#lang syndicate/actor ;; Simple demo of web driver. See web-demo.rkt for a more realistic example. (require/activate syndicate/drivers/timer) (require/activate syndicate/drivers/web) (require net/url) (define vh (web-virtual-host "http" ? 9090)) (define (sleep sec) (define timer-id (gensym 'sleep)) (until (message (timer-expired timer-id _)) (on-start (send! (set-timer timer-id (* sec 1000.0) 'relative))))) (actor #:name 'server (react (field [counter 0]) (assert vh) (on (message (web-request $id 'inbound ($ req (web-request-header _ (web-resource vh `("ws" ())) _ _)) _)) (actor (react (assert (web-response-websocket id)) (stop-when (retracted (observe (websocket-message id 'outbound _))) (log-info "Connection dropped")) (stop-when (message (websocket-message id 'inbound "quit")) (log-info "Received quit command")) (on (message (websocket-message id 'inbound $str)) (log-info "Got ~v" str) (define u (string->url str)) (when (url-scheme u) (let ((r (gensym 'client))) (react (on-start (send! (web-request r 'outbound (web-request-header 'get (url->resource u) '() '()) #""))) (stop-when (asserted (web-response-complete r $h $body)) (log-info "Got headers back: ~v" h) (log-info "Got body back: ~v" body))))) (send! (websocket-message id 'outbound str)))))) (on (message (web-request $id 'inbound (web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("slow" ())) _ _) _)) (react (field [done? #f]) (stop-when (rising-edge (done?))) (assert (web-response-chunked id (web-response-header #:message #"Slowly" #:mime-type #"text/plain"))) (on (asserted (observe (web-response-chunk id _))) ;; ;; TODO: output-response-body/chunked in web-server's response.rkt ;; doesn't flush each chunk as it appears. Should it? ;; ;; TODO: this kind of protocol pattern appears quite frequently. Perhaps ;; we want a general-purpose *stream* protocol? For use by TCP, ;; websockets, etc etc. ;; (send! (web-response-chunk id #"first\n")) (sleep 2) (send! (web-response-chunk id #"second\n")) (sleep 2) (send! (web-response-chunk id #"third\n")) (sleep 2) (done? #t)))) (on (message (web-request $id 'inbound (web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("foo" ,$path)) _ _) _)) (define req-num (counter)) (counter (+ (counter) 1)) (send! (web-response-complete id (web-response-header #:mime-type #"text/plain") (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "Hi there. Your path was ~v, and this is request ~a" path req-num)))))))