#lang prospect ;; The chat server, using a proxy abstracting over details of the TCP ;; driver's protocol. (require (only-in racket/string string-trim)) (require "../drivers/tcp.rkt") (require "../demand-matcher.rkt") (struct tcp-remote-open (id) #:prefab) (struct tcp-local-open (id) #:prefab) (struct tcp-incoming-data (id bytes) #:prefab) (struct tcp-outgoing-data (id bytes) #:prefab) (struct says (who what) #:prefab) (struct present (who) #:prefab) (define (tcp-proxy-process them us) (define id (seal (list them us))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(message (tcp-channel _ _ bs)) (transition s (message (tcp-incoming-data id bs)))] [(message (tcp-outgoing-data _ bs)) (transition s (message (tcp-channel us them bs)))] [(? patch/removed?) (quit)] [_ #f])) (void) (patch-seq (sub (tcp-channel them us ?)) (sub (advertise (tcp-channel them us ?))) (pub (tcp-channel us them ?)) (sub (tcp-outgoing-data id ?)) (assert (tcp-remote-open id)) (sub (tcp-local-open id))))) (define (spawn-session id) (define user (gensym 'user)) (define (send-to-remote fmt . vs) (message (tcp-outgoing-data id (string->bytes/utf-8 (apply format fmt vs))))) (define (say who fmt . vs) (unless (equal? who user) (send-to-remote "~a ~a\n" who (apply format fmt vs)))) (list (send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user) (spawn/stateless (lambda (e) (match e [(message (tcp-incoming-data _ bs)) (message (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))))] [(message (says who what)) (say who "says: ~a" what)] [(? patch? p) (if (patch/removed? (patch-project p (compile-projection (tcp-remote-open id)))) (quit) (let-values (((arrived departed) (patch-project/set/single p (compile-projection (present (?!)))))) (list (for/list [(who arrived)] (say who "arrived.")) (for/list [(who departed)] (say who "departed.")))))] [#f #f])) (patch-seq (sub (says ? ?)) ;; read actual chat messages (sub (present ?)) ;; observe peer presence (assert (present user)) ;; advertise our presence (sub (tcp-incoming-data id ?)) ;; read from remote client (sub (tcp-remote-open id)) ;; monitor remote client (assert (tcp-local-open id)) ;; indicate our end of the connection is up )))) (spawn-tcp-driver) (spawn-demand-matcher (advertise (tcp-channel (?!) (?! (tcp-listener 5999)) ?)) (observe (tcp-channel (?!) (?! (tcp-listener 5999)) ?)) tcp-proxy-process) (spawn (lambda (e s) (if (patch? e) (transition s (for/list [(id (matcher-project/set/single (patch-added e) (compile-projection (tcp-remote-open (?!)))))] (spawn-session id))) #f)) (void) (sub (tcp-remote-open ?)))