' | 'stop' | 'asserted' | 'retracted' | 'message';
isDynamic: boolean;
pattern?: Expr;
body: Statement;
export const eventHandlerEndpointStatement: Pattern<EventHandlerEndpointStatement> =
scope(o => {
o.terminal = false;
o.isDynamic = true;
o.body = [];
return seq(option(map(atom('stop'), _ => o.terminal = true)),
alt(map(group('(', bind(o, 'pattern', expr())), _ => o.triggerType = 'dataflow'),
seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
map(alt(atom('start'), atom('stop')), e => e.text)),
seq(bind(o, 'triggerType',
e => e.text)),
option(map(atom(':snapshot'), _ => o.isDynamic = false)),
bind(o, 'pattern', expr()),
export interface TypeDefinitionStatement {
expectedUse: 'message' | 'assertion';
label: Identifier;
fields: Identifier[];
wireName?: Expr;
export const typeDefinitionStatement: Pattern<TypeDefinitionStatement> =
scope(o => seq(bind(o, 'expectedUse', map(alt(atom('message'), atom('assertion')), e => e.text)),
bind(o, 'label', identifier),
group('(', bind(o, 'fields', repeat(identifier, { separator: atom(',') }))),
bind(o, 'wireName', withoutSpace(upTo(statementBoundary))))),
export const messageSendStatement: Pattern<Expr> =
value(o => seq(atom('send'), bind(o, 'value', withoutSpace(upTo(statementBoundary))), statementBoundary));
export interface DuringStatement {
pattern: Expr;
body: Statement;
export const duringStatement: Pattern<DuringStatement> =
scope(o => {
o.body = [];
return seq(atom('during'),
bind(o, 'pattern', expr()),
export const reactStatement: Pattern<Statement> =
value(o => {
o.value = [];
return seq(atom('react'), statement(o.value));

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * as Grammar from './grammar.js';

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import fs from 'fs';
import * as S from '../syntax/index.js';
import * as G from './grammar.js';
export function main(argv: string[]) {
let [ inputFilename ] = argv.slice(2);
inputFilename = inputFilename ?? '/dev/stdin';
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputFilename, 'utf-8');
const scanner = new S.StringScanner(S.startPos(inputFilename), source);
const reader = new S.LaxReader(scanner);
let tree = reader.readToEnd();
let macro = new S.Templates();
let expansionNeeded = true;
function expand<T>(p: S.Pattern<T>, f: (t: T) => S.Items) {
tree = S.replace(tree, p, t => {
expansionNeeded = true;
return f(t);
while (expansionNeeded) {
expansionNeeded = false;
s => macro.template()`SPAWN[${s.name ?? []}][${S.joinItems(s.initialAssertions, ', ')}][[${s.bootProcBody}]]`);
s => macro.template()`FIELD[${s.member}][${s.expr ?? []}]`);
s => macro.template()`ASSERT[${''+s.isDynamic}][${s.template}][${s.test ?? []}]`);
e => macro.template()`DATAFLOW[${e}]`);
s => macro.template()`EVENTHANDLER[${`${s.terminal}/${s.isDynamic}`}][${s.triggerType}][${s.pattern}][${s.body}]`);
s => macro.template()`TYPEDEF[${s.expectedUse}][${[s.label]}][${S.joinItems(s.fields.map(f => [f]), ' -- ')}][${s.wireName ?? []}]`);
e => macro.template()`SEND[${e}]`);
s => macro.template()`DURING[${s.pattern}][${s.body}]`);
e => macro.template()`REACT[${e}]`);
console.log(S.itemText(tree, { color: true, missing: '\x1b[41m□\x1b[0m' }));
const cw = new S.CodeWriter(inputFilename);
fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/adhoc.syndicate', cw.text);
const mm = cw.map;
mm.sourcesContent = [source];
fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/adhoc.syndicate.map', JSON.stringify(mm));

View file

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ export * from './runtime/ground.js';
export * from './runtime/relay.js';
// export * as Worker from './runtime/worker.js';
export * as Syntax from './syntax/index.js';
export * as Compiler from './compiler/index.js';
import { randomId } from './runtime/randomid.js';
// These aren't so much "Universal" as they are "VM-wide-unique".

View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import { TokenType, Item, Items, isGroup } from './tokens.js';
import { Pos, startPos, advancePos } from './position.js';
import { vlqEncode } from './vlq.js';
export interface SourceMap {
version: 3;
file?: string;
sourceRoot?: string, // default: ""
sources: Array<string>;
sourcesContent?: Array<string | null>; // default: null at each entry
names: Array<string>;
mappings: string;
export interface Mapping {
generatedStartColumn?: number; // zero-based
sourceIndex?: number;
sourceStartLine?: number; // zero-based (!!)
sourceStartColumn?: number; // zero-based
nameIndex?: number;
function encodeMapping(entry: Mapping): Array<number> {
const a = [entry.generatedStartColumn];
if ('sourceIndex' in entry) {
if ('nameIndex' in entry) {
return a;
function maybeDelta(newValue: number | undefined, oldValue: number | undefined) {
// console.log('maybeDelta', oldValue, newValue);
return (newValue === void 0) ? void 0
: (oldValue === void 0) ? newValue
: newValue - oldValue;
export class CodeWriter {
readonly file: string | null;
readonly pos: Pos;
readonly sources: Array<string> = [];
readonly chunks: Array<string> = [];
readonly mappings: Array<Array<Mapping>> = [];
previous: Mapping = {};
previousPos: Pos | null = null;
constructor(file: string | null) {
this.file = file;
this.pos = startPos(this.file ?? '');
get text(): string {
return this.chunks.join('');
get map(): SourceMap {
// console.log(this.mappings.map(segs => segs.map(encodeMapping)));
const mappings = this.mappings.map(segments =>
const m: SourceMap = {
version: 3,
sources: [... this.sources],
names: [],
if (this.file !== null) m.file = this.file;
return m;
finishLine() {
// console.log('newline');
this.previous.generatedStartColumn = undefined;
this.previousPos = null;
sourceIndexFor(name: string) {
let i = this.sources.indexOf(name);
if (i === -1) {
i = this.sources.length - 1;
return i;
addMapping(p: Pos, type: TokenType) {
// console.log('considering', p, type);
const oldPos = this.previousPos;
if ((oldPos === null || oldPos.name === p.name) &&
(type === TokenType.SPACE || type === TokenType.NEWLINE))
// console.log('whitespace skip');
if (this.previousPos !== null) {
this.previousPos = p;
this.previousPos = p;
if ((oldPos?.name === p.name) &&
((p.name === null) ||
((oldPos?.column === p.column) && (oldPos?.line === p.line))))
// console.log('skipping', this.previous, oldPos, p);
const n: Mapping = {};
n.generatedStartColumn = maybeDelta(this.pos.column, this.previous.generatedStartColumn);
this.previous.generatedStartColumn = this.pos.column;
if (p.name !== null) {
const sourceIndex = this.sourceIndexFor(p.name);
n.sourceIndex = maybeDelta(sourceIndex, this.previous.sourceIndex);
this.previous.sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
n.sourceStartColumn = maybeDelta(p.column, this.previous.sourceStartColumn);
this.previous.sourceStartColumn = p.column;
n.sourceStartLine = maybeDelta(p.line - 1, this.previous.sourceStartLine);
this.previous.sourceStartLine = p.line - 1;
// console.log('pushing',
// n,
// this.previous,
// oldPos?.line + ':' + oldPos?.column,
// p.line + ':' + p.column);
this.mappings[this.mappings.length - 1].push(n);
chunk(p: Pos, s: string, type: TokenType) {
p = { ... p };
if (this.mappings.length === 0) this.finishLine();
this.addMapping(p, type);
for (const ch of s) {
advancePos(p, ch);
if (advancePos(this.pos, ch)) {
this.addMapping(p, type);
emit(i: Item | Items) {
if (Array.isArray(i)) {
i.forEach(j => this.emit(j));
} else if (isGroup(i)) {
if (i.end) this.emit(i.end);
} else if (i === null) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
this.chunk(i.start, i.text, i.type);

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export * from './codewriter.js';
export * from './list.js';
export * from './matcher.js';
export * from './position.js';
export * from './reader.js';
export * from './scanner.js';
export * from './template.js';
export * from './tokens.js';
export * from './vlq.js';

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
export interface List<T> extends Iterable<T> {
item: T | null;
next: List<T> | null;
toArray(): Array<T>;
export function atEnd<T>(xs: List<T>): boolean {
return xs.item === null;
export class ArrayList<T> implements List<T> {
readonly items: Array<T>;
readonly index: number = 0;
constructor(items: Array<T>, index = 0) {
this.items = items;
this.index = index;
get item(): T | null {
return this.items[this.index] ?? null;
get next(): List<T> | null {
if (this.index >= this.items.length) return null;
return new ArrayList(this.items, this.index + 1);
toArray(): Array<T> {
return this.items.slice(this.index);
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T> {
let i: List<T> = this;
return {
next(): IteratorResult<T> {
const value = i.item;
if (!atEnd(i)) i = i.next;
return { done: atEnd(i), value };

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@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
import { Token, TokenType, Items, Item, isGroup, isToken, isSpace, isTokenType } from './tokens.js';
import { Pos } from './position.js';
import { List, ArrayList, atEnd } from './list.js';
// Patterns over Item
export type PatternResult<T> = [T, List<Item>] | null;
export type Pattern<T> = (i: List<Item>) => PatternResult<T>;
export const noItems = new ArrayList<Item>([]);
export const fail: Pattern<never> = _i => null;
export const succeed: Pattern<void> = i => [void 0, i];
export const discard: Pattern<void> = _i => [void 0, noItems];
export const rest: Pattern<Items> = i => [i.toArray(), noItems];
export const end: Pattern<void> = i => atEnd(i) ? [void 0, noItems] : null;
export const pos: Pattern<Pos> = i => [isGroup(i.item) ? i.item.start.start : i.item.start, i];
export const newline: Pattern<Item> = i => {
while (!atEnd(i) && isTokenType(i.item, TokenType.SPACE)) i = i.next;
if (!isTokenType(i.item, TokenType.NEWLINE)) return null;
return [i.item, i.next];
export function skipSpace(i: List<Item>): List<Item> {
while (!atEnd(i) && isSpace(i.item)) i = i.next;
return i;
export function collectSpace(i: List<Item>, acc: Array<Item>): List<Item> {
while (!atEnd(i) && isSpace(i.item)) {
i = i.next;
return i;
export function withoutSpace<T>(p: Pattern<T>): Pattern<T> {
return i => p(skipSpace(i));
export function seq(... patterns: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<void> {
return i => {
for (const p of patterns) {
const r = p(i);
if (r === null) return null;
i = r[1];
return [void 0, i];
export function alt(... alts: Pattern<any>[]): Pattern<any> {
return i => {
for (const a of alts) {
const r = a(i);
if (r !== null) return r;
return null;
export function scope<I, T extends I, R>(pf: (scope: T) => Pattern<R>): Pattern<T> {
return i => {
const scope = Object.create(null);
const r = pf(scope)(i);
if (r === null) return null;
return [scope, r[1]];
export function value<T>(pf: (scope: {value: T}) => Pattern<any>): Pattern<T> {
return i => {
const scope = Object.create(null);
const r = pf(scope)(i);
if (r === null) return null;
return [scope.value, r[1]];
export function bind<T, K extends keyof T>(target: T, key: K, pattern: Pattern<T[K]>): Pattern<T[K]> {
return i => {
const r = pattern(i);
if (r === null) return null;
target[key] = r[0];
return r;
export function exec(thunk: (i: List<Item>) => void): Pattern<void> {
return i => {
return [void 0, i];
export function map<T, R>(p: Pattern<T>, f: (T) => R): Pattern<R> {
return i => {
const r = p(i);
if (r === null) return null;
return [f(r[0]), r[1]];
export interface ItemOptions {
skipSpace?: boolean, // default: true
export interface GroupOptions extends ItemOptions {
export interface TokenOptions extends ItemOptions {
tokenType?: TokenType, // default: TokenType.ATOM
export function group<T>(opener: string, items: Pattern<T>, options: GroupOptions = {}): Pattern<T> {
return i => {
if (options.skipSpace ?? true) i = skipSpace(i);
if (!isGroup(i.item)) return null;
if (i.item.start.text !== opener) return null;
const r = items(new ArrayList(i.item.items));
if (r === null) return null;
if (!atEnd(r[1])) return null;
return [r[0], i.next];
export function atom(text?: string | undefined, options: TokenOptions = {}): Pattern<Token> {
return i => {
if (options.skipSpace ?? true) i = skipSpace(i);
if (!isToken(i.item)) return null;
if (i.item.type !== (options.tokenType ?? TokenType.ATOM)) return null;
if (text !== void 0 && i.item.text !== text) return null;
return [i.item, i.next];
export function anything(options: ItemOptions = {}): Pattern<Item> {
return i => {
if (options.skipSpace ?? true) i = skipSpace(i);
if (atEnd(i)) return null;
return [i.item, i.next];
export function upTo(p: Pattern<any>): Pattern<Items> {
return i => {
const acc = [];
while (true) {
const r = p(i);
if (r !== null) return [acc, i];
if (atEnd(i)) break;
i = i.next;
return null;
export interface RepeatOptions {
min?: number;
max?: number;
separator?: Pattern<any>;
export function repeat<T>(p: Pattern<T>, options: RepeatOptions = {}): Pattern<T[]> {
return i => {
const acc: T[] = [];
let needSeparator = false;
const finish = (): PatternResult<T[]> => (acc.length < (options.min ?? 0)) ? null : [acc, i];
while (true) {
if (acc.length == (options.max ?? Infinity)) return [acc, i];
if (needSeparator) {
if (options.separator) {
const r = options.separator(i);
if (r === null) return finish();
i = r[1];
} else {
needSeparator = true;
const r = p(i);
if (r === null) return finish();
i = r[1];
export function option<T>(p: Pattern<T>): Pattern<T[]> {
return repeat(p, { max: 1 });
// Search-and-replace over Item
export function replace<T>(items: Items,
p: Pattern<T>,
f: (t: T) => Items): Items
const walkItems = (items: Items): Items => {
let i: List<Item> = new ArrayList(items);
const acc: Items = [];
while (!atEnd(i = collectSpace(i, acc))) {
const r = p(i);
if (r !== null) {
acc.push(... f(r[0]));
i = r[1];
} else if (isToken(i.item)) {
i = i.next;
} else {
acc.push({ ... i.item, items: walkItems(i.item.items) });
i = i.next;
return acc;
return walkItems(items);

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
export interface Pos {
line: number;
column: number;
pos: number;
name: string | null;
export function startPos(name: string | null): Pos {
return { line: 1, column: 0, pos: 0, name };
export function advancePos(p: Pos, ch: string): boolean {
let advancedLine = false;
switch (ch) {
case '\t':
p.column = (p.column + 8) & ~7;
case '\n':
p.column = 0;
advancedLine = true;
case '\r':
p.column = 0;
return advancedLine;

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import { TokenType, Token, Group, Item, Items } from './tokens.js';
import { Scanner } from './scanner.js';
function matchingParen(c: string): string | null {
switch (c) {
case ')': return '(';
case ']': return '[';
case '}': return '{';
default: return null;
export class LaxReader implements IterableIterator<Item> {
readonly scanner: Scanner;
readonly stack: Array<Group> = [];
constructor(scanner: Scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Item> {
return this;
stackTop(): Group | null {
return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] ?? null;
popUntilMatch(t: Token): Group | 'continue' | 'eof' {
const m = matchingParen(t.text);
if (m !== null && !this.stack.some(g => g.start.text === m)) {
if (this.stack.length > 0) {
return 'continue';
} else {
while (this.stack.length > 0) {
const inner = this.stack.pop();
if (inner.start.text === m) {
inner.end = t;
if (this.stack.length === 0) {
return inner;
} else {
const outer = this.stackTop();
if (inner.start.text === m) {
return 'continue';
return 'eof';
shift(): Token {
return this.scanner.shift() ?? this.scanner.makeToken(this.scanner.mark(), TokenType.CLOSE, '');
read(): Item | null {
while (true) {
let g = this.stackTop();
const t = this.shift();
switch (t.type) {
case TokenType.SPACE:
case TokenType.NEWLINE:
case TokenType.ATOM:
case TokenType.STRING:
if (g === null) return t;
if (t.text === ';') {
while ('(['.indexOf(g.start.text) >= 0) {
g = this.stackTop();
case TokenType.OPEN:
this.stack.push({ start: t, end: null, items: [] });
case TokenType.CLOSE: {
const i = this.popUntilMatch(t);
if (i === 'eof') return null;
if (i === 'continue') break;
return i;
readToEnd(): Items {
return Array.from(this);
next(): IteratorResult<Item> {
const i = this.read();
if (i === null) {
return { done: true, value: null };
} else {
return { done: false, value: i };

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@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
import { TokenType, Token } from './tokens.js';
import { Pos, advancePos } from './position.js';
export abstract class Scanner implements IterableIterator<Token> {
readonly pos: Pos;
charBuffer: string | null = null;
tokenBuffer: Token | null = null;
delimiters = ' \t\n\r\'"`,;()[]{}/';
constructor(pos: Pos) {
this.pos = pos;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Token> {
return this;
abstract _peekChar(): string | null;
peekChar(): string | null {
if (this.charBuffer !== null) return this.charBuffer;
this.charBuffer = this._peekChar();
return this.charBuffer;
dropChar() {
if (this.charBuffer === null) this.peekChar();
if (this.charBuffer !== null) {
advancePos(this.pos, this.charBuffer);
this.charBuffer = null;
shiftChar(): string | null {
const ch = this.peekChar();
return ch;
makeToken(start: Pos, type: TokenType, text: string): Token {
return { type, start, end: this.mark(), text };
mark(): Pos {
return { ... this.pos };
_while(pred: (ch: string | null) => boolean, f: (ch: string | null) => void) {
while (true) {
const ch = this.peekChar();
if (!pred(ch)) return;
_collectSpace(buf = '', start = this.mark()): Token {
this._while(ch => this.isSpace(ch), ch => buf = buf + ch);
return this.makeToken(start, TokenType.SPACE, buf);
_punct(type: TokenType): Token {
return this.makeToken(this.mark(), type, this.shiftChar());
_str(forbidNewlines: boolean): Token {
const start = this.mark();
const q = this.shiftChar();
let buf = q;
let ch: string;
while (true) {
ch = this.shiftChar();
if (ch !== null) buf = buf + ch;
if (ch === null || ch === q || (forbidNewlines && (ch === '\n'))) {
return this.makeToken(start, TokenType.STRING, buf);
if (ch === '\\') {
ch = this.shiftChar();
if (ch === '\n') {
// Do nothing. Line continuation.
} else if (ch !== null) {
buf = buf + ch;
isSpace(ch: string): boolean {
return ' \t\r'.indexOf(ch) >= 0;
isDelimiter(ch: string): boolean {
return this.delimiters.indexOf(ch) >= 0;
addDelimiters(newDelimiters: string) {
this.delimiters = this.delimiters + newDelimiters;
_atom(start = this.mark(), buf = ''): Token {
let ch: string;
while (true) {
ch = this.peekChar();
if (ch === null || this.isDelimiter(ch)) {
return this.makeToken(start, TokenType.ATOM, buf);
buf = buf + ch;
_maybeComment(): Token {
const start = this.mark();
let buf = this.shiftChar();
let ch = this.peekChar();
if (ch === null) return this._collectSpace(buf, start);
switch (ch) {
case '/': // single-line comment.
this._while(ch => ch !== null && ch !== '\n', ch => buf = buf + ch);
return this._collectSpace(buf, start);
case '*': // delimited comment.
let seenStar = false;
buf = buf + this.shiftChar();
while (true) {
ch = this.shiftChar();
if ((ch === null) ||((ch === '/') && seenStar)) break;
buf = buf + ch;
seenStar = (ch === '*');
return this._collectSpace(buf, start);
return this._atom(start, buf);
_peek(): Token | null {
let ch = this.peekChar();
if (ch === null) return null;
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\r':
return this._collectSpace();
case '\n':
return this._punct(TokenType.NEWLINE);
case '(':
case '[':
case '{':
return this._punct(TokenType.OPEN);
case ')':
case ']':
case '}':
return this._punct(TokenType.CLOSE);
case '\'':
case '"':
return this._str(true);
case '`':
return this._str(false);
case ',':
case ';':
return this._punct(TokenType.ATOM);
case '/':
return this._maybeComment();
return this._atom(this.mark(), this.shiftChar());
peek(): Token | null {
if (this.tokenBuffer === null) this.tokenBuffer = this._peek();
return this.tokenBuffer;
drop() {
if (this.tokenBuffer === null) this.peek();
this.tokenBuffer = null;
shift(): Token | null {
const t = this.peek();
return t;
next(): IteratorResult<Token> {
const t = this.shift();
if (t === null) {
return { done: true, value: null };
} else {
return { done: false, value: t };
export class StringScanner extends Scanner {
readonly input: string;
constructor(pos: Pos, input: string) {
this.input = input;
_peekChar(): string | null {
return this.input[this.pos.pos] ?? null;

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import { Items, TokenType } from './tokens.js';
import { Pos, startPos } from './position.js';
import { StringScanner } from './scanner.js';
import { LaxReader } from './reader.js';
import * as M from './matcher.js';
const substPat = M.scope((o: { pos: Pos }) =>
M.seq(M.bind(o, 'pos', M.pos), M.group('{', M.end, { skipSpace: false }))));
export type Substitution = Items | string;
function toItems(s: Substitution, pos: Pos): Items {
return typeof s === 'string' ? [{ type: TokenType.ATOM, text: s, start: pos, end: pos }] : s;
export class Templates {
readonly sources: { [name: string]: string } = {};
template(start0: Pos | string = startPos(null)): (consts: TemplateStringsArray, ... vars: Substitution[]) => Items {
const start = (typeof start0 === 'string') ? startPos(start0) : start0;
return (consts, ... vars) => {
const sourcePieces = [consts[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < consts.length; i++) {
const source = sourcePieces.join('');
if (start.name !== null) {
if (start.name in this.sources && this.sources[start.name] !== source) {
throw new Error(`Duplicate template name: ${start.name}`);
this.sources[start.name] = source;
const reader = new LaxReader(new StringScanner(start, source));
let i = 0;
return M.replace(reader.readToEnd(), substPat, sub => toItems(vars[i++], sub.pos));
sourceFor(name: string): string | undefined {
return this.sources[name];
export function joinItems(itemss: Items[], separator0: Substitution): Items {
if (itemss.length === 0) return [];
const separator = toItems(separator0, startPos(null));
const acc = itemss[0];
for (let i = 1; i < itemss.length; i++) {
acc.push(... separator, ... itemss[i]);
return acc;
// const lib = new Templates();
// const t = (o: {xs: Items}) => lib.template('testTemplate')`YOYOYOYO ${o.xs}><`;
// console.log(t({xs: lib.template()`hello there`}));

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import { Pos, startPos } from './position.js';
export enum TokenType {
export interface Token {
type: TokenType;
start: Pos;
end: Pos;
text: string;
export interface Group {
start: Token;
end: Token | null;
items: Items;
export type Item = Token | Group;
export type Items = Array<Item>;
export function makeToken(text: string, name?: string | null, type: TokenType = TokenType.ATOM): Token {
const p = startPos(name ?? null);
return {
start: p,
end: p,
export function makeGroup(start: Token, items: Array<Items>, end?: Token) {
return { start, end: end ?? null, items };
export function isSpace(i: Item): i is Token {
return isTokenType(i, TokenType.SPACE) || isTokenType(i, TokenType.NEWLINE);
export function isGroup(i: Item): i is Group {
return i && ('items' in i);
export function isToken(i: Item): i is Token {
return i && ('type' in i);
export function isTokenType(i: Item, t: TokenType): i is Token {
return isToken(i) && i.type === t;
export type ItemTextOptions = {
missing?: string,
color?: boolean,
export function itemText(i: Items, options: ItemTextOptions = {}): string {
const walkItems = (i: Items): string => i.map(walk).join('');
const walk = (i: Item): string => {
if (isGroup(i)) {
return walk(i.start) + walkItems(i.items) + (i.end ? walk(i.end) : options.missing ?? '');
} else {
if (options.color ?? false) {
switch (i.type) {
case TokenType.SPACE:
case TokenType.NEWLINE:
return '\x1b[31m' + i.text + '\x1b[0m';
case TokenType.STRING:
return '\x1b[34m' + i.text + '\x1b[0m';
return i.text;
} else {
return i.text;
return walkItems(i);

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
const alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
const inverse_alphabet =
new Map<string, number>(Object.entries(alphabet).map(([i,c])=>[c,parseInt(i)]));
export function vlqDecode(s: string): Array<number> {
let acc = 0;
let shift_amount = 0;
const buf = [];
for (const ch of s) {
const sextet = inverse_alphabet.get(ch);
acc |= (sextet & 0x1f) << shift_amount;
shift_amount += 5;
if (!(sextet & 0x20)) {
const negative = !!(acc & 1);
acc = acc >> 1;
if (negative) acc = -acc;
acc = 0;
shift_amount = 0;
return buf;
export function vlqEncode(ns: Array<number>): string {
const buf = [];
for (let n of ns) {
n = (n < 0) ? ((-n) << 1) | 1 : (n << 1);
do {
const m = n & 0x1f;
n = n >> 5;
const sextet = (n > 0) ? m | 0x20 : m;
} while (n > 0);
return buf.join('');