"use strict"; var Immutable = require('immutable'); var expect = require('expect.js'); var util = require('util'); var r = require("../src/route.js"); function checkPrettyTrie(m, expected) { expect(r.prettyTrie(m)).to.equal(expected.join('\n')); } function checkTrieKeys(actual, expected) { expect(actual.equals(Immutable.Set(expected).map(Immutable.List))).to.be(true); } describe("basic pattern compilation", function () { var sAny = Immutable.Set(['mAny']); var sAAny = Immutable.Set(['mAAny']); var mAny = r.compilePattern(sAny, r.__); var mAAny = r.compilePattern(sAAny, ['A', r.__]); it("should print as expected", function () { checkPrettyTrie(mAny, [' ★ >{["mAny"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(mAAny, [' < "A" ★ > >{["mAAny"]}']); }); describe("of wildcard", function () { it("should match anything", function () { expect(r.matchValue(mAny, 'hi')).to.eql(sAny); expect(r.matchValue(mAny, ['A', 'hi'])).to.eql(sAny); expect(r.matchValue(mAny, ['B', 'hi'])).to.eql(sAny); expect(r.matchValue(mAny, ['A', [['hi']]])).to.eql(sAny); }); }); describe("of A followed by wildcard", function () { it("should match A followed by anything", function () { expect(r.matchValue(mAAny, 'hi')).to.be(null); expect(r.matchValue(mAAny, ['A', 'hi'])).to.eql(sAAny); expect(r.matchValue(mAAny, ['B', 'hi'])).to.be(null); expect(r.matchValue(mAAny, ['A', [['hi']]])).to.eql(sAAny); }); }); it("should observe basic (in)equivalences", function () { expect(Immutable.is(mAny, mAAny)).to.be(false); expect(Immutable.is(mAny, mAny)).to.be(true); expect(Immutable.is(mAAny, mAAny)).to.be(true); }); }); describe("unions", function () { it("should collapse common prefix wildcard", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [r.__, 'B'])), [' < ★ "A" > >{["A"]}', ' "B" > >{["B"]}']); }); it("should unroll wildcard unioned with nonwildcard", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['W']), r.__)), [' ★ >{["W"]}', ' < ★ "A" ★...> >{["W"]}', ' > >{["W","A"]}', ' ★...> >{["W"]}', ' > >{["W"]}', ' > >{["W"]}']); }); it("should properly multiply out", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])), [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 1 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}', ' 3 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 4 > >{["B"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])), [' < 1 3 > >{["C"]}', ' 3 4 > >{["B"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3])), [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 1 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])), [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 3 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 4 > >{["B"]}']); }); it("should correctly construct intermediate values", function () { var MU = r.emptyTrie; MU = r.union(MU, r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 2])); checkPrettyTrie(MU, [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}']); MU = r.union(MU, r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3])); checkPrettyTrie(MU, [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 1 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}']); MU = r.union(MU, r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])); checkPrettyTrie(MU, [' < ★ 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 1 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}', ' 3 2 > >{["A"]}', ' 4 > >{["B"]}']); }); it("should handle identical patterns with different pids", function () { var m = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set('B'), [2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set('C'), [3])); checkPrettyTrie(m, [' < 2 > >{["B"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}']); m = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set('A'), [2]), m); checkPrettyTrie(m, [' < 2 > >{["A","B"]}', ' 3 > >{["C"]}']); }); it('should work with subtraction and wildcards', function () { var x = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(["A"]), [r.__]); var y = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(["A"]), ["Y"]); var z = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(["A"]), ["Z"]); var expected = [' < "Y"::: nothing', ' ★ > >{["A"]}']; checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(r.union(x, z), y), expected); checkPrettyTrie(r.union(r.subtract(x, y), z), expected); }); }); describe("projections", function () { describe("with picky structure", function () { var proj = r.compileProjection(r._$("v", [[r.__]])); it("should include things that match as well as wildcards", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), r.__), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [['b']])), proj), [' < < ★ > > >{["A"]}', ' "b" > > >{["A","B"]}']); }); it("should exclude things that lack the required structure", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), r.__), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), ['b'])), proj), [' < < ★ > > >{["A"]}']); }); }); describe("simple positional", function () { var proj = r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$]); it("should collapse common prefixes", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])), proj), [' 1 2 >{["A"]}', ' 3 >{["C"]}', ' 3 4 >{["B"]}']); }); it("should yield a correct set of results", function () { var u = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])); checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(u, proj)), [[1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4]]); }); }); }); describe("subtraction", function () { it("should basically work", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(r.compilePattern(true, r.__), r.compilePattern(true, 3), function (v1, v2) { return null; }), [" ★ >{true}", " 3::: nothing"]); checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(r.compilePattern(true, r.__), r.compilePattern(true, [3]), function (v1, v2) { return null; }), [" ★ >{true}", " < ★...> >{true}", " > >{true}", " 3 ★...> >{true}", " >::: nothing"]); }); it("should be idempotent if the subtrahend doesn't overlap the minuend", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.compilePattern(true, 1), [' 1 >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(r.compilePattern(true, 1), r.compilePattern(true, 2)), [' 1 >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(r.compilePattern(true, 1), r.compilePattern(true, 2), function (v1, v2) { return null; }), [' 1 >{true}']); }); }); describe("subtract after union", function () { var R1 = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, "B"]); var R2 = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), ["A", r.__]); var R12 = r.union(R1, R2); it("should have sane preconditions", function () { // Am I doing this right? checkPrettyTrie(R1, [' < ★ "B" > >{["A"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(R2, [' < "A" ★ > >{["B"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(R12, [' < "A" "B" > >{["B","A"]}', ' ★ > >{["B"]}', ' ★ "B" > >{["A"]}']); }); it("should yield the remaining ingredients of the union", function () { expect(Immutable.is(r.subtract(R12, R1), R2)).to.be(true); expect(Immutable.is(r.subtract(R12, R2), R1)).to.be(true); expect(Immutable.is(r.subtract(R12, R1), R1)).to.be(false); }); }); describe("trie equality", function () { it("should not rely on object identity", function () { expect(Immutable.is(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [r.__, 'B'])), r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [r.__, 'B'])))) .to.be(true); }); it("should respect commutativity of union", function () { expect(Immutable.is(r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [r.__, 'B'])), r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [r.__, 'B']), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 'A'])))) .to.be(true); }); }); describe("trieKeys on wild tries", function () { var M = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.__, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])); it("should yield null to signal an infinite result", function () { expect(r.trieKeys(r.project(M, r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$])))).to.be(null); }); it("should extract just the second array element successfully", function () { checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(M, r.compileProjection([r.__, r._$]))), [[2],[3],[4]]); }); var M2 = r.project(M, r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$])); it("should survive double-projection", function () { checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(M2, r.compileProjection(r.__, r._$))), [[2],[3],[4]]); }); it("should survive embedding and reprojection", function () { checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(r.compilePattern(true, [r.embeddedTrie(M2)]), r.compileProjection([r.__, r._$]))), [[2],[3],[4]]); checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(r.compilePattern(true, [[r.embeddedTrie(M2)]]), r.compileProjection([[r.__, r._$]]))), [[2],[3],[4]]); }); }); describe("trieKeys using multiple-values in projections", function () { var M = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])); var proj = r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$]); var M2 = r.project(M, proj); it("should be able to extract ordinary values", function () { checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(M2), [[1,2],[1,3],[3,4]]); }); it("should be able to be reprojected as a sequence of more than one value", function () { checkTrieKeys(r.trieKeys(r.project(M2, r.compileProjection(r._$, r._$))), [[1,2],[1,3],[3,4]]); }); it("should be convertible into objects with $-indexed fields", function () { expect(r.trieKeysToObjects(r.trieKeys(M2), proj).toArray()) .to.eql([{'$0': 3, '$1': 4}, {'$0': 1, '$1': 2}, {'$0': 1, '$1': 3}]); expect(r.projectObjects(M, proj).toArray()) .to.eql([{'$0': 3, '$1': 4}, {'$0': 1, '$1': 2}, {'$0': 1, '$1': 3}]); }); }); describe("trieKeys using multiple-values in projections, with names", function () { var M = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, 2]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [1, 3]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [3, 4])); it("should yield named fields", function () { expect(r.projectObjects(M, r.compileProjection([r._$("fst"), r._$("snd")])).toArray()) .to.eql([{'fst': 3, 'snd': 4}, {'fst': 1, 'snd': 2}, {'fst': 1, 'snd': 3}]); }); it("should yield numbered fields where names are missing", function () { expect(r.projectObjects(M, r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$("snd")])).toArray()) .to.eql([{'$0': 3, 'snd': 4}, {'$0': 1, 'snd': 2}, {'$0': 1, 'snd': 3}]); expect(r.projectObjects(M, r.compileProjection([r._$("fst"), r._$])).toArray()) .to.eql([{'fst': 3, '$1': 4}, {'fst': 1, '$1': 2}, {'fst': 1, '$1': 3}]); }); }); describe("complex erasure", function () { var A = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), r.__); var B = r.union(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [[[["foo"]]]]), r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [[[["bar"]]]])); describe("after a union", function () { var R0 = r.union(A, B); var R1a = r.subtract(R0, B); var R1b = r.subtract(R0, A); it("should yield the other parts of the union", function () { expect(Immutable.is(R1a, A)).to.be(true); expect(Immutable.is(R1b, B)).to.be(true); }); }); }); describe("embedding tries in patterns", function () { var M1a = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, r.embeddedTrie(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [2, 3])), 4]); var M1b = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [1, [2, 3], 4]); var M2a = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [r.embeddedTrie(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['B']), [1, 2])), r.embeddedTrie(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['C']), [3, 4]))]); var M2b = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), [[1, 2], [3, 4]]); it("should yield tries equivalent to the original patterns", function () { expect(Immutable.is(M1a, M1b)).to.be(true); expect(Immutable.is(M2a, M2b)).to.be(true); }); }); describe("calls to matchPattern", function () { it("should yield appropriately-named/-numbered fields", function () { expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r.__, 2, r._$])).to.eql({'$0': 3, 'length': 1}); expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r.__, 2, r._$("three")])).to.eql({'three': 3, 'length': 1}); expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r._$, 2, r._$("three")])) .to.eql({'$0': 1, 'three': 3, 'length': 2}); expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r._$("one"), 2, r._$])) .to.eql({'one': 1, '$1': 3, 'length': 2}); expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r._$("one"), 2, r._$("three")])) .to.eql({'one': 1, 'three': 3, 'length': 2}); }); it("should fail on value mismatch", function () { expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r.__, 999, r._$("three")])).to.be(null); }); it("should fail on array length mismatch", function () { expect(r.matchPattern([1, 2, 3], [r.__, 2, r._$("three"), 4])).to.be(null); }); it("matches substructure", function () { expect(r.matchPattern([1, [2, 999], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$(null, [2, r.__]), r._$("three")])) .to.eql({ one: 1, '$1': [ 2, 999 ], three: 3, length: 3 }); expect(r.matchPattern([1, [2, 999], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$("two", [2, r.__]), r._$("three")])) .to.eql({ one: 1, two: [ 2, 999 ], three: 3, length: 3 }); expect(r.matchPattern([1, [999, 2], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$(null, [2, r.__]), r._$("three")])) .to.be(null); expect(r.matchPattern([1, [999, 2], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$("two", [2, r.__]), r._$("three")])) .to.be(null); }); it("matches nested captures", function () { expect(r.matchPattern([1, [2, 999], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$(null, [2, r._$]), r._$("three")])) .to.eql({ one: 1, '$2': 999, '$1': [ 2, 999 ], three: 3, length: 4 }); expect(r.matchPattern([1, [2, 999], 3], [r._$("one"), r._$("two", [2, r._$]), r._$("three")])) .to.eql({ one: 1, '$2': 999, two: [ 2, 999 ], three: 3, length: 4 }); }); }); describe("Projection with no captures", function () { it("should yield the empty sequence when there's a match", function () { var emptySequence = [' >{["A"]}']; checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection(r.__)), emptySequence); checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection([r.__, r.__])), emptySequence); checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection(["X", r.__])), emptySequence); }); it("should yield the empty trie when there's no match", function () { expect(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection(["Y", r.__]))).to.be(r.emptyTrie); }); it("should yield nonempty sequences when there are captures after all", function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection([r.__, r._$])), [' ★ >{["A"]}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.project(r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set(['A']), ["X", r.__]), r.compileProjection([r._$, r._$])), [' "X" ★ >{["A"]}']); }); }); describe('trieStep', function () { it('should expand wildcard when given SOA', function () { expect(Immutable.is(r.trieStep(r.compilePattern(true, r.__), r.SOA), r._testing.rwildseq(r._testing.rseq(r.EOA, r._testing.rsuccess(true))))) .to.be(true); }); }); describe('intersect', function () { it('should compute no-op patch limits properly', function () { var x = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set([0]), ["fieldContents", r.__, r.__]); var y = r.compilePattern(Immutable.Set([0]), ["fieldContents", "initial", 7]); checkPrettyTrie(r.subtract(x, y), [ ' < "fieldContents" ★ ★ > >{[0]}', ' "initial" ★ > >{[0]}', ' 7::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.intersect(r.subtract(x, y), y), ['::: nothing']); }); }); describe('triePruneBranch', function () { it('should not affect empty trie', function () { checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(r.emptyTrie, Immutable.List([])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(r.emptyTrie, Immutable.List([r.SOA])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(r.emptyTrie, Immutable.List(["x"])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(r.emptyTrie, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "x"])), ['::: nothing']); }); it('should leave a hole in a full trie', function () { var full = r.compilePattern(true, r.__); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(full, Immutable.List([])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(full, Immutable.List([r.SOA])), [' ★ >{true}', ' <::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(full, Immutable.List(["x"])), [' ★ >{true}', ' "x"::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(full, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "x"])), [' ★ >{true}', ' < ★...> >{true}', ' > >{true}', ' "x"::: nothing']); }); it('should prune in a finite tree and leave the rest alone', function () { var A = r.compilePattern(true, ["y"]) var B = r.union(r.compilePattern(true, ["x"]), A); var C = r.union(r.compilePattern(true, "z"), B); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(A, Immutable.List([])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(B, Immutable.List([])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(C, Immutable.List([])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(A, Immutable.List(["z"])), [' < "y" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(B, Immutable.List(["z"])), [' < "x" > >{true}', ' "y" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(C, Immutable.List(["z"])), [' < "x" > >{true}', ' "y" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(A, Immutable.List([r.SOA])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(B, Immutable.List([r.SOA])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(C, Immutable.List([r.SOA])), [' "z" >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(A, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "x"])), [' < "y" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(B, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "x"])), [' < "y" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(C, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "x"])), [' < "y" > >{true}', ' "z" >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(A, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "y"])), ['::: nothing']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(B, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "y"])), [' < "x" > >{true}']); checkPrettyTrie(r.triePruneBranch(C, Immutable.List([r.SOA, "y"])), [' < "x" > >{true}', ' "z" >{true}']); }); });