--- title: Installation Instructions --- # Installation—Racket There are two steps to installing Syndicate for Racket: 1. Install Racket 2. Install the Syndicate package using the Racket package manager At that point, you can run example programs and develop your own. ## Racket First, install Racket by following the [instructions on `racket-lang.org`](http://racket-lang.org/). After installation is complete, start DrRacket. From the Unix command-line, run `drracket`. ![DrRacket after opening](1-drracket-startup.png) ## Syndicate Choose the DrRacket `File`>`Package Manager...` menu item. ![DrRacket package manager](2-package-manager.png) Type "syndicate" into the `Package Source` field, and click `Install`. Once the installation has completed, close the `Package Manager` window. ![Syndicate package installation complete](4-package-installation-complete.png) You can alternatively use the command-line to install the `syndicate` package: raco pkg install --auto syndicate ## Running Examples ### ... from DrRacket Try running a small non-graphical example in DrRacket: choose `File`>`Open Require Path...` (also available by pressing `Shit+Ctrl+O`), and type `syndicate/examples/actor/bank-account.rkt` into the field at the top of the window that appears. Click `OK`. ![bank-account example source](5-bank-account-example-source.png) You will be greeted with the source to `bank-account.rkt`. Click the `Run` button. ![bank-account example output](6-bank-account-run-complete.png) Now try a small graphical example: choose `File`>`Open Require Path...` again, and this time, type `syndicate-gl/examples/clock-face.rkt` before clicking `OK`. ![clock-face example source](7-clock-face-example-source.png) You will be greeted with the source to `clock-face.rkt`. Click the `Run` button. After a moment, the following window should appear. The hands of the clock are draggable; press `q` to close the window. ![clock-face window](8-clock-face-example-running.png) ### ... from the command line You can also run these examples from the command line. The bank account example can be run as follows: $ racket -l syndicate/examples/actor/bank-account Balance changed to 0 Balance changed to 100 Balance changed to 70 #f The following command starts the `clock-face` program: $ racket -l syndicate-gl/examples/clock-face