#lang racket/base (provide serialize-syntax deserialize-syntax) (require racket/dict racket/match) (struct serialized-syntax (unique-tag table contents) #:prefab) (struct stx-with-props (stx ps) #:prefab) (struct syntax-val (stx) #:prefab) (struct datum-val (d) #:prefab) (struct ref (unique-tag sym) #:prefab) ;(require racket/pretty) (define (serialize-syntax stx) (define unique-tag (gensym)) (define table (hasheq)) (define dedup-table (hasheq)) (define (dedup k f) (if (hash-has-key? dedup-table k) (hash-ref dedup-table k) (let ([res (f)]) (set! dedup-table (hash-set dedup-table k res)) res))) (define (lift! el) (define tag-sym (gensym)) (set! table (hash-set table tag-sym el)) (ref unique-tag tag-sym)) (define (build-props! orig-s d) (stx-with-props (datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f) (for/list ([k (syntax-property-symbol-keys orig-s)] #:when (syntax-property-preserved? orig-s k)) (define val (syntax-property orig-s k)) (define serialized-val (if (syntax? val) (syntax-val (serialize-element! val)) (datum-val (serialize-element! val #:always-lift? #t)))) (cons k serialized-val)))) (define (serialize-element! el #:always-lift? [always-lift? #f]) (dedup el (lambda () (syntax-map el (lambda (tail? d) d) (lambda (orig-s d) ;(when (and always-lift? (not (ref? (hash-ref dedup-table orig-s)))) ; TODO ;(error 'dedup "lift error")) (dedup orig-s (lambda () (if (or always-lift? (ormap (lambda (p) (syntax-property-preserved? orig-s p)) (syntax-property-symbol-keys orig-s))) (lift! (build-props! orig-s d)) (datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f))))) syntax-e)))) (define top-s (serialize-element! stx)) (define res (datum->syntax #f (serialized-syntax unique-tag table top-s))) res) (define (deserialize-syntax ser) (match (syntax-e ser) [(serialized-syntax unique-tag-stx table-stx contents) (define unique-tag (syntax-e unique-tag-stx)) (define table (syntax-e table-stx)) (define dedup-table (hasheq)) (define (dedup k f) (if (hash-has-key? dedup-table k) (hash-ref dedup-table k) (let ([res (f)]) (set! dedup-table (hash-set dedup-table k res)) res))) (define (maybe-syntax-e v) (if (syntax? v) (syntax-e v) v)) (define (deserialize-stx-with-props ref-sym) (match-define (stx-with-props stx ps) (syntax-e (hash-ref table ref-sym))) (define deserialized-nested-stx (deserialize-element stx)) (for/fold ([stx deserialized-nested-stx]) ([stx-pr (syntax->list ps)]) (define pr (syntax-e stx-pr)) (define k (syntax-e (car pr))) (define v (syntax-e (cdr pr))) (define prop-val (match v [(syntax-val v) (deserialize-element v)] [(datum-val v) (deserialize-element (syntax->datum v))])) (syntax-property stx k prop-val #t))) (define (deserialize-element el) (dedup el (lambda () (syntax-map el (lambda (tail? d) (match d [(ref tag sym) #:when (equal? (maybe-syntax-e tag) unique-tag) (dedup sym (lambda () (deserialize-stx-with-props (maybe-syntax-e sym))))] [_ d])) (lambda (orig-s d) (dedup orig-s (lambda () (datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f)))) syntax-e)))) (define res (deserialize-element contents)) res])) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define type (syntax-property (syntax-property #'Int ':: #'Type #t) 'orig (list #'Int) #t)) (define term (syntax-property #`(1 #,(syntax-property #'2 ': type #t)) ': #'Type #t)) (define s (serialize-syntax term)) (define d (deserialize-syntax s)) (check-true (bound-identifier=? (syntax-property d ':) #'Type)) ; syntax with properties inside outer syntax with properties. (check-true (bound-identifier=? (syntax-property (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':) '::) #'Type)) (check-true (bound-identifier=? (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':) #'Int)) (check-equal? (syntax-position term) (syntax-position d)) (check-equal? (syntax-position (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e term)) ':)) (syntax-position (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':))) (check-equal? (syntax-position (car (syntax-e term))) (syntax-position (car (syntax-e d)))) ; syntax in datum in properties (check-true (bound-identifier=? (car (syntax-property (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':) 'orig)) #'Int)) ) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; syntax-map and datum-map copied from the expander files ;; syntax/datum-map.rkt ;; syntax/syntax.rkt (require racket/fixnum racket/prefab) ;; `(datum-map v f)` walks over `v`, traversing objects that ;; `datum->syntax` traverses to convert content to syntax objects. ;; ;; `(f tail? d)` is called on each datum `d`, where `tail?` ;; indicates that the value is a pair/null in a `cdr` --- so that it ;; doesn't need to be wrapped for `datum->syntax`, for example; ;; the `tail?` argument is actually #f or a fixnum for a lower bound ;; on `cdr`s that have been taken ;; ;; `gf` is like `f`, but `gf` is used when the argument might be ;; syntax; if `gf` is provided, `f` can assume that its argument ;; is not syntax ;; ;; If a `seen` argument is provided, then it should be an `eq?`-based ;; hash table, and cycle checking is enabled; when a cycle is ;; discovered, the procedure attached to 'cycle-fail in the initial ;; table is called ;; ;; If a `known-pairs` argument is provided, then it should be an ;; `eq?`-based hash table to map pairs that can be returned as-is ;; in a `tail?` position ;; The inline version uses `f` only in an application position to ;; help avoid allocating a closure. It also covers only the most common ;; cases, defering to the general (not inlined) function for other cases. (define (datum-map s f [gf f] [seen #f] [known-pairs #f]) (let loop ([tail? #f] [s s] [prev-depth 0]) (define depth (fx+ 1 prev-depth)) ; avoid cycle-checking overhead for shallow cases (cond [(and seen (depth . fx> . 32)) (datum-map-slow tail? s (lambda (tail? s) (gf tail? s)) seen known-pairs)] [(null? s) (f tail? s)] [(pair? s) (f tail? (cons (loop #f (car s) depth) (loop 1 (cdr s) depth)))] [(symbol? s) (f #f s)] [(boolean? s) (f #f s)] [(number? s) (f #f s)] [(or (vector? s) (box? s) (prefab-struct-key s) (hash? s)) (datum-map-slow tail? s (lambda (tail? s) (gf tail? s)) seen known-pairs)] [else (gf #f s)]))) (define (datum-map-slow tail? s f seen known-pairs) (let loop ([tail? tail?] [s s] [prev-seen seen]) (define seen (cond [(and prev-seen (datum-has-elements? s)) (cond [(hash-ref prev-seen s #f) ((hash-ref prev-seen 'cycle-fail) s)] [else (hash-set prev-seen s #t)])] [else prev-seen])) (cond [(null? s) (f tail? s)] [(pair? s) (cond [(and known-pairs tail? (hash-ref known-pairs s #f)) s] [else (f tail? (cons (loop #f (car s) seen) (loop (if tail? (fx+ 1 tail?) 1) (cdr s) seen)))])] [(or (symbol? s) (boolean? s) (number? s)) (f #f s)] [(vector? s) (f #f (vector->immutable-vector (for/vector #:length (vector-length s) ([e (in-vector s)]) (loop #f e seen))))] [(box? s) (f #f (box-immutable (loop #f (unbox s) seen)))] [(immutable-prefab-struct-key s) => (lambda (key) (f #f (apply make-prefab-struct key (for/list ([e (in-vector (struct->vector s) 1)]) (loop #f e seen)))))] [(and (hash? s) (immutable? s)) (cond [(hash-eq? s) (f #f (for/hasheq ([(k v) (in-hash s)]) (values k (loop #f v seen))))] [(hash-eqv? s) (f #f (for/hasheqv ([(k v) (in-hash s)]) (values k (loop #f v seen))))] [else (f #f (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash s)]) (values k (loop #f v seen))))])] [else (f #f s)]))) (define (datum-has-elements? d) (or (pair? d) (vector? d) (box? d) (immutable-prefab-struct-key d) (and (hash? d) (immutable? d) (positive? (hash-count d))))) ;; `(syntax-map s f d->s)` walks over `s`: ;; ;; * `(f tail? d)` is called to each datum `d`, where `tail?` ;; indicates that the value is a pair/null in a `cdr` --- so that it ;; doesn't need to be wrapped for `datum->syntax`, for example ;; ;; * `(d->s orig-s d)` is called for each syntax object, ;; and the second argument is result of traversing its datum ;; ;; * the `s-e` function extracts content of a syntax object ;; ;; The optional `seen` argument is an `eq?`-based immutable hash table ;; to detect and reject cycles. See `datum-map`. (define (syntax-map s f d->s s-e [seen #f]) (let loop ([s s]) (datum-map s f (lambda (tail? v) (cond [(syntax? v) (d->s v (loop (s-e v)))] [else (f tail? v)])) seen)))