assertion type todo(id, task, completed); message type deleteTodo(id); assertion type show(completed); assertion type currentLocationHash(hash); var nextId = 0; function addTodo(task) { actor { = nextId++; this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor(); this.task = task; this.completed = false; this.editing = false; this.visible = false; react { assert todo(, this.task, this.completed); during show(this.completed) { do { this.visible = true; console.log('shown',, this.task, this.visible); } finally { this.visible = false; console.log('hidden',, this.task, this.visible); } } assert this.ui.html('#todo-list', Mustache.render($(this.editing ? '#todo-list-item-edit-template' : '#todo-list-item-view-template').html(), { completed_class: this.completed ? "completed" : "", hidden_class: this.visible ? "" : "hidden", id:, checked: this.completed ? "checked" : "", task: this.task })); on message this.ui.event('.toggle', 'change', $e) { this.completed =; } on message this.ui.event('.destroy', 'click', _) { console.log('destroy clicked'); :: deleteTodo(; } on message this.ui.event('label', 'dblclick', _) { this.editing = true; } on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'change', $e) { this.task =; this.editing = false; } } until { case message deleteTodo(; } } } ground dataspace G { Syndicate.UI.spawnUIDriver(); actor { react { on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.new-todo', 'change', $e) { addTodo(; = ""; } } } actor { this.hash = hashFrom(document.location.toString()); function hashFrom(u) { var i = u.indexOf('#'); return (i !== -1) ? u.slice(i + 1) : '/'; } react { assert currentLocationHash(this.hash); on message Syndicate.UI.windowEvent('hashchange', $e) { this.hash = hashFrom(e.newURL); } } } actor { react { during currentLocationHash('/') { do { console.log('set hash to /'); } assert show(true); assert show(false); } during currentLocationHash('/active') { do { console.log('set hash to /active'); } assert show(false); } during currentLocationHash('/completed') { do { console.log('set hash to /completed'); } assert show(true); } } } addTodo('Buy milk'); addTodo('Buy bread'); addTodo('Finish PhD'); } G.dataspace.setOnStateChange(function (mux, patch) { $("#ds-state").text(Syndicate.prettyTrie(mux.routingTable)); });