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2022-01-19 13:24:21 +00:00
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
TraceEntry = <trace
@timestamp @"seconds since Unix epoch" double
@actor ActorId
@item ActorActivation> .
ActorActivation =
/ <start @actorName Name>
/ @turn TurnDescription
/ <stop @status ExitStatus>
Name =
/ <anonymous>
/ <named @name any>
ActorId = any .
FacetId = any .
Oid = any .
TaskId = any .
TurnId = any .
ExitStatus = =ok / protocol.Error .
; Trace information associated with a turn.
TurnDescription = <turn @id TurnId @cause TurnCause @actions [ActionDescription ...]> .
; The cause of a turn.
TurnCause =
/ @turn <caused-by @id TurnId>
/ @actorBoot <actor-boot>
/ @actorCleanup <actor-cleanup>
/ @linkedTaskRelease <linked-task-release @id TaskId @reason LinkedTaskReleaseReason>
/ @periodicActivation <periodic-activation @"`period` is in seconds" @period double>
/ <delay @causingTurn TurnId @"`amount` is in seconds" @amount double>
/ <external @description any>
LinkedTaskReleaseReason = =cancelled / =normal .
; An action taken during a turn.
ActionDescription =
/ <assert @target Target @assertion AssertionDescription @handle protocol.Handle>
/ <retract @target Target @handle protocol.Handle>
/ <message @target Target @body AssertionDescription>
/ <sync @target Target>
/ <spawn @link bool @id ActorId>
/ <link
@parentActor ActorId
@childToParent protocol.Handle
@childActor ActorId
@parentToChild protocol.Handle>
/ @breakLink <break-link @peer ActorId @handle protocol.Handle>
/ @facetStart <facet-start @path [FacetId ...]>
/ @facetStop <facet-stop @path [FacetId ...] @reason FacetStopReason>
/ @linkedTaskStart <linked-task-start @taskName Name @id TaskId>
; An assertion or the body of a message: either a Preserves value, or
; some opaque system-internal value, represented according to the
; system concerned.
AssertionDescription =
/ <value @value any>
/ <opaque @description any>
FacetStopReason =
/ @explicitAction =explicit-action
/ =inert
/ @parentStopping =parent-stopping
/ @actorStopping =actor-stopping
Target = <entity @actor ActorId @facet FacetId @oid Oid> .
; For the future: consider including information about `protocol`-level `Turn`s etc sent to
; peers over e.g. Websockets or TCP/IP, allowing cross-correlation of traces from different
; processes and implementations with each other to form a large overall picture.