#lang racket/base ;; Dataspaces without configured relaying. (provide (struct-out dataspace) make-dataspace dataspace-actor make-dataspace-actor pretty-print-dataspace) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "functional-queue.rkt") (require "trie.rkt") (require "patch.rkt") (require "hierarchy.rkt") (require "trace.rkt") (require "mux.rkt") (require "pretty.rkt") (require "core.rkt") (require "protocol/standard-relay.rkt") (require (for-syntax racket/base)) (require (for-syntax syntax/parse)) (require (for-syntax syntax/srcloc)) (require "syntax-classes.rkt") ;; Sentinel (define missing-process (process #f #f #f)) ;; VM private states (struct dataspace (mux ;; Multiplexer pending-action-queue ;; (Queueof (Vector Label (U Action 'quit) SpaceTime)) runnable-pids ;; (Setof PID) process-table ;; (HashTable PID Process) ) #:transparent #:methods gen:syndicate-pretty-printable [(define (syndicate-pretty-print w [p (current-output-port)]) (pretty-print-dataspace w p))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (send-event interpreted-point produced-point e pid w) (match-define (and the-process (process process-name behavior old-state)) (hash-ref (dataspace-process-table w) pid missing-process)) (if (not behavior) w (let ((turn-begin-point (trace-turn-begin (trace-event-consumed interpreted-point produced-point pid e) pid the-process))) (invoke-process pid (lambda () (clean-transition (ensure-transition (behavior e old-state)))) (match-lambda [#f (trace-turn-end turn-begin-point pid the-process) w] [(and q ( exn final-actions)) (define turn-end-point (trace-turn-end turn-begin-point pid the-process)) (trace-actor-exit turn-end-point pid exn) (enqueue-actions turn-end-point (disable-process pid exn w) pid (append final-actions (list 'quit)))] [(and t (transition new-state new-actions)) (enqueue-actions (trace-turn-end turn-begin-point pid (process process-name behavior new-state)) (mark-pid-runnable (update-state w pid new-state) pid) pid new-actions)]) (lambda (exn) (define turn-end-point (trace-turn-end turn-begin-point pid the-process)) (trace-actor-exit turn-end-point pid exn) (enqueue-actions turn-end-point (disable-process pid exn w) pid (list 'quit))))))) (define (update-process-entry w pid f) (define old-pt (dataspace-process-table w)) (match (hash-ref old-pt pid #f) [#f w] [old-p (struct-copy dataspace w [process-table (hash-set old-pt pid (f old-p))])])) (define (update-state w pid s) (update-process-entry w pid (lambda (p) (update-process-state p s)))) (define (send-event/guard interpreted-point produced-point e pid w) (if (patch-empty? e) w (send-event interpreted-point produced-point e pid w))) (define (disable-process pid exn w) (when exn (log-error "Process ~v ~a died with exception:\n~a" (process-name (hash-ref (dataspace-process-table w) pid missing-process)) (append (current-actor-path) (list pid)) (exn->string exn))) ;; We leave a "tombstone", just the process name, until the 'quit pseudoaction takes effect. (update-process-entry w pid (lambda (p) (process (process-name p) #f #f)))) (define (invoke-process pid thunk k-ok k-exn) (define-values (ok? result) (call/extended-actor-path pid (lambda () (with-handlers ([(lambda (exn) #t) (lambda (exn) (values #f exn))]) (values #t (with-continuation-mark 'minimart-process pid (thunk))))))) (if ok? (k-ok result) (k-exn result))) (define (mark-pid-runnable w pid) (struct-copy dataspace w [runnable-pids (set-add (dataspace-runnable-pids w) pid)])) (define (enqueue-actions turn-end-point w label actions) (define produced-point (trace-actions-produced turn-end-point label actions)) (struct-copy dataspace w [pending-action-queue (queue-append-list (dataspace-pending-action-queue w) (for/list [(a actions)] (vector label a produced-point)))])) (define-syntax (dataspace-actor stx) (syntax-parse stx [(dataspace-actor name:name boot-action ...) #'(spawn-standard-relay (make-dataspace-actor #:name name.N (lambda () (list boot-action ...))))])) (define (make-dataspace boot-actions) (dataspace (mux) (list->queue (for/list ((a (in-list (clean-actions boot-actions)))) (vector 'meta a #f))) (set) (hash))) (define (make-dataspace-actor #:name [name #f] boot-actions-thunk) ( (lambda () (list dataspace-handle-event (transition (make-dataspace (boot-actions-thunk)) '()) name)) trie-empty)) (define (inert? w) (and (queue-empty? (dataspace-pending-action-queue w)) (set-empty? (dataspace-runnable-pids w)))) (define (dataspace-handle-event e w) (if (or e (not (inert? w))) (sequence-transitions (transition w '()) (inject-event e) perform-actions (lambda (w) (or (step-children w) (transition w '())))) (step-children w))) (define ((inject-event e) w) ;; TODO: What is the best way of getting something sensible to ;; supply to `enqueue-actions` as `turn-end-point`? Similar applies ;; to use of #f in `make-dataspace` for the boot actions and to ;; relaying of `targeted-event`s. (transition (if (not e) w (enqueue-actions #f w 'meta (list e))) '())) (define (perform-actions w) (for/fold ([wt (transition (struct-copy dataspace w [pending-action-queue (make-queue)]) '())]) ((entry (in-list (queue->list (dataspace-pending-action-queue w))))) #:break (quit? wt) ;; TODO: should a quit action be delayed until the end of the turn? (match-define (vector label a produced-point) entry) (define wt1 (transition-bind (perform-action produced-point label a) wt)) wt1)) (define ((perform-action produced-point label a) w) (match a [( boot initial-assertions) (invoke-process (mux-next-pid (dataspace-mux w)) ;; anticipate pid allocation (lambda () (when (not (trie? initial-assertions)) (error 'actor "actor initial assertions must be trie; was ~v" initial-assertions)) (match (boot) [(and results (list (? procedure?) (? general-transition?) _)) results] [other (error 'actor "actor boot procedure must yield boot spec; received ~v" other)])) (lambda (results) (match-define (list behavior initial-transition name) results) (create-process produced-point w behavior initial-transition initial-assertions name)) (lambda (exn) (create-process produced-point w #f ( exn '()) (if (trie? initial-assertions) initial-assertions trie-empty) #f)))] ['quit (define-values (new-mux _label delta delta-aggregate) (mux-remove-stream (dataspace-mux w) label)) (define interpreted-point (trace-action-interpreted produced-point label delta)) ;; Clean up the "tombstone" left for us by disable-process (let ((w (struct-copy dataspace w [process-table (hash-remove (dataspace-process-table w) label)]))) (begin0 (deliver-patches interpreted-point produced-point w new-mux label delta delta-aggregate) (trace-action-interpreted produced-point label a)))] [(quit-dataspace) (quit)] [(? patch? delta-orig) (define-values (new-mux _label delta delta-aggregate) (mux-update-stream (dataspace-mux w) label delta-orig)) (define interpreted-point (trace-action-interpreted produced-point label delta)) (deliver-patches interpreted-point produced-point w new-mux label delta delta-aggregate)] [(and m (message body)) (define interpreted-point (trace-action-interpreted produced-point label a)) (when (observe? body) (log-warning "Stream ~a sent message containing query ~v" (append (current-actor-path) (list label)) body)) (define-values (affected-pids meta-affected?) (mux-route-message (dataspace-mux w) body)) (transition (for/fold [(w w)] [(pid (in-list affected-pids))] (send-event interpreted-point produced-point m pid w)) (and meta-affected? m))] [(targeted-event (cons pid remaining-path) e) (transition (send-event/guard #f #f (target-event remaining-path e) pid w) '())])) (define (create-process produced-point w behavior initial-transition initial-assertions name) (define initial-assertions? (not (trie-empty? initial-assertions))) (define initial-patch (patch initial-assertions trie-empty)) (define (trace-spawn/initial-patch pid state0) (define spawn-point (trace-actor-spawn produced-point pid (process name behavior state0))) (cons spawn-point (and initial-assertions? (trace-actions-produced spawn-point pid (list initial-patch))))) (define-values (postprocess initial-state initial-actions) (match (clean-transition initial-transition) [#f (values (lambda (w pid) (values (trace-spawn/initial-patch pid (void)) w)) #f '())] [(and q ( exn initial-actions0)) (values (lambda (w pid) (define points (trace-spawn/initial-patch pid (void))) (match-define (cons spawn-point _) points) (trace-actor-exit spawn-point pid exn) (values points (disable-process pid exn w))) #f (append initial-actions0 (list 'quit)))] [(and t (transition initial-state initial-actions0)) (values (lambda (w pid) (values (trace-spawn/initial-patch pid initial-state) (mark-pid-runnable w pid))) initial-state initial-actions0)])) (define-values (new-mux new-pid delta delta-aggregate) (mux-add-stream (dataspace-mux w) initial-patch)) (let ((w (struct-copy dataspace w [process-table (hash-set (dataspace-process-table w) new-pid (process name behavior initial-state))]))) (let-values (((points w) (postprocess w new-pid))) (match-define (cons spawn-point initial-patch-produced-point) points) (let ((w (enqueue-actions spawn-point w new-pid initial-actions))) (deliver-patches (and initial-assertions? (trace-action-interpreted initial-patch-produced-point new-pid delta)) initial-patch-produced-point w new-mux new-pid delta delta-aggregate))))) (define (deliver-patches interpreted-point produced-point w new-mux acting-label delta delta-aggregate) (define-values (patches meta-action) (compute-patches (dataspace-mux w) new-mux acting-label delta delta-aggregate)) (transition (for/fold [(w (struct-copy dataspace w [mux new-mux]))] [(entry (in-list patches))] (match-define (cons label event) entry) (send-event/guard interpreted-point produced-point event label w)) (and (patch-non-empty? meta-action) meta-action))) (define (step-children w) (define runnable-pids (dataspace-runnable-pids w)) (if (set-empty? runnable-pids) #f ;; dataspace is inert. (transition (for/fold [(w (struct-copy dataspace w [runnable-pids (set)]))] [(pid (in-set runnable-pids))] (send-event #f #f #f pid w)) '()))) (define (pretty-print-dataspace w [p (current-output-port)]) (match-define (dataspace mux qs runnable process-table) w) (fprintf p "DATASPACE:\n") (fprintf p " - ~a queued actions\n" (queue-length qs)) (fprintf p " - ~a runnable pids ~a\n" (set-count runnable) (set->list runnable)) (fprintf p " - ~a live processes\n" (hash-count process-table)) (fprintf p " - ") (display (indented-port-output 3 (lambda (p) (syndicate-pretty-print mux p)) #:first-line? #f) p) (newline p) (for ([pid (set-union (hash-keys (mux-interest-table mux)) (hash-keys process-table))]) (define i (hash-ref process-table pid missing-process)) (fprintf p " ---- process ~a, name ~v, behavior ~v, STATE:\n" pid (process-name i) (process-behavior i)) (display (indented-port-output 6 (lambda (p) (syndicate-pretty-print (process-state i) p))) p) (newline p) (fprintf p " process ~a, name ~v, behavior ~v, CLAIMS:\n" pid (process-name i) (process-behavior i)) (display (indented-port-output 6 (lambda (p) (pretty-print-trie (mux-interests-of mux pid) p))) p) (newline p)))