# Syndicate-JS: Syndicate for Javascript environments ## A walk through the code Source files in `src/`, from most general to most specific: - `reflect.js`: Reflection on function formal parameter lists. - `util.js`: Functions `extend` and `kwApply`. - `randomid.js`: Generation of (cryptographically) random base64 strings. - `route.js`: Implementation of dataspace trie structure. - `patch.js`: Implementation of patches over dataspace tries. - `mux.js`: Use of tries plus patches to build a (de)multiplexing routing structure. - `network.js`: Implementation of core leaf actors and networks. - `ground.js`: Pseudo-network acting as the global outermost context for Syndicate actors. - `ack.js`: Utility for detecting when a previous state change has taken effect. - `seal.js`: Immutable container for data, used to hide structure from dataspace tries. - `demand-matcher.js`: Tracking and responding to demand and supply expressed as assertions. - `dom-driver.js`: Syndicate driver for displaying DOM fragments on a webpage. - `jquery-driver.js`: Syndicate driver for soliciting jQuery-based DOM events. - `main.js`: Main package entry point.