
311 lines
8.4 KiB

"use strict";
var Immutable = require('immutable');
var Patch = require('./patch.js');
var Mux = require('./mux.js');
/* Events and Actions */
function stateChange(patch) {
return { type: 'stateChange', patch: patch };
function message(body) {
return { type: 'message', message: body };
function spawn(behavior) {
return { type: 'spawn', behavior: behavior };
function terminate() {
return { type: 'terminate' };
function terminateDataspace() {
return { type: 'terminateDataspace' };
/* Dataspace */
function Dataspace(bootFn) {
this.pendingActions = Immutable.List(); // of [pid, Action]
this.processTable = Immutable.Map(); // pid -> Behavior
this.runnablePids = Immutable.Set(); // of pid
this.mux = new Mux.Mux();
this.onStateChange = function (mux, deltaAggregate) {};
this.asChild('meta', function () { return bootFn() }, true);
// Class state and methods
Dataspace.noisy = false;
Dataspace.stack = Immutable.List();
Dataspace.current = function () {
return Dataspace.stack.last().dataspace;
Dataspace.activePid = function () {
return Dataspace.stack.last().activePid;
Dataspace.activeBehavior = function () {
var entry = Dataspace.stack.last();
var p = entry.dataspace.processTable.get(entry.activePid);
return p ? p.behavior : null;
Dataspace.withDataspaceStack = function (stack, f) {
var oldStack = Dataspace.stack;
Dataspace.stack = stack;
var result;
try {
result = f();
} catch (e) {
Dataspace.stack = oldStack;
throw e;
Dataspace.stack = oldStack;
return result;
Dataspace.wrap = function (f) {
var savedStack = Dataspace.stack;
return function () {
var actuals = arguments;
return Dataspace.withDataspaceStack(savedStack, function () {
var result = Dataspace.current().asChild(Dataspace.activePid(), function () {
return f.apply(null, actuals);
Dataspace.stack.reverse().forEach(function (entry) {
return result;
Dataspace.enqueueAction = function (action) {
var entry = Dataspace.stack.last();
entry.dataspace.enqueueAction(entry.activePid, action);
Dataspace.send = function (body, metaLevel) {
Dataspace.enqueueAction(message(Patch.prependAtMeta(body, metaLevel || 0)));
Dataspace.stateChange = function (patch) {
Dataspace.spawn = function (behavior) {
Dataspace.exit = function (exn) {
Dataspace.current().kill(Dataspace.activePid(), exn);
Dataspace.exitDataspace = function () {
Dataspace.inertBehavior = {
handleEvent: function (e) {}
// Instance methods
Dataspace.prototype.asChild = function (pid, f, omitLivenessCheck) {
var self = this;
var p = this.processTable.get(pid, null);
if (!omitLivenessCheck && (p === null)) {
console.warn("Dataspace.asChild eliding invocation of dead process", pid);
return Dataspace.withDataspaceStack(
Dataspace.stack.push({ dataspace: this, activePid: pid }),
function () {
try {
return f(p);
} catch (e) {
self.kill(pid, e);
Dataspace.prototype.kill = function (pid, exn) {
if (exn) {
if (exn.stack) {
console.error("Process crashed", pid, exn, exn.stack);
} else {
console.error("Process crashed", pid, exn);
} else if (Dataspace.noisy) {
console.log("Process exiting", pid);
var p = this.processTable.get(pid);
this.processTable = this.processTable.set(pid, { behavior: Dataspace.inertBehavior });
if (p) {
if (p.behavior.trapexit) {
this.asChild(pid, function () { return p.behavior.trapexit(exn); }, true);
this.enqueueAction(pid, terminate());
Dataspace.prototype.boot = function () {
// Needed in order for a new Dataspace to be marked as "runnable", so
// its initial actions get performed.
Dataspace.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) {
switch (e.type) {
case 'stateChange':
this.enqueueAction('meta', stateChange(e.patch.lift()));
case 'message':
this.enqueueAction('meta', message(Patch.atMeta(e.message)));
var exn = new Error("Event type " + e.type + " not understood");
exn.event = e;
throw exn;
return true;
Dataspace.prototype.step = function () {
return this.dispatchActions()
&& this.runRunnablePids()
&& ((this.pendingActions.size > 0) || (this.runnablePids.size > 0));
Dataspace.prototype.enqueueAction = function (pid, action) {
this.pendingActions = this.pendingActions.push([pid, action]);
Dataspace.prototype.dispatchActions = function () {
var self = this;
var actionQueue = this.pendingActions;
this.pendingActions = Immutable.List();
var alive = true;
actionQueue.forEach(function (entry) {
var pid = entry[0];
var action = entry[1];
if (!self.interpretAction(pid, action)) {
alive = false;
return false;
return alive;
Dataspace.prototype.markRunnable = function (pid) {
this.runnablePids = this.runnablePids.add(pid);
Dataspace.prototype.runRunnablePids = function () {
var self = this;
var pidSet = this.runnablePids;
this.runnablePids = Immutable.Set();
pidSet.forEach(function (pid) {
var childBusy = self.asChild(pid, function (p) {
return p.behavior.step // exists, haven't called it yet
&& p.behavior.step();
if (childBusy) self.markRunnable(pid);
return true;
Dataspace.prototype.interpretAction = function (pid, action) {
var self = this;
switch (action.type) {
case 'stateChange':
var oldMux = this.mux.shallowCopy();
this.deliverPatches(oldMux, this.mux.updateStream(pid, action.patch));
return true;
case 'message':
if (Patch.observe.isClassOf(action.message)) {
console.warn('Process ' + pid + ' send message containing query', action.message);
if (pid !== 'meta' && Patch.atMeta.isClassOf(action.message)) {
} else {
this.mux.routeMessage(action.message).forEach(function (pid) {
self.deliverEvent(pid, action);
return true;
case 'spawn':
var oldMux = this.mux.shallowCopy();
var p = { behavior: action.behavior };
var pid = this.mux.nextPid;
this.processTable = this.processTable.set(pid, p);
var initialPatch = Patch.emptyPatch;
if (p.behavior.boot) {
initialPatch = this.asChild(pid, function () { return p.behavior.boot() });
initialPatch = initialPatch || Patch.emptyPatch;
this.deliverPatches(oldMux, this.mux.addStream(initialPatch));
return true;
case 'terminate':
var oldMux = this.mux.shallowCopy();
this.deliverPatches(oldMux, this.mux.removeStream(pid));
if (Dataspace.noisy) console.log("Process exit complete", pid);
this.processTable = this.processTable.remove(pid);
return true;
case 'terminateDataspace':
return false;
var exn = new Error("Action type " + action.type + " not understood");
exn.action = action;
throw exn;
Dataspace.prototype.deliverPatches = function (oldMux, updateStreamResult) {
var self = this;
var events = Mux.computeEvents(oldMux, this.mux, updateStreamResult);
events.eventMap.forEach(function (patch, pid) {
self.deliverEvent(pid, stateChange(patch));
if (!updateStreamResult.deltaAggregate.isEmpty()) {
this.onStateChange(this.mux, updateStreamResult.deltaAggregate);
Dataspace.prototype.deliverEvent = function (pid, event) {
var childBusy = this.asChild(pid, function (p) { return p.behavior.handleEvent(event); });
if (childBusy) this.markRunnable(pid);
Dataspace.prototype.setOnStateChange = function (handler) {
this.onStateChange = handler;
this.onStateChange(this.mux, Patch.emptyPatch);
module.exports.stateChange = stateChange;
module.exports.message = message;
module.exports.spawn = spawn;
module.exports.terminate = terminate;
module.exports.terminateDataspace = terminateDataspace;
module.exports.Dataspace = Dataspace;