#lang imperative-syndicate ;; ARP protocol, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc826 ;; Only does ARP-over-ethernet. (provide (struct-out arp-query) (struct-out arp-assertion) (struct-out arp-interface)) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require/activate imperative-syndicate/drivers/timer) (require bitsyntax) (require "dump-bytes.rkt") (require "configuration.rkt") (require/activate "ethernet.rkt") (struct arp-query (protocol protocol-address interface-name link-address) #:prefab) (struct arp-assertion (protocol protocol-address interface-name) #:prefab) (struct arp-interface (interface-name) #:prefab) (struct arp-interface-up (interface-name) #:prefab) (define ARP-ethertype #x0806) (define cache-entry-lifetime-msec (* 14400 1000)) (define wakeup-interval 5000) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (spawn-arp-driver) (spawn #:name 'arp-driver (during/spawn (arp-interface $interface-name) #:name (list 'arp-interface interface-name) (assert (arp-interface-up interface-name)) (during (ethernet-interface interface-name $hwaddr) (run-arp-interface interface-name hwaddr))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (struct cache-key (protocol address) #:transparent) (struct cache-value (expiry interface-name address) #:transparent) (define (expire-cache c) (define now (current-inexact-milliseconds)) (define (not-expired? v) (< now (cache-value-expiry v))) (for/hash [((k v) (in-hash c)) #:when (not-expired? v)] (values k v))) (define (run-arp-interface interface-name hwaddr) (log-info "ARP interface ~v ~v" interface-name hwaddr) (define (build-packet dest-mac ptype oper sender-ha sender-pa target-ha target-pa) (define hlen (bytes-length target-ha)) (define plen (bytes-length target-pa)) (define packet (bit-string->bytes (bit-string (1 :: integer bytes 2) (ptype :: integer bytes 2) hlen plen (oper :: integer bytes 2) (sender-ha :: binary bytes hlen) (sender-pa :: binary bytes plen) (target-ha :: binary bytes hlen) (target-pa :: binary bytes plen)))) (ethernet-packet interface-name #f hwaddr dest-mac ARP-ethertype packet)) (define (some-asserted-pa ptype) (match (filter (lambda (k) (equal? (cache-key-protocol k) ptype)) (set->list (assertions))) ['() #f] [(list* k _) (cache-key-address k)])) (define (send-questions!) (for [(q (set-subtract (queries) (list->set (hash-keys (cache)))))] (define pa (some-asserted-pa (cache-key-protocol q))) (log-info "~a ARP Asking for ~a from ~a" interface-name (pretty-bytes (cache-key-address q)) (and pa (pretty-bytes pa))) (when pa (send! (build-packet broadcast-ethernet-address (cache-key-protocol q) 1 ;; request hwaddr pa zero-ethernet-address (cache-key-address q)))))) (field [cache (hash)] [queries (set)] [assertions (set)]) (field [expiry-deadline (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) wakeup-interval)]) (on (asserted (later-than (expiry-deadline))) (cache (expire-cache (cache))) (send-questions!) (expiry-deadline (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) wakeup-interval))) (on (message ($ p (ethernet-packet-pattern interface-name #t ARP-ethertype))) (match-define (ethernet-packet _ _ source destination _ body) p) (bit-string-case body ([ (= 1 :: integer bytes 2) (ptype :: integer bytes 2) hlen plen (oper :: integer bytes 2) (sender-hardware-address0 :: binary bytes hlen) (sender-protocol-address0 :: binary bytes plen) (target-hardware-address0 :: binary bytes hlen) (target-protocol-address0 :: binary bytes plen) (:: binary) ;; The extra zeros exist because ethernet packets ;; have a minimum size. This is, in part, why IPv4 ;; headers have a total-length field, so that the ;; zero padding can be removed. ] (let () (define sender-protocol-address (bit-string->bytes sender-protocol-address0)) (define sender-hardware-address (bit-string->bytes sender-hardware-address0)) (define target-protocol-address (bit-string->bytes target-protocol-address0)) (define learned-key (cache-key ptype sender-protocol-address)) (when (and (set-member? (queries) learned-key) ;; it is relevant to our interests (not (equal? sender-hardware-address (cache-value-address (hash-ref (cache) learned-key (lambda () (cache-value #f #f #f))))))) (log-info "~a ARP Adding ~a = ~a to cache" interface-name (pretty-bytes sender-protocol-address) (pretty-bytes sender-hardware-address))) (cache (hash-set (expire-cache (cache)) learned-key (cache-value (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) cache-entry-lifetime-msec) interface-name sender-hardware-address))) (case oper [(1) ;; request (when (set-member? (assertions) (cache-key ptype target-protocol-address)) (log-info "~a ARP answering request for ~a/~a" interface-name ptype (pretty-bytes target-protocol-address)) (send! (build-packet sender-hardware-address ptype 2 ;; reply hwaddr target-protocol-address sender-hardware-address sender-protocol-address)))] [(2) (void)] ;; reply [else (void)]))) (else #f))) (during (arp-assertion $protocol $protocol-address interface-name) (define a (cache-key protocol protocol-address)) (on-start (assertions (set-add (assertions) a)) (log-info "~a ARP Announcing ~a as ~a" interface-name (pretty-bytes (cache-key-address a)) (pretty-bytes hwaddr)) (send! (build-packet broadcast-ethernet-address (cache-key-protocol a) 2 ;; reply -- gratuitous announcement hwaddr (cache-key-address a) hwaddr (cache-key-address a)))) (on-stop (assertions (set-remove (assertions) a)))) (during (observe (arp-query $protocol $protocol-address interface-name _)) (define key (cache-key protocol protocol-address)) (on-start (queries (set-add (queries) key)) (send-questions!)) (on-stop (queries (set-remove (queries) key))) (assert #:when (hash-has-key? (cache) key) (match (hash-ref (cache) key) [(cache-value _ ifname addr) (arp-query protocol protocol-address ifname addr)])))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (spawn-arp-driver)