#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket racket/gui syndicate syndicate-gl/2d (only-in 2htdp/image image?) (only-in pict pict?))) @title{2d Graphics with syndicate-gl} @defmodule[syndicate-gl/2d] @section{Creating Dataspaces} @defproc[(2d-dataspace [#:width width number? 640] [#:height height number? 480] [boot-actions action?] ...) any/c]{ Create and run a @racket[frame%] with dimensions @racket[width] and @racket[height] controlled by a Syndicate dataspace. The dataspace is initialized with the given @racket[boot-actions]. Runs (blocking) while the @racket[frame%] is active. } @defproc[(spawn-keyboard-integrator [#:meta-level meta-level natural-number/c 1]) spawn?]{ KeyboardIntegrator. Integrates key-events into key-pressed assertions. The @racket[meta-level] must point to the root of the 2d dataspace, which defaults to assuming is one level removed. } @section{Changing the State} @defproc[(update-scene [prelude (listof (sealof (listof instruction)))] [postlude (listof (sealof (listof instruction)))] [#:meta-level meta-level natural-number/c 1]) patch?]{ Create a patch retracting any previous scene assertion and asserting a new scene from the @racket[prelude] and @racket[postlude] instructions. The @racket[meta-level] must point to the root of the 2d dataspace, which defaults to assuming is one level removed. } @defproc[(update-sprites [#:meta-level meta-level natural-number/c 1] [sprites sprite?] ...) patch?]{ Create a patch retracting any previous sprite assertion(s) and asserting each of @racket[sprites]. The @racket[meta-level] must point to the root of the 2d dataspace, which defaults to assuming is one level removed. } @section{Data Structures} @defstruct*[window ([width number?] [height number?])]{ Shared state maintained by dataspace. Describes current window dimensions. } @defstruct*[frame-event ([counter any/c] [timestamp any/c] [elapsed-ms any/c] [target-frame-rate any/c])]{ Message sent by dataspace. Describes frame about to be rendered. } @defstruct*[key-event ([code (or/c char? key-code-symbol?)] [press? boolean?] [key (sealof (instanceof/c key-event%))])]{ Message sent by dataspace. Describes a key event. @racket[key] is a sealed @racket[key-event%]. @racket[press?] is @racket[#t] when the key is pressed (or autorepeated!), and @racket[#f] when it is released. } @defstruct*[key-pressed ([code (or/c char? key-code-symbol?)])]{ Assertion. Indicates that the named key is held down. See role KeyboardIntegrator and @racket[spawn-keyboard-integrator]. } @defstruct*[scene ([prelude (sealof (listof instruction))] [postlude (sealof (listof instruction))])]{ Shared state maintained by program. @racket[prelude] and @racket[postlude] are to be sealed instruction lists. It is an error to have more than exactly one active such record at a given time. } @defstruct*[sprite ([z number?] [instructions (sealof (listof instruction))]) #:omit-constructor]{ Shared state maintained by program. @racket[z] is to be a number, negative toward camera. @racket[instructions] to be a sealed instruction list. } @defproc[(make-sprite [z number?] [instructions (listof any/c)]) sprite?]{ Create a sprite from a z number and a list of instructions. } @defstruct*[request-gc ()]{ Message. Requests that the OpenGL loop perform a major garbage-collection while *pausing the simulation's real-time correspondence*. This lets a GC take place without such severe simulation glitches as happen when doing it in-world. } @defproc[(simple-sprite [z number?] [x number?] [y number?] [w number?] [h number?] [i (or/c (instanceof/c bitmap%) pict? image?)]) sprite?]{ Create a sprite from image @racket[i] at position (@racket[x], @racket[y]) with width @racket[w], height @racket[h], and z-index @racket[z]. } @section{Instructions} @racket['(rotate degrees)] where @racket[degrees] is a @racket[number?] @racket['(scale x y)] where @racket[x] and @racket[y] are both @racket[number?]-s @racket['(translate x y)] where @racket[x] and @racket[y] are both @racket[number?]-s @racket['(color r g b a)] where @racket[r], @racket[g], @racket[b], and @racket[a] are @racket[color-number?]-s @racket['(texture i)] where @racket[i] is a @racket[(or/c (instanceof/c bitmap%) pict? image?)] @racket['(push-matrix instr ...)] where each @racket[instr] is an instruction @racket['(begin instr ...)] where each @racket[instr] is an instruction