"use strict"; var Trie = require("./trie.js"); var Struct = require("./struct.js"); var Immutable = require("immutable"); var __ = Trie.__; var _$ = Trie._$; function Patch(added, removed) { this.added = added; this.removed = removed; } var emptyPatch = new Patch(Trie.emptyTrie, Trie.emptyTrie); var removeEverythingPatch = new Patch(Trie.emptyTrie, Trie.compilePattern(true, __)); var trueLabel = Trie.trieSuccess(true); var observe = Struct.makeStructureConstructor('observe', ['assertion']); var atMeta = Struct.makeStructureConstructor('atMeta', ['assertion']); var advertise = Struct.makeStructureConstructor('advertise', ['assertion']); function prependAtMeta(p, level) { while (level--) { p = atMeta(p); } return p; } function stripAtMeta(p, level) { while (level--) { if (atMeta.isClassOf(p)) { p = p.assertion; } else { return null; } } return p; } function observeAtMeta(p, level) { if (level === 0) { return Trie.compilePattern(true, observe(p)); } else { return Trie._union( Trie.compilePattern(true, observe(prependAtMeta(p, level))), Trie.compilePattern(true, atMeta(Trie.embeddedTrie(observeAtMeta(p, level - 1))))); } } function _check(p) { if (p instanceof Patch) { throw new Error("Cannot construct patch pattern using an embedded patch"); } return p; } function assert(p, metaLevel) { return new Patch(Trie.compilePattern(true, prependAtMeta(_check(p), metaLevel || 0)), Trie.emptyTrie); } function retract(p, metaLevel) { return new Patch(Trie.emptyTrie, Trie.compilePattern(true, prependAtMeta(_check(p), metaLevel || 0))); } function sub(p, metaLevel) { return new Patch(observeAtMeta(_check(p), metaLevel || 0), Trie.emptyTrie); } function unsub(p, metaLevel) { return new Patch(Trie.emptyTrie, observeAtMeta(_check(p), metaLevel || 0)); } function pub(p, metaLevel) { return assert(advertise(_check(p)), metaLevel); } function unpub(p, metaLevel) { return retract(advertise(_check(p)), metaLevel); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Patch.prototype.equals = function (other) { if (!(other instanceof Patch)) return false; return Immutable.is(this.added, other.added) && Immutable.is(this.removed, other.removed); }; Patch.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.added === Trie.emptyTrie && this.removed === Trie.emptyTrie; }; Patch.prototype.isNonEmpty = function () { return !this.isEmpty(); }; Patch.prototype.hasAdded = function () { return this.added !== Trie.emptyTrie; }; Patch.prototype.hasRemoved = function () { return this.removed !== Trie.emptyTrie; }; Patch.prototype.lift = function () { return new Patch(Trie.compilePattern(true, atMeta(Trie.embeddedTrie(this.added))), Trie.compilePattern(true, atMeta(Trie.embeddedTrie(this.removed)))); }; var atMetaProj = atMeta(_$); Patch.prototype.drop = function () { return new Patch(Trie.project(this.added, atMetaProj), Trie.project(this.removed, atMetaProj)); }; Patch.prototype.strip = function () { return new Patch(Trie.relabel(this.added, function (v) { return true; }), Trie.relabel(this.removed, function (v) { return true; })); }; Patch.prototype.label = function (labelValue) { return new Patch(Trie.relabel(this.added, function (v) { return labelValue; }), Trie.relabel(this.removed, function (v) { return labelValue; })); }; Patch.prototype.limit = function (bound) { return new Patch(Trie.subtract(this.added, bound, function (v1, v2) { return Trie.emptyTrie; }), Trie.intersect(this.removed, bound, function (v1, v2) { return Trie.trieSuccess(v1); })); }; var metaLabelSet = Immutable.Set(["meta"]); Patch.prototype.computeAggregate = function (label, base, removeMeta /* optional flag */) { return new Patch(Trie.subtract(this.added, base, addCombiner), Trie.subtract(this.removed, base, removeCombiner)); function addCombiner(v1, v2) { if (removeMeta && Immutable.is(v2, metaLabelSet)) { return Trie.trieSuccess(v1); } else { return Trie.emptyTrie; } } function removeCombiner(v1, v2) { if (v2.size === 1) { return Trie.trieSuccess(v1); } else { if (removeMeta && v2.size === 2 && v2.has("meta")) { return Trie.trieSuccess(v1); } else { return Trie.emptyTrie; } } } }; Patch.prototype.applyTo = function (base) { return Trie._union(Trie.subtract(base, this.removed), this.added); }; Patch.prototype.updateInterests = function (base) { return Trie._union(Trie.subtract(base, this.removed, function (v1, v2) { return Trie.emptyTrie; }), this.added, function (v1, v2) { return trueLabel; }); }; Patch.prototype.unapplyTo = function (base) { return Trie._union(Trie.subtract(base, this.added), this.removed); }; Patch.prototype.andThen = function (nextPatch) { return new Patch(nextPatch.updateInterests(this.added), Trie._union(Trie.subtract(this.removed, nextPatch.added, function (v1, v2) { return Trie.emptyTrie; }), nextPatch.removed, function (v1, v2) { return trueLabel; })); }; function patchSeq(/* patch, patch, ... */) { var p = emptyPatch; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { p = p.andThen(arguments[i]); } return p; } function computePatch(oldBase, newBase) { return new Patch(Trie.subtract(newBase, oldBase), Trie.subtract(oldBase, newBase)); } function biasedIntersection(object, subject) { subject = Trie.trieStep(subject, observe.meta.arguments.length, observe.meta); return Trie.intersect(object, subject, function (v1, v2) { return Trie.trieSuccess(v1); }); } Patch.prototype.viewFrom = function (interests) { return new Patch(biasedIntersection(this.added, interests), biasedIntersection(this.removed, interests)); }; Patch.prototype.unsafeUnion = function (other) { // Unsafe because does not necessarily preserve invariant that added // and removed are disjoint. return new Patch(Trie._union(this.added, other.added), Trie._union(this.removed, other.removed)); }; Patch.prototype.project = function (compiledProjection) { return new Patch(Trie.project(this.added, compiledProjection), Trie.project(this.removed, compiledProjection)); }; Patch.prototype.projectObjects = function (compiledProjection) { return [Trie.projectObjects(this.added, compiledProjection), Trie.projectObjects(this.removed, compiledProjection)]; }; Patch.prototype.pretty = function () { return ("<<<<<<<< Removed:\n" + Trie.prettyTrie(this.removed) + "\n" + "======== Added:\n" + Trie.prettyTrie(this.added) + "\n" + ">>>>>>>>"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module.exports.Patch = Patch; module.exports.emptyPatch = emptyPatch; module.exports.removeEverythingPatch = removeEverythingPatch; module.exports.observe = observe; module.exports.atMeta = atMeta; module.exports.advertise = advertise; module.exports.prependAtMeta = prependAtMeta; module.exports.stripAtMeta = stripAtMeta; module.exports.observeAtMeta = observeAtMeta; module.exports.assert = assert; module.exports.retract = retract; module.exports.sub = sub; module.exports.unsub = unsub; module.exports.pub = pub; module.exports.unpub = unpub; module.exports.patchSeq = patchSeq; module.exports.computePatch = computePatch; module.exports.biasedIntersection = biasedIntersection;