"use strict"; var expect = require('expect.js'); var Immutable = require('immutable'); var Trie = require('../src/trie.js'); var Patch = require('../src/patch.js'); var __ = Trie.__; var _$ = Trie._$; function checkPrettyPatch(p, expectedAdded, expectedRemoved) { expect(p.pretty()).to.equal( ('<<<<<<<< Removed:\n' + expectedRemoved.join('\n') + '\n' + '======== Added:\n' + expectedAdded.join('\n') + '\n' + '>>>>>>>>')); } describe('basic patch compilation', function () { it('should print as expected', function () { checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2]), [' <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert(__), [' ★ {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub(__), [' observe<1> ★ {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2]), [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.pub('x'), [' advertise<1> "x" {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); }); it('should work at nonzero metalevel', function () { checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2], 0), [' <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2], 1), [' atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2], 2), [' atMeta<1> atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2], 0), [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2], 1), [' atMeta<1> observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}', ' observe<1> atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2], 2), [' atMeta<1> atMeta<1> observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}', ' observe<1> atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}', ' observe<1> atMeta<1> atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); }); }); describe('patch sequencing', function () { it('should do the right thing in simple cases', function () { checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert(__).andThen(Patch.retract(3)), [' ★ {true}', ' 3 ::: nothing'], [' 3 {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert(3).andThen(Patch.retract(__)), [' ::: nothing'], [' ★ {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert(__).andThen(Patch.retract(__)), [' ::: nothing'], [' ★ {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert(3).andThen(Patch.retract(3)), [' ::: nothing'], [' 3 {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, __]).andThen(Patch.unsub([1, 2])), [' observe<1> <2> 1 ★ {true}', ' 2 ::: nothing'], [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([__, 2]).andThen(Patch.unsub([1, 2])), [' observe<1> <2> ★ 2 {true}', ' 1 ::: nothing'], [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([__, __]).andThen(Patch.unsub([1, 2])), [' observe<1> <2> ★ ★ {true}', ' 1 ★ {true}', ' 2 ::: nothing'], [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}']); }); it('works for longer chains of asserts and retracts', function () { var rawPatch = Patch.assert(1) .andThen(Patch.retract(2)) .andThen(Patch.retract(3)) .andThen(Patch.assert(4)) .andThen(Patch.retract(99)); checkPrettyPatch(rawPatch, [' 1 {true}', ' 4 {true}'], [' 2 {true}', ' 3 {true}', ' 99 {true}']); }); }); describe('patch lifting', function () { it('should basically work', function () { checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2]).lift(), [' atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2]).lift(), [' atMeta<1> observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2]).andThen(Patch.assert(Patch.atMeta([1, 2]))).lift(), [' atMeta<1> atMeta<1> <2> 1 2 {true}', ' <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); }); }); describe('patch dropping', function () { it('should basically work', function () { checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2]).drop(), [' ::: nothing'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2]).drop(), [' ::: nothing'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.sub([1, 2], 1).drop(), [' observe<1> <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); checkPrettyPatch(Patch.assert([1, 2]).andThen(Patch.assert(Patch.atMeta([1, 2]))).drop(), [' <2> 1 2 {true}'], [' ::: nothing']); }); });