Cope with echo-server minimart-benchmark test: flat new-connection cost

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2019-06-21 17:24:07 +01:00
parent 4cd8b58d1a
commit 1428b141cc
1 changed files with 36 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -61,11 +61,15 @@ function Continuation(cachedAssertions) {
this.leafMap = Immutable.Map();
function Leaf(cachedAssertions) {
this.cachedAssertions = cachedAssertions;
function Leaf() {
this.cachedAssertions = Immutable.Set();
this.handlerMap = Immutable.Map();
Leaf.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return this.cachedAssertions.isEmpty() && this.handlerMap.isEmpty();
function Handler(cachedCaptures) {
this.cachedCaptures = cachedCaptures;
this.callbacks = Immutable.Set();
@ -201,13 +205,22 @@ Index.prototype.addHandler = function(analysisResults, callback) {
let continuation = this.root.extend(skeleton);
let constValMap = continuation.leafMap.get(constPaths, false);
if (!constValMap) {
constValMap = Immutable.Map();
constValMap = Immutable.Map().withMutations((mutableConstValMap) => {
continuation.cachedAssertions.forEach((a) => {
const key = projectPaths(unscope(a), constPaths);
let leaf = mutableConstValMap.get(key, false);
if (!leaf) {
leaf = new Leaf();
mutableConstValMap.set(key, leaf);
leaf.cachedAssertions = leaf.cachedAssertions.add(a);
continuation.leafMap = continuation.leafMap.set(constPaths, constValMap);
let leaf = constValMap.get(constVals, false);
if (!leaf) {
leaf = new Leaf(continuation.cachedAssertions.filter(
(a) => projectPaths(unscope(a), constPaths).equals(constVals)));
leaf = new Leaf();
constValMap = constValMap.set(constVals, leaf);
continuation.leafMap = continuation.leafMap.set(constPaths, constValMap);
@ -247,7 +260,7 @@ Index.prototype.removeHandler = function(analysisResults, callback) {
if (handler.callbacks.isEmpty()) {
leaf.handlerMap = leaf.handlerMap.remove(capturePaths);
if (leaf.handlerMap.isEmpty()) {
if (leaf.isEmpty()) {
constValMap = constValMap.remove(constVals);
if (constValMap.isEmpty()) {
@ -257,7 +270,7 @@ Index.prototype.removeHandler = function(analysisResults, callback) {
Node.prototype.modify = function(outerValue, m_cont, m_leaf, m_handler) {
Node.prototype.modify = function(operation, outerValue, m_cont, m_leaf, m_handler) {
const [restrictionPaths, outerValueTerm] = unpackScoped(outerValue, (p,t) => [p,t]);
function walkNode(node, termStack) {
@ -281,6 +294,11 @@ Node.prototype.modify = function(outerValue, m_cont, m_leaf, m_handler) {
continuation.leafMap.forEach((constValMap, constPaths) => {
let constVals = projectPaths(outerValueTerm, constPaths);
let leaf = constValMap.get(constVals, false);
if (!leaf && operation === EVENT_ADDED) {
leaf = new Leaf();
constValMap = constValMap.set(constVals, leaf);
continuation.leafMap = continuation.leafMap.set(constPaths, constValMap);
if (leaf) {
m_leaf(leaf, outerValue);
leaf.handlerMap.forEach((handler, capturePaths) => {
@ -289,6 +307,14 @@ Node.prototype.modify = function(outerValue, m_cont, m_leaf, m_handler) {
return true;
if (operation === EVENT_REMOVED && leaf.isEmpty()) {
constValMap = constValMap.remove(constVals);
if (constValMap.isEmpty()) {
continuation.leafMap = continuation.leafMap.remove(constPaths);
} else {
continuation.leafMap = continuation.leafMap.set(constPaths, constValMap);
return true;
@ -328,10 +354,10 @@ Index.prototype.adjustAssertion = function(outerValue, delta) {
({bag: this.allAssertions, net: net} = Bag.change(this.allAssertions, outerValue, delta));
switch (net) {
this.root.modify(outerValue, add_to_cont, add_to_leaf, add_to_handler);
this.root.modify(EVENT_ADDED, outerValue, add_to_cont, add_to_leaf, add_to_handler);
this.root.modify(outerValue, del_from_cont, del_from_leaf, del_from_handler);
this.root.modify(EVENT_REMOVED, outerValue, del_from_cont, del_from_leaf, del_from_handler);
return net;
@ -342,7 +368,7 @@ Index.prototype.removeAssertion = function (v) { this.adjustAssertion(v, -1); };
const _nop = () => {};
Index.prototype.sendMessage = function(v, leafCallback) {
this.root.modify(v, _nop, leafCallback || _nop, (h, vs) => {
this.root.modify(EVENT_MESSAGE, v, _nop, leafCallback || _nop, (h, vs) => {
h.callbacks.forEach((cb) => {
return true;