#lang racket/base (provide set-stderr-trace-flags!) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require racket/pretty) (require racket/exn) (require (only-in racket/string string-join string-split)) (require "../core.rkt") (require "../dataspace.rkt") (require "../hierarchy.rkt") (require "../trace.rkt") (require "../mux.rkt") (require "../pretty.rkt") (require "../trie.rkt") (require "../tset.rkt") (define (env-aref varname default alist) (define key (or (getenv varname) default)) (cond [(assoc key alist) => cadr] [else (error 'env-aref "Expected environment variable ~a to contain one of ~v; got ~v" (map car alist) key)])) (define colored-output? (env-aref "SYNDICATE_COLOR" "true" '(("true" #t) ("false" #f)))) (define flags (set)) (define show-exceptions? #f) (define show-turns? #f) (define show-lifecycle? #f) (define show-actions? #f) (define show-events? #f) (define show-influence? #f) (define (set-stderr-trace-flags! flags+module-string) (define-values (flags-string module-string) (match flags+module-string [(regexp #px"^([^:]*):(.*)$" (list _ fs m)) (values fs m)] [_ (values flags+module-string "")])) (define A-flags (set 'x 'i 'p)) (set! flags (for/set [(c flags-string)] (string->symbol (string c)))) (define-syntax-rule (set-flag! symbol variable) (set! variable (or (and (set-member? flags 'A) (set-member? A-flags 'symbol)) (set-member? flags 'symbol)))) (set-flag! x show-exceptions?) (set-flag! t show-turns?) (set-flag! p show-lifecycle?) (set-flag! a show-actions?) (set-flag! e show-events?) (set-flag! i show-influence?) (let ((port (open-input-string module-string))) (let loop () (match (read port) [(? eof-object?) (void)] [v (begin (dynamic-require v 0) (loop))])))) (set-stderr-trace-flags! (or (getenv "SYNDICATE_TRACE") "")) (define YELLOW-ON-RED ";1;33;41") (define WHITE-ON-RED ";1;37;41") (define WHITE-ON-GREEN ";1;37;42") (define GREY-ON-RED ";37;41") (define GREY-ON-GREEN ";37;42") (define RED ";31") (define BRIGHT-RED ";1;31") (define GREEN ";32") (define BRIGHT-GREEN ";1;32") (define YELLOW ";33") (define BLUE ";34") (define BRIGHT-BLUE ";1;34") (define NORMAL "") (define (format-pids process-names pids) (define pidstr (match pids ['() "ground"] [(cons 'meta rest) (format "context of ~a" (format-pids process-names rest))] [_ (string-join (map number->string (reverse pids)) ":")])) (match (hash-ref process-names pids #f) [#f pidstr] [name (format "~a a.k.a ~v" pidstr name)])) (define (output fmt . args) (apply fprintf (current-error-port) fmt args)) (define (set-color! c) (when colored-output? (output "\e[0~am" c))) (define (reset-color!) (when colored-output? (output "\e[0m"))) (define-syntax-rule (with-color c expr ...) (begin (set-color! c) (begin0 (begin expr ...) (reset-color!)))) (define (extract-leaf-pids sink p) (for/list [(pid (in-set (extract-patch-pids p)))] (cons pid (cdr sink)))) (define (ensure-process-named! process-names pids expected-name) (define current-name (hash-ref process-names pids #f)) (when (not (equal? current-name expected-name)) (with-color WHITE-ON-RED (output "Weird: ~a should be named ~v, but is named ~v\n" pids expected-name current-name)))) (define (name-process! process-names pids name) (hash-set! process-names pids name)) (define (forget-process! process-names pids) (hash-remove! process-names pids)) (define (display-notification the-notification process-names) (match-define (trace-notification source sink type detail) the-notification) (match* (type detail) [('turn-begin (process name _beh state)) (ensure-process-named! process-names sink name) (when show-turns? (with-color BLUE (output "~a turn begins\n" (format-pids process-names sink))))] [('turn-end (process name _beh state)) (ensure-process-named! process-names sink name) (when show-turns? (with-color BLUE (output "~a turn ends\n" (format-pids process-names sink)) (syndicate-pretty-print state (current-error-port))))] [('spawn (list parent (process name _beh state))) (name-process! process-names sink name) (when show-lifecycle? (with-color BRIGHT-GREEN (output "~a spawned by ~a\n" (format-pids process-names sink) (format-pids process-names parent))))] [('exit #f) (when show-lifecycle? (with-color BRIGHT-RED (output "~a schedules an exit\n" (format-pids process-names sink))))] [('exit exn) (when (or show-lifecycle? show-exceptions?) (with-color WHITE-ON-RED (output "~a raises an exception:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names sink) (exn->string exn))))] [('action (? patch? p)) (when show-actions? (output "~a performs a patch:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names source) (patch->pretty-string p)))] [('action (message body)) (when show-actions? (output "~a broadcasts a message:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names source) (pretty-format body)))] [('action 'quit) (when show-lifecycle? (with-color BRIGHT-RED (output "~a exits\n" (format-pids process-names source)))) (forget-process! process-names source)] [('event (? patch? p)) (when show-events? (with-color YELLOW (output "~a receives an event:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names sink) (patch->pretty-string p))))] [('event (message body)) (when show-events? (with-color YELLOW (output "~a receives a message:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names sink) (pretty-format body))))] [('event #f) (when show-events? (with-color YELLOW (output "~a is polled\n" (format-pids process-names sink))))] [('influence (? patch? p)) (when show-influence? (output "~a influenced by ~a via a patch:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names sink) (string-join (map (lambda (p) (format-pids process-names p)) (extract-leaf-pids sink p)) ", ") (patch->pretty-string p)))] [('influence (message body)) (when show-influence? (output "~a influences ~a with a message:\n~a\n" (format-pids process-names source) (format-pids process-names sink) (pretty-format body)))])) (define (install-trace-procedure!) (define logger (make-logger 'syndicate-trace)) (define (trace-via-logger n) (log-message logger 'info (trace-notification-type n) "" n #f)) (current-trace-procedures (cons trace-via-logger (current-trace-procedures))) logger) (define (check-for-unix-signals-support!) (define capture-signal! (with-handlers [(void (lambda _ #f))] (dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'capture-signal!))) (and capture-signal! (begin (capture-signal! 'SIGUSR1) (dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'next-signal-evt)))) (define ((display-trace logger)) (define receiver (make-log-receiver logger 'info)) (define process-names (make-hash)) (name-process! process-names '() 'ground) ;; by convention (define next-signal-evt (check-for-unix-signals-support!)) (parameterize ((pretty-print-columns 100)) (let loop () (sync (handle-evt receiver (lambda (v) (match-define (vector level message-string data event-name) v) (display-notification data process-names) (loop))) (if next-signal-evt (handle-evt next-signal-evt (lambda (_signum) (with-color WHITE-ON-GREEN (output "\e[2J\e[HProcess name table:\n") (for [((pid name) (in-hash process-names))] (output "\t~v\t--> ~v\n" pid name))) (loop))) never-evt))))) (void (when (not (set-empty? flags)) (thread (display-trace (install-trace-procedure!))))) (when (getenv "SYNDICATE_STDOUT_TO_STDERR") (current-output-port (current-error-port)))