
472 lines
16 KiB

#lang syndicate
(require (only-in racket/set
(require (only-in racket/list
(require (only-in racket/hash
(require (only-in racket/string
(require (only-in racket/sequence
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Logging
#;(define-logger flink)
(define (log fmt . args)
(displayln (apply format fmt args))
#;(log-message flink-logger 'warning #f (apply format fmt args)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; TaskRunner
;; (Hash String Nat) String -> (Hash String Nat)
(define (word-count-increment h word)
(hash-update h
(λ x 0)))
;; (Hash String Nat) (Listof String) -> (Hash String Nat)
(define (count-new-words word-count words)
(for/fold ([result word-count])
([word words])
(word-count-increment result word)))
;; String -> (Listof String)
;; Return the white space-separated words, trimming off leading & trailing punctuation
(define (string->words s)
(map (lambda (w) (string-trim w #px"\\p{P}")) (string-split s)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (string->words "good day sir")
(list "good" "day" "sir"))
(check-equal? (string->words "")
(check-equal? (string->words "good eve ma'am")
(list "good" "eve" "ma'am"))
(check-equal? (string->words "please sir. may I have another?")
(list "please" "sir" "may" "I" "have" "another"))
;; TODO - currently fails
#;(check-equal? (string->words "but wait---there's more")
(list "but" "wait" "there's" "more")))
(assertion-struct task-runner (id status))
(assertion-struct run-task (id task))
(assertion-struct task-execution-state (task state))
(assertion-struct task-input (task-id task input-id data))
(struct finished (data) #:transparent)
(struct executing (id) #:transparent)
(define IDLE 'idle)
(define RUNNING 'running)
(define (spawn-task-runner)
(define id (gensym 'task-runner))
(spawn #:name id
(field [status IDLE])
(assert (task-runner id (status)))
(log "task-runner ~v state is: ~a" id (status)))
;; this only does map tasks atm
(during (run-task id (task $tid $desc))
(field [execution-state (if (equal? IDLE (status)) RUNNING OVERLOAD)]
[word-count (hash)])
;; TODO - may need to include more correlation info in here to properly describe state when overloaded
(assert (task-execution-state tid (execution-state)))
;; I think we have to avoid asking a non-idle runner to do anything
(when (equal? IDLE (status))
(on-stop (status IDLE)))
(when (equal? IDLE (status))
(status (executing tid))
;; since we currently finish everything in one turn, allow other actors to observe the changes in our
;; task-runner state by flushing pending actions.
(match desc
[(map-task data)
(word-count (count-new-words (word-count) (string->words data)))
(execution-state (finished (word-count)))
#;(status IDLE)]
[(reduce-task left right)
(word-count (hash-union left right #:combine +))
(execution-state (finished (word-count)))
#;(status IDLE)])
;; don't think Jonathan has any examples w/ input streaming
#;(on (asserted (task-input id task $chunk $words))
;; not currently worried about seeing the same chunk multiple times
[(null? words)
(execution-state (finished (word-count)))
;; n.b. if we are asked to do multiple tasks at the same time this state update is not enough
(status IDLE)]
[else (word-count (count-new-words (word-count) words))]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; TaskManager
(assertion-struct task-manager (id slots))
(assertion-struct submitted-task (manager task))
(assertion-struct job-manager-alive ())
(assertion-struct task-state (id desc))
;; task states
(define ACCEPTED 'accepted)
(define OVERLOAD 'overload)
(define (spawn-task-manager)
(define id (gensym 'task-manager))
(spawn #:name id
(log "Task Manager (TM) ~a is running" id)
(during (job-manager-alive)
(log "TM learns about JM")
;; SUSPICION - these two query sets interfere with one another
(define/query-set task-runners (task-runner $id _) id
#:on-add (log "TM learns about task-runner ~a" id))
;; I wonder just how inefficient this is
(define/query-set idle-runners (task-runner $id IDLE) id
#:on-add (log "TM learns that task-runner ~a is IDLE" id)
#:on-remove (log "TM learns that task-runner ~a is NOT IDLE" id))
(assert (task-manager id (set-count (idle-runners))))
(field [busy-runners (list)])
(during (submitted-task id $t)
(match-define (task task-id desc) t)
#;(on-start (log "TM receives task ~a" task-id))
(log "TM receives task ~a" task-id)
(on-stop (log "TM finished with task ~a" task-id)
(when (= task-id 6)
(log "TM idle-runners: ~a" (idle-runners))))
(field [status ACCEPTED])
(assert (task-state task-id (status)))
[(set-empty? (idle-runners))
(log "TM can't run ~a right now" task-id)
(status OVERLOAD)]
(define runner (set-first (idle-runners)))
;; n.b. modifying a query set is questionable
;; but if we wait for the IDLE assertion to be retracted, we might assign multiple tasks to the same runner.
;; Could use the busy-runners field to avoid that
(idle-runners (set-remove (idle-runners) runner))
(log "TM assigns task ~a to runner ~a" task-id runner)
(assert (run-task runner t))
(status RUNNING)
(on (asserted (task-execution-state task-id $state))
(match state
;; nothing to do
[(finished results)
(log "TM receives the results of task ~a" task-id)
(status state)]
;; need input maybe?
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; JobManager
(assertion-struct job (id tasks))
(assertion-struct job-finished (id data))
(struct job-description (id tasks) #:transparent)
(struct map-task (data) #:transparent)
(struct reduce-task (left right) #:transparent)
(struct task (id desc) #:transparent)
(define (spawn-job-manager)
(assert (job-manager-alive))
(log "Job Manager Up")
;; keep track of task managers, how many slots they say are open, and how many tasks we have assigned.
(define/query-hash task-managers (task-manager $id $slots) id slots
#:on-add (log "JM learns that ~a has ~v slots" id slots))
(define (slots-available)
(for/sum ([v (in-hash-values (task-managers))])
;; ID -> Void
(define (take-slot! id)
;; make local changes to task-managers to reflect tasks delegated in the current turn
(log "JM assigns a task to ~a" id)
(task-managers (hash-update (task-managers) id sub1)))
(during (job $job-id $tasks)
(log "JM receives job ~a" job-id)
(define-values (ready not-ready) (partition task-ready? tasks))
(field [ready-tasks ready]
[waiting-tasks not-ready]
[tasks-in-progress 0]
[data-partitions (hash)])
(define slots (slots-available))
(define-values (ts readys)
(split-at/lenient (ready-tasks) slots))
(for ([t ts])
(perform-task t push-results))
(unless (empty? ts)
;; the empty? check may be necessary to avoid a dataflow loop
(ready-tasks readys)))
;; Task -> Void
(define (add-ready-task! t)
;; TODO - use functional-queue.rkt from ../../
(log "JM marks task ~a as ready" (task-id t))
(ready-tasks (cons t (ready-tasks))))
;; need to parcel out tasks
;; Task (ID TaskResult -> Void) -> Void
;; Requires (task-ready? t)
(define (perform-task t k)
(on-start (tasks-in-progress (add1 (tasks-in-progress))))
(on-stop (tasks-in-progress (sub1 (tasks-in-progress))))
(match-define (task this-id desc) t)
(log "JM begins on task ~a" this-id)
(field [task-mngr #f])
;; n.b. cyclic data-flow dependency
(unless (task-mngr)
(define mngr
(for/first ([(id slots) (in-hash (task-managers))]
#:unless (zero? slots))
(when mngr
(take-slot! mngr)
(task-mngr mngr))))
;; TODO - should respond if task manager dies
(assert #:when (task-mngr)
(submitted-task (task-mngr) t))
(on #:when (task-mngr)
(asserted (task-state this-id $state))
(match state
;; need to find a new task manager
;; don't think we need a release-slot! here, because if we've heard back from a task manager,
;; they should have told us a different slot count since we tried to give them work
(log "JM overloaded manager ~a with task ~a" (task-mngr) this-id)
(task-mngr #f)]
[(finished results)
;; TODO - guess-timation of what this should look like
(log "JM receives the results of task ~a" this-id)
(stop-current-facet (k this-id results))]
;; TODO - needs more data?
;; ID Data -> Void
;; Update any dependent tasks with the results of the given task, moving
;; them to the ready queue when possible
(define (push-results task-id data)
[(and (zero? (tasks-in-progress))
(empty? (ready-tasks))
(empty? (waiting-tasks)))
;; TODO - also need to ensure there are no tasks in progress
(log "JM finished with job ~a" job-id)
(react (assert (job-finished job-id data)))]
;; TODO - in MapReduce, there should be either 1 waiting task, or 0, meaning the job is done.
(define still-waiting
(for/fold ([ts '()])
([t (in-list (waiting-tasks))])
(define t+ (task+data t task-id data))
[(task-ready? t+)
(add-ready-task! t+)
(cons t+ ts)])))
(waiting-tasks still-waiting)]))
;; Task -> Bool
;; Test if the task is ready to run
(define (task-ready? t)
(match t
[(task _ (reduce-task l r))
(not (or (id? l) (id? r)))]
[_ #t]))
;; Task Id Any -> Task
;; If the given task is waiting for this data, replace the waiting ID with the data
(define (task+data t id data)
(match t
[(task tid (reduce-task (== id) r))
(task tid (reduce-task data r))]
[(task tid (reduce-task l (== id)))
(task tid (reduce-task l data))]
[_ t]))
;; Any -> Bool
;; recognize ids
(define (id? x)
(or (symbol? x) (exact-nonnegative-integer? x)))
;; (Listof A) Nat -> (Values (Listof A) (Listof A))
;; like split-at but allow a number larger than the length of the list
(define (split-at/lenient lst n)
(split-at lst (min n (length lst))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Creating a Job
;; a WorkDesc is one of
;; (map-task data)
;; (reduce-task WorkDesc WorkDesc)
;; (Listof WordDesc) -> (Values (Listof WorkDesc) (Optionof WorkDesc))
;; Pair up elements of the input list into a list of reduce tasks, and if the input list is odd also
;; return the odd-one out
(define (pair-up ls)
(let loop ([ls ls]
[reductions '()])
(match ls
(values reductions #f)]
[(list x)
(values reductions x)]
[(list-rest x y more)
(loop more (cons (reduce-task x y) reductions))])))
;; a TaskTree is one of
;; (map-task data)
;; (reduce-task TaskTree TaskTree)
;; (Listof String) -> TaskTree
;; Create a tree structure of tasks
(define (create-task-tree lines)
(define map-tasks
(for/list ([line (in-list lines)])
(map-task line)))
;; build the tree up from the leaves
(let loop ([nodes map-tasks])
(match nodes
;; input was empty
(map-task "")]
[(list x)
(define-values (reductions left-over?)
(pair-up nodes))
(loop (if left-over?
(cons left-over? reductions)
;; TaskTree -> (Listof Task)
;; flatten a task tree by assigning job-unique IDs
(define (task-tree->list tt)
(define-values (tasks _)
;; TaskTree ID -> (Values (Listof Task) ID)
;; the input id is for the current node of the tree
;; returned id is the "next available" id, given ids are assigned in strict ascending order
(let loop ([tt tt]
[next-id 0])
(match tt
[(map-task _)
(values (list (task next-id tt))
(add1 next-id))]
[(reduce-task left right)
(define left-id (add1 next-id))
(define-values (lefts right-id)
(loop left left-id))
(define-values (rights next)
(loop right right-id))
(values (cons (task next-id (reduce-task left-id right-id))
(append lefts rights))
;; InputPort -> Job
(define (create-job in)
(define job-id (gensym 'job))
(define input-lines (sequence->list (in-lines in)))
(define tasks (task-tree->list (create-task-tree input-lines)))
(job job-id tasks))
;; String -> Job
(define (string->job s)
(create-job (open-input-string s)))
;; PathString -> Job
(define (file->job path)
(define in (open-input-file path))
(define j (create-job in))
(close-input-port in)
(module+ test
"two-line job parsing"
(define input "a b c\nd e f")
(define j (string->job input))
(check-true (job? j))
(match-define (job jid tasks) j)
(check-true (id? jid))
(check-true (list? tasks))
(check-true (andmap task? tasks))
(match tasks
[(list-no-order (task rid (reduce-task left right))
(task mid1 (map-task data1))
(task mid2 (map-task data2)))
(check-true (id? left))
(check-true (id? right))
(check-equal? (set left right) (set mid1 mid2))
(check-equal? (set data1 data2)
(set "a b c" "d e f"))]
(displayln tasks)]))
"empty input"
(define input "")
(define j (string->job input))
(check-true (job? j))
(match-define (job jid tasks) j)
(check-true (id? jid))
(check-true (list? tasks))
(check-equal? (length tasks) 1)
(check-equal? (task-desc (car tasks))
(map-task ""))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Client
;; Job -> Void
(define (spawn-client j)
(assert j)
(on (asserted (job-finished (job-id j) $data))
(printf "job done!\n~a\n" data))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Main
(define input "a b c a b c\na b\n a b\na b")
(define j (string->job input))
;; expected:
;; #hash((a . 5) (b . 5) (c . 2))
(spawn-client (file->job "lorem.txt"))