#lang syndicate ;; An extended two-buyer book-purchase protocol, based loosely on that ;; given in Honda/Yoshida/Carbone 2008, "Multiparty Asynchronous ;; Session Types". ;; TODO:: code this up in Syndicate/js. See whether the killing-child-facets problems exists there. ;; SAMPLE OUTPUT: ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; A learns that the price of "Catch 22" is 2.22 ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "Catch 22", contributing 1.11 ;; B is being asked to contribute 1.11 toward "Catch 22" at price 2.22 ;; B accepts the offer, leaving them with 3.8899999999999997 remaining funds ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "Catch 22" was accepted ;; The order for "Catch 22" has id 10001483, and will be delivered on March 9th ;; A learns that "Encyclopaedia Brittannica" is out-of-stock. ;; A learns that the price of "Candide" is 34.95 ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "Candide", contributing 17.475 ;; B is being asked to contribute 17.475 toward "Candide" at price 34.95 ;; B hasn't enough funds (3.8899999999999997 remaining) ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "Candide" was rejected ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "Candide", contributing 26.212500000000002 ;; B is being asked to contribute 8.7375 toward "Candide" at price 34.95 ;; B hasn't enough funds (3.8899999999999997 remaining) ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "Candide" was rejected ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "Candide", contributing 30.581250000000004 ;; B is being asked to contribute 4.368749999999999 toward "Candide" at price 34.95 ;; B hasn't enough funds (3.8899999999999997 remaining) ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "Candide" was rejected ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "Candide", contributing 32.765625 ;; B is being asked to contribute 2.184375000000003 toward "Candide" at price 34.95 ;; B accepts the offer, leaving them with 1.7056249999999968 remaining funds ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "Candide" was accepted ;; The order for "Candide" has id 10001484, and will be delivered on March 9th ;; A learns that the price of "The Wind in the Willows" is 3.95 ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "The Wind in the Willows", contributing 1.975 ;; B is being asked to contribute 1.975 toward "The Wind in the Willows" at price 3.95 ;; B hasn't enough funds (1.7056249999999968 remaining) ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "The Wind in the Willows" was rejected ;; A makes an offer to split the price of "The Wind in the Willows", contributing 2.9625000000000004 ;; B is being asked to contribute 0.9874999999999998 toward "The Wind in the Willows" at price 3.95 ;; B accepts the offer, leaving them with 0.718124999999997 remaining funds ;; A learns that the split-proposal for "The Wind in the Willows" was accepted ;; A has bought everything they wanted! ;; The order for "The Wind in the Willows" has id 10001485, and will be delivered on March 9th ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (require syndicate/actor) ;; Role: SELLER ;; - when interest in (book-quote $title _) appears, ;; asserts (book-quote title (Option Float)), #f meaning not available, ;; and otherwise an asking-price. ;; - when interest in (order $title $offer-price _ _) appears, ;; asserts (order title offer-price #f #f) for "no sale", otherwise ;; (order title offer-price PositiveInteger String), an accepted sale. ;; Role: BUYER ;; - observes (book-quote title $price) to learn prices. ;; - observes (order title offer-price $id $delivery-date) to make orders. ;; Role: SPLIT-PROPOSER ;; - observes (split-proposal title asking-price contribution $accepted?) ;; to make a split-proposal and learn whether it was accepted or not. ;; Role: SPLIT-DISPOSER ;; - when interest in (split-proposal $title $asking-price $contribution _) ;; appears, asserts (split-proposal title asking-price contribution #t) ;; to indicate they are willing to go through with the deal, in which case ;; they then perform the role of BUYER for title/asking-price, or asserts ;; (split-proposal title asking-price contribution #f) to indicate they ;; are unwilling to go through with the deal. (struct book-quote (title price) #:prefab) ;; Assertion (struct order (title price id delivery-date) #:prefab) ;; Assertion (struct split-proposal (title price contribution accepted) #:prefab) ;; Assertion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Utility syntax. Under consideration for possible addition to actor.rkt. ;; (define-syntax while-relevant-assert (syntax-rules () [(_ P) (until (retracted (observe P)) (assert P))])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SELLER ;; (define (seller) (actor (react (field [books (hash "The Wind in the Willows" 3.95 "Catch 22" 2.22 "Candide" 34.95)] [next-order-id 10001483]) ;; Give quotes to interested parties. ;; (during (observe (book-quote $title _)) (assert (book-quote title (hash-ref (books) title #f)))) ;; Respond to order requests. ;; (on (asserted (observe (order $title $offer-price _ _))) (define asking-price (hash-ref (books) title #f)) (cond [(or (not asking-price) (< offer-price asking-price)) ;; We cannot sell a book we do not have, and we will not sell for less ;; than our asking price. ;; (while-relevant-assert (order title offer-price #f #f))] [else ;; Allocate an order ID. ;; (define order-id (next-order-id)) (next-order-id (+ order-id 1)) ;; Remove the book from our shelves. ;; (books (hash-remove (books) title)) ;; Tell the ordering party their order ID and delivery date. ;; (actor (while-relevant-assert (order title offer-price order-id "March 9th")))]))))) ;; Serial SPLIT-PROPOSER ;; (define (buyer-a) ;; Attempt to entice some SPLIT-DISPOSER to purchase each title in titles, one after another. ;; (define (try-to-buy titles) (match titles ['() (log-info "A has bought everything they wanted!")] [(cons title remaining-titles) ;; First, retrieve a quote for the title, and analyze the result. ;; (match (react/suspend (yield) (stop-when (asserted (book-quote title $price)) (yield price))) [#f (log-info "A learns that ~v is out-of-stock." title) (try-to-buy remaining-titles)] [price (log-info "A learns that the price of ~v is ~a" title price) ;; Next, repeatedly make split offers to a SPLIT-DISPOSER until either one is ;; accepted, or the contribution from the SPLIT-DISPOSER becomes pointlessly small. ;; (let try-to-split ((contribution (/ price 2))) (log-info "A makes an offer to split the price of ~v, contributing ~a" title contribution) (cond [(> contribution (- price 0.10)) ;; Not worth bothering to split the price. May as well buy it ourselves. ;; TODO: could perform BUYER here ;; (log-info "A gives up on ~v." title) (try-to-buy remaining-titles)] [else ;; Make our proposal, and wait for a response. ;; (react (stop-when (asserted (split-proposal title price contribution #t)) (log-info "A learns that the split-proposal for ~v was accepted" title) (try-to-buy remaining-titles)) (stop-when (asserted (split-proposal title price contribution #f)) (log-info "A learns that the split-proposal for ~v was rejected" title) (try-to-split (+ contribution (/ (- price contribution) 2)))))]))])])) (actor (try-to-buy (list "Catch 22" "Encyclopaedia Brittannica" "Candide" "The Wind in the Willows")))) ;; Serial SPLIT-DISPOSER ;; (define (buyer-b) (actor (react ;; This actor maintains a record of the amount of money it has to spend. ;; (field [funds 5.00]) (on (asserted (observe (split-proposal $title $price $their-contribution _))) (define my-contribution (- price their-contribution)) (log-info "B is being asked to contribute ~a toward ~v at price ~a" my-contribution title price) (cond [(> my-contribution (funds)) (log-info "B hasn't enough funds (~a remaining)" (funds)) (while-relevant-assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #f))] [else ;; Spawn a small actor (TODO: when we revise actor.rkt's implementation style, ;; this could perhaps be a facet rather than a full actor) to handle the ;; actual purchase now that we have agreed on a split. ;; (actor (define-values (order-id delivery-date) (react/suspend (yield) ;; While we are in this state, waiting for order confirmation, take ;; the opportunity to signal to our SPLIT-PROPOSER that we accepted ;; their proposal. ;; (assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #t)) (stop-when (asserted (order title price $id $date)) ;; We have received order confirmation from the SELLER. ;; (yield id date)))) (log-info "The order for ~v has id ~a, and will be delivered on ~a" title order-id delivery-date)) ;; Meanwhile, update our records of our available funds, and continue to wait ;; for more split-proposals to arrive. ;; (define remaining-funds (- (funds) my-contribution)) (log-info "B accepts the offer, leaving them with ~a remaining funds" remaining-funds) (funds remaining-funds)]))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Starting configuration: ;; (seller) (buyer-a) (buyer-b)