
129 lines
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#lang typed/syndicate/roles
;; Expected Output
;; leader learns that there are 5 copies of The Wind in the Willows
;; tony responds to suggested book The Wind in the Willows: #f
;; sam responds to suggested book The Wind in the Willows: #f
;; leader finds enough negative nancys for The Wind in the Willows
;; leader learns that there are 2 copies of Catch 22
;; leader learns that there are 3 copies of Candide
;; tony responds to suggested book Candide: #t
;; sam responds to suggested book Candide: #t
;; leader finds enough affirmation for Candide
(define-constructor (price v)
#:type-constructor PriceT
#:with Price (PriceT Int))
(define-constructor (book-quote title quantity)
#:type-constructor BookQuoteT
#:with BookQuote (BookQuoteT String Int))
(define-constructor (club-member name)
#:type-constructor ClubMemberT
#:with ClubMember (ClubMemberT String))
(define-constructor (book-interest title client id)
#:type-constructor BookInterestT
#:with BookInterest (BookInterestT String String Bool))
(define-constructor (book-of-the-month title)
#:type-constructor BookOfTheMonthT
#:with BookOfTheMonth (BookOfTheMonthT String))
(define-type-alias τc
(U BookQuote
(Observe (BookQuoteT String ★/t))
(Observe (Observe (BookQuoteT ★/t ★/t)))
(Observe (ClubMemberT ★/t))
(Observe (BookInterestT String ★/t ★/t))
(Observe (Observe (BookInterestT ★/t ★/t ★/t)))
(Observe (BookOfTheMonthT ★/t))))
(define-type-alias Inventory (List (Tuple String Int)))
(define (lookup [title : String]
[inv : Inventory] -> Int)
(for/fold [stock 0]
[item inv]
(if (equal? title (select 0 item))
(select 1 item)
(define (spawn-seller [inventory : Inventory])
(spawn τc
(start-facet seller
(field [books Inventory inventory])
;; Give quotes to interested parties.
(during (observe (book-quote (bind title String) discard))
;; TODO - lookup
(assert (book-quote title (lookup title (ref books))))))))
(define (spawn-leader [titles : (List String)])
(spawn τc
(start-facet get-quotes
(field [book-list (List String) (rest titles)]
[title String (first titles)])
(define (next-book)
[(empty? (ref book-list))
(printf "leader fails to find a suitable book\n")
(stop get-quotes)]
(set! title (first (ref book-list)))
(set! book-list (rest (ref book-list)))]))
;; keep track of book club members
(define/query-set members (club-member (bind name String)) name
#;#:on-add #;(printf "leader acknowledges member ~a\n" name))
(on (asserted (book-quote (ref title) (bind quantity Int)))
(printf "leader learns that there are ~a copies of ~a\n" quantity (ref title))
[(< quantity (+ 1 (set-count (ref members))))
;; not enough in stock for each member
;; find out if at least half of the members want to read the book
(start-facet poll-members
(define/query-set yays (book-interest (ref title) (bind name String) #t) name)
(define/query-set nays (book-interest (ref title) (bind name String) #f) name)
;; count the leader as a 'yay'
(when (>= (set-count (ref yays))
(/ (set-count (ref members)) 2))
(printf "leader finds enough affirmation for ~a\n" (ref title))
(stop get-quotes
(start-facet announce
(assert (book-of-the-month (ref title))))))
(when (> (set-count (ref nays))
(/ (set-count (ref members)) 2))
(printf "leader finds enough negative nancys for ~a\n" (ref title))
(stop poll-members (next-book)))))])))))
(define (spawn-club-member [name : String]
[titles : (List String)])
(spawn τc
(start-facet member
;; assert our presence
(assert (club-member name))
;; respond to polls
(during (observe (book-interest (bind title String) discard discard))
(define answer (member? title titles))
(printf "~a responds to suggested book ~a: ~a\n" name title answer)
(assert (book-interest title name answer))))))
(dataspace τc
(spawn-seller (list (tuple "The Wind in the Willows" 5)
(tuple "Catch 22" 2)
(tuple "Candide" 3)))
(spawn-leader (list "The Wind in the Willows"
"Catch 22"
"Encyclopaedia Brittannica"))
(spawn-club-member "tony" (list "Candide"))
(spawn-club-member "sam" (list "Encyclopaedia Brittannica" "Candide")))