
424 lines
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#lang racket/base
;; TUI Window Manager
;; A TBox is a thing that can be laid out, displayed, and interacted
;; with.
;; TBoxes can be placed in relationship to other boxes:
;; - h{t,c,b}-append
;; - v{l,c,r}-append
;; - {l,c,r}{t,c,b}-superimpose
;; - wrap
;; Sources of inspiration:
;; EXAMPLES for developing intuition:
;; 1. a button
;; 2. a scrollbar
;; 3. a list of items with a panel to its right having a
;; variable-width pretty-printing of the selected item
;; Button: Minimum size reflects minimal chrome; simply the smallest
;; possible workable size. Desired and maximum size are the same,
;; large enough to contain the usual chrome.
;; Scrollbar: wolog, horizontal. Height is fixed. Minimum width
;; reflects thumbless condition. Desired width might reflect some
;; arbitrary size where the thumb could be moved around. Max width
;; would usually involve a horizontal fill of some weight and rank.
;; Hmm, but then why not have the desired width just be the max width?
;; Perhaps desired and max are the same?
;; Items and pretty-printing: Something like this:
;; +----------+------------+
;; |*(foo ...*| (foo (bar |
;; | (b () .. | zot) |
;; | 123 | () |
;; | | quux |
;; | | baz) |
;; +----------+------------+
;; We want the item list to get some reasonable minimal amount of
;; space, and otherwise to take up space not used by the
;; pretty-printing. The pretty-printing should try to use vertical
;; space within reason and otherwise should try to be as compact as
;; possible.
;; ---
;; This min/desired/max split is a bit clunky. Could we have a list of
;; preferred TeX-style sizings, ordered most-preferred first? They
;; could include information to send back to the box at render time.
;; For example, the button might offer sizings
;; (list (layout-option 'normal-chrome (sizing 10 (fill 1 1) 2) (sizing ...))
;; (layout-option 'no-chrome (sizing 6 0 0) (sizing ...)))
;; ---
;; How does arithmetic on sizings work?
;; Ideals are never fills, they're simply naturals. They can be
;; added/min'd/max'd as usual.
;; Stretch is sometimes a natural, and sometimes a fill.
;; n + fill w r = fill w r
;; fill w1 r + fill w2 r = fill (w1 + w2) r
;; fill _ s + fill w r = fill w r when r > s
;; The definitions of `max` is similar, with `max` for `+`. A fill
;; behaves as a zero for the purposes of `min`.
(require racket/generic)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/list flatten))
(require (prefix-in ansi: ansi))
(require "display.rkt")
;; A Fill is one of
;; - a Nat, a fixed amount of space
;; - a (fill Nat Nat), a potentially infinite amount of space
(struct fill (weight rank) #:transparent)
;; A Sizing is a (sizing Nat Fill Fill)
(struct sizing (ideal stretch shrink) #:transparent)
;; A LayoutOption is a (layout-option Any Sizing Sizing)
(struct layout-option (info horizontal-sizing vertical-sizing) #:transparent)
;; (Nat Nat -> Nat) -> (Fill Fill -> Fill)
(define ((fill-binop op) a b)
(match* (a b)
[((? number?) (? number?)) (op a b)]
[((? number?) (? fill?)) b]
[((? fill?) (? number?)) a]
[((fill w1 r1) (fill w2 r2))
(cond [(= r1 r2) (fill (op w1 w2) r1)]
[(> r1 r2) (fill w1 r1)]
[(< r1 r2) (fill w2 r2)])]))
;; Fill Fill -> Fill
(define fill+ (fill-binop +))
(define fill-max (fill-binop max))
(define (fill-min a b)
(if (and (number? a) (number? b))
(min a b)
(define-generics tbox
;; TBox Sizing Sizing -> (Listof LayoutOption)
(tbox-sizings tbox h-sizing v-sizing)
;; TBox Any TTY Nat Nat Nat Nat -> Void
(tbox-render! tbox info tty top left width height))
(struct glue-tbox (horizontal vertical string pen) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define (tbox-sizings t w h)
(list (layout-option #f (glue-tbox-horizontal t) (glue-tbox-vertical t))))
(define (tbox-render! t _info tty top left width height)
(define str (glue-tbox-string t))
(define whole-repeats (quotient width (string-length str)))
(define fragment (substring str 0 (remainder width (string-length str))))
(tty-set-pen! tty (glue-tbox-pen t))
(for [(y (in-range height))]
(tty-goto tty (+ top y) left)
(for [(i (in-range whole-repeats))] (tty-display tty str))
(tty-display tty fragment)))])
;; Nat -> (Cons X (Listof X)) -> X
(define ((nth-or-last n) xs)
(let loop ((n n) (xs xs))
(cond [(zero? n) (car xs)]
[(null? (cdr xs)) (car xs)]
[else (loop (- n 1) (cdr xs))])))
(define (transverse-bound sizings sizing-accessor minus-or-plus max-or-min)
(define vals (for/list [(s sizings) #:when (number? (sizing-accessor s))]
(minus-or-plus (sizing-ideal s) (sizing-accessor s))))
(values (and (pair? vals) (apply max-or-min vals))
(foldl fill-max 0 (filter fill? (map sizing-accessor sizings)))))
(define (transverse-sizing sizings sv)
(match-define (sizing v _ _) sv)
(define-values (lb-v lb-f) (transverse-bound sizings sizing-shrink - max))
(define-values (ub-v ub-f) (transverse-bound sizings sizing-stretch + min))
(define ideal-v (foldl max 0 (map sizing-ideal sizings)))
;; (define ideal-v (if v
;; (cond [(and lb-v (> lb-v v)) lb-v]
;; [(and ub-v (< ub-v v)) ub-v]
;; [else v])
;; (or lb-v 0)))
(sizing ideal-v
(if ub-v (- ub-v ideal-v) ub-f)
(if lb-v (- ideal-v lb-v) lb-f)))
(define (parallel-sizing sizings)
(sizing (foldl + 0 (map sizing-ideal sizings))
(foldl fill+ 0 (map sizing-stretch sizings))
(foldl fill+ 0 (map sizing-shrink sizings))))
(define (sizing-contains? s v)
(match-define (sizing x x+ x-) s)
(cond [(>= v x) (if (number? x+) (<= v (+ x x+)) #t)]
[(<= v x) (if (number? x-) (>= v (- x x-)) #t)]))
(define (sizing-min s)
(match (sizing-shrink s)
[(? number? n) (- (sizing-ideal s) n)]
[(? fill?) -inf.0]))
(define (sizing-max s)
(match (sizing-stretch s)
[(? number? n) (+ (sizing-ideal s) n)]
[(? fill?) +inf.0]))
(define (sizing-overlap? x y)
;; |-----|
;; |-----|
;; |--------|
;; |--|
;; |--|
;; |--|
(define largest-min (max (sizing-min x) (sizing-min y)))
(define smallest-max (min (sizing-max x) (sizing-max y)))
(< largest-min smallest-max))
(define (fill-scale f scale)
(if (number? f)
(* f scale)
(define (sizing-scale s scale)
(match-define (sizing x x+ x-) s)
(sizing (* x scale) (fill-scale x+ scale) (fill-scale x- scale)))
(define ((acceptable-choice? width height) candidate)
(match-define (layout-option _info w h) candidate)
(and (sizing-overlap? w width)
(sizing-overlap? h height)))
(define (select-adjacent-layout vertical? items sw sh)
(define item-count (length items))
(define fair-width (if (zero? item-count) sw (sizing-scale sw (/ item-count))))
(define fair-height (if (zero? item-count) sh (sizing-scale sh (/ item-count))))
(define size-preferences (map (if vertical?
(lambda (i) (tbox-sizings i sw fair-height))
(lambda (i) (tbox-sizings i fair-width sh)))
(define prefs-depth (apply max (map length size-preferences)))
(define choices
(for/list [(nth-choice (in-range prefs-depth))]
(define candidates (map (nth-or-last nth-choice) size-preferences))
(if vertical?
(layout-option candidates
(transverse-sizing (map layout-option-horizontal-sizing candidates) sw)
(parallel-sizing (map layout-option-vertical-sizing candidates)))
(layout-option candidates
(parallel-sizing (map layout-option-horizontal-sizing candidates))
(transverse-sizing (map layout-option-vertical-sizing candidates) sh)))))
(define acceptable-choices (filter (acceptable-choice? sw sh) choices))
(if (null? acceptable-choices)
(define (compute-concrete-adjacent-sizes sizings actual-bound)
(define ideal-total (foldl + 0 (map sizing-ideal sizings)))
(define-values (available-slop sizing-give apply-give)
(if (<= ideal-total actual-bound)
(values (- actual-bound ideal-total) sizing-stretch +)
(values (- ideal-total actual-bound) sizing-shrink -)))
(define total-give (foldl fill+ 0 (map sizing-give sizings)))
(if (number? total-give)
(let ((scale (if (zero? total-give) 0 (/ available-slop total-give))))
(map (lambda (s)
;; numeric total-give ⇒ no fills for any give in the list
(apply-give (sizing-ideal s) (* (sizing-give s) scale)))
(let* ((weight (fill-weight total-give))
(rank (fill-rank total-give))
(scale (if (zero? weight) 0 (/ available-slop weight))))
(map (lambda (s)
(match (sizing-give s)
[(fill w (== rank)) (apply-give (sizing-ideal s) (* w scale))]
[_ (sizing-ideal s)]))
(define (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout vertical? candidates top left width height)
(define actual-sizes
(if vertical?
(compute-concrete-adjacent-sizes (map layout-option-vertical-sizing candidates) height)
(compute-concrete-adjacent-sizes (map layout-option-horizontal-sizing candidates) width)))
(define-values (_last-pos entries-rev)
(for/fold [(pos (if vertical? top left)) (entries-rev '())]
[(entry candidates) (actual-size actual-sizes)]
(define size (- (round (+ pos actual-size)) pos))
(values (+ pos size)
(cons (if vertical?
(list (layout-option-info entry) pos left width size)
(list (layout-option-info entry) top pos size height))
(reverse entries-rev))
(struct adjacent-tbox (vertical? items) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define/generic render! tbox-render!)
(define (tbox-sizings t w h)
(select-adjacent-layout (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(adjacent-tbox-items t)
(define (tbox-render! t candidates tty top left width height)
(for [(layout (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(item (adjacent-tbox-items t))]
(match-define (list info t l w h) layout)
(render! item info tty t l w h)))])
(define (fill-weaken f w r)
(if (fill? f)
(fill w r)
(define (sizing-weaken-fills s
[stretch-weight 1]
[stretch-rank 0]
[shrink-weight stretch-weight]
[shrink-rank stretch-rank])
(match-define (sizing x x+ x-) s)
(sizing x
(fill-weaken x+ stretch-weight stretch-rank)
(fill-weaken x- shrink-weight shrink-rank)))
(struct weaken-fills (item weight rank) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define/generic sizings tbox-sizings)
(define/generic render! tbox-render!)
(define (tbox-sizings t sw sh)
(map (match-lambda
[(layout-option info w h)
(layout-option info
(sizing-weaken-fills w (weaken-fills-weight t) (weaken-fills-rank t))
(sizing-weaken-fills h (weaken-fills-weight t) (weaken-fills-rank t)))])
(sizings (weaken-fills-item t) sw sh)))
(define (tbox-render! t info tty top left width height)
(render! (weaken-fills-item t) info tty top left width height))])
(define (fill* w h rank)
(glue-tbox (sizing w (fill 1 rank) 0)
(sizing h (fill 1 rank) 0)
" "
(define (hfil [w 0]) (fill* w 0 0))
(define (hfill [w 0]) (fill* w 0 1))
(define (hfilll [w 0]) (fill* w 0 2))
(define (vfil [h 0]) (fill* 0 h 0))
(define (vfill [h 0]) (fill* 0 h 1))
(define (vfilll [h 0]) (fill* 0 h 2))
(define (hbox . items) (adjacent-tbox #f (flatten items)))
(define (vbox . items) (adjacent-tbox #t (flatten items)))
(define (hpad item) (hbox (hfill) item (hfill)))
(define (vpad item) (vbox (vfill) item (vfill)))
(define (pad item) (vpad (hpad item)))
(define (weaken item [weight 1] [rank 0])
(weaken-fills item weight rank))
(module+ main
(require racket/pretty)
(require racket/set)
(require "display-terminal.rkt")
(define tty (default-tty))
(with-handlers [(values
(lambda (e)
(tty-shutdown!! tty)
(raise e)))]
(tty-display tty "Ho ho ho\r\n")
(define R (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-red #f #f)))
(define G (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-green #f #f)))
(define B (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-blue #f #f)))
(define (tbox-render-toplevel! widget tty)
(define w (tty-columns tty))
(define h (tty-rows tty))
(define layouts (tbox-sizings widget (sizing w (fill 1 0) w) (sizing h (fill 1 0) h)))
(tbox-render! widget (layout-option-info (car layouts)) tty 0 0 w h))
(define xpad values)
(define toplevel-widget
(hbox (weaken (vbox (xpad R)
(pad G)
(xpad B)))
;; (hfill)
(vbox (weaken (hpad R)) (vfil))
;; (hfill)
(vbox (vfil) G)
;; (hfill)
(weaken (pad B))
(tbox-render-toplevel! toplevel-widget tty)
(tty-goto tty 0 0)
(display (string-append (ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-focus-event-mode)
(ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode))
(terminal-output tty))
(flush-output (terminal-output tty))
(plumber-add-flush! (current-plumber)
(lambda (_handle)
(display (string-append
(ansi:reset-mode ansi:x11-focus-event-mode)
(ansi:reset-mode ansi:x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(ansi:reset-mode ansi:x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode))
(terminal-output tty))
(flush-output (terminal-output tty))))
(let loop ()
(tty-flush tty)
(sync (handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt tty)
(lambda (k)
(match k
[(key #\q (== (set))) (void)]
(tty-clear-to-eol tty)
(tty-display tty (format "~v" k))
(tty-goto tty (tty-cursor-row tty) 0)
;; (tty-shutdown!! tty)
;; (pretty-print toplevel-widget)
;; (pretty-print (tbox-sizings toplevel-widget
;; (sizing 80 (fill 1 0) 80)
;; (sizing 24 (fill 1 0) 24)))