#lang syndicate/actor (provide (struct-out ip-packet) ip-address->hostname ip-string->ip-address apply-netmask ip-address-in-subnet? query-local-ip-addresses broadcast-ip-address spawn-ip-driver) (require racket/set) (require (only-in racket/string string-split)) (require bitsyntax) (require syndicate/protocol/advertise) (require "dump-bytes.rkt") (require "configuration.rkt") (require "checksum.rkt") (require/activate syndicate/drivers/timer) (require/activate "ethernet.rkt") (require/activate "arp.rkt") (struct ip-packet (source-interface ;; string for an ethernet interface, or #f for local interfaces source destination protocol options body) #:prefab) ;; TODO: more fields ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (ip-address->hostname bs) (bit-string-case bs ([ a b c d ] (format "~a.~a.~a.~a" a b c d)))) (define (ip-string->ip-address str) (list->bytes (map string->number (string-split str ".")))) (define (apply-netmask addr netmask) (bit-string-case addr ([ (n :: integer bytes 4) ] (bit-string ((bitwise-and n (arithmetic-shift #x-100000000 (- netmask))) :: integer bytes 4))))) (define (ip-address-in-subnet? addr network netmask) (equal? (apply-netmask network netmask) (apply-netmask addr netmask))) (define broadcast-ip-address (bytes 255 255 255 255)) (define (query-local-ip-addresses) (query-set local-ips (host-route $addr _ _) addr)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (spawn-ip-driver) (actor #:name 'ip-driver (during/actor (host-route $my-address $netmask $interface-name) (assert (route-up (host-route my-address netmask interface-name))) (do-host-route my-address netmask interface-name)) (during/actor (gateway-route $network $netmask $gateway-addr $interface-name) (assert (route-up (gateway-route $network $netmask $gateway-addr $interface-name))) (do-gateway-route network netmask gateway-addr interface-name)) (during/actor (net-route $network-addr $netmask $link) (assert (route-up (net-route network-addr netmask link))) (do-net-route network-addr netmask link)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Local IP route (define (do-host-route my-address netmask interface-name) (let ((network-addr (apply-netmask my-address netmask))) (do-normal-ip-route (host-route my-address netmask interface-name) network-addr netmask interface-name)) (assert (advertise (ip-packet _ my-address _ PROTOCOL-ICMP _ _))) (assert (arp-assertion IPv4-ethertype my-address interface-name)) (on (message (ip-packet _ $peer-address my-address PROTOCOL-ICMP _ $body)) (bit-string-case body ([ type code (checksum :: integer bytes 2) (rest :: binary) ] ;; TODO: check cksum (case type [(8) ;; ECHO (0 is ECHO-REPLY) (log-info "Ping of ~a from ~a" (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes peer-address)) (define reply-data0 (bit-string 0 code (0 :: integer bytes 2) ;; TODO (rest :: binary))) (send! (ip-packet #f my-address peer-address PROTOCOL-ICMP #"" (ip-checksum 2 reply-data0)))] [else (log-info "ICMP ~a/~a (cksum ~a) to ~a from ~a:\n~a" type code checksum (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes peer-address) (dump-bytes->string rest))])) (else #f)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Gateway IP route (struct gateway-route-state (routes gateway-interface gateway-hwaddr) #:transparent) (define (do-gateway-route network netmask gateway-addr interface-name) (define the-route (gateway-route network netmask gateway-addr interface-name)) (field [routes (set)]) (query-set* routes (host-route $addr $netmask _) (list addr netmask)) (query-set* routes (gateway-route $addr $netmask _ _) (list addr netmask)) (query-set* routes (net-route $addr $netmask _) (list addr netmask)) (field [gateway-interface #f] [gateway-hwaddr #f]) (on (asserted (arp-query IPv4-ethertype gateway-addr ($ iface (ethernet-interface interface-name _)) $hwaddr)) (when (not (gateway-hwaddr)) (log-info "Discovered gateway ~a at ~a on interface ~a." (ip-address->hostname gateway-addr) (ethernet-interface-name iface) (pretty-bytes hwaddr))) (gateway-interface iface) (gateway-hwaddr hwaddr)) (define (covered-by-some-other-route? addr) (for/or ([r (in-set (routes))]) (match-define (list net msk) r) (and (positive? msk) (ip-address-in-subnet? addr net msk)))) (on (message ($ p (ip-packet _ _ _ _ _ _))) (when (not (gateway-interface)) (log-warning "Gateway hwaddr for ~a not known, packet dropped." (ip-address->hostname gateway-addr))) (when (and (gateway-interface) (not (equal? (ip-packet-source-interface p) (ethernet-interface-name (gateway-interface)))) (not (covered-by-some-other-route? (ip-packet-destination p)))) (send! (ethernet-packet (gateway-interface) #f (ethernet-interface-hwaddr (gateway-interface)) (gateway-hwaddr) IPv4-ethertype (format-ip-packet p)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; General net route (define (do-net-route network-addr netmask link) (do-normal-ip-route (net-route network-addr netmask link) network-addr netmask link)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Normal IP route (define (do-normal-ip-route the-route network netmask interface-name) (assert (arp-interface interface-name)) (on (message (ethernet-packet (ethernet-interface interface-name _) #t _ _ IPv4-ethertype $body)) (define p (parse-ip-packet interface-name body)) (when p (send! p))) (on (message ($ p (ip-packet _ _ _ _ _ _))) (define destination (ip-packet-destination p)) (when (and (not (equal? (ip-packet-source-interface p) interface-name)) (ip-address-in-subnet? destination network netmask)) (define timer-id (gensym 'ippkt)) (react (on-start (send! (set-timer timer-id 5000 'relative))) (stop-when (message (timer-expired timer-id _)) (log-warning "ARP lookup of ~a failed, packet dropped" (ip-address->hostname destination))) (stop-when (asserted (arp-query IPv4-ethertype destination ($ interface (ethernet-interface interface-name _)) $destination-hwaddr)) (send! (ethernet-packet interface #f (ethernet-interface-hwaddr interface) destination-hwaddr IPv4-ethertype (format-ip-packet p)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define IPv4-ethertype #x0800) (define IP-VERSION 4) (define IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH 5) (define PROTOCOL-ICMP 1) (define default-ttl 64) (define (parse-ip-packet interface-name body) ;; (log-info "IP ~a got body ~a" (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes body)) (bit-string-case body ([ (= IP-VERSION :: bits 4) (header-length :: bits 4) service-type (total-length :: bits 16) (id :: bits 16) (flags :: bits 3) (fragment-offset :: bits 13) ttl protocol (header-checksum :: bits 16) ;; TODO: check checksum (source-ip0 :: binary bits 32) (destination-ip0 :: binary bits 32) (rest :: binary) ] (let* ((source-ip (bit-string->bytes source-ip0)) (destination-ip (bit-string->bytes destination-ip0)) (options-length (* 4 (- header-length IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH))) (data-length (- total-length (* 4 header-length)))) (if (and (>= header-length 5) (>= (bit-string-byte-count body) (* header-length 4))) (bit-string-case rest ([ (opts :: binary bytes options-length) (data :: binary bytes data-length) (:: binary) ] ;; Very short ethernet packets have a trailer of zeros (ip-packet interface-name (bit-string->bytes source-ip) (bit-string->bytes destination-ip) protocol (bit-string->bytes opts) (bit-string->bytes data)))) #f))) (else #f))) (define (format-ip-packet p) (match-define (ip-packet _ src dst protocol options body) p) (define header-length ;; TODO: ensure options is a multiple of 4 bytes (+ IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH (quotient (bit-string-byte-count options) 4))) (define header0 (bit-string (IP-VERSION :: bits 4) (header-length :: bits 4) 0 ;; TODO: service type ((+ (* header-length 4) (bit-string-byte-count body)) :: bits 16) (0 :: bits 16) ;; TODO: identifier (0 :: bits 3) ;; TODO: flags (0 :: bits 13) ;; TODO: fragments default-ttl protocol (0 :: bits 16) (src :: binary bits 32) (dst :: binary bits 32) (options :: binary))) (define full-packet (bit-string ((ip-checksum 10 header0) :: binary) (body :: binary))) full-packet) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (spawn-ip-driver)