
143 lines
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#lang racket/base
;; A structure (and process!) for matching supply to demand via observation of interests.
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require "core.rkt")
(require "drivers/timer.rkt")
(provide (except-out (struct-out demand-matcher) demand-matcher)
(rename-out [make-demand-matcher demand-matcher])
;; A DemandMatcher keeps track of demand for services based on some
;; Projection over a Matcher, as well as a collection of functions
;; that can be used to increase supply in response to increased
;; demand, or handle a sudden drop in supply for which demand still
;; exists.
(struct demand-matcher (demand-spec ;; CompiledProjection
supply-spec ;; CompiledProjection
increase-handler ;; ChangeHandler
decrease-handler ;; ChangeHandler
current-demand ;; (Setof (Listof Any))
current-supply) ;; (Setof (Listof Any))
;; A ChangeHandler is a ((Constreeof Action) Any* -> (Constreeof Action)).
;; It is called with an accumulator of actions so-far-computed as its
;; first argument, and with a value for each capture in the
;; DemandMatcher's projection as the remaining arguments.
;; ChangeHandler
;; Default handler of unexpected supply decrease.
(define (default-decrease-handler state . removed-captures)
(define (make-demand-matcher demand-spec supply-spec increase-handler decrease-handler)
(demand-matcher demand-spec
;; DemandMatcher (Constreeof Action) Patch -> (Transition DemandMatcher)
;; Given a Patch from the environment, projects it into supply and
;; demand increase and decrease sets. Calls ChangeHandlers in response
;; to increased unsatisfied demand and decreased demanded supply.
(define (demand-matcher-update d s p)
(match-define (demand-matcher demand-spec supply-spec inc-h dec-h demand supply) d)
(define-values (added-demand removed-demand) (patch-project/set p demand-spec))
(define-values (added-supply removed-supply) (patch-project/set p supply-spec))
(when (not added-demand) (error 'demand-matcher "Wildcard demand of ~v:\n~a"
(matcher->pretty-string (patch-added p))))
(when (not added-supply) (error 'demand-matcher "Wildcard supply of ~v:\n~a"
(matcher->pretty-string (patch-added p))))
(set! supply (set-union supply added-supply))
(set! demand (set-subtract demand removed-demand))
(for [(captures (in-set removed-supply))]
(when (set-member? demand captures) (set! s (apply dec-h s captures))))
(for [(captures (in-set added-demand))]
(when (not (set-member? supply captures)) (set! s (apply inc-h s captures))))
(set! supply (set-subtract supply removed-supply))
(set! demand (set-union demand added-demand))
(transition (struct-copy demand-matcher d [current-demand demand] [current-supply supply]) s))
;; Behavior :> (Option Event) DemandMatcher -> (Transition DemandMatcher)
;; Handles events from the environment. Only cares about routing-updates.
(define (demand-matcher-handle-event e d)
(match e
[(? patch? p)
(demand-matcher-update d '() p)]
[_ #f]))
;; Any* -> (Constreeof Action)
;; Default handler of unexpected supply decrease.
;; Ignores the situation.
(define (unexpected-supply-decrease . removed-captures)
;; Projection Projection (Any* -> (Constreeof Action)) [(Any* -> (Constreeof Action))] -> Action
;; Spawns a demand matcher actor.
(define (spawn-demand-matcher demand-spec
[decrease-handler unexpected-supply-decrease]
#:meta-level [meta-level 0])
(define d (make-demand-matcher (compile-projection (prepend-at-meta demand-spec meta-level))
(compile-projection (prepend-at-meta supply-spec meta-level))
(lambda (acs . rs) (cons (apply increase-handler rs) acs))
(lambda (acs . rs) (cons (apply decrease-handler rs) acs))))
(spawn demand-matcher-handle-event
(sub (projection->pattern demand-spec) #:meta-level meta-level)
(sub (projection->pattern supply-spec) #:meta-level meta-level)
(pub (projection->pattern supply-spec) #:meta-level meta-level)))
;; (Matcher (Option (Setof (Listof Value))) ... -> (Option (Constreeof Action)))
;; Matcher Projection ...
;; -> Action
;; Spawns a process that observes the given projections. Any time the
;; environment's interests change in a relevant way, calls
;; check-and-maybe-spawn-fn with the aggregate interests and the
;; projection results. If check-and-maybe-spawn-fn returns #f,
;; continues to wait; otherwise, takes the action(s) returned, and
;; quits.
(define (on-claim #:timeout-msec [timeout-msec #f]
#:on-timeout [timeout-handler (lambda () '())]
. projections)
(define timer-id (gensym 'on-claim))
(define (on-claim-handler e current-aggregate)
(match e
[(? patch? p)
(define new-aggregate (update-interests current-aggregate p))
(define projection-results
(map (lambda (p) (matcher-project/set new-aggregate p)) projections))
(define maybe-spawn (apply check-and-maybe-spawn-fn
(if maybe-spawn
(quit maybe-spawn)
(transition new-aggregate '()))]
[(message (timer-expired (== timer-id) _))
(quit (timeout-handler))]
[_ #f]))
(when timeout-msec (message (set-timer timer-id timeout-msec 'relative)))
(spawn on-claim-handler
(patch base-interests (matcher-empty))
(patch-seq* (map projection->pattern projections))
(sub (timer-expired timer-id ?)))))