"use strict"; // Property-based "dataflow" var Immutable = require("immutable"); var MapSet = require("./mapset.js"); function Graph() { this.edgesForward = Immutable.Map(); this.edgesReverse = Immutable.Map(); this.damagedNodes = Immutable.Set(); this.currentSubjectId = null; this.enforceSubjectPresence = true; this.observablePropertyCounter = 0; } Graph.prototype.withSubject = function (subjectId, f) { var oldSubjectId = this.currentSubjectId; this.currentSubjectId = subjectId; var result; try { result = f(); } catch (e) { this.currentSubjectId = oldSubjectId; throw e; } this.currentSubjectId = oldSubjectId; return result; }; Graph.prototype.recordObservation = function (objectId) { if (this.currentSubjectId) { this.edgesForward = MapSet.add(this.edgesForward, objectId, this.currentSubjectId); this.edgesReverse = MapSet.add(this.edgesReverse, this.currentSubjectId, objectId); } else if (this.enforceSubjectPresence) { throw new Error('Attempt to observe ' + objectId + ' with no currentSubjectId'); } }; Graph.prototype.recordDamage = function (objectId) { this.damagedNodes = this.damagedNodes.add(objectId); }; Graph.prototype.forgetSubject = function (subjectId) { var self = this; var subjectObjects = self.edgesReverse.get(subjectId) || Immutable.Set(); self.edgesReverse = self.edgesReverse.remove(subjectId); subjectObjects.forEach(function (objectId) { self.edgesForward = MapSet.remove(self.edgesForward, objectId, subjectId); }); }; Graph.prototype.repairDamage = function (repairNode) { var self = this; var repairedThisRound = Immutable.Set(); while (true) { var workSet = self.damagedNodes; self.damagedNodes = Immutable.Set(); var alreadyDamaged = workSet.intersect(repairedThisRound); if (!alreadyDamaged.isEmpty()) { console.warn('Cyclic dependencies involving', alreadyDamaged); } workSet = workSet.subtract(repairedThisRound); repairedThisRound = repairedThisRound.union(workSet); if (workSet.isEmpty()) break; workSet.forEach(function (objectId) { var subjects = self.edgesForward.get(objectId) || Immutable.Set(); subjects.forEach(function (subjectId) { self.forgetSubject(subjectId); self.withSubject(subjectId, function () { repairNode(subjectId); }); }); }); } }; Graph.prototype.defineObservableProperty = function (obj, prop, value, options) { var graph = this; var objectId = (options.baseId || prop) + '_' + (graph.observablePropertyCounter++); Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { graph.recordObservation(objectId); return value; }, set: function (newValue) { if (!options.noopGuard || !options.noopGuard(value, newValue)) { graph.recordDamage(objectId); value = newValue; } } }); return objectId; }; Graph.newScope = function (o) { function O() {} O.prototype = o; return new O(); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module.exports.Graph = Graph;